REICH, John Henry

Birth Name REICH, John Henry
Gender male


John married Jessie Mary HOWITT Saturday, 22 October 1938 and both Jessie and her mother, Mary Jane HOWITT (nee GRANT) are buried in South Brisbane Cemetery


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 7 April 1910 Queensland, Australia    

Relation to the centre person (DAVIS, Gregory John) : second cousin once removed (up)


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father REICH, John Alexander1 September 187923 March 1911
Mother BEAUMONT, Helen Elizabeth24 January 187922 February 1956
    Sister     REICH, Thelma Katie 23 November 1906
         REICH, John Henry 7 April 1910
Stepfather PAGE, John187417 August 1936
Mother BEAUMONT, Helen Elizabeth24 January 187922 February 1956


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 8157