[[48231]] HORNEMAN, Thorwald Ole Holck, parents Charles HORNEMAN and Alice BARRON

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05 - May - 2013

[[48232]] HORNEMAN, Wynford Barron Frederick, parents Charles HORNEMAN and Alice BARRON

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05 - May - 2013

[[48233]] BRODIE, Agnes, parents Daniel BRODIE and Violet McINTYRE

This ancestry researcher - LMCFARLANEIS - provided some of the information about this person.
The name of their tree is - MCFARLANE FAMILY TREE (5-May-2013)

You will find Agnes in this descendent chart
Thomas DAVIS

05 - May - 2013

[[48234]] DAVIS, Thomas, parents Richard DAVIS and Agnes BRODIE

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Thomas DAVIS

05 - May - 2013

[[48235]] BRODIE, Daniel, parents John BRODIE & Agnes McFARLANE
On the 17th July, at Oxley, Mr. Daniel Brodie, of Ipswich, aged 39 years.

Family Notices (1874, August 11). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 5. Link to TROVE

This ancestry researcher - LMCFARLANEIS - provided some of the information about this person.
The name of their tree is - MCFARLANE FAMILY TREE (5-May-2013)

You will find Daniel in this descendent chart
Thomas DAVIS

27 - Sep - 2016

[[48236]] McINTYRE, Violet, parents Peter McINTYRE & Jean McFARLANE

Violet BRODIE (nee McINTYRE) in Greenmount Cemetery

courtesy of Toowoomba Regional Council

Downs residents will regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Violet Brodie, which took place at her residence, Greenmount, yesterday morning, after a short illness. Mrs. Brodie, who had reached the ripe old age of 76 years, was one of the pioneers of the Greenmouut district, where she conducted a general store with great success for many years. The deceased was of a most kindly disposition and she held the respect of every person in the district. To many she had proved a staunch friend in the hour of need. She leaves a grown-up family of four sons and three daughters. The sons are Messers. John, Peter, Daniel, and Malcolm Brodie and the daughters are Mrs. R. Davis, Mrs. A. H. Davis, and Mrs. J. C. Allen. Mrs. Brodie was a sister of Mr. D. M'lntyre, of Goombungee. Members of the family will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their loss. The funeral is announced to take place at 2 o'clock to-day.

PERSONAL (1911, September 11). Darling Downs Gazette (Qld. : 1881 - 1922), p. 5. Link to TROVE


There passed away recently Mrs. Daniel Brodie, one of the pioneer women who have helped to make the history of the State, and who was affectionately known as "The grand old lady of Greenmount". Mrs. Brodie came to Queensland in 1862 with her husband, the late Daniel Brodie, and settled in Ipswich, where, after 12 years, her husband was taken from her by a fall from his horse, and she was left in sorrow to mourn the loss of one of the kindest and best of husbands, with a young family of six and one unborn to battle alone. In all her sorrows at this time her faith and trust in her Divine Father was her strength and comfort. She was an unostentatious but staunch Presbyterian, with a great love for her Church. Through the kind influence of the late Mr. John Archibald, who was manager for T. and G. Harris, where her husband was foreman, the men of the firm gave her £100, which, along with the assistance of other friend in Ipswich, enabled her to keep her family together, and acting on the advice of her father (Mr. Peter McIntyre) and her single brothers, she went to Greenmount, and lived with them, leaving in sorrow her many kind friends in Ipswich. In after years she often said this was a greater grief than leaving her native heather hills. She stayed with her father and brothers on their farm until her youngest son was born, and until she had decided what to do to support her family. During her stay with them a hotel was built at Greenmount railway station, and the owner not finding it a profitable business sold the building to her. Here she started a general store. After paying for the building the only capital left to buy the stock was £40, and with this she cheerfully and with only one wish and prayer, that she would always have sufficient to keep her bairns together, make a start in her new life. In her home, where all was love and joy, Mrs. Brodie showed by example what a noble life can be lived. She was always ready with kind words and acts to brighten and cheer all who were in sorrow or trouble around her, helping many with more than words. The business had its worries in those early days, when markets were not anything like as stable as they are today, and there were no industries like dairying by which the farmers have a regular income coming to them. Yet with all the drawbacks the business prospered, and each year found it established on firmer foundation. As years went by it became more than she could manage. Her two youngest sons, Dan and Malcolm, took the business over and she went to Brisbane. All her family were married and she lived for seven years at Clayfield with her youngest daughter, Mrs. A. H. Davies, wife of "Steele Rudd". On their removal to Sydney she again returned to Greenmount, and built a home amongst her family, during which time she saw the old store replaced by a substantial brick building, and the place where her store was the only building was covered with houses, comprising a little township. After five years spent with the people she had helped and cheered by her hopeful nature she passed peacefully away with her seven children around her. Her sons are Messrs John, Peter, Dan, Malcolm Brodie, of Greenmount; her daughters, Mrs. R. Davis (Miles), Mrs. J. Allen (Greenmount), and Mrs. A. H. Davies (Nobby).

THE LATE MRS. DANIEL BRODIE. (1911, October 21). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 12. Link to TROVE

This ancestry researcher - LMCFARLANEIS - provided some of the information about this person.
The name of their tree is - MCFARLANE FAMILY TREE (5-May-2013)

You will find Violet in this descendent chart
Thomas DAVIS

27 - Sep - 2016

[[48237]] BRODIE, John Eason, parents Daniel BRODIE and Violet McINTYRE

John married Agnes GILMORE 27/3/1902

11 - Sep - 2016

[[48238]] BRODIE, Peter, parents Daniel BRODIE and Violet McINTYRE

05 - May - 2013

[[48239]] BRODIE, Violet Christina, parents Daniel BRODIE and Violet McINTYRE

You can see Violet in this descendent chart
Thomas DAVIS

02 - Aug - 2014

[[48240]] BRODIE, Daniel, parents Daniel BRODIE and Violet McINTYRE

05 - May - 2013

[[48241]] BRODIE, Malcolm Colin Joseph, parents Daniel BRODIE and Violet McINTYRE
On the 4th April, at Emu Creek, Darling Downs, the wife of the late Daniel Brodie, of Ipswich, of a son.

Family Notices (1875, April 10). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 3. Link to TROVE

27 - Sep - 2016

[[48242]] BOURNE, Alfred Edward, parents Charles BOURNE and Matilda HANDEL

You will find Alfred in this descendent chart
Thomas DAVIS

05 - May - 2013

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[48243]] SINTON, Daisy Miller, parents David SINTON & Anne Catherine MULLER

05 - May - 2013

[[48244]] BOURNE, Charles

Look for Charles in these descendent charts
Thomas DAVIS

05 - May - 2013

[[48245]] HANDEL, Matilda

You can see Matilda in these descendent charts
Thomas DAVIS

05 - May - 2013

[[48246]] BOURNE, Agnes Mary, parents Charles BOURNE and Matilda HANDEL

05 - May - 2013

[[48247]] BOURNE, Mary Sutton, parents Charles BOURNE and Matilda HANDEL

05 - May - 2013

[[48248]] BOURNE, John Frederick, parents Charles BOURNE and Matilda HANDEL

05 - May - 2013

[[48249]] BOURNE, Richard, parents Charles BOURNE and Matilda HANDEL

05 - May - 2013

[[48250]] BOURNE, Harry, parents Charles BOURNE and Matilda HANDEL

05 - May - 2013

[[48251]] BOURNE, Charles Henry, parents Charles BOURNE and Matilda HANDEL

You will find Charles in this descendent chart

05 - May - 2013

[[48252]] BOURNE, Charles Cecil Francis, parents Charles BOURNE and Edith BARRON

You can see Charles in this descendent chart

05 - May - 2013

[[48253]] BOURNE, Edith Annie, parents Charles BOURNE and Edith BARRON

Look for Edith in this descendent chart

05 - May - 2013

[[48254]] WINTOUR, James, parents James WINTOUR and Pamela JAMES

05 - May - 2013

[[48255]] CUMMINGS, Ellen

05 - May - 2013

New Family TREE

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[48256]] WINTOUR, Henry George, parents James WINTOUR and Ellen CUMMINGS

05 - May - 2013

[[48257]] WINTOUR, James Edward, parents James WINTOUR and Ellen CUMMINGS

05 - May - 2013

[[48258]] WINTOUR, Mark, parents James WINTOUR and Ellen CUMMINGS

05 - May - 2013

[[48259]] WINTOUR, May Margaret, parents James WINTOUR and Ellen CUMMINGS

05 - May - 2013

[[48260]] WINTOUR, Norman Leslie, parents James WINTOUR and Ellen CUMMINGS

05 - May - 2013

[[48261]] WINTOUR, Olive Pamela, parents James WINTOUR and Ellen CUMMINGS

05 - May - 2013

[[48262]] WINTOUR, Thomas George, parents James WINTOUR and Ellen CUMMINGS

05 - May - 2013

[[48263]] WINTOUR, James, parents William WINTOUR & Caroline WILLIAMS

05 - May - 2013

[[48264]] JAMES, Pamela, parents Richard JAMES & unknown

05 - May - 2013

[[48265]] WINTOUR, Alice, parents James WINTOUR and Pamela JAMES
SYMMONDS.-The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Symmonds (Auchenflower), Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Butler and Family (Lagoon Pocket), Mr. and Mrs. E. Datson (Brisbane), Mr. and Mrs. D. Findlay (Wowan), and Mrs. N. Wintour (Brisbane) are invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother, Sister, and Slster-in-law, Alice Symmonds, Relict of the late William Symmonds, formerly of Redbank and Gympie, to leave Reed's Funeral Parlour, South Street, Ipswich, at 2.30, This (Monday) Afternoon, for the Ipswich Cemetery.

Family Notices. (1940, April 22). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 20. Link to TROVE

05 - Mar - 2014

[[48266]] WINTOUR, Emily, parents James WINTOUR and Pamela JAMES

01 - Sep - 2013

[[48267]] WINTOUR, George, parents James WINTOUR and Pamela JAMES

05 - May - 2013

[[48268]] WINTOUR, Mary, parents James WINTOUR and Pamela JAMES

05 - May - 2013

New Family TREE

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Family Surname Index

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BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[48269]] WINTOUR, Sarah, parents James WINTOUR and Pamela JAMES

05 - May - 2013

[[48270]] SYMMONDS, William

05 - May - 2013

[[48271]] FINDLAY, David, parents Patrick FINDLAY & Jane DRAFFIN

01 - Sep - 2013

[[48272]] DATSON, Edgar

05 - May - 2013

[[48273]] WRIGHT, Stephen Francis

05 - May - 2013

[[48274]] BAILEY, John Joseph, parents Joseph BAILEY and Anstice SMITH

06 - May - 2013

[[48275]] MADDICK, Elizabeth

05 - May - 2013

[[48276]] BAILEY, Alice Jane, parents John BAILEY and Elizabeth MADDICK

05 - May - 2013

[[48277]] BAILEY, Emily Anstie, parents John BAILEY and Elizabeth MADDICK

06 - May - 2013

[[48278]] BAILEY, Florence Louisa, parents John BAILEY and Elizabeth MADDICK

06 - May - 2013

[[48279]] BAILEY, George Richard, parents John BAILEY and Elizabeth MADDICK

06 - May - 2013

[[48675]] KENWARD, Charles, parents Charles KENWARD and Ruth STALLWOOD

You can see Charles in this descendent chart

30 - Sep - 2013

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