ALFORD.-On January 25th, 1919, at the Lister Hospital, Charles Alford,
of Glenroy Station, Ravenswood.
Aged 72 years.
Family Notices (1919, January 28). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
ALFORD.— At Townsville on the 14th
instant, Martha Jane, aged 80
years, of Ravenswood, relict of the
late Charles Alford, and mother of
William, Richard, Vivian, John,
Arthur, and Mesdames Caspani,
Eastern and Bojack.
Deeply Mourned.
Family Notices (1939, October 16). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
her first husband, John Sherwood WADE, died 5th February 1933 in Townsville and his parents were John Alfred WADE and Emily Louisa FITZHARDY
Mamie married John Charles ALFORD 1st August 1936ALFORD.—On 31st August, 1915,
at the residence of Nurse McLeod,
Hodgkinson Street, the wife of
W. Alford, Raven Street, Ravenswood—a Son.
Both well.
Family Notices (1915, September 3). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
BARTON.—On the 15th August, at Mabel Cottage, Ravenswood, Di. youngest and dearly loved
daughter of Hugh Hawthorn and Di Barton,
aged 17 months.
Family Notices (1885, September 5). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 369. TROVE
related to
A resident who has been well known
in the Charters Towers and Ravenswood district for very many years passed away at Charters Towers on Wednesday morning. She was Mrs. Katherine Matilda Becke, aged 82, who came
to North Queensland in the early
days, accompanying her husband,
who, as a prominent and trusted official, opened the first bank at Charters
Towers on behalf of the Bank of
Australasia. The bank, which was the
first one erected at Charters Towers,
was situated at Millchester and from
there branches spread to Ravenswood
(then a boom town) and eventually to
Townsville. Mr. Beck saw service in
each of these places in the capacity of
manager. A brother of deceased's husband was Mr. Louis Becke, a well
known North Queensland author who
scored successes with "By Reef and
Palm", "The Ebbing of the Tide." and
others. Her husband, who had been
in retirement, predeceased Mrs. Becke
by several years. The family compos
es Mrs. Underwood, of Arizona Station,
Julia Creek, and Mrs. Tonner of Arlington Downs, Georgetown, only daughters, and one son, Mr. G. Becke who,
it is understood, now resides at Ayr.
For several years now Mrs. Becke has
been residing alternately at Arizona
station and at Mrs. Underwood's
home, Dalrymple Road, Charters Towers, where she passed away. At the
funeral which took place on Anzac
afternoon, the Rev Canon J. E. Dale
PERSONAL (1935, April 27). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 3. TROVE
BECKE.—On the 16th October, at Hawthorn, Ravenswood, from the effects of a severe fall, Louis Clive
Becke, third son of Cecil and C. M. Becke, aged 6 years
and 9 months.
Family Notices (1880, November 1). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. TROVE
The marriage of Charles Edward, eldest
son of Mr. Charles Tonner, Weeroona,
Portarlington, Victoria, and Millicent
Hawthorne, eldest daughter of Mr. Cecil
Becke, Ravenswood, and niece of Mr. Louis
Becke, took place at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Wells, Burketown, North Queens-
land, on Wednesday, August 15.
Family Notices (1900, September 1). The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), p. 47. TROVE
Mr. Louis Becke, the well-known novelist, died suddenly in Sydney yesterday
THE WEEK AT A GLANCE. (1913, February 22). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 9. TROVE
related to
Death by Poisoning.— We have received
information of the death of Mr. Henry
Williams, of Ravenswood, under very painful
circumstances. From particulars kindly supplied by Inspector Armstrong it appears that
Williams took ill with what was supposed to
be cramp in the stomach at midnight on
Tuesday last ; Dr. Walker was called in and
tried to give relief but without avail, the young
fellow dying within four hours of the time he
took ill. A post mortem examination was held,
and the result was such that the stomach of
deceased was taken possession of by the police
for the purpose we presume of analysis. It is
supposed that death was caused by poisoning,
but no susppicion is attached to any one. An
inquiry touching the cause of death was commenced yesterday, and was adjourned until
Friday, the 25th. Williams was a native of
the Hunter River, New South Wales, was
brother-in-low of Mr. C. Becke and Mr. H.
Barton, and bad for some time past occupied a
position in one of the banks at Charters
Towers. He was quite a young fellow, not
more than twenty-five or twenty-six years of
No title (1881, March 2). Mackay Mercury and South Kennedy Advertiser (Qld. : 1867 - 1887), p. 2. TROVE
BENNETT.—At Ravenswood, on the
23rd November, William Bennett,
beloved father of Mrs. J. Moran.
Aged 87.
Family Notices (1922, December 1). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
BIRKBY.—On the 18th March, at her brother's (Mr.
Robert M. Scott's) residence, Sydney, Douglas, relict of
the late Robert Birkby, Ravenswood, Queensland. Her
end was peace.
Family Notices (1878, April 16). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. TROVE
JOHN BRACEWELL, an old Ravenswood man, died
on 23rd Nov., from the effects of injuries he had
sustained by a fall of earth about a week previously.
The deceased, who had been on Ravenswood for a
dozen years, was a prominent English Church
member, a churchwarden and superintendent of a
Sunday School. His pupils held him in high esteem
and affection. He leaves a widow and five young
PERSONALS (1887, December 10). Queensland Figaro and Punch (Brisbane, Qld. : 1885 - 1889), p. 11. TROVE
BROWN.—In Sad but Loving Memory of our dear Father, Frederick
Brown, who departed this life on
December 7th, 1903.
Gentle in mind, patient in pain,
Our darling father left, us, Heaven to
gain ;
With actions so noble, generous and
Few in this world his equal could find.
Not gone from memory, not gone from
love ;
But gone to His Father's home above.
Inserted by his loving Son, Daughter
and Family, Arthur and Sarah Ann
Carter, Charters Towers ; also by his
Loving Widow and Family, Ravenswood.
Family Notices (1904, December 7). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
Margaret CARROLL (nee FINLAYSON) died 23rd June 1942 in Charters Towers and her parents were David Bothwick FINLAYSON and Eliza GREEN
The death occurred in hospital at
Charters Towers after an illness of
many weeks, of Margaret Jane Carroll.
The deceased lady, who had resided in
the north for the past 50 years, was a
native of Hull, England, and was very
well known in the mining towns of
Ravenswood and Irvinebank before
coming to Cairns. One son, Mr. Gordon Carroll, Buchan-street, Cairns, is
left to mourn.
OBITUARY. MRS. M. J. CARROLL. (1942, June 29). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
CARTER.—At Ravenswood on the 7th,
of July, 1904, Minnie A. Carter,
the dearly beloved friend at S.
and H. Nodwell and family. Deeply regretted.
She is gone like a flower cut down
in her bloom.
From the sunshine of life, to the shade
of the tomb,
But death cannot sever the chains of
our love,
Nor steal the fond hope we shall meet
her above.
Family Notices (1904, August 27). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE
Richards, Cavanagh and party have dispatched a second lot of stuff from their prospecting area on Sodawater Creek to Cockle
Creek for treatment, and should it go as well
as their lost, there will probably be more of the
country out that way taken up shortly, as their
first consignment gave a nice return of 134
per cent, copper, and loz. 6dwt. of gold per
RAVENSWOOD MINING. (1901, July 22). The Evening Telegraph (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1901 - 1921), p. 2. TROVE
CAVANAGH— In sad but loving
memory of my dear husband and our
father, James Cavanagh, who died
at Ravenswood, December 1st, 1925
aged 52 years and four months.
Dear Jim, our home was bright and
happy once,
When we were all together ;
But it is so sad and lonely now,
Since you have left it forever.
(Inserted by his sorrowing wife, and
family, Annie E. Cavanagh and family
Family Notices (1926, December 1). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE
Death of a Warden.
Warden Cusack, of Ravenswood, died
from heart disease this morning (our Charters Towers correspondent wired last
night). He took some medicine at 2
o'clock, and when his people went to waken
him they found him dead.
Death of a Warden. (1910, May 16). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. TROVE
"R. M. Journal."
Widespread regret was expressed
on Sunday morning last when it be
came known that Warden Cusack
had passed peacefully away at his
residence, Grant Cottage. Mr Cusack
was born on the 31st May, 1841,
at Seaford, County Down, Ireland,
He served his time with his uncle
Mr. George Kelly (who was the
County Surveyor of Roscommon),
under whom he received his surveyor's certificate. In 1864, whilst
quite a young man, he came to
Queensland with his brother Michael (afterwards well known in
Rockhampton), just at the time
when the gold fever was at its
height. He went to the Canoona
rush, and in the following year he
went on to Peak Downs rush with
the late Mr. Hurley (original prospector of Hurley's rush) and others
as mates. After a time he found his
way up to the Star River district,
near to Dotswood, where he prospected with the late Mr. Bill Toll
and others for some months. In
1867 he returned and settled down
in Clermont, where he commenced
business as an auctioneer and general commission agent. He held the
positions of Town Clerk hon, secretary to the hospital committee,
and Peak Downs Jockev Clubs, and
was connected with nearly all the
public bodies in Clermont. He also
edited the "Peak Downs Telegram,"
then owned by Mr. (now the Honourable) Charles Hardy Buzacott.
In Clermont he was married to Miss
Simpson, a member of the well known
Maryborough family. At one time
he temporarily acted as C.P.S. at
Clermont, relieving Mr. Stowell,
who retired on sick leave. Through
the instrumentality of Dr. Benson,
then member for Clermont, he was
offered the position permanently,
but having a more lucrative business privately, he declined to enter
the Government service. He came
on to Ravenswood in 1871 and was
engaged mining for a lime, after
which he left for Millchester, where
he was appointed editor and manager of "The Northern Advocate",
until its amalgamation with the
"Towers Herald." Being in indifferent health from sciatica, he started
dairy farming at Drumanagan, on
the Burdekin. In 1882 he entered
the Government service as assistant
Mining Registrar at Charters Towers, taking the place of the late
Mr. A. C. Haldine (afterwards Warden) on that gentleman's promotion
to Maytown. Five months later he
was transferred to Ravenswood as
Mining Registrar and C.P.S., under
the late Hon. John Archibald, then
Warden and P.M. In 1887 he was
sent to Croydon as Assistant Warden to Warden Towner, and in May
of the fallowing year, was appointed ''Warden and P.'M. at Georgetown. In October of the same year
(1888), he returned to Ravenswood
as Warden and P.M., which position he held at the time of his
death. A few years ago he was offered the P.M. and Wardenship of
Gympie, but declined, prefering to
remain with his old mates, amongst
whom he had lived continually for
the past 23 years. In 1901, with
his wife and youngest daughter he
paid a nine months visit to England and Ireland. About three years
ago he developed a heart condition
and had been in indifferent health
ever since. The funeral took place
from the Roman Catholic Church on
Monday afternoon, and largely
attended, the burial service being
read by the Rev. Father Weare. Deceased leaves a wife and grown up
family of four sons and four daughters, besides a large circle of friends
to mourn their loss. The sons are
all professional men well known in
North Queensland.
OBITUARY (1910, May 24). The Evening Telegraph (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1901 - 1921), p. 3. TROVE
Jane 29.
Richard Davis, while marking at the rifle
butts yesterday, was shot by a member of the
Defence Force while practising rifle shooting.
Ravenswood. (1891, July 3). The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 - 1934), p. 20. TROVE
Richard Davies, a brother of John Roger
Davies, of Charters Towers, was acidentally
shot to-day on the rifle range, by his mate,
Allen, while marking. At a quarter to 10
this evening Mr. Davies was still breathing,
but his recovery is considered hopeless.
Telegrams. (1891, July 4). The Northern Mining Register (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1891 - 1892), p. 12. TROVE
DAWES.— At his daughter's residence, Ravenswood, on the 15th.
May, 1937, William Bruce Dawes,
beloved father of Peter Dawes
(Cloncurry). Henry Dawes (Ayr),
and Amanda Johnston (Ravenswood). Aged 94 years.
Adelaide papers please copy.
THE Peter Dawes Family (Cloncurry). the Henry Dawes Family
(Ravenswood and Ayr), and the
Amanda Johnston Family (Ravens
wood and Ayr), extend their sincere
thanks to the many friends for their
kind expressions of sympathy with
cards, letters and floral tributes to
their late father, grandfather and
great grandfather. William Bruce
Dawes. Please accept this as our
personal thanks.
Family Notices (1937, May 20). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE
Last Saturday (says the Ravenswood
Mining Journal) another very old identity
in the person of Mrs W. B. Dawes
passed over to the 'great majority.' Her
funeral took place the following day and
was largely attended. Mrs Dawes, who
was one of the earliest settlers on this
field leaves a husband and five children
to mourn their loss.
TO-DAY. (1899, July 10). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
DICKSON.—At Ravenswood, on the
18th of December, 1902, James Ramsay Dickson, of pneumonia, aged
36 years, brother-in-law of Mrs.
Withnall, of this town.
Deeply regretted.
Family Notices (1902, December 23). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
The Commissioner of Police has received a telegram from Townsville, stating
that a miner named Denis O'Dwyer was
found dead in a bedroom of the New
Ravenswood hotel on Monday. Death is
supposed to have been due to heart
disease. A post-mortem was held, but
there are no suspicious circumstances.
Found Dead. (1907, February 6). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 2. TROVE
(From a Correspondent)
In connection , with yesterday's
tragedy, it appears that Patrick Finnan, who lives about s mile from town,
left his home at 11 o'clock on Thursday
morning, and transacted some business
in town, leaving his wife and child and
his brother-in-law at home.
Mrs. Finnan went for a walk up the
creek, taking the child.
About 11- o'clock her brother heard
a gun shot, but took no notice of it,
however, and when Mr. Finnan came
home at mid-day, and there was no
sign of hie wife coming back, they
went to look for her, and about half
a mile up the creek found her body and
that of the child. She was lying on
her back with a double-barrelled breech
loader between her knees, also a forked
stick, which she had evidently used
to push the trigger. The shot entered behind her ear, and blew off the
back of her skull. The child was also
shot in the same place. Death must
lave been instantaneous in both cases.
For the past week, the unfortunate
woman appeared rather strange in her
manner, she had been under Dr.
Bacot's treatment for some time.
The gun she used was one belonging
to her husband. It appear no one saw
her take it. No reason can be assigned for the rash deed. Mrs. Finnan
was quite a young woman, and had
been married only a short time. They
had only the one child, about 11 months
old. Her two brothers lived with them.
THE RAVENSWOOD TRAGEDY. (1904, December 3). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
James married Elizabeth HURLEY 11th September 1973
Elizabeth was born 11th May 1855 in Bath, Somerset, England. Elizabeth died 26th December 1924 in Townsville and her parents were Thomas HURLEY and Charlotte EARLE.
Mr. James Forno, after a lingering
illness, passed away at his residence
Deighton-street Ravenswood on Monday last. The deceased was 60 years
of age, and a native of Genoa, Italy.
He came to Ravenswood in the sixties
and made the trip to Charters Towers with Warden Charters, when the
buildings on the Towers consisted of
three tents.
Ladies' Page. (1905, January 16). The North Queensland Register (Townsville, Qld. : 1892 - 1905), p. 49. TROVE
On Thursday morning, Mr.
Robert Cairns Anderson died
at his residence, 263 Lake-
street, Cairns, at the age of
The deceased was born in
Cairns and was a son of one
of the early pioneers of this
city. He received his education in Cairns, and after leaving school joined the Post
Office staff and was stationed
in various towns in Queensland.
In 1908 he married Miss
Hilda Franzmann, of Ravenswood, in Cairns. In 1912 he
left the Post Office staff and
joined the Railway Department as a telegraphist, which
position he left in 1914 when
he joined the first A.I.F. and
served with the 9th Battalion
in France, where he was
wounded and returned to Australia in 1917. After a period
of convalescence he rejoined
the Railway Department until
his retirement in 1945.
Since 1927 he resided at 263
Lake-street. The last few
years of his life were spent in
indifferent health.
The deceased is survived by
his widow, three daughters,
Mrs. L. G. Townson, of Gordonvale. Mrs. J. Martin, of
Redlynch, and Mrs. W. L.
Courtney, of Enmore Estate,
six sons, Messrs. T. Anderson,
Enmore Estate, R. H. Anderson, Gordonvale, E. Anderson,
Gordonvale, A. Anderson,
West Cairns, C. A. Anderson,
Cairns, and S. Anderson, Edge
Hill, and also 21 grandchildren.
The funeral moved from St.
John's Church of England,
Lake-street, Cairns, at 5
o'clock yesterday afternoon,
Rev. T. Firth officiating in the
church and at the graveside.
OBITUARY (1954, January 22). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 5. TROVE
GRIFFITHS. —On the 10th December,
at her residence, Eyre Street, North
Ward, Rebecca A. Griffiths, dearly
beloved mother and mother-in-law
of Mrs. M. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Gabbe, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bountiff, Mr.
J. Griffiths and Mr. W. Griffiths. Interred at Ravenswood.
Family Notices (1921, December 12). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
GRIGG.— At Ravenswood, on October
10th, Thomas Henry Grigg, dearly
beloved husband of Hatty Grigg,
and father of Valma and Dorothy.
Age 52 years. (Ravenswood).
Family Notices (1936, November 3). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE
Miner's phthisis was also blamed
by Constable Neill In evidence for
the death of Thomas Henry Grigg,
aged 51, a native of Bendigo, Victoria,
who died on October 10. Statements
were tendered by William Neil, Har-
riet Grigg, deceased's widow, and
Richard Wellington, miner.
RAVENSWOOD DEATHS (1936, October 31). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 3. TROVE
Thomas HANIFIN married Margaret DELANEY 14th June 1899
Margaret HANIFIN (nee DELANEY) died 24th June 1916 and her parents were William DELANEY and Johanna FITZGERALD
A cablegram was received in town
on Saturday (says the " Ravenswood
Mining Journal") from Mrs. John Hedlefs, informing her family that their
father had died the previous day in
Heidelberg, Germany. Mr. and Mrs.
Hedlefs left Ravenswood on April 20,
en route for Berlin. The late Mr. John
Hedlefs was a native of Hamburg and
with Mrs. Hedlefs came to Ravenswood
in 1870, where they have both resided
ever since. During his 35 years residence in this district, deceased who
was 61 years of age at the time of his
death, took up dairying and mining
pursuits, giving his attention to the
latter when the seasons were too bad
to carry on dairying. He leaves a
grown up family of eight children, the
youngest being 11 years of age, while
the eldest two are married. Generally
sympathy was felt locally with the
Hedlefs family when the news came
through intimating the death of their
father, and many of our fast diminishing band of old pioneers were truly
grieved at the thought of not again
seeing their old mate, who intended
being absent for six months, but, instead, remained to join the great and
silent majority in his native land.
PERSONAL. (1905, August 7). The North Queensland Register (Townsville, Qld. : 1892 - 1905), p. 74. TROVE
HERBERT.—On the 13th January, 1887, at the residence
of her son-in-law, Ravenswood, Mary Herbert,
wife of the late John Herbert, of Lay Farm,
Drayton, Blessed are the dead which die in the
Family Notices (1887, January 20). Toowoomba Chronicle and Darling Downs General Advertiser (Qld. : 1875 - 1902), p. 2. TROVE
HEYDEN.—On .January 25th, at her
residence, Augustina, mother of
Mrs. George Trehearn, Mrs. Dyson, of Egerah; Mrs. Morris, of
Sydney, and W. Heyden, of
Ravenswood. Deeply regretted.
Family Notices (1915, January 26). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
The death occurred at Ravenswoorl
recently of a well-known resident, Mr.
William Henry Holman, at the age of
61. The Iate Mr. Holman was a native
of Rockhampton, but he went to
Ravenswood when quite young, and
engaged in mining. He is survived
by his widow and family, and also by
two sisters. Mrs. B. Mayoh and Mrs.
E. Brldgeland, of Townsville. His
mother pre-deceased him two years
ago at Townsvlille at the age of 98.
PERSONAL. (1941, April 26). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
HOSFORD.— In loving memory of my
dear brother, John Hosford, who departed this life, August 25th, 1918.
Inserted by his sister, Mrs. M. Lewis.
Family Notices (1919, August 28). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
her husband John HUTCHINGS died 16th August 1969 in Clermont
HUTCHINGS.—At Brookville, Ravenswood, on Saturday morning, June
23, Mary Louisa, aged 35 years,
dearly beloved wife of John Hutchings and sisters to the Tuttle
family, and so well known in the
Ravenswood and Mt. Coolon Districts.
Family Notices (1923, June 29). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
HUTCHINGS, JOHN.—At Ravenswood
Hospital, on 9th June, 1904, aged
55 years, late of Charters Towers.
Family Notices (1904, June 11). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
HUTCHINGS.—In loving memory of
our dear father, John Hutchings,
who departed this life at Ravenswood, on June 9th, 1904, aged 56
years ; a very old resident of
Charters Towers.
A kind, loving father and a sincere
(Inserted by his daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Spurdle).
Family Notices (1905, June 9). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
KELLER.—On May 10th, 1901, at his
residence, Elliott Street, Ravenswood, Thos Anderson Keller, youngest son of the late Thos. Keller,
Barrister, Rathmines House, Rathmines, Dublin.
Family Notices (1901, May 15). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
KELLER.—At her son's home, Ravenswood, Tuesday, 12th December,
1922, Mrs. Margaret Keller, widow
of the late Thomas Keller, and
beloved mother of Herbert Henry
Keller, age 67 years.
At rest.
Family Notices (1922, December 15). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
KNALL—At his daughter's residence,
Charters Towers, Joseph George
Knall, who passed away on 26th.
June, 1932. Aged 78.
(Inserted by his loving daughters,
Mrs. R. Barrie, Mrs. G. Wheeler,
Mrs. R. Kann.)
R. I. P.
(Rockhampton Papers please copy.)
Family Notices (1932, August 6). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE
KNALL.—In loving memory of our
dear mother, who departed this
life December 24th, 1911, aged 44
We saw you suffer day by day,
It caused us bitter grief
To see you slowly pine away,
And could not get relief.
As long as life and memory lasts
We will remember thee.
(Inserted by her loving husband and
KNALL.—In sad and loving memory
of our dear mother, who departed
this life December 24th, 1911, aged
44 years.
We mourn for you, dear mother,
But not with outward show.
For those that mourn sincerely
Mourn silently and low.
We think we see her loving face,
Although one year has passed,
But in our memory still she lives,
And will until the last.
It we could have been there at the
hour of death,
Your last faint whisper we might have
And breathed in your ear a parting
(Inserted by her loving daughter,
Jane Knall).
KNALL.—In loving memory of my
loving sister, Blanca, who died at
Ravenswood, December 21st, 1911.
Dear sister, it is just one year to-day
That I kissed you a sad good-bye.
Others may forget you now,
But forget you I never shall.
(Inserted by her loving sister, Harriet Jane Downey).
Family Notices (1912, December 24). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
On Sunday at Ravenswood a young
man named Frederick Knight, aged 22
years, residing with his parents, was
drowned in a well situated about 60
yards from his residence. Deceased
suffered from, epileptic fits.
CHESS. (1898, November 9). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
KNIGHT.— At his daughter's residence, Ravenswood, on 19th October,
Frederick Knight. Aged 82 years.
Family Notices (1931, October 28). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE
JOSEPH LANE, a miner working at the John Bull
Block, Sandy Creek, near Ravenswood, died in the
Ravenswood Hospital on 4th instant, from the result
of injuries received while riding over a bridge towards
Ravenswood. His horse slipped with him and he
sustained concussion of the brain. He has a brother
up at Ravenswood.
PERSONALS (1887, August 27). Queensland Figaro and Punch (Brisbane, Qld. : 1885 - 1889), p. 19 (THE LADY SUPPLEMENT TO QUEENSLAND FIGARO). TROVE
On 4th August a fatal accident happened to
Joseph Lane, a miner working at the John Bull
Block, Sandy Creek (says the Ravenswood
Mining Journal). Lane was riding into town,
and when crossing the bridge near Mr Griffin's
house the horse slipped and Lane fell on his
head, which caused concussion of the brain,
from which he died shortly afterwards.
Deceased has left a wife and two children to
mourn their loss.
COUNTRY MAILS. (1887, August 16). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 7. TROVE
GULBERTI.—In loving memory of
our dear granddaughter Domenlca,
who departed this life April 7th,
1917, age 1 year 1 month.
Rest, dearest Domenica, sweetly rest;
They miss you most who love you
(Inserted by her loving grand-
mother, grandfather, John and M.
Livock, Ravenswood).
Family Notices (1918, April 8). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
LECK—LIVOCK.—On 7th January, at
St. Columba's Church, by the Rev.
Father Bannan, John Frederick,
eldest son of the late John F. and
Mrs. Leck, to Sarah Jane (Jennie),
second youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Livock, Ravenswood.
Family Notices (1917, January 24). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
LLOYD.—At Nurse McArdle'e Sturt-
street, Townsville, on February 21, to
Mr and Mrs A. F. Lloyd (Ravenswood)—a son.
Family Notices (1914, February 24). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
Ada Emma LLOYD married Eugene Vincent MONAHAN 25th August 1923 and she died 17th June 1980 in Brisbane and her parents were Ernest Henrich POSCHELK and Aletia BAARTZ.
Ada was born 19th October 1891
THE Relatives and Friends of Mr.
G. H. J. Lunn (Ravenswood), Mr. and
Mrs. W. Bourke and Family (Charters
Towers), Mr. and Mrs. H. Lunn and
Family (Chillagoe), Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Cox and Family (Ravenswood),
Mr. and Mrs. J. McClelland and Family (Ingham), Mr. and Mrs. L. Heuir
and Family (Ayr), Mr. and Mrs. J.
Lunn and Family (Ingham), Mr. G. C.
Lunn, Mr. C. A. Lunn, and Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Williams and Family
(Townsville), are respectfully invited
to attend the FUNERAL of his late
beloved Wife, and their Mother,
Mother-in-law, Grandmother. Sister,
Sister-in-law and Aunt, SUSAN LUNN,
which will move from her late residence Elphinstone Street, Ravenswood.
Family Notices (1937, October 26). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 6. TROVE
McCLELLAND.—In loving memory
of my dear wife, Margaret, who
departed this life at Charters
Towers 20th June, 1921. Interred
in the Ravenswood Cemetery.
Tired, ah, yes, but the struggle is o'er.
Now in love's sweet wonder she
stands elate,
Where the pangs of anguish are felt
no more,
An angel pure in her Father's estate.
(Inserted by her sorrowing husband, George McClelland, Ravenswood.)
McCLELLAND. — A tribute of our
everlasting love to the memory of
our dear mother, Margaret McClelland, who passed away on
June 20th, 1921.
Ever remembered by what she has
(Inserted by her loving daughters
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
Peek, Mrs. W, Hooper (Cambooya),
and Mrs. Clifford-Joncs (Ipswich).
McCLELLAND.—In loving memory of
our dear mother and grandmother,
Margaret McClelland, who passed
away at Charters Towers, June
20th, 1921.
(Inserted by her loving son and
grand-children, Joseph McClelland
and family, Kirk River.)
Family Notices (1922, June 20). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
Mrs. O'Connor, aged 60 years, died
rather suddenly at Ravenswood on
Sunday. Mrs. O'Connor, who had resided for many years in Ravenswood,
had not long returned from Ireland,
where she bad visited her mother, aged
THE NORTHERN MINER. (1909, April 29). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
Mr. J. Podosky.
North Queensland lost one of its
mining pioneers when Mr. Joe Podosk
died in Sydney on March 1. A telegraphist in the Franco-German war
the late Mr. Podosky who is a Pole
emigrated to Australia and was early
on the Cape River goldfield. Later at
the Ravenswood goldfield he started
a drapery business and interesting
himself largely in mining ventures
became wealthy in the heyday of the
Northern gold boom. He was on the
committee of the Ravenswood Jockey
Club and for many years owned and
raced horses in and around Chatters
Towers He did much by his courage
and optimism to advance mining and
settlement in the mineral belt of the
Townsville hinterland. For the last
few years the late Mr. Podosky who
was nearing his eighties had resided
in Sydney.
Mr. J. Podosky. (1932, March 5). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 15. TROVE
The Relatives and Friends of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Poschelk and family, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Poschelk and family
(Sellheim), Mr. and Mrs. J. Collings
and family (Ravenswood), Mr. and
Mrs. G. Cheyne and family (Townsville), Mr. and Mrs. E. Monahan and
family (Pomona) are respectfully invited to attend the FUNERAL, of
their late beloved FATHER and their
GRANDFATHER (Mr. Ernest Poschelk) which will leave St. Columba's
Church at 11.30 a.m. THIS DAY (Saturday, July 16, 1932.)
Family Notices (1932, July 16). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
POSCHELK.—In loving memory of our
dear mother, Otelia Poschelk, who
departed this life 11th July, 1915.
Twas hard to part with one so dear.
Twas little we thought your end so near
In manner so gentle and temper so kind.
Twas hard in this world your equals
to find.
(Inserted by her loving daughter and
son-in-law, Lena and Jack Collings.)
POSCHELK.—In loving memory of
our dear wife and mother, Otelia
Poschelk, who departed this life 11th
July, 1915.
A precious one from us is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home.
Which never can be filled.
(Inserted by her loving husband and
daughter, Ernest Poschelk and Edie
POSCHELK.—In loving memory of our
dear mother, who departed this life
on the 11th July, 1915.
Mother is gone, but not forgotten,
Nor is the good advice she gave,
Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger
Around our darling mother's grave.
(Inserted by E. and L. Poschelk.)
Family Notices (1916, July 11). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
Mr J. Weber, superintendent of the
local Ambulance Brigade, received a
telephonic communication from the
Charters Towers centre shortly after
midnight on Monday, requesting him
to convey the sad intelligence to Mrs
Pountney that her eldest son (Elon)
had been fatally injured in the No. 1
shaft of the Brilliant Extended mine
at that town (says the Ravenswood
'Mining Journal' of March 24). It appears that at about 11 o'clock on Monday night deceased was working in
the face at No. 7 level, when about a
ton of stone came down on him, fracturing the pelvis and inflicting severe
intestinal injuries. He was promptly
removed to the surface and the ambulance conveyed him to the Hospital,
but before that institution was reached
Pountney had breathed his last. Deceased was well known locally, and
the news of his death at the early age
of 25 years caused many expressions
of sympathy to be extended to his bereaved parent. A sad coincldence to
relate is the fact that deceased's
father, the late Elon Pountney, was
Interred 12 months ago yesterday. The
remains were brought over from
Charters Towers last night, and upon
arrival of the train were conveyed to
the residence of his mother in Elphinstone-rtreet.
The Bulletin. PUBLISHED DAILY. THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909. (1909, March 25). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
Richards.-In loving memory of
our dear Father, James Richards,
who departed this life January 9,
1927, also Mother, Emma Richards, who departed this life May
22, 1925.
Their voices keep gently whispering
Be loving, brave, and true,
At the end of the lane of shadows
We will be waiting for all of you.
(Inserted by their loving daughter
son-in-law, and grandchildren, M.
E. THORNE and W. J. Thorne and family,
Family Notices (1928, January 10). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
RICHARDS : At his residence, Elphinstone Creek, Ravenswood, on the 9th inst., James Richards,
age 77 years.
"Deepy Mourned."
Family Notices (1927, January 17). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
SCHATZEL—At the residence of
Mr. F. Frudenberg, Boundary-st.,
Mr. Peter Schatzel of Carse O'Gowrie Station, Ravenswood, after a
long illness, at the age of 77 years.
Family Notices (1918, April 23). The Evening Telegraph (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1901 - 1921), p. 2. TROVE
After a long and painful Illness
there passed away yesterday at the
ripe old age of 77 years, Mr Peter
Schatzel, of the Carse O'Gowrie Station, Ravenswood. where he resided
for 43 years. Deceased was a typical
pioneer, meeting his losses with sang
froid just as he did his gains. He
was highly esteemed by a large circle
of friends, who mourn his loss. He
leaves a son, Mr Philip Schatzel, who
has managed the station for some
time, and who unfortunately was called away home yesterday morning. The
funeral takes place at Ravenswood
this afternoon, arrangements being in
the hands of undertaker, Mr Herbert
PERSONAL. (1918, April 24). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
Mr. W. Francis Steen, a Ravenswood identity of 38 years standing,
died lust week. He was a member
of a party that tramped from his
native district in the United States
to California in 1848, and to the
day of his death bore marks of
wounds received from encounters
with Indians during the journey.
PERSONAL. (1906, July 19). Gympie Times and Mary River Mining Gazette (Qld. : 1868 - 1919), p. 3. TROVE
A Very old and respected resident
of the town, Mr. Claus. Suhr, passed
away at his son's residence, Elliott
Street, early on Sunday morning. Deceased retired to bed in his usual
health the night previous, but evidently got a bad turn in the
morning, for he was found dead in
his bed by his daughter-in-law, Mrs.
.C. Suhr, at about 1 o'clock. He apparently had not then long expired.
Deceased has reached the ripe age
of 75 years. Years ago he was the
owner of a considerable herd of cattle
and carried on a dairying business until he got too old for an active life.
He leaves two sons, Claus and John
Suhr, and two married daughters, Mrs.
J. Stuttard and Mrs. Jackson, and
a number of grandchildren, to mourn
their loss. The funeral which took
place on Monday, afternoon was largely attended.
RAVENSWOOD NOTES. (1913, June 4). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
HANCOCK— At Ravenswood, October
9th. 1927, Emma, beloved mother
ot Tom. Charley, John. George, Will,
Edwin and Rose Hancock and Mrs.
J. Dennis, aged 79 years.
At Rest.
Family Notices (1927, October 26). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. TROVE
Miss Eliza Williams, aged 81, died in the district hospital. About a week previously she was engaged ironing clothes with a petrol iron, which was not burning well. She took a bottle of spirits to pour some into the iron, with the result that the flame ignited the contents of the bottle, causing an explosion, which threw blazing spirits over her. Before the flames could be extinguished Mrs. Williams was badly burned on shoulders and back. She was then brought by train to the hospital.
COUNTRY NEWS. (1922, May 3). The Daily Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1903; 1916 - 1926), p. 11. TROVE
Mrs. Wise, of Ravenswood, spent a
few days here last week, returning
home on Monday last. Her niece,
Miss V. Blucher, is spending a few
days in Ravenswood with her, returning
home next Saturday.
SOCIAL ITEMS. (1907, January 25). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE
WRIGGLES—JACKSON. At the residence of
the bride's parents, on September 3, by
the Rev. Canon Edwards, Albert
Wriggles (Station Master), Ravenswood,
to Eliza Ann (Cissy) , eldest daughter of
Mr J. Jackson (Ironmonger), Gill-st.
Family Notices (1891, September 10). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 3. TROVE
WRIGGLES.—On the 14th January, at
the residence of Mrs Robb, Charters
Towers, the wife of A. Wriggles,
Winton, of a daughter.
Family Notices (1900, January 17). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved May 27, 2024, from TROVE
WRIGGLES.—The Funeral of the late
ALBERT WRIGGLES, retired Station
Master, will leave his late Residence,
5th Avenue, Kedron, Brisbane, THIS
o'clock, for the Lutwyche Cemetery.
Family Notices (1936, May 9). Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 1 (DAILY.). Retrieved May 27, 2024, from TROVE