
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Ada (1868)  on Chyebassa 1885
Agnes (1846)  on Glamis 1878
Agnes (1851)  on Queen of the Colonies 1865
Agnes (1875)  on Glamis 1878
Agnes (1898)  on Dorset 1910
Andrew (1849)  on Renfrewshire 1875
Anna (1873)  on Glamis 1878
Annie (1863)  on Anglo Indian 1883
David (1853)  on Cloncurry 1885
Edgar (1905)  on Banffshire 1911
Eliza (1849)  on Taroba 1889
Emma (1882)  on Taroba 1889
Frederick (1844)  on Ramsay 1872
George R (1871)  on Light Brigade 1871
George (1861)  on Chyebassa 1885
Gertrude (1903)  on Dorset 1910
Hammond (1855)  on Silhet 1883
Harry (1845)  on Flying Cloud 1870
Henry C (1851)  on Indus 1872
Henry (1881)  on Banffshire 1911
Ivy (1903)  on Banffshire 1911
James (1862)  on New Guinea 1885
James (1879)  on Duke of Portland 1899
James (1895)  on Dorset 1910
Jane E (1872)  on Glamis 1878
Jennet (1901)  on Dorset 1910
John (1865)  on Duke of Argyle 1888
John (1875)  on Dorset 1910
John (1907)  on Dorset 1910
Lizzie (1879)  on Taroba 1889
Lizzie (1899)  on Dorset 1910
Luke (1846)  on Taroba 1889
Maggie (1865)  on Duke of Westminster 1886
Maggie (1872)  on Dorset 1910
Nellie (1896)  on Dorset 1910
Prudence (1879)  on Banffshire 1911
Richard (1844)  on Glamis 1878
Robert (1866)  on Merkara 1888
Ronald (1907)  on Banffshire 1911
Sarah J (1844)  on Light Brigade 1871
Sarah (1905)  on Dorset 1910
Thomas (1850)  on Light Brigade 1871
Walker (1872)  on Jumna 1890