(39403) family for Marianne SPILLING

John DAVIS m. 25-May-1834 Marianne SPILLING

  1. John Edwin
  2. Joseph
  3. Eliza Ann and Thomas MADDEN
  4. Alice Ellen Elizabeth m. 29-Sep-1867 William SMITH
    m. 04-Dec-1890 Henry ROYAL
  5. George Spelling
  6. Edward Alfred m. 16-Jun-1874 Emily CHAPPEL
    m. 23-Aug-1881 Minnie STEDMAN
  7. Alfred James and Johana WILLMAN

1. His death certificate states that he was 63 years old making his birth in 1836. A story told by %Les Davis%p00001.htm#00057%%, son of Horace and Eda (nee WENNERSTEN) was that all three brothers arrived in Queensland from Canada. All three death certificates indicate that they all arrived in Queensland in 1866. The Southern Ocean did arrive in 1866 but sailed from Portsmouth in the county of Hampshire in southern England rather than Canada.

It has since been discovered that while the three boys came to Australia, their parents and at least two sisters, Eliza and Alice, went to Canada where all four died. This then is the reason there was some confusion about where the boys had emigrated from when they came to Queensland.

Greg visited the cemetery in Irvinebank (September 2015) and photographed all of the headstones, but there was no headstone for %Margaret BOOCOCK%p00003.htm#00459%% or John Edwin DAVIS or his brother George Spelling DAVIS

3. Eliza`s death registration gives her son Edward as the informant.

5. According to his death certificate he was 65 years and seven months old which means he was born in 1845.
On the Southern Ocean were two other DAVIS boys named Edwin 20 years old and William 22 years old. Although all five boys were listed together on the passenger list no connection has thus far been established.

6. Edward Alfred was christened on Sunday, 1 November 1846, in Saint Mary Magdalene church Woolwich and his parents lived in Nightingale Vale. His father was a contractor. After having three sons by Emily, the youngest being one year old, Emily died in 1880 and he remarried in 1881 to Minnie STEDMAN. His death certificate states he died from peritonitiis and wrongly claims that the youngest son was of the second marriage.
When Edward at the age of 23 married Emily who was only 17 years old the witnesses were Jerimah and Therasa Crane. The witnesses to Edward`s second marriage to Minnie were William and Mary Nicholls.

Edward was issued a Business License in Thornborough in May 1877 (Qld Gov Gazette, page 66, Wednesday, 4 July 1877)

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