At an early hour last Sunday morning. Mr. Walter Page, licensee of the Club Hotel, Cordalba, died suddenly from heart failure. Mr. page was about on Saturday, attending to his usual duties, but on Sunday morning about 7 o'clock took suddenly ill. Dr. Robertson, of Childers, was at once telephoned for, and immediately started for Cordalba in his motor car, but deceased had expired before his arrival. Mr. Page, who, for several months past had not enjoyed the best of health, was a very old resident of the district, and in the pioneering days of the Isis followed the occupation of a timber-getter. He was of a quiet, unassuming mature, and at one time was a member of the Local Authorities' Board. He leaves a wife and five children, of varying ages, but mostly grown up, to mourn their sad and sudden loss, and for whom deep sympathy is felt in their terribly sudden bereavement. He was aged 59 years.
SUDDEN DEATH AT CORDALBA. (1912, April 23). The Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1892 - 1917), p. 3. Link to TROVE
You will find Walter in this descendent chart
Peter PAGE
A MAN named William Page was killed at Antigua plantation on Saturday. He was driving a four-horse team, when the horses took fright and bolted. When found, the horses had broken from their harness, the dray had capsized, and the side iron, with the whole weight of the dray, was lying across Page's chest. It is needless to add that he was quite dead. Deceased was a single man, and aged 32 years.
VIA SINGAPORE, JULY 23. (1876, August 8). Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), p. 2. Link to TROVE
Look for William in this descendent chart
Peter PAGE
Her Daughter Florence Isabel died the day before Tabitha did.
SINCLAIR. - On the 19th inst. Tabitha, daughter of Mr and Mrs Vardy, Coolgarra, The Avenue, Hermit Park.
SINCLAIR.- At the residence of Mr and Mrs Vardy, The Avenue, Hermit Park, the infant child of Mr and Mrs Sinclair.
Family Notices (1919, November 21). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE
SINCLAIR.— On November 25th, 1925, at Bowen, Edwin Claude, beloved second son of Mrs and the late Edwin Sinclair, of Townsville, also brother of Mrs J. Day, Mrs T. Paterson, Mrs F. Hartwell, also Charles and William Sinclair, and father of Herbert and Claude. Aged 42 years.
Deeply Mourned.
Family Notices (1925, December 4). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE
WEDDING. ARROWSMITH - VARDY. The wedding of Mr Robert Arrowsmith, second son of Mr and Mrs Arrowsmith, of South Townsville, to Miss Florence Annie Vardy, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. H. Vardy, 'Coolgarra,' Hermit Park, was celebrated at St. Peter's Church, West End, on Saturday, the Rev. Canon F. G. Williams officiating. Mr L. Weston presided at the organ and played 'The Voice that Breathed O'er Eden' as the bridal party entered the church, and the 'Wedding March' as they passed out. The bride, who looked most attractive, was given away by her father, and wore a graceful dress of white charmeuse satin, with draped overdress of brocaded net. The dress, which had a court train, was ornamented with pearls and sprays of orange blossom and finished with a pretty silk belt with streamers. A beautifully embroidered veil and wreath of orange blossom completed the costume. She carried a handsome shower bouquet of white flowers and fern. There were four bridesmaids and two little train bearers, the chief bridesmaid, Miss Lacy Day, wore a pretty cream silk frock, trimmed with lace and a pale blue silk hat, with white feather. The second, Miss Gertie Wakeham, wore pale blue silk, trimmed with fur and touches of tartan, and on her head a pretty mob cap of net. Miss Annie Clay, neice of the bride was in pale pink silk draped with cream lace, and Miss Muriel Stevens (Charters Towers), cousin of the bridegroom was similarly dressed in pale blue. All the bridesmaids carried bouquets, and the two latter wore pretty lace pins, gifts of the bridegroom. The little train bearers, Miss Elsie Vardy and Master Herbert Sinclair, neice and nep hew of the bride, looked very pretty, the former in cream silk trimmed with lace and satin streamers and a drawn silk hat with upright aigrette at side. She wore a gold bangle and carried a basket of flowers, gifts of the bride groom. Master Sinclair had a court costume of royal blue velvet, with lace ruffles and three-cornered hat with white ostrich tip. Mr Frank Arrowsmith supported the bridegroom as best man, and Mr Alfred Arrowsmith as groomsman. Mrs Arrowsmith (mother of the bridegroom), who was present at the church, wore a stylish costume of black merveilleux trimmed with em bossed silk insertion and a hat to match. Mrs H. Vardy (mother of the bride) was attired in a handsome costume of black glace silk, trimmed with silk insertion and Jet ornaments, the skirt being prettily draped. With this was worn a velvet toque of salmon pink, swathed with black fur caught with jet buckle. After the Ceremony the bridal party motored to 'Coolgarra.' where the wedding breakfast was laid and 200 guests sat down. The tables were laid In the form of an immense, horse-shoe in the big dining room and were charmingly decorated by Mr and Mrs W. Holmes, who kindly gave their skilled services. Lovely flowers graced the centre of the table all along, and at the the curve of the horseshoe was set a handsome three tiered wedding cake. The usual felici tous toasts were proposed and responded to, Mr Swales (Mayor) proposing that of bride and bridegroom. After the breakfast a very pleasant evening was spent in music and dancing, the music being supplied by the Railway Band. The presents received by the happy couple were very numerous and beautiful, three long tables being laden with silver and china. There were also several cheques. The Railway Band, of which Mr Arrowsmith is a member, presented him with a very handsome clock.
WEDDING. (1914, March 25). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1885 - 1954), p. 7. Link to TROVE
Mr. Robert Henry Arrowsmith, a well-known resident of many years' standing, died recently at his residence, 88 Walker Street, City, at the age of 59. The late Mr. Arrowsmith was born at Charters Towers and came to Townsville as a young man, when he married Florence Ann Vardy. He was employed in the railway and for a time was licencee of the Causeway Hotel. Later he was employed at Vardy's Ice Works, where he was engaged till the time of his death. He was one of the original members of the Railway and Federal Bands as a bass player. He was at one time a member of the Suburban and Strand Bowling Clubs, and was a foundation member of the South Townsville Bowling Club. He was also a member of the district team which in 1948 went to Brisbane and won the District Teams Championship. He is survived by his wife and four sons, Frank, Ted, Bob and Kingsford, three brothers, Alf, Frank and Jack, and a sister, Mrs. Lewis.
OBITUARY. (1950, April 29). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1885 - 1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE
Robyn McMULLEN writes - I know Stewart McMullen and Ann Brewster/Brouster were married in St Phillips Sydney 28 Aug 1837. Stewart died in NZ Auckland 16 May 1852. He was a Milwright and built a lot of mills in New Zealand in the late 1830 and 1840s. Stewart came out to Australia as a private in the 3rd (East Kent) Regiment of Foot (The Buffs) in 1822, he resigned in 1825 after the annoucement that the regiment was to go to India. In 1828 he was working for Sir John Jamison at Regentsville NSW as a Millwright. He was granted a block of land at Port Macquare which he later sold to Archibald Clunes Innes. It now has the Royal Hotel situated on it.
I have very little on Ann, I know she remarried in 1846 to Robert Boreham Isaac and they had 5 daughters. I have no idea how she got to Australia or whether she was born here. The two witnesses at her wedding with Stewart were Robert and John Brouster and it says she had the permission of her parents. She is said to have died in 1890 at Newington Asylum Central Cumberland, thought I have not myself been able to confirm this.
Robyn McMULLEN -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about William McMULLEN and his family.
The Grayson family stayed together, even while emigrating to the new colony in Australia. William, his wife Sarah and three of their children, Esther, John and Elizabeth who was already married to Castles Morgan and Elizabeth`s first born Rachel Jane Ann Morgan all sailed together on the James Fernie
to the young colony of Moreton Bay. Three years after Rachel Jane Ann arrived from Belfast in Ireland, another ship the British Empire
arrived in Moreton Bay with her future husband, John Hurford Saint who came from Cardiff in Wales.
You will find William in this descendent chart
03 - May - 2015
[[08872]] MURPHY, Sarah, parents Alex MURPHY & Sarah WILSON
ALLEN.-At Gore-street, Warwick, on the 28th instant, Esther Jane, eldest daughter of the late William Grayson and beloved wife of James Allen ; aged 43 years.
" Thy will be done."
Family Notices. (1894, January 30). Warwick Argus (Qld. : 1879 - 1901), p. 2. Link to TROVE
You can see Esther in this descendent chart
Ethel married Albert Edward MADDISON 1939 after Thomas WELSH died in 1924
A wedding ceremony was solemnised in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday forenoon at 11 o'clock, the Rev. R. Kerr officiating. The contracting parties were Mr. Thomas Hugh Welsh, eldest son of Mr. Thomas H. Welsh, of Mountside, and Miss Ethel Maud Allen, third daughter of Mr. James Allen, of Warwick. The bride was given away by her eldest brother, Mr. James G. Allen, and looked becoming in a dress of figured silk lustre, skirt with shirred flounce and tucked horizontally, trimmed with gathered ribbon and insertion, bodice with Victorian yoke, double row of lace edged with gathered ribbon, belt with fancy bow and streamers, spray of orange blossoms, and hat to match. She was attended by two bridesmaids - Miss Margaret Allen, sister of the bride, and Miss Ethel Welsh, sister of the bridegroom. Mr. Alex. C. Allen acted as best man. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party adjourned to the School-hall, where the wedding breakfast was tastefully prepared by Mrs. Newcomb, and at which the Rev. R. Kerr presided. After full justice had been done to the good things provided the usual toast-list was honored, the Rev. chairman giving some valuable hints to the newly-wedded couple. A large number of relatives and friends assembled at the railway station in the afternoon to bid good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, who left by the Border train for Thane, en route for Back Creek, their future home. The bride's wedding dress was made by Miss Woodcock, East Warwick, and reflected credit on the maker. The gifts received by the bride were varied and useful.
Family Notices (1904, September 24). Warwick Examiner and Times (Qld. : 1867 - 1919), , p. 7. Link to TROVE
Look for Ethel in this descendent chart
A note on the back of the photograph says that he was 91 years old on Thursday, 22 November 1934 and the photograph of George was taken Friday, 28 June 1935.
DAVIS. — The Relatives and Friends of Mr. George Davis, late of Forest Hill are invited to attend his Funeral, to move from the Funeral Parlour, 537 Stanley Street, South, Brisbane, This (Monday) Afternoon, at 2.45 o'clock, to the Bulimba Cemetery.
Family Notices (1937, October 11). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 12 (CITY FINAL LAST MINUTE NEWS). Link to TROVE