[[34965]] PILLINGER, Alfred, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

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11 - Aug - 2012

[[34966]] PILLINGER, Alfred Stanley, parents Alfred PILLINGER and Amelia PRYKE

PILLINGER grave in Toowoomba

courtesy of Toowoomba Regional Council Saturday, 29 October 2016

Pillinger Family's Loss.

The death occurred on Saturday afternoon at a private hospital, says the 'Darling Downs Gazette' of the 13th inst., of Master Alfred Pillinger, aged 15, who was a pupil of the Toowoomba Grammar School. Deceased, whose parents reside at Atherton, North Queensland, had only been ailing for a short time, and his demise created genuine sympathy among his fellow pupils at the Grammar School and the Head teacher, Mr. G. P. Barbour, and the teaching staff. The late Master Pillinger was a bright lad in every respect. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thorburn, Glenvale, friends of Mr. and Mrs. Pillinger. A graceful tribute was paid deceased by the pupils and teaching staff, all of whom met the cortege at the cemetery gates, and marched in front of the hearse to the grave. The burial service was conducted by the Rev. J. Robertson.

Pillinger Family's Loss. (1919, October 29). The Northern Herald (Cairns, Qld. : 1913 - 1939), p. 5. Link to TROVE

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24 - Apr - 2017

[[34967]] PILLINGER, Hazel Amelia, parents Alfred PILLINGER and Amelia PRYKE

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06 - Nov - 2010

[[34968]] PILLINGER, Phillis Ivy, parents Alfred PILLINGER and Amelia PRYKE

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29 - Oct - 2016

[[34969]] PILLINGER, Muriel Mary Cecilia, parents Alfred PILLINGER and Amelia PRYKE

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06 - Nov - 2010

[[34970]] PILLINGER, William, parents John PILLINGER & Sarah STEPHENS

At some time after 8.00 pm on the 30th September 1881 William Pillinger was murdered on his way home from carting a load of shingles drawn by a two horse dray. His body was not discovered until the next morning by his son John Pillinger. The court case which ensued is reported in minute detail from Tuesday 4th October 1881 in "The Brisbane Courier" through 22 October 1881 in the Brisbane City Police Court. The jury could not reach a verdict. The accused Michael John Minnis 25 years was a School Teacher in the employ of the Pillingers.
The matter went next to the Supreme Court again before his honour Mr Justice Harding from Tuesday 22nd November 1881 with considerable deliberation through Thursday 9th Mar 1882 until the new jury found Minnis guilty not of murder, but of manslaughter and sentenced him to penal servitude for the remainder of his natural life.
The full blow by blow dealings reported on are very revealing, and at times some of the evidence is graphic and other evidence is morally challenging to accept in one's ancestors. The detail gives some insight into the daily lives of our ancestors.
The reports were obtained online from the National library of Australia, The Brisbane Courier( Qld: 1864-1933) from Tuesday 4 October. If you enter "The Broadwater Murder" or "Murder Tingalpa" on your search engine the details will emerge in this interesting case. Not recommended for children or the faint hearted.
Steve Mallet GGGrandson of William Pillinger and GGrandson of Peter English

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06 - Nov - 2010

[[34971]] FAWKES, Elizabeth Bessie, parents Joseph FAWKES & Julia BROAD

Elizabeth and her daughter Emily both married on the same day and given the index numbers, probably in the same place.

FUNERAL NOTICE. - The Friends of Mrs. MAIDMENT, and Mrs PETER ENGLISH, and Mrs. J. EVANS, and Messrs. WILLIAM H., JOHN E., ALFRED, and GEORGE PILLINGER are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their deceased Mother, Mrs. J. Maidment, sen., to move from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. Evans, Logan-road, Mount GRAVATT, THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for the South Brisbane Cemetery.

Family Notices. (1903, October 9). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

16 Jan 1873 - Vessel 'Royal Dane'. Elizabeth Pillinger aged 45 with - Alfred aged 4, Elizabeth aged 13, Emily aged 6, George aged 1, John aged 10, Julia aged 8, Mary Ann aged 16.

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11 - Apr - 2014

[[34972]] PILLINGER, Elizabeth Lizzie, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

06 - Nov - 2010

[[34973]] PILLINGER, William, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES
Pillinger. - Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pillinger, Jun., and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Pillinger and Families are invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Father, Father-ln-lavv, and Grandfather, William Henry Pillinger, sen., to move from his late residence, 28 Carl-street. Thompson Estate, This (Thursday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, to the South Brisbane Cemetery.

Pillinger. - Friends of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Pillinger and Mr. and Mrs. A, pillinger and Families are Invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Brother, Brother-ln-law, and Uncle, William Henry Pillinger, sen., to move from his late residence, 28 Carl-street, Thompson Estate, This (Thursday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, to the South Brisbane Cemetery.

Pillinger. - Southern Cross Lodge, G.U.O.O.F, - Officers and Members of the above Lodge are invited to attend the Funeral of Bro. William Henry Pillinger, to move from his late residence. 28 Carl-street. Thompson Estate. This (Thursday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, to the South Brisbane Cemetery.

Family Notices (1930, August 14). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 14. Link to TROVE

02 - Dec - 2016

[[34974]] PILLINGER, Emily Crewe, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

Emily and her mother both married on the same day and given the index numbers, probably in the same place.

EVANS. — The Relatives and Friends of Messrs. John and Alfred Pillinger are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Sister, Mrs. Emily Crewe Evans, to leave her late residence, corner of Waragil Rd. and Ipswich-Cleveland Roads, Eight Mile Plains, This (Wednesday) Morning, at 10.45 o'clock, for the Mt. Gravatt Cemetery.

Family Notices (1941, August 6). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 12. Link to TROVE

24 - Apr - 2017

[[34975]] PILLINGER, George Henry, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

29 - Oct - 2016

[[34976]] PILLINGER, John Edward, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

11 - Aug - 2012

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[34977]] PILLINGER, Julia Ann, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

06 - Nov - 2010

[[34978]] PILLINGER, Joseph Charles, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

06 - Nov - 2010

[[34979]] PILLINGER, Sarah Ann, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES
A little girl, aged twelve months, a daughter of Mr. William Pillinger, of Creek View Hill, Tingalpa, near Brisbane, was accidentally drowned on the 27th ultimo, by falling into a well. The child was playing about, while the father and mother were engaged in their usual avocations, and after a time they missed it. A search was made, and they eventually found it in the well, where it could not have been more than five or ten minutes, but when taken out life was extinct.

Facts and Scraps. (1877, January 1). Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld. : 1871 - 1878), p. 3. Link to TROVE

02 - Dec - 2016

[[34980]] PILLINGER, Sarah Lydia, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

06 - Nov - 2010

[[34981]] PILLINGER, Mary Ann Ellen, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

29 - Oct - 2016

[[34982]] PILLINGER, Charles, parents William PILLINGER and Elizabeth FAWKES

06 - Nov - 2010

[[34983]] EVANS, John, parents Henry EVANS & Susan SHEPHERD[*34974*]

08 - Apr - 2017

[[34984]] MAIDMENT, Fanny Louisa, parents James MAIDMENT and Mary PILLINGER

07 - Nov - 2010

[[34985]] MAIDMENT, Thomas, parents James MAIDMENT and Mary PILLINGER
An accident occurred yesterday afternoon at Kelvin Grove, by which a little boy named Thomas Maidment, about five years of age, lost his life. The little fellow had been absent from the house for some time, when his parents became alarmed and made a search which resulted in the discovery of his hat in a water-hole close by. On a further search being made his body was also found in the hole. A doctor was immediately sent for, but his services were of no avail, as life was found to be extinct.

FATAL ACCIDENT. (1881, December 3). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 4. Link to TROVE

02 - Dec - 2016

[[34986]] MAIDMENT, Violet Emily, parents James MAIDMENT and Mary PILLINGER

07 - Nov - 2010

[[34987]] MAIDMENT, George Henry, parents James MAIDMENT and Mary PILLINGER

07 - Nov - 2010

[[34988]] MAIDMENT, Israll, parents James MAIDMENT and Rhoda LOVE

25 - Mar - 2014

[[34989]] MAIDMENT, Grace, parents James MAIDMENT and Rhoda LOVE

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25 - Mar - 2012

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[34990]] MAIDMENT, Jane, parents James MAIDMENT and Rhoda LOVE
William's father was Thomas Gilbert who was born about 1811 in Abbotsley, Huntingdonshire, Englannd and died on the 18th July 1888 in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England.

William's mother was Anna Cunnington who was born on the 4th April 1815 in Keysoe, Bedfordshire, England and died before 1861 in England.

Thomas & Anna were married in St Botts, Aldgate, London, England on the 9th July 1832.

Trevor OWENS

31 - Aug - 2014

[[34991]] TRUNDLE, Charles Joseph, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Fanny ALDRED

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25 - Mar - 2012

[[34992]] GILBERT, William Dust Carrington, parents Thomas GILBERT & Annie CURRINGTON

25 - Mar - 2014

[[34993]] TRUNDLE, Elizabeth Grace, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Grace MAIDMENT

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07 - Nov - 2010

[[34994]] TRUNDLE, Joseph James, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Grace MAIDMENT
Mr. J. J. Trundle Dead :

Well Known Bank Official and Athlete

Mr. Joseph James Trundle, who was born in Brisbane almost 82 years ago, and who for 53 years was an officer in the Savings Banks — both State and Commonwealth in Brisbane, died in a private hospital last night after a short illness, He was a prominent athlete as a young man, and was one of the two founders of the Brisbane Gymnasium, the other being Mr. Tom Welsby.
Mr. Trundle was a son of the late Mr. Charles Joseph Trundle, the first Brisbane manager of the Union Insurance Company. He received his primary education at the old Normal State School and took out a scholarship at the Brisbane Grammar School, upon leaving which he entered the service of the old Queensland Government Bank. When that bank was handed over to the Commonwealth, the late Mr. Trundle was transferred to that service and retired upon reaching the age limit, since which he has lived at Clayfield.
The late Mr. Trundle also was an outstanding chess player, and took part in many inter-State tournaments. He was a foundation member of the School of Arts, the Queensland Rowing Association, the Queensland Chess Association, the Queensland Historical Society, and the Brisbane Musical Union.
Mrs. Trundle, who was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Robert Miller, Police Magistrate at Goondiwindi, died in 1930. There survive one daughter—Mrs. D. Eldershaw and five sons— Messrs. J. R. (manager of the Bank of Australasia, Bendigo, E. M. (Messrs. Trundle, Foulkes, and Co., fire assessors. London), C. E. (secretary of the Warwick Hospital Board), V. C. (who recently retired front the service, of the Rank of New South Wales), and A. M., who is farming in the Conroy district. There also are 15 grandchildren. Miss M. E. Trundle, a sister, also Is still living.

Mr. J. J. Trundle Dead: Well Known Bank Official and Athlete (1939, April 28). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 3 (SECOND EDITION). Link to TROVE

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24 - Apr - 2017

[[34995]] TRUNDLE, George Buckley, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Grace MAIDMENT

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07 - Nov - 2010

[[34996]] TRUNDLE, Mary Edith, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Grace MAIDMENT

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07 - Nov - 2010

[[34997]] TRUNDLE, Louisa Susan, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Grace MAIDMENT

TRUNDLE.-On the 26th January at her residence, Boundary-street, Brisbane Mrs. Charles J. Trundle, of a daughter.

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07 - Nov - 2010

[[34998]] TRUNDLE, Annie Pugh, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Grace MAIDMENT

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07 - Nov - 2010

[[34999]] TRUNDLE, Grace Rhoda, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Grace MAIDMENT

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07 - Nov - 2010

[[35000]] VINCENT, Dorothy, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

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07 - Nov - 2010

[[35001]] TRUNDLE, Frederick, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Fanny ALDRED

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25 - Mar - 2012

[[35002]] TRUNDLE, Aldred, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Fanny ALDRED

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Samuel JAMES
George SMITH

11 - Aug - 2011

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[35003]] TRUNDLE, John, parents Charles TRUNDLE and Fanny ALDRED

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Augustus RODE

11 - Aug - 2011

[[35004]] VINCENT, John Clarke, parents Robert VINCENT & Maria Sophia CLARKE

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07 - Nov - 2010

[[35005]] WOODYATT, Annie, parents William WOODYATT and Mary DAVIES

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07 - Nov - 2010

[[35006]] VINCENT, Albert Edward, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

07 - Nov - 2010

[[35007]] VINCENT, Herbert Woodyatt, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

07 - Nov - 2010

[[35008]] VINCENT, Edith Maria, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

07 - Nov - 2010

[[35009]] VINCENT, George Courtney Clarke, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

07 - Nov - 2010

[[35010]] VINCENT, Annie Bernice, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

07 - Nov - 2010

[[35011]] VINCENT, Stanhope Clarke, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

07 - Nov - 2010

[[35012]] VINCENT, Lucy Ivy, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

07 - Nov - 2010

[[35013]] VINCENT, Louis Victor, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

07 - Nov - 2010

[[35014]] VINCENT, Frederick Augustus, parents John VINCENT and Annie WOODYATT

07 - Nov - 2010

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