Karen ADAMS -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Henry DOBE and his family.
You can see Henry in this descendent chart
Michael DOBE
A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the scnool of arts, South Coolum, on Saturday, November 16, when Miss Patricia Ross, fourth
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross, was married to Mr. William Dobe, third son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dobe. The Rev. W. R. Cowan officiated. The bride, given away by her father, was frocked in white embossed satin, with the bodice richly smocked. The skirt was made with bustle effect and finished at the waist with satin streamers. A spray of frangipani fell from the waist to the hem of her skirt. A white toque trimmed with orange blossoms and a shoulder veil completed a very pretty toilette. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Beryl Ross, as bridesmaid, who wore a frock of blue voile, trimmed with a shoulder spray of carnations. She added a blue toque to tone. Mr. Harry Dobe (brother of the bridegroom) was best man. The reception was held on the school of arts verandah, which was nicely decorated with palms and flowers. Mrs. H. Ross (mother of the bride), in navy voile with accessories to tone, received the guests. Mrs. H. Dobe chose a frock of black georgette with accessories. Leaving for their home in Brisbane, the bride travelled in a blue floral coat and skirt with blue accessories. The bridegroom is a member of the A.I.F.
DOBE-ROSS WEDDING AT SOUTH COOLUM. (1940, November 29). Nambour Chronicle and North Coast Advertiser (Qld. : 1922 - 1954), p. 9. Link to TROVE
Karen ADAMS -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about William DOBE and his family.
You will find William in this descendent chart
Michael DOBE
Karen ADAMS -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Jean DOBE and her family.
Karen ADAMS -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Ellen Dorothy DOBE and her family.
Look for Ellen in this descendent chart
Michael DOBE
Karen ADAMS -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Robert DOBE and his family.
You can see Robert in this descendent chart
Michael DOBE
Mr E. Bacon, of the mechanical staff of the "Townsville Bulletin," whose marriage to Miss Edith Short was celebrated on Saturday, was presented on Saturday morning with a gold sovereign case containing sovereigns and inscribed "Presented by the staff of the 'North Queensland Register' and 'Townsville Bulletin' with name and date. Mr A. G. Penny, who made the presentation in the name of the donors, wished Mr Bacon and his bride all future happiness.
GOSSIP. (1915, January 19). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 6. Link to TROVE
Look for Edward in this descendent chart
SHORT. Mr Frederick, late No. 6.091 9th Battalion. 1st A.I.F. The Relatives & Friends of Mrs. B. D. Short & Family, of Mein St., City, are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved Husband, their Father, to leave the Parlour, 537 Stanley Street, at 2 o'clock, To-morrow (Friday), for the Lutwyche Cemetery.
Family Notices (1949, August 11). Brisbane Telegraph (Qld. : 1948 - 1954), p. 6 (CITY FINAL). Link to TROVE
SHORT, Frederick.In loving memory of my dear Husband, Father, and Grandfather.
Always remembered.
Family Notices (1950, August 10). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 18. Link to TROVE
SHORT, Frederick. In loving memory of my dear Husband, Father, Grandfather, who passed away August 10th, 1949.
His life was full of kindly deeds,
A helping hand to all in need.
But in our heart we miss him most.
Inserted by his loving Wife and Family.
Family Notices (1951, August 10). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 12. Link to TROVE
SHORT, Frederick. In loving memory of my dear Husband, Father, Grandfather, who passed away August 10th, 1949.
His life was full of kindly deeds.
A helping hand to all in need,
But in our hearts we miss him most.
Inserted by his loving Wife and Family.
Family Notices (1952, August 11). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 12. Link to TROVE
SHORT, Frederick. In loving memory of my dear Husband, Father, Grandfather. who passed away August 10th, 1949.
His life was full of kindly deeds,
A helping hand to all in need,
But in our hearts we miss him most.
Always remembered.
Inserted by his loving Wife and Family.
Family Notices (1953, August 10). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 16. Link to TROVE
Look for Frederick in this descendent chart
31 - Mar - 2017
[[45544]] SHORT, John William, parents William SHORT & Eliza REED
5-Jan-1912 Townsville, Qld.
8 interred -- West End Cemetery [6-1-12]
This ancestry researcher - MATTHEWJSHORT - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - SHORT/SCARBER FAMILY TREE (14-May-2013)
In the NSW BDM Index there is a marriage for Eliza E. SHORT to Andrew C. ANDERSEN in Balmain North in 1925
There is also a death of Eliza Ellen ANDERSEN in 1952 in Balmain, parents James and Mary
ANDERSEN. - The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. ELIZA E. ANDERSEN and FAMILY are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved HUSBAND and their FATHER, Andrew Christian Andersen; to leave his residence, 36 Ann-street, Balmain East, THIS FRIDAY, at 12.30 p.m., for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood.
Family Notices. (1925, October 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Link to TROVE
ANDERSEN - September 30, 1925, at his residence, 36 Ann-street, Balmain East, Andrew Christian, dearly loved husband of Eliza Ellen Andersen, aged 69 years.
Family Notices. (1925, October 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Link to TROVE
ANDERSEN -The private Cremation of the late ELIZA ELLEN ANDERSEN took place at Northern Suburbs Crematorium on Friday 11th January 1952.
Family Notices. (1952, January 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 40. Link to TROVE
This ancestry researcher - MATTHEWJSHORT - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - SHORT/SCARBER FAMILY TREE (14-May-2013)
Look for Eliza in this descendent chart
MURCHIE. At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Terrence Murray, on the 9th March, 1915, THOMAS MURCHIE, aged 79 years 10
Deeply Regretted.
The FRIENDS of the late Mr. THOMAS MURCHIE are respectfully invited to attend his FUNERAL, also the Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ivie Murchie, and Family, Brisbane, Mrs. Terrence Murray and Family, Mr. and Mrs. John Murchie and Family, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Murchie and Family, of their beloved Father, Father-in-law, and Grandfather respectively, which will move front the residence of his daughter, Mrs. T. Murray, Gavan-street, North Bundaberg, THIS DAY, at 2.30 p.m., for interment in the General Cemetery.
Family Notices (1915, March 11). The Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1892 - 1917), p. 2. Link to TROVE
A very old pioneer of the Bundaberg district, Mr. Thomas Murchie, of Waroo, died on Wednesday. He was almost 80 years of age. It is surmised that he was stricken with a paralytic seizure on Saturday in his milking yard, and was only discovered on Monday morning.
Personal (1915, March 13). Gympie Times and Mary River Mining Gazette (Qld. : 1868 - 1919), p. 5. Link to TROVE
This ancestry researcher - ANNEBURTON23 - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - MCCREADIE-MCCONNOCHIE (6-Nov-2012)
MURCHIE. At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Murray, Globe Hotel, North Bundaberg, on the 13th February, '08 Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Thomas Murchie aged 74 years 11 months.
Deeply regretted.
The Friends of Mr. Thomas Murchie and family are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved wife and mother, to move from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Murray, Globe Hotel, North Bundaberg, THIS DAY, at 3 p.m. for the General Cemetery.
Family Notices (1908, February 14). The Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1892 - 1917), p. 2. Link to TROVE
This ancestry researcher - ANNEBURTON23 - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - MCCREADIE-MCCONNOCHIE (6-Nov-2012)
You will find Elizabeth in this descendent chart
The death occurred, with tragic suddenness, at his residence, North Bundaberg, shortly before mid-night last evening. of one of Bundaberg's oldest and respected residents, in the person of Mr. John Murchie, foreman of Messrs. Wyper Bros. tin-smith's department. The deceased who was 58 years of age, was in his usual good state of health, when he :was seized with a sudden illness, and expired before medical aid could be obtained. Deceased was a keen bird fancier, and a member of the Poultry Club. He was also a crack rifle shot, being one of the Bundaberg's Rifle Club s most enthusiastic members. The sad news of his sudden demise will come as a shock to his numerous friends. A widow and adult family survive. The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon the arrangements being in the hands of Messrs. F. C. Brown and Co.
PERSONAL (1925, May 9). The Bundaberg Mail (Qld. : 1917 - 1925), p. 6. Link to TROVE