A list of people supposedly buried in Rose Lane Cemetery, Herberton

Name Age DOD Cause Occupation

BLACK, Peter 49 9/6/1881 consumption miner
no father no mother

KLUVER, Hartwick 25 7/10/1881 crushed by dray horse driver
Christian KLUVER Maria Magdalina ROMONDO

GEDDES, William McCall 25 7/4/1882 lung disease gentleman
no father no mother

A very sudden death occurred in town on the 7th. The poor fellow, whose name was Walter M'Coll Geddes, was only 25 years of age, and, though he has been sickly and ailing for some long time past, no immediate danger was apprehended either by himself or his friends. He retired on the night of the 6th in good spirits, but in the morning he was dead.

Country News. (1882, April 29). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 519. Link to TROVE

SKENE, John Ward 13/5/1882 speared by aboriginal mailman
Michael SKENE Margaret

When Mr. John W. Skene was speared by the blacks, on Friday last, he was looking for horses about five miles from town. He was surrounded by the blacks, and speared in four places, one spear being driven right through his lungs. He fought them for some time, and got away, but died from internal hemorrhage while a spear was being withdrawn. The native police are scouring the country in pursuit of the murderers.

HERBERTON. (1882, April 8). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 5. Link to TROVE

BARRETT, John Henry 3 7/6/1882 drowned in well infant


The Advertiser of the 10th says : - A magisterial inquiry was instituted on Thursday to inquire into the particulars of a sad and fatal accident by which a fine little boy, aged two years, son of Mr. Othello Barrett, of this town lost his life. The evidence adduced was brief and conclusive. The unhappy child fell into an unprotected water-hole or well close to his home ; and, although but a few minutes in the water, life was extinct when his father took him out.

NORTHERN MAIL NEWS. (1882, June 22). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

POMPO, Christopher Palmerston 12 26/8/1882 congestion of lungs aboriginal servant

Christie Palmerston's black boy " Pompo" died in the hospital last week.

Herberton. (1882, September 16). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

FOX, Michael James 50 10/12/1882 fall from horse selector
Matthew FOX Mary Ann McKEEGAN

HART, William 53 11/5/1883 dysentry packer
Thomas HART Sarah McEALL

McLEOD, Annabelle 94 13/5/1883 old age widow
Kenneth MacKENZIE Annabella MacKENZIE

JOSS, Annie Clara 22 13/5/1883 typhoid married

DEATH. JOSS.—At her residence, Nigger Creek, on the 13th instant, Annie Clara, the beloved wife of William Ronald Joss, aged 22 years. Home papers please copy.

Family Notices (1883, May 29). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

MITCHELL, John 19 8/6/1883 typhoid miner

ROSS, James Callum 47 28/9/1883 crushed by tree farmer
no father no mother

VEEN, Henry George 8 30/9/1883 horse kick to forehead infant
Theodore VEEN no mother


In writing of a fatal accident to a little son of Mr. Veen's, who was killed by the kick of a horse, the Advertiser says :— In the unfortunate case under notice Mr. Veen and his deceased boy were walking down the main street of West Herberton and at the same time a carter named Day let loose his horses. These came galloping down the street, most probably frisky after a feed, and one of them kicked out. Veen but narrowly escaped receiving the full force of the kick, but his poor son did, which fractured the forehead and skull and from which were protruding the child's brains. The deceased child was followed to the cemetery by a large number of Sunday School children and several residents.

NORTHERN MAIL NEWS. (1883, October 6). The Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1875 - 1929), p. 8. Link to TROVE

McMANUS, John 42 2/10/1883 pneumonia hotel keeper
Patrick McMANUS Susannah DUNN

CRUIKSHANK, Richard Dawson 53 18/10/1883 inflamation of lungs tobacconist
no father no mother

I regret to say we have had two deaths lately, and both suddenly, viz. John McManus, publican, and R. D. Cruickshank, both well known in the North.

Herberton. (1883, October 23). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

GWYNNE, Joseph James 53 25/10/1883 fall from horse surveyor
no father no mother

GWYNNE.—On the 28th October, at Herberton, North Queensland, from a fall from his horse, J. J. Gwynne, surveyor, aged 53 years.

Family Notices (1883, November 12). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 2. Link to TROVE

McLEAN, Duncan 48 19/11/1883 aneurism cedar dealer
Mosdic McLEAN Catherine McKAY

WILSON, George 57 29/12/1883 heart disease cook
no father no mother

BEGLEY, Ellen 23 3/1/1884 peritonitis servant
no father no mother

At Herberton, a young woman knowing as Ellen Begley, has drunk herself to death. She got into the " horrors " and wandered out into the bush, clad in only a night-gown. Death from the effects of the exposure. She was 24 years of age.

[?]RSONALS (1884, January 12). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1883 - 1885), p. 11. Link to TROVE

A Herberton Scandal.

I learn from a Herberton correspondent that there is an exciting scandal up In that lively little field. It will be remembered that a woman named Ellen Begley was found lying dead in a paddock there the other day. My correspondent, writing on the 4th inst., says that the enquiry into her death had not then come off, but that, " unless facts were suppressed," (I use my correspondent's own language, which may have a covert significance) there would be some extraordinary evidence about a previous procuration of abortion.

A Herberton Scandal. (1884, January 19). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1883 - 1885), p. 17. Link to TROVE

A magisterial inquiry of considerable length has been held touching the death of a young woman named Ellen Begley, aged 21 years. Revelations were made showing that a human life has been lost by the terror of the age — drink ; and a second by sheer neglect.

HERBERTON. (1884, January 19). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 2. Link to TROVE

CASSON, Augusta 30 28/3/1884 poisoning-suicide laundress
no father no mother

RENSTROM, Margaret Ann 35 4/5/1884 degeneration of heart publican
OREILLY no mother

WILSON, Dulce 19hrs 8/5/1884 cyanosis infant
John Tyron WILSON Jane Bailey JACKLIN

OAKS, unnamed 2 days 27/5/1884 debility infant
Henry OAKES Harriet NEWEY

LONG, Joseph Hodge 35 13/8/1884 accidental explosion chemist miner
Hugh LONG Jane

MAKEN, Patrick 60 17/8/1884 asthma miner
James MACKIN Bridget HAGUE

RUSSELL, Reuben Henry 43 22/8/1884 poisoning-suicide carpenter

HURRY, Henry George 45 18/9/1884 fall from horse stockkeeper
Thomas HURRY Charlotte STEVENSON

BEGLEY, Kathleen 9 mths 27/9/1884 nephritis infant
no father Julia BEGLEY

STEVENS, William 48 1/11/1884 abcess of lungs miner

CAIRNS, John 71 1/12/1884 senile decay pensioner

CRONIN, Patrick Joseph 47 16/12/1884 apoplexy cordial maker
Patrick Joseph CRONIN no mother

MIHR, Christina Elizabeth 13 days 7/1/1885 debility and convulsions infant
George MIHR Bridget Theresa OCONNOR

McCRORY, Joseph 43 11/1/1885 hanging-suicide miner
no father no mother

DEAVILLE, Joseph 57 18/2/1885 abscess of prostate gland miner
George DEAVILLE Charlotte FOSTER

HOLMES, Julia 39 1/3/1885 phrenitis married
Timothy PAISLEY Mary

ELSTUE, Thomas 51 5/4/1885 apoplexy blacksmith
Thomas ELSTUE no mother