[[33406]] HEISER, Esther Augusta, parents Zalig HEISER and Louisa CARTER

Esther married Herbert GREEN in 1922 in NSW

Look for Esther in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

13 - Sep - 2013

[[33407]] HEISER, Florence Sarah, parents Zalig HEISER and Louisa CARTER

Florence married Stanley HANKIN in Wednesday, 10 September 1919

You can see Florence in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

16 - Jun - 2013

[[33408]] HEISER, Jestyn Clarence, parents Zalig HEISER and Louisa CARTER

Look for Jestyn in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

10 - Oct - 2015

[[33409]] HEISER, Percible George, parents Zalig HEISER and Louisa CARTER

Percible married Evelyn Gladys Jessie WILTON Saturday, 25 June 1927,  NSW

WILTON Sarah, - June 10, 1947 at her residence, 424 Unwin's Bridge Road, Tempe, beloved mother of Beatrice (Mrs. N. McDonald) Jessie (Mrs. P. Heiser) and Molly (Mrs K. Hare).

Family Notices. (1947, June 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 26. Link to TROVE

You will find Percible in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

13 - Sep - 2013

[[33410]] HEISER, Rosetta Louisa, parents Zalig HEISER and Louisa CARTER

You will find Rosetta in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

10 - Oct - 2015

[[33411]] HEISER, Ruth Caroline, parents Zalig HEISER and Louisa CARTER

Ruth married Matthew McLURE Friday, 22 November 1930

You will find Ruth in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

10 - Oct - 2015

[[33412]] CAMERON, Margaret, parents Duncan CAMERON & unknown
FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Messrs. HERBERT and CLIFFORD STUBBS, and the Misses BESSIE, WINNIFRED, BERTHA, BEATRICE, and MARGARET STUBBS are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Mother, to move from her late residence, Knewhall, Railway-terrace, Wooloowin, THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for the Lutwyche Cemetery.

Family Notices (1904, October 24). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), , p. 4. Link to TROVE

08 - Sep - 2016

[[33413]] STUBBS, Beatrice, parents John STUBBS and Margaret CAMERON

25 - May - 2010

[[33414]] STUBBS, Bessie Gertrude, parents John STUBBS and Margaret CAMERON

08 - Jun - 2016

[[33415]] STUBBS, Herbert Edgar, parents John STUBBS and Margaret CAMERON

25 - May - 2010

[[33416]] STUBBS, Clifford Cameron, parents John STUBBS and Margaret CAMERON
STUBBS.— Relatives and Friends of Mr. & Mrs. S. B. Heiser, Dr. & Mrs. Clif. TucKer, Miss B. Stubbs (Scarborough), and Misses Margaret and Bessie Stubbs (Melbourne), are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Brother and Brother-in-law, Clifford Cameron Stubbs, of Laurel Avenue. Chelmer, to leave the Funeral Chapel, 17 Peel St., South Brisbane, This (Wednesday) Morning, at 11 o'c'ock. for the Mt. Thompson Crematorium, service at 10.45.

Family Notices (1946, December 18). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), , p. 12. Link to TROVE

08 - Sep - 2016

[[33417]] STUBBS, Edith Beatrice, parents John STUBBS and Margaret CAMERON

25 - May - 2010

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[33418]] STUBBS, Walburg Winifred, parents John STUBBS and Margaret CAMERON

08 - Jun - 2016

[[33419]] STUBBS, Margaret, parents John STUBBS and Margaret CAMERON

08 - Jun - 2016

[[33420]] HEISER, Bertha Baron, parents Solomon HEISER and Bertha STUBBS

Surname at death was SWEETING.

You will find Bertha in these descendent charts
Solomon HEISER

16 - Jun - 2013

[[33421]] NEVILLE, Joseph-Eric Lambert

You can see Joseph-Eric in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

13 - Apr - 2011

[[33422]] HEISER, Lindsay Cameron, parents Solomon HEISER and Bertha STUBBS

You can see Lindsay in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

16 - Jun - 2013

[[33423]] WOODROW, Mary Arthur

You will find Mary in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

25 - May - 2010

[[33424]] HEISER, Allan, parents Solomon HEISER and Bertha STUBBS

You will find Allan in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

02 - Oct - 2011

[[33425]] IVES, William George, parents William IVES and Mary McKENNA

You will find William in these descendent charts
Solomon HEISER
William IVES

25 - May - 2010

[[33426]] IVES, Rosetta, parents William IVES and Hannah HEISER

Look for Rosetta in these descendent charts
Solomon HEISER
William IVES

25 - May - 2010

[[33427]] IVES, William George, parents William George IVES & Harriett unknown

Ives-The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ives, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wixted, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ives, and Families are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Father, Father-in-law, and Grandfather, William George Ives, to move from the Funeral Parlour, Stanley Street, South Brisbane, This (Saturday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock to the Toowong Cemetery.

FOLEY CREMIN, PTY. LTD. Undertakers. Telephones J3701 and B9693

Ives. - Court Wellington, A. O. F. -Officers and Members of the above Lodge are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Brother William George Ives, to move from the Funeral Parlour, Stanley Street, South Brisbane, This (Saturday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock to the Toowong Cemetery,    
By Order of the Secretary.

The Brisbane Courier     Saturday, 28 January 1933

Click on William IVES to see his descendent tree

20 - Apr - 2011

[[33428]] McKENNA, Mary, parents John McKENNA & unknown

Ives-The Friends of Mr. William George Ives, senior, of Sandgate, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ives and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ives and family, Mrs. F. B. McAullife, and Mrs. McGuckins are re- spectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his dearly beloved Wife, and their Mother, Mother-in-law, and Grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ives, to move from the residence of her Son, Mr. A. J. Ives, Phipps-street, East Brisbane, This (Wednesday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock to the Toowong Cemetery.

FOLEY CREMIN, LTD. Undertakers, Telephone, J3701

The Brisbane Courier     Wednesday, 5 February 1930

IVES.-In loving memory of our dear mother and mother-in-law, Mary Ives, who departed this life February 4, 1930. Inserted by her loving son and daughter-in-law,. William and A. Ives.


The Brisbane Courier     Wednesday, 4 February 1931

You will find Mary in this descendent chart
William IVES

15 - Jun - 2011

[[33429]] IVES, Margaret Mary, parents William IVES and Mary McKENNA

You will find Margaret in this descendent chart
William IVES

25 - May - 2010

[[33430]] IVES, Andrew Joseph, parents William IVES and Mary McKENNA

Look for Andrew in this descendent chart
William IVES

20 - Apr - 2011

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[33431]] IVES, Florence Bridget, parents William IVES and Mary McKENNA

You can see Florence in this descendent chart
William IVES

21 - Aug - 2011

[[33432]] IVES, Arthur John, parents William IVES and Mary McKENNA

You will find Arthur in this descendent chart
William IVES

20 - Apr - 2011

[[33433]] SHIRLEY, Sarah Elizabeth

You will find Sarah in this descendent chart
William IVES

20 - Apr - 2011

[[33434]] IVES, Caroline Margaret, parents Andrew IVES and Sarah SHIRLEY

You will find Caroline in this descendent chart
William IVES

25 - May - 2010

[[33435]] IVES, Olivena Hilda, parents Andrew IVES and Sarah SHIRLEY

Look for Olivena in this descendent chart
William IVES

25 - May - 2010

[[33436]] HINTON, Ethel Maud, parents Thomas HINTON and Esther COLLINS

Look for Ethel in this descendent chart
William IVES

20 - Apr - 2011

[[33437]] IVES, Arthur John, parents Arthur IVES and Ethel HINTON

You can see Arthur in this descendent chart
William IVES

25 - May - 2010

[[33438]] IVES, James Patrick, parents Arthur IVES and Ethel HINTON

You will find James in this descendent chart
William IVES

25 - May - 2010

[[33439]] IVES, William Joseph, parents Arthur IVES and Ethel HINTON

Look for William in this descendent chart
William IVES

25 - May - 2010

[[33440]] HINTON, Thomas Francis, father unknown and unknown mother
HINTON - The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ives, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Hinton (Mackay), Mr. and Mrs. L. Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Carter, Mr. C. Hinton, Rockhampton, and Families, are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Father, Father-in-law, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather, Thomas Francis Hinton, of Phipps Street, East Brisbane, to leave the Funeral Parlour, 45 Adelaide Street, City, This (Monday) Afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices. (1940, July 1). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 14. Link to TROVE

Look for Thomas in this descendent chart
William IVES

06 - Nov - 2012

[[33441]] COLLINS, Esther Mary, parents Richard COLLINS & Esther Mary HYDE

You will find Esther in this descendent chart
William IVES

03 - Oct - 2012

[[33442]] HINTON, Jack, parents Thomas HINTON and Esther COLLINS

25 - May - 2010

[[33443]] HINTON, Elsie May, parents Thomas HINTON and Esther COLLINS

25 - May - 2010

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to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[33444]] HINTON, George Harry, parents Thomas HINTON and Esther COLLINS

25 - May - 2010

[[33445]] HINTON, Harold Victor, parents Thomas HINTON and Esther COLLINS

25 - May - 2010

[[33446]] HINTON, Leonard, parents Thomas HINTON and Esther COLLINS

25 - May - 2010

[[33447]] HINTON, Theodore Clifford, parents Thomas HINTON and Esther COLLINS

25 - May - 2010

[[33448]] LAZARUS, Isaac

Look for Isaac in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

25 - May - 2010

[[33449]] LAZARUS, Louis Samuel, parents Isaac LAZARUS and Katherine HEISER

You will find Louis in this descendent chart
Solomon HEISER

25 - May - 2010

[[33450]] DUCKETT, Hazekiah, parents William DUCKETT & Sarah

One researcher tells me that Hezekiah`s parents were William DUCKETT and Eleanor JEROME

08 - Mar - 2016

[[33451]] CHILD, Mary, parents Robert CHILD & Mary unknown

07 - Mar - 2016

[[33452]] DUCKETT, Annie, parents Hazekiah DUCKETT and Mary CHILD

25 - May - 2010

[[33453]] HALPIN, Thomas William, parents Thomas HALPIN and Ada DUCKETT

25 - May - 2010

[[33454]] HALPIN, Margaret Mary, parents Thomas HALPIN and Ada DUCKETT

25 - May - 2010

[[33455]] HALPIN, Anna Eliza, parents Thomas HALPIN and Ada DUCKETT

25 - May - 2010

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