HENDLE, Charles Joseph

Birth Name HENDLE, Charles Joseph
Call Name Joe
Gender male
Age at Death 58 years, 6 months, 18 days



The death occurred yesterday morning of Charles Joseph (Joe) Hendle, butcher, employed at Giffin's butcheries. Deceased, who was 54 years of age, and was a Queenslander by birth, had been in this district for very many years, and was particularly well known in the Mareeba area. Besides a wife he leaves three sons, Messrs. W. and C. Hendle, of Mareeba, Mr. A. Hendle, of Brisbane, three daughters, Miss Elsie Hendle, Mrs. Charles Tilse, and Mrs. A. Lane, of Mareeba. The funeral took place from St Johns Church yesterday afternoon. There very many relatives and friends present. Rev. Maloney officiated at the church and graveside.

OBITUARY. CHARLES JOSEPH HENDLE. (1941, September 11). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954) , p. 3. TROVE


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 21 February 1883 Queensland, Australia    
Death 10 September 1941 Queensland, Australia    
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On Wednesday morning the death occurred of Charles Joseph Hendle, a butcher employed by Griffins Butcheries.
He was 54 years of age, and had resided in this district for many years. He is survived by a wife, three sons, W. and C. Hendle, of Mareeba, and Mr. A. Hendle, Brisbane, and three daughters, Miss Elsie Hendle. Mrs. C. Tilse, and Mrs. A. Lane, of Mareeba.

CAIRNS NOTES. (1941, September 16). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 2. TROVE

Occupation     butcher  

Relation to the centre person (DAVIS, Gregory John) : first cousin twice removed (up)


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father HENDLE, William James17 July 185228 February 1939
Mother HEIRDSFIELD, Lucy3 January 18577 July 1922
    Sister     HENDLE, Ida 23 July 1880
    Brother     HENDLE, William Edward Ernest 2 June 1878 25 May 1952
    Sister     HENDLE, Esther Maude 30 June 1881 28 February 1939
         HENDLE, Charles Joseph 21 February 1883 10 September 1941
    Brother     HENDLE, Albert Edward 29 January 1885 18 June 1943
    Sister     HENDLE, Emma May 30 September 1886 15 June 1965
    Brother     HENDLE, George Frederick 8 September 1888 19 April 1890


Family of HENDLE, Charles Joseph and BAILEY, Mary Isabel

Married Wife BAILEY, Mary Isabel ( * 10 February 1890 + 17 October 1939 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1 February 1911 Queensland, Australia    
Name Birth Date Death Date
HENDLE, Mavis Isabel28 November 191111 March 1948
HENDLE, Marion Lucy22 February 191411 March 1948
HENDLE, Charles Joseph George21 June 1916
HENDLE, William12 September 1918
HENDLE, Albert1920
HENDLE, Elsie Jean21 August 1925


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REFN 2901