
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Alexander (1910)  on Rippingham Grange 1912
Alfred (1883)  on Dacca 1890
Anne (1829)  on Royal Saxon 1848
Annie (1880)  on Rippingham Grange 1912
Cath (1878)  on Chyebassa 1883
Charles (1903)  on Rippingham Grange 1912
Cyril (1906)  on Rippingham Grange 1912
Elizabeth (1830)  on Mary Pleasants 1857
Ellen (1878)  on Dacca 1890
Ellen (1880)  on Chyebassa 1883
Emily (1876)  on Chyebassa 1883
Eva (1874)  on Chyebassa 1883
Fred (1874)  on Dacca 1890
Gertie (1880)  on Dacca 1890
Harriet (1847)  on Dacca 1890
Henry (1852)  on Chyebassa 1883
James (1830)  on Royal Saxon 1848
James (1883)  on Chyebassa 1883
Jessie (1829)  on Mary Pleasants 1857
John (1836)  on Hastings 1857
Louisa (1882)  on Chyebassa 1883
Margaret (1857)  on Waroonga 1885
Mary J (1854)  on Dunbar Castle 1878
Michael (1854)  on Roma 1882
Sarah (1836)  on Hastings 1857
Sarah (1852)  on Chyebassa 1883
Thomas (1846)  on Dacca 1890
Walter (1876)  on Dacca 1890