SHEPHERD, Emily Louisa

Birth Name SHEPHERD, Emily Louisa
Gender female

Relation to the centre person (DAVIS, Gregory John) : first cousin twice removed (up)


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father SHEPHERD, Edward Harper184427 April 1918
Mother HENDLE, Lucy Jane18 August 18444 August 1924
    Brother     SHEPHERD, Albert
    Sister     SHEPHERD, Hilda Pearl
    Sister     SHEPHERD, Sophia Jane
    Sister     SHEPHERD, Fanny
    Sister     SHEPHERD, Alvina
    Sister     SHEPHERD, Ethel May
    Sister     SHEPHERD, Esther Ann
    Sister     SHEPHERD, Elizabeth Fanny
         SHEPHERD, Emily Louisa
    Brother     SHEPHERD, William Edwin


Family of ATKINS, Albert and SHEPHERD, Emily Louisa

Married Husband ATKINS, Albert ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
ATKINS, Albert C
ATKINS, Lionel Victor
ATKINS, Clarence Havelock
ATKINS, Linda Maude189112 August 1968


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 4764