
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

()  on Anglo Indian 1883
Albert (1860)  on Duke of Buccleuch 1883
Alice (1869)  on India 1892
Amalie (1853)  on Lammershagen 1878
Anna (1853)  on Anglo Indian 1883
Anton (1853)  on Lammershagen 1878
Arthur (1866)  on Dorunda 1885
August (1822)  on Johan Cesar 1866
August (1851)  on Johan Cesar 1866
Benjamin (1865)  on Taroba 1889
Bridget (1843)  on Sultana 1864
Captain ()  on Duke of Buccleuch 1884
Charles (1850)  on Clara 1875
Charles (1868)  on Rialto 1886
Charles ()  on Moffatt 1836
Charlotte (1852)  on Almora 1884
Clark (1868)  on Jumna 1888
Elizh (1856)  on Scottish Hero 1876
Ernst (1851)  on Charles Dickens 1877
Frank (1866)  on Earl Granville 1887
Frederick (1866)  on New Guinea 1886
Friedrich (1849)  on Johan Cesar 1866
H Captain ()  on Duke of Buccleuch 1885
Heinrich (1846)  on Susanne Godeffroy 1864
Heinrich (1863)  on Johan Cesar 1866
Henry (1856)  on Nourmahal 1874
Hermann (1853)  on Lammershagen 1878
James (1838)  on Light of the Age 1864
James (1843)  on Melmerby 1865
John (1840)  on Beejapore 1863
Lizzie (1866)  on Taroba 1889
Margaret (1853)  on Corlic 1875
Marie (1817)  on Johan Cesar 1866
Mary (1842)  on Light of the Age 1864
Mary (1854)  on Great Queensland 1875
Oskar (1873)  on Lammershagen 1878
Rachael (1856)  on Camorta 1882
Richard (1892)  on Norseman 1910
Robert (1863)  on Scottish Knight 1886
Sarah (1842)  on Beejapore 1863
Sarah (1862)  on Camorta 1882
Siegfried (1877)  on Lammershagen 1878
Susan Jane (1842)  on Clara 1875
W Captain ()  on Duke of Buccleuch 1885
Wilhelm (1838)  on La Rochelle 1863
Wilhelm (1860)  on Johan Cesar 1866
Wilhelmine (1842)  on Johan Cesar 1866
Wm (1847)  on Anglo Indian 1883
Wm (1859)  on Duke of Buccleuch 1883