The Brisbane Courier publishes the following Taroom news dated October 10 : On the 4th instant 850 store bullocks passed through, in charge of Mr. E. Cowley, the property of Mr. G. Clark, of Talgai, to which place they are bound, having been purchased from the N.B.A. Company's Waterton and Isla stations. On the same date the Kable Bros, passed through on their return from Goulburn, New South Wales, with about forty head of horses, also the thoroughbred stallion Scud, by Snowden, a really good-looking and serviceable horse. Their destination is Rosevale, Mackay. On the 5th inst. a lot of about thirty head of horses passed through, in charge of E. Tanwan, on their way to Banana. This lot is the property of Mr. W. H. Maclean. Two other small mobs of horses passed through on the 6th and 7th instant, bound for the Mackenzie River. Weather getting very hot. Grass good. Typhoid fever is prevalent here, two deaths having occurred within three days, and there are several other sufferers down with this disease.

GYMPIE. (1887, October 24). Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), p. 3. Link to TROVE


The 'Brisbane Courier.' of the 23rd instant states that in August 2854 square miles of country, giving a rental of £1446 Os. 9d., was taken up under occupation license and 4503 square miles of country yielding an annual rent of £2305 10s., was applied for. - The particulars of the country that was applied for in the Central Division are as follow:—

Turkoa, Banana district, 36 miles — E. Tanwan, at a rental of 12s. 6d. per mile.

OCCUPATION LICENSES AND LEASES. (1907, September 28). The Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1875 - 1929), p. 37. Link to TROVE