Explanation of some of the features for this web site

Copyright © 2010-2016 by Greg DAVIS
This page last updated 5/10/2016 9:04:00 PM
and was generated by Family Ver 2.7.53

Most of the names of people listed on this web site are coloured blue or dark green, indicating that it is a link to the information about that particular person. If the user holds the Control key down when they click on the link of the individual, the entry for that person will be presented in a new tab in the browser. Some names are in plain dull grey text and this indicates that the author is aware that the person is part of the family but is either not publishing any details or does not know any details about that person. This is most often the case for some parents where the author knows their names but does not have any other information about them, ie. there is no individual entry for that person.

Because of the way I first started to do the genealogy of my family (discussed elsewhere on this site) a large number of the people appearing here are related only by marriage and many of them are distant. I have followed most lines and recorded as much information as I have been able to find so far for each person. If you should find a person who does not have a relationship (3C1R etc.) to the author, recorded under their name, then the relationship is somewhat distant and they sit on a twig on the family tree. All twigs are important no matter how distant they are. A tree without twigs, is just a stump. As time permits, a relationship tree will be developed so that the viewer can see where on the tree a person sits.

There is never enough time, and so, some twigs will grow more slowly than other parts of the tree.

Individual Person Entry

The entry for each person starts with a unique number enclosed with brackets. There are two formats, (12345) or [[12345]]. The first format is a link to your email program and the second format is a link to an explanation of why the author is not researching this person. If the user moves the mouse over the number it will change colour to red. Because I receive a large number of emails about people listed on the web site I have disabled the email starter for some of the entries in which case a note to that effect will pop up to tell the user. If the email starter is enabled, when you click the number your email program will start automatically. Read more about Emailing the Author. When your email program starts, it will fill in the address to send it to and the subject line, which is formatted in a way that helps me locate all of the information that I have about that person.

Next is the person's name, followed by the parent's names. If the parent's names are joined by the word 'and', then there is more than one child known and listed on the site for those parents. If the parents names are joined by the ampersand symbol '&', then this is the only child known to the author and it is most likely that the author does not know any other information about the parents. A common reason for this would be the instance where an individual has emigrated from say, England to Australia, on their own without any other relatives, and the author has not done any research to establish their ancestry back in England.

Important note about names

Most researchers are aware that names change for many different reasons. If the viewer sees a name spelt differently to the way that their family normally spells that name it doesn't mean that the author has got it wrong. The names that the author uses are those that were found in the public record. They may be wrong because of transcription error or incorrect information given by someone. The author makes no attempt to change the spelling as it would not then be a true interpretation of the public record.


If a photograph is available for this person it will be included after their name. If more than one person on a page on the web site is featured in a particular photograph, there will be a link to that photograph rather than a copy of the photograph. This is done to cut down on the size of the page when the viewer loads the page into their browser.

I believe that if several copies of a photograph exist in different locations around the world, then there is a greater chance that a copy will still exist many years after that person has left this mortal earth, and to that end, I am more than happy to send full size (usually 2mb to 3mb) copies to anyone who writes and asks for one.

I don't mind if you take a copy of a photograph or ask for the full size copy, but I would appreciate it if you were to acknowledge where you obtained the copy.


If the arrival in a particular country is known for a person who was not born there, then that is listed next. This is usually in the form of, Port of arrival, date of arrival, name of the ship, where the ship sailed from and the date it departed. The ship name is a link to a page about that particular ship/voyage. A number of ships made more than one voyage. For more information about the passenger lists, please read these notes.

Occupation Residence Religion

Next in a person entry is occupation, place of residence and religion. Occupation and place of residence are most commonly taken from electoral rolls and are easily recognised by the year in brackets at the end of each line.


If the author has researched the marriage of this person, the marriage information is listed next and is made up of the date and place of marriage, followed by the name of the spouse and then any children of that marriage. These names are all links to the notes on that particular person. If a marriage is known, but has not been researched, the information will be included as a short note and possibly with the year in which the event took place.

Death Notes

Notes about the death of the person can contain any of the following information and it begins with 'd.' If the date is known it will be printed like '7-May-1970' or if an approximate date is all that is known, it will appear as 'c1970'

Next, the place of death which is followed by the place of burial. If the date of burial is known it will appear as '[7-5-1970]'. The date of burial can be the same as the date of death.

If other members of the family are interred in the same grave, they will be listed next and all the names will be links to that person's entry on the web site. If an unknown person, ie. a person who may or may not be related, is also buried in the same grave, then their name and the date of burial (in brackets) will be printed. An example of this is the entry for Arthur Jocelyn Trotman FOOTE where a Herbert Wallace DANIELS is buried in the same grave. The author has not researched Herbert DANIELS and so it is unknown if he is related to Arthur FOOTE.

Brisbane City Council has a policy of reusing gaves in only two instances.

1. If there is room for another relative

2. Or if it is a paupers grave (the only way of knowing if it is a paupers grave is to contact BCC). Paupers graves are generally only seen in Toowong and Mt. Gravatt cemeteries.

Any comments related to the research of this person are listed next. These may include any articles found in newspapers, which are presented in a format that resembles a newspaper column. Cemetery transcriptions are enclosed within a border with a green background.

The last item for any individual, presented in a dark orange color, are the addresses of any related web sites. These addresses were current at the time the information was recorded in the database but for one reason or another may no longer be valid. If the user should find a link that does not work, I would appreciate an email to link error informing me of that fact. In each entry for an individual the user will see some superscripted numbers, which are links to the source description for that particular piece of information.

Spelling of Names

The spelling of names has always been a problem for genealogists and not long after I started doing my family research I adopted the following rule on this subject.

I use the name as it was spelt in the Queensland Government published BDM Index. I make no distinction or judgement about the spelling of the name, whether it is considered to be correct or not. If people use the spelling as seen on this web site when searching the Qld. BDM Index, they should find the person concerned. If someone writes to me with a compelling reason (and with proof of the claim), as to why the name should be spelt differently, I will consider changing it and then including a note (attributed to the author of the change), explaining why it was changed and what the original spelling of the name was. The user should always be aware that other people can and will spell names differently and that what one person claims as being the correct spelling isn't necessarily true for others.

Emailing the Author

I welcome constructive discussion about any of the entries on the web site. Please don't send blank emails, my telepathic powers are not what they used to be. I get older every year and the number of informative emails I receive seems to grow more numerous with age. When you do write to me by clicking on one of the links, you will receive an automated response letting you know that I have received the email and I will endeavour to respond to your query as soon as time permits. Given the number of emails I receive, it may sometimes take a while.

When people write to me with information about a person on the web site, it is my standard practice to include their email address at the end of the entry for two reasons. The first reason is, that it acknowledges that the person has supplied some of the information published on the web site and in so doing gives them credit for that information. The second reason is, I believe that the person writing the email is interested in, and actively researching that individual, and so, would be interested in hearing from any other person who has visited the web site to look at the entry for that particular person.

When your email address is placed on the web site, it is done in such a way that the robots looking for an email address cannot find it.

Email Addresses

If any email addresses of other researchers are known, they will be recorded at the end of the entry for each person. A date, in the form of (Nov 2005) or (3-Nov-2005), will be recorded with it and this is meant to indicate when that researcher last communicated any information about the person in the entry. By the time the viewer sees this information, the email address may no longer be valid and I do not have the resources or ability to find the person associated with that email address. You could possibly write to one of the rootsweb mailing lists and try to find the researcher that way.

Not Researching this Person

Due to the number of individuals in the database and how the popularity of the web site has grown, it has become necessary to limit some of the research and some of the queries I receive.

Email responding for the majority of the entries has now been turned off. I am retired and live on the road permanently and most of the time I don't have an internet connection.

Some families are shown because of a marriage link, but I am not necessarily researching those families.

When the user moves the mouse over the unique number at the beginning of each entry for an individual, one of two things will happen. If emailing for that individual is turned on, the user will see the email address appear at the bottom of the web page and when they click on the number their email program should start automatically.

If emailing for an individual is turned off, it means that I am not currently researching that particular person. It also means that all of the information I have for that person is displayed on the web site. If you write to me with a query you will most likely not get any other information. If you write with more information about the person in question, I will probably not respond to your email and it may be some time before the information and or correction(s) is updated on the web site. When or if the update is made to the web site I will then write back to you at that time.

Web Address

An Internet address listed at the end of a person entry may link to other places on the internet where the researcher might find other information about that person. It should be noted that this Internet address may no longer be valid for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are: domain name has been changed and or lapsed, the researcher is not doing any more research (no longer interested or death) and the web site has been taken down due to lack of funds, or one of the most common reasons, the researcher has placed the information on a different page on the site. Some programs used to generate pages of information about people in family trees don't have the ability to place the entry for a person on the same page every time, and for those programs that are able to do it, the user doesn't always have the function turned on. Again, a date will be included that indicates when that Internet address was last known to be valid and like email addresses I do not have the time or resources to check every address for validity when this site is updated.

I hope you have found some information here that is of some value to you and I wish you the best of luck in your research. You are welcome to have a look at my Home Page where you will find links to all of the people in my extended family and to other groups of unrelated people, or you can visit my Genealogy Blog where you will find postings about random items of genealogical interest and more links to other genealogy related sites.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my web site and reading this page,