
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Alfred J (1869)  on Rohilla 1883
Amelia (1881)  on Melpomene 1883
Caroline (1860)  on Stracathro 1882
Charlotte (1861)  on Melpomene 1883
Charlotte (1882)  on Melpomene 1883
Edith A (1874)  on Indus 1874
Edw (1859)  on Crown of Arragon 1884
Elizabeth (1860)  on Duke of Argyle 1886
Emily (1857)  on Indus 1874
Fred J (1871)  on Taroba 1890
Geo (1880)  on Stracathro 1882
Henry (1859)  on Melpomene 1883
James (1841)  on Montmorency 1865
John (1848)  on Storm King 1873
John (1856)  on Stracathro 1882
John (1882)  on Stracathro 1882
Kate (1853)  on Indus 1874
Mabel (1884)  on Crown of Arragon 1884
Mark (1852)  on Royal Dane 1874
Mary (1847)  on Alexandra 1874
Rose (1861)  on Crown of Arragon 1884
Samuel (1868)  on Bulimba 1886
William J (1867)  on Rohilla 1883