Copyright © 2010-2013 by Greg DAVIS
This page last updated 1/04/2013 8:06:15 AM
and was generated by Family Ver 2.6.40
Each page is dedicated to one ship on one voyage. If a particular ship made more than one voyage, there will only be a page for each voyage if one or more persons in my tree travelled on that particular voyage.
Each page has at least three sections.
The top section only has the name of the ship and copyright notice.
The second section has the details about the particular voyage that this ship made, including those details that were available on the passenger list. No attempt is made in this section to correct any possible mistakes recorded on the passenger list. If any mistakes in the ship details are brought to the author's attention, they will be included in a fourth section at the bottom of the page.
The third section lists all of the people on my tree who are known to have travelled on this particular voyage. They are listed in groups under each surname. On the passenger lists, most wives or mothers are listed under their married name, however, where the author has established their maiden name, this will be the surname used in these ship lists. If the age of the passenger is known, it will be listed on the end of the line in brackets.
Passenger Lists
The Queensland State Archives has made most passenger lists for ships arriving in Queensland ports freely available to the public. Near the bottom of this page you will find a list of alphabetical links to copies of PDF files, each of which contain all of the surnames starting with that particular letter of the alphabet. You should down load all of these files to a sub-directory on your hard drive where you might keep all your immigration material.
If you find the name of a person of interest in one of these files, you will see a link for the PDF file of the passenger list for that ship. Some of these passenger list PDFs contain more than one voyage for a particular ship. You will also see the time period covered by the PDF in the name of the file as a range of years, for example 1873-1879. You would only down load a copy of these passenger lists to your hard drive as you discover another person on a different list.
Adobe PDF Reader
If you don't have a copy of the PDF reader you can obtain a copy for free from the Adobe web site. Adobe seem to be pushing McAfee security software, so if you don't want it to be installed on your computer make sure when you go to the web site that you deselect that option.
I hope you have found some information here that is of some value to you and I wish you the best of luck in your research. You are welcome to have a look at my Home Page where you will find links to all of the people in my extended family and to other groups of unrelated people, or you can visit my Genealogy Blog where you will find postings about random items of genealogical interest and more links to other genealogy related sites.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my web site and reading this page,