North Queensland

ARTHUR JONES, a selector on the Irvinebank and Port Douglas road, with the assistance of two others, cut a tree partly through and left it, intending to throw another one into it, in order to drop it in a certain direction. The two assistants having gone to dinner, the partially-cut tree fell on Jones and pinned him to the ground, paralysing his lower extremities. He was carried by eight men to the Herberton Hospital, a distance of 10 or 12 miles.

FRANK BLACKMORE, a well-known miner of Northcote, near Herberton, is dead. He had his right hand blown off by a dynamite shot the other day, at the bottom of a 22ft. shaft. A shot had been put in, and, apparently, didn't take. Blackmore went down to draw it, when it exploded. He managed to put his foot in the sling, and his mates drew him to the surface. He was conveyed to Herberton Hospital, where Dr. Bowkett amputated the arm above the elbow, but death resulted from the shock sustained by the system.

Family Notices (1885, June 13). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1883 - 1885), p. 3. TROVE

GIBLET—SPIERS.—At the residence of Mr. J. Hides, Herberton, by the Rev. Mr. Rigg, Edward Gibley, of Irvinebank, Queensland, to Agnes, only daughter of John Spiers, Wood's Point, Victoria.

Family Notices (1888, August 3). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. TROVE

MOFFAT—LINEDALE.—On the 1st March, at Clareville, Mowbraytown, East Brisbane, by the Rev. W. A. Bates, minister of the Brisbane Society of the New Church, John Moffat, of Irvinebank, North Queensland, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Anthony T. Linedale, of Tenterfield, N.S.W.

Family Notices (1890, March 6). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. TROVE


Margaret died in Sydney 22/6/1919 and her parents were Anthony Theodore LINEDALE and Isabella Buchanan Muir REID

John died Toowoomba 28/6/1918 and his parents were James MOFFAT and Elizabeth LOUDOUN

Charles was born 29/10/1911
and his parents were Alexandra Ann DINGWALL
and Sydney Longford RAMAGE
ATHERTON—ARMSTRONG.—On the 1st October, at Irvinebank, by the Rev. A. G. Perkins, William Atherton, of Chillagoe, North Queensland, to Josephine Rebecca Armstrong, of Irvinebank, North Queensland.

Family Notices (1890, October 25). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. TROVE


Josephine died 15/1/1949 and her parents were Mary CLEGG and James ARMSTRONG

William died 23/2/1940 and his parents were John ATHERTON and Catherine GRAINGER

When Alfred died his parents were unknown

The N. Standard Herberton correspondent alludes as follows to a matter which should certainly be inquired into by the Government :— "Considerable dissatisfaction has been expressed at Irvinebank during the past week with regard to the slaughter of some aboriginals at that place by the native police. The facts, so far as I have been able to ascertain, are as follows :—The Sub-Inspector of Native Police obtained from a local J. P. a warrant for the arrest of two aboriginals at Irvinebank, whom he had reason to suspect were implicated in the murder of Morgan and Bailey on the Walsh. On arriving at Irvinebank, the warrants were produced and the men arrested. A day or so afterwards, the bodies of two males, two gins and a picaninny were found within a mile and a half of the township. Death had evidently been caused by rifle shots; the gash made by a Snider bullet needs no searching for, and was too visible to leave any doubt. As one of the males had never left the township for months, and the gins and picaninny were recognised immediately, it was determined to have an inquiry into the matter. Mr. Mowbray, our P.M., was sent for, but was at Thornborough on duty. On his return, however, he went out to hold the inquiry, taking with him Dr. Bowkett. The place were the bodies were found was visited, but only a few charred bones remained to tell the tale, every other vestage of the five bodies having disappeared. This daring act has given the affair another start, and an angry feeling is prevalent against those who are endeavoring to shield the perpetrators of this cruel act by removing all traces of the deed. By my next, probably the result of the P.M.'s visit will be made known.

NORTHERN MAIL NEWS. (1884, October 31). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 5. TROVE

The Irvinebank Murders. Respecting that Irvinebank tragedy up North, a Herberton correspondent informs me that there is one point which has not been sufficiently brought out. After Constable Maroney went out and saw the remains, a camp-keeper from Sub-Inspector Nicholls' camp also went out with blankets wherewith to reward the boy who showed the troopers to the camp. This camp-keeper stayed there all night. Next morning, the half-burnt bodies were all gone, and there remained nothing but the ashes of what had been a large fire. The previous night, the remains were distinctly recognisable as those of human beings. There is grim humour in the idea that, while Neil M'Neil is sentenced to be hanged for potting a South Sea Islander in the heat of the moment, the Government pays hirelings to commit wholesale murder on aboriginals. Truly, human nature is many-sided.

The Irvinebank Murders. (1884, December 6). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1883 - 1885), p. 23. TROVE

When James died his parents were listed as Margaret CHURCHILL and James DOWDALL
when Emma Louisa died in 1913 her parents were listed as Annie McDERMOTT and James DOWDALL


DOWDALL.—At the residence of Mrs. A. J. Rogers on 5th February, 1916, Mrs. Dowdall, wife of the late Jas. Dowdall of Irvinebank, after a long illness.

Family Notices (1916, February 8). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE

The Herberton correspondent of the Townsville Standard mentions that the machinery and smelting works at Irvinebank, which have been working for some time were formally opened on Wednesday by Miss Janet Jack, who christened the battery the " London. "

No title (1884, December 24). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 5. TROVE


NEWELL—JACK.—On the 21st January, at the residence of the bride's uncle, Watsonville, by the Rev. J. D. Mably, John Newell, J.P., Herberton, to Jane, younger daughter of Wm. Jack, Esq., J.P.

Family Notices (1885, January 24). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 1. TROVE

Messrs. Moffat & Co.'s new mining machinery at Irvinebank was christened last week by Miss Janet Jack, who formally named it the London machine. The plant is stated to be the most complete in the North, and I congratulate the Moffats on their pluck and energy.

ROUNDABOUT. (1885, January 10). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1883 - 1885), p. 11. TROVE

Frederick's parents were Julia BRION and Charles BULLOCK

BULLOCK.— In sad memory of Charles Bullock, who departed this life on September 9, 1915, at Irvinebank. Inserted by his affectionate wife Julia Bullock.

Family Notices (1918, October 11). The Daily Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1903; 1916 - 1926), p. 4. TROVE

BULLOCK.—In loving memory of my dear husband, Charles Bullock, late of Shrewsbury, England, who died at Irvinebank on 9th September, 1915.

Family Notices (1922, September 11). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 6. TROVE

Wolfram Camp results
At Wolfram Camp, which was not in operation for the full year, 6,600 tons of ore were treated for 158 tons of wolfram concentrate, 47 tons of molybdenite concentrate and 37 tons of bismuth concentrate.
The final quarter accounted for almost half the production.
During this period, 3,200 tons of ore were treated, producing 75 tons of wolfram concentrate, 20 tons of molybdenite concentrate and 37 tons of bismuth concentrate.
The Great Adventure mine at Irvinebank in North Queensland was reopened on January 15 on a salvage basis.
During this period 3,386 tons of ore were treated for 132 tons of tin concentrate.

Met. Ex. ore yields ferro nickel (1969, July 30). The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), p. 28. TROVE

PETERS.—In fond and loving memory of our dear father, William Gilbert, who passed away at Irvinebank on 12th January, 1948 ; also our dear mother, Margaret Hughina, who passed away at Mareeba, August 30, 1943. (Lovingly remembered by their loving daughter and son-in-law, Lily and Sydney Richardson.)

Family Notices (1950, January 13). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 5. TROVE


After a short holiday in Irvinebank as the guest of her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ellson. Miss B. Fryor returned to her home at Danbulla. She was accompanied by Mrs. Ellson and daughter. Glenda, who intend spending an extended holiday with her relatives.
Miss B. Buckley recently left for Herberton to continue her studies at St Mary's School.
A hurried trip was made to Cairns by Messrs. C J. and J. R. Richardson to visit their father, who is in the Cairns Base Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Cross, with their family, are having a holiday in Herberton. They are accompanied by Mr. Cross* mother, Mrs. L C. Cross, and brother, Phil.
Mrs. R. Browning, with her infant son. has arrived home from Herberton.
Week-end visitors to Herberton were Mr. and Mrs. H. Moran and family, Mr. R. Walker, Miss J. Martin, and Mr. T. Martin.
Mrs. R Walker is in the Herberton General Hospital.

IRVINEBANK NOTES (1950, March 3). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE

The death occurred on Wednesday night of William George Collins, of Harvey Creek. Born at Bathurst In 1879, Mr. Collins spent his boyhood in Herberton. He then moved, to Irvinebank, where he married Miss Charlotte Speed. After conducting a business in Cairns for some time, Mr. Collins left for the Babinda area to take up cane farming. He acquired the farm in 1917 and maintained it until the time of his death. He leaves a widow, three married daughters and one son. The funeral has been arranged to take place at the crematorium, Rockhampton.

OBITUARY (1950, August 11). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 5. TROVE


Charlotte's parents were Eliza Edsar DOWNING and Charles SPEED and she was born in Queensland 20/11/1881

William died 9/8/1950 and his parents were Matilda GOODFELLOW and Richard COLLINS

YOUNG, Elizabeth Amelia.—May 15, 1951, at 12 Bangalla Road Rose Bay, widow or George C. Young, of Irvinebank, Queensland, and dear mother of Marion (Mrs. Ritchie), and loved sister of Henrietta Minnie Haldane.

Family Notices (1951, May 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 28. TROVE

REID.—August 3, 1916, at Irvinebank, North Queensland, Emily Reid, wife of John H. Reid, of Stannum, Tenterfield, N.S.W.

Family Notices (1916, August 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE


Her parents were Susan HODGES and John COXALL.

ISON.—At the Garrison Hospital, Victoria Barracks, Sydney, on November 23, of pneumonia, PRIVATE ALFRED ISON, of Twelfth Reinforcements, of the Third Engineers, brother of Mrs. J. Gluck, Irvinebank, N. Q., aged 27 years. "Farewell dear brother, until the day breaks, and the shadows flee away." (New South Wales, papers please copy.)

Family Notices (1915, December 16). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE

MKS. ANNIE EMILY GLUCK. Mrs. Annie Emily Gluck, a resident of Irvinebank for over 40 years, died in Cairns yesterday at the age of 66 years. She was a native of Inverell, New South Wales, and was the wife of Mr. H. A. Gluck, an employee of the Irvinebank battery. Besides her husband she is survived by three sons, Messrs. C A. Gluck and Claude Gluck, Cairns. Private John Gluck, a member of the A.I.F. plus one daughter, Mrs. E. Hilton, of Warwick. The funeral will take place from St. John's Church of England at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

OBITUARY. (1944, July 6). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE

The Relatives and Friends of Mr. H. A. GLUCK (Irvinebank) are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of his late beloved Wife (Annie Emily Gluck), which will move from St. John's Church of England, Cairns, at 3 o'clock THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, en route to the Cairns Cemetery, Martyn-street. The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gluck (123 Sheridan-street), Mr. Claud Gluck (106 Sheridan-street), Private John Gluck (A.I.F.), and Mr. and Mrs. E Hilton and family (Warwick) are also invited to attend the funeral of their late mother and grandmother respectively.

Advertising (1944, July 6). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE


Mrs. J. GLUCK is Annie Emily (nee ISON) who died 5/7/1944
Henry Albert James GLUCK died 8/2/1953 in Warwick, Queensland and his parents were Rachel MILLER and John GLUCK

LLOYD.—In sad but loving memory of our dear son and brother, William, who was accidentally drowned at Irvinebank, on 26th November, 1907.
The shock was great, the pain severe,
For little we thought the end was near ;
Only those who have lost one are able to tell
The pain of the heart at not saying farewell.
Inserted by his loving father, mother, sister, and brothers.

Family Notices (1911, December 1). The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 - 1934), p. 3. TROVE

LLOYD.—In sad but loving memory of our dear son and brother, William, who was accidently drowned at Irvinebank, on the 29th November, 1907, aged 22 years 7 months.
He is gone, oh, how hard, not a friend to be near,
To hear his last words, or to see his last tear ;
No parting, no farewell, no kind word of love
To cheer his last moments, or point him above.
Inserted by his loving father, mother, brothers, and sister.

Family Notices (1908, November 26). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 6. TROVE

STOVELL—STEVENS.—On the 18th of September, at St. Columba's Church of England, Irvinebank, by the Rev. C. C. Barclay, William Stovell, of Kooboora, to Winifred Effie Stevens, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevens, of Irvinebank, North Queensland.

Family Notices (1913, October 18). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 12. TROVE

NICHOLLS.-In loving memory of our dear son and brother Herbert Edward, who died on November 24, 1935, as the result of an accident at the State Treatment Works, Irvinebank.
As we loved you, so we miss you, Thoughts of you are ever dear; Loved, remembered, longed for always, As it dawns this second sad year.
(Inserted by his loving father, mother, sisters and brothers.)

NICHOLLS.-In fond remembrance of our dear cousin, Herb, who passed away November 24, 1935. One sad year has passed away, dear Herb, Since you were laid to rest; But your memory lives, forever With those who loved you best. (Inserted by his sincere cousins, Alma and Dot.)

NICHOLLS.-In loving memory of our dear nephew, Herb, who passed away on November 24, 1935. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf; Remembrance is the golden chain, That links us till we meet again. (Inserted by his loving auntie Leah and uncle Jack.)

Family Notices (1936, November 24). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE

DISHER, Jane Smith - January 14, at her residence, 48 Chester Street, Epping, relict of the late Thomas Daniel Disher, Irvinebank, North Queensland, and loved mother of Wallace, Jean, Mary, Tom, and Eva, aged 88 years.
Privately cremated.

Family Notices (1948, January 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. TROVE

HUME.—In loving memory of George Sidney Richard Hume, who died suddenly at work, May 13, 1941, at Irvinebank.
"Ever remembered."
(Inserted by his loving wife, daughter, son, daughter-in-law and grandson.)

Family Notices (1949, May 13). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 5. TROVE

FUNERAL NOTICE.—The Friends of Mr. JOHN SPEIRS, deceased, late of Irvinebank, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to leave from the Brisbane General Hospital, THIS (Tuesday) FORENOON, at 10.30 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices (1904, August 9). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. TROVE

Margaret BOOCOCK grave in 2023
the grave to the right with headstone is for
Eleanore BOYD (nee BOWERING)
who died 14th July 1915

BOYD—On 14th July, at her residence, Irvinebank, N.Q., Eleanore, beloved wife of Joseph Boyd.

Family Notices (1915, September 24). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 1. TROVE

Her parents were Ellen BLYTHE and William BOWERING.

ALEXANDER—CUTTEN.—On the 8th April, at California Creek, by the Rev. G. White, Chas. T. Alexander, eldest son of C. B. Alexander, of Irvinebank, late of Walhalla, Victoria, to Florence Violet, third daughter of the late F. Cutten, of Bicton, Townsville.

Family Notices (1891, April 24). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. TROVE

ALEXANDER.—On the 22nd May, at Irvinebank, North Queensland, the wife of C. T. Alexander, of a son.

Family Notices (1894, June 8). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. TROVE

The Commissioner of Police has received information from the Walsh that two men, James John Morgan and Richard George Bailey, have been brutally murdered. Both their skulls had been smashed in by their two blackboys named Toby and Charley, who cleared with two horses, saddles and bridles, two fancy waistbelts, some silver, and rations. The boys belong to the Tate tribe, and can be identified by several persons. The bodies were buried, and the inspector and police magistrate were informed of the tragedy.

Current News. (1884, September 27). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 501. TROVE


Richard George BAILEY died 17th September, 1884 and his parents were listed as William John BAILEY and Alice RIMMER

James John MORGAN died 17th September, 1884 and his parents were listed as James MORGAN and Catherine IRWIN

The "Chance" a property that has been idle for nearly two years has been taken up and is being worked with no small show of being a paying claim. At Eureka Creek the "Ivanhoe" is looking very well, also. Arbouins and Joss' claims. At Irvinebank some energy is being displayed in getting the crushing and smelting appliances ready and being now almost completed with plenty of "tin stone to operate on, it may be expected that another month will see some ingots of tin (not bags), on their way to Cairns from there; the importance of this portion of the field is daily increasing. Messrs. Moffat and Co. having taken in hand the silver country (known as Prentices'), about four miles from Irvinebank have caused a revival in silver. It is reported that the Silver Valley Co. on the Dry River are about to resume work on their mines; on the whole the prospects of this immense mineral district are improving notwithstanding the low price of tin which is rather disheartening. Information just to hand states that the Irvinebank mill is to have a preliminary turn round to-day and will probably start crushing early next week.

Mining Notes from Herberton. (1884, November 13). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1884 - 1893), p. 3. TROVE

Sydney Albert SHEPPARD died 9/5/1908
his mother Agnes died 1/3/1914
and her brother-in-law Trevor John SHEPPARD died 23/10/1906


Sydney SHEPPARD, who married Agnes WARNER 13/4/1892, and brother of Trevor, died 14/11/1928 in Cairns and whose parents were Ann LAWRENCE and Oliver Joseph SHEPPARD.
Agnes died 1/3/1914 and her parents were Jane SIM and John WARNER.
Their son Sydney Albert died 9/5/1908.
Sydney's brother Trevor John died 23/10/1906.

In mining matters no change has taken place since my last. There is a growing feeling that the regulations of the Mineral Lands Act require modifying as regard the labour clauses; these have been worked three years, and are considered to be too elastic for the general welfare of the district. It is a matter, however, that calls for grave consideration to define exactly where exemption from labour should be allowed or otherwise, as so many unexpected and unforeseen circumstances crop up in mines. Yet it is a pity to see claims registered that might be utilised, especially in the case of companies, who may have a plurality of interests. In my last I mentioned that the Monarch Company had abandoned their claims; they have since taken them up again. Very many registered mines will have to resume work shortly, which may cause more activity ; but there is no certainty for the moment about what will be the result of the Co-operative Company's machine. It is publicly reported that the Queensland National Bank purpose selling it by auction on the 15th December, having foreclosed upon a mortgage of £500. If it be not bought by the residents there will be but one crushing machine, the owners having sufficient stone to keep it going, and the public will be compelled to sell their ore. This position is a fix, because there will be but one actual purchaser of stone, and his price must be the sellers. it is reported that the machinery at Return Creek will resume operations shortly, under competent management, and it is to be hoped the report is true. At Watsonville, Eureka Creek, Irvinebank, and other places, the mines continue to be well spoken of. A fair quantity throughout the district of stream tin in waiting rain to sluice. Thomas Jackson, J.P., died on Sunday last at his selection at the scrub, and was buried on the following day. He died of malarial fever, was 42 years old, was a member of the Port Douglas Divisional Board, and had a large number of friends. A miner who had been drinking heavily changed his tipple and took carbolic acid. It didn't kill him, but he is likely to revert to whisky as causing less suffering.

Herberton. (1884, December 1). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 2. TROVE


Thomas JACKSON died 16th November, 1884, and his parents were James JACKSON and Annie HILTON

GAINZA — MOMMSEN. — Bert and Judith Gainza, of Irvinebank, Qld, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Brendan, son of Ted and Cheryle Mommsen, Canberra ACT.

Family Notices (1992, February 1). The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), p. 70. TROVE

When Hannah died her parents were listed as Moireen HANSEN and Hans GULBANSEN and Benjamin's parents were listed as Harriet Jane PILCHER and Benjamin JOY

HERBERTON, Feb. 22.-Mrs Kildea and Mrs. Wihkleman are holidaying at Moss's Royal Hotel for a few days. Mrs. Kildea, a former licensee of the Mining Exchange Hotel, is now living in Mossman. Mrs Winkleman and her husband left to reside in Mareeba some time ago. She has been staying with Mrs. Kildea at Mossman and the two ladies decided that, a few days in the cool air of Herberton would be welcomed and travelled up together. Mr. Cliff Dent, of Cairns, is visiting Herberton and staying at Adair's Hotel.
Mr. Hemphill Inspector for the Bank of Australasia, has been visiting Herberton on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Livesley have arrived from the South to take up residence in Herberton. Mr. Livesley is the new headmaster at the Wondecla State School and replaces Mr. P. Hynes.
Mr. and Mrs. Littleton and three daughters have arrived back from holidays in the South. Mr. Bill Clarke, who has been relieving postmaster at Herberton during Mr. Littleton's absence, leaves this week to do 30 day's relieving duty at Cooktown Post Office.
Constable and Mrs. Ryan, Irvinebank, spent the week-end with their relatives, the Reynolds family, at Wondecla.
Mr. Celesti Fre has taken over the poultry farm at Wondecla formerly owned by Dixon Bros. He will be assisted by his nephew, who is arriving from overseas this week.

Mr. Les Adcock and Mr. Fairbanks were in charge of a working bee which met on Saturday last to work on improvements at the swimming pool in the Wild River. Ten shots were put in the rocky bar with a jackhammer and the explosions at nightfall were quite impressive. The blowing out of the bar will make the pool much safer and more suitable for tournaments.

HERBERTON NOTES (1950, February 25). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 3. TROVE

KEIL—BYRNE. — Anne Barbara, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Keil, 14 Green street, East St Kilda (formerly of Woorinen), to William Stephen, only son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Byrne, Irvinebank, North Queensland.

Family Notices (1950, April 18). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 12. TROVE

CONSIDINE.—At Irvinebank, on 18th December, 1907, Mary, beloved sister of M. Considine, Brunswick Hotel, after a painful illness resulting from an accident.

Family Notices (1907, December 21). The Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1875 - 1929), p. 17. TROVE

RITCHIE—YOUNG.—November 23, 1940, at St. Stephen's Church, Macquarie Street, Sydney, by Rev. A. Tory, Charles, youngest son of Mrs. Ritchie and the late C. Ritchie, of Edinburgh, Scotland, to Marion, only daughter of Mrs. Young and the late Geo. C. Young, of Irvinebank, North Queensland.

Family Notices (1940, December 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. TROVE

MESICH, Frank, of Irvinebank, via Cairns.

Family Notices (1942, February 5). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 8 TROVE

WADDELL.-On March 11, 1943, at Brisbane, in his 84th year, Allan Waddell, of Headfort-street, Greenslopes, late of Irvinebank, N.Q., father of Gus. Jean, and Lucy, and the late Willie and Isabel. Interred at Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices (1943, March 20). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE

WADDELL. — The ashes of the late Gus Waddell will be scattered at Irvinebank, North Queensland, at 3.15 p.m. to-day, 24th October.
So long Gus, so long,
We dips our lid.

Family Notices (1953, October 24). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 18. TROVE

BLAKEY At his residence at Buderim Mt., formerly Irvinebank, on July 25th, Arthur Blakey, beloved Husband of Annie Margaret Blakey, & Father, Father-in- law, & Grandfather of Clarence, Olga, & Robert.

Family Notices (1945, July 27). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 8. TROVE

IRVINEBANK, Oct 31.-On Saturday evening, October 28, the citizens of Irvinebank gathered in the School of Arts Hall to say farewell to Mrs. K. Prout Dancing and community singing was enjoyed, with musical items by Mrs. J. Perkes and Mr. R. Wyatt.
During supper, served by the ladies, Mr. W. Cross, who acted as chairman, remarked that the guest of honour would be greatly missed by the people of Irvinebank. She and the late Mr. Prout were the originators of the Irvinebank First Aid, which was of great benefit to the district. Supporting the chairman, Mr. F. H. Low Choy, as president of the First Aid Committee, said that he had had the pleasure and privilege to be associated with the guest of honour in the administrative side of the committee, and words could not express. the gratitude of the residents for her unselfishness and sacrifice in giving her time and energy imparting temporary relief to the suffering, until they could be transported to medical attention.
He concluded by wishing her happiness, joy and comfort in her future home.
Messrs. F. Ellson, J. Martin, J. Brodie, H. Barnes and L. Henderson also added their words of praise and wished her a happy and prosperous future.
Mrs. Prout was then presented with a gold wristlet watch and wallet of notes as a gift in token of esteem from her many well wishers.
In responding she thanked all for the presentation and the wonderful evening and hoped that she would meet all her friends at some future date. The singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" concluded the evening.
Mrs. I. Cross returned from Cairns where she has been visiting her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. S. Richardson.
Mrs. B. Newman is a visitor from Herberton and is the guest of her daughter and son-in-law, Mrs. and Mr. J. Butcher.
Mrs. A. Hooley and family arrived from Kidston to make their home in Irvinebank. Mr. Hooley is engineer at the State Treatment Works.
Mr. A. Henley, senior, accompanied his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. Henley, from Cairns.
Mrs. H. Holtby and children have arrived to take up residence in Irvinebank, where Mr. Holtby has been employed at the State Treatment Works for the past few weeks.
Mr. J. Richardson, Cairns, is holidaying in Irvinebank. He is the guest of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Richardson.
Miss G. Wyatt spent the weekend in Herberton. She was a guest of the Sisters of the Sacred Advent at St Mary's Church of England Girls' School.
Miss B. Fryor is holidaying from Danbulla and is the guest of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ellson.
Mr. C. Dawson visited Irvinebank on business. He was accompanied by Mr. F. Sanstrom.

IRVINEBANK NOTES (1950, November 3). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE

Feb. 2nd.—Miss Gertrude Agnes Moran, of Irvinebank, to Mr. William Joseph Eales, also of Irvinebank ; at the Sacred Heart Church.

Family Notices (1914, March 5). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1901 - 1936), p. 12. TROVE

No information can be found about this person

No information can be found about this person

Mr William Gane and Miss Miriam Sheppard, both of Irvinebank, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at St. George's Church, Mareeba, on Monday, 1st June (says the 'Wild River Times').

GOSSIP. (1914, June 19). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 5. TROVE

TRACEY, John H.—On the 29th August, 1950, John Henry Tracey, of Flower Street, Windsor, formerly of Cairns and Irvinebank, beloved Father of Jack, Allen, Harold, Mick, Eileen, and Bill (deceased), passed away peacefully.
Interred at Lutwyche Cemetery. R.I.P.

Family Notices (1950, September 2). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 16. TROVE

Feb. 3rd.—Miss Anne Henry, of Irvinebank, to Mr. Jeremiah Leahy, of Ireland ; at the Roman Catholic Church, Irvinebank.

Family Notices (1913, February 20). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1901 - 1936), p. 13. TROVE