
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Albert (1888)  on Roma 1888
Annie (1870)  on Duke of Sutherland 1888
Charles (1866)  on Roma 1888
Daisy (1877)  on Orsova 1911
Edgar (1854)  on Glamis 1878
Edwin (1871)  on Taroba 1888
Elizabeth (1819)  on General Hewitt 1854
Ellen (1848)  on General Hewitt 1854
Emily (1854)  on Glamis 1878
Emma (1868)  on Roma 1888
Geo H (1861)  on Scottish Admiral 1883
George (1881)  on Orsova 1911
Grace ()  on India 1895
Harriet (1846)  on General Hewitt 1854
Hilda (1909)  on Orsova 1911
Horrice (1906)  on Orsova 1911
Jas (1855)  on Hannah Landels 1883
Jas (1883)  on Hannah Landels 1883
Jessie (1853)  on Hannah Landels 1883
Joseph (1858)  on Cloncurry 1886
Margt (1881)  on Hannah Landels 1883
Mark T (1862)  on Scottish Admiral 1883
Rosetta (1867)  on Duke of Sutherland 1888
Sarah (1841)  on General Hewitt 1854
William (1821)  on General Hewitt 1854
William (1854)  on General Hewitt 1854