
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

A (1860)  on Roma 1884
Ada (1866)  on Ophelia 1875
Baby (1898)  on Duke of Argyle 1898
E (1860)  on Duke of Buckingham 1883
George E (1837)  on Ophelia 1875
George (1865)  on Ophelia 1875
Henry (1856)  on Zoroaster 1874
James (1859)  on Scotish Hero 1879
John (1857)  on Duke of Argyle 1885
John (1884)  on Duke of Argyle 1885
Maria (1869)  on Dorunda 1884
Mary A (1885)  on Duke of Argyle 1885
Mary (1837)  on Ophelia 1875
Mr ()  on Duke of Argyle 1898
Mrs ()  on Duke of Argyle 1898
Mrs ()  on Lock Fleet 1896
Rachel (1858)  on Duke of Argyle 1885
Robert H (1866)  on Tara 1890
Robert (1851)  on Hampshire 1883