01799 ]]
DAVIS , Richard, parents
Richard DAVIS and
birth -9-Sep-1895
Wallumbilla, Qld
death -
siblings -
This ancestry researcher - LMCFARLANEIS - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - MCFARLANE FAMILY TREE (5-May-2013)
You can see Richard in this descendent chart
Thomas DAVIS
13 - May - 2013
[[02220 ]] DAVIS , Violet Christina, parents Richard DAVIS and Agnes BRODIE
birth -21-May-1887
Anthony, Qld.
death -
8-Feb-1917 Drillham, Qld
siblings -
This ancestry researcher - LMCFARLANEIS - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - MCFARLANE FAMILY TREE (5-May-2013)
You will find Violet in this descendent chart
Thomas DAVIS
05 - May - 2013
[[02368 ]] DAVIS , Daniel Brodie, parents Richard DAVIS and Agnes BRODIE
birth -
death -
29-Aug-1918 Somme River valley, France
siblings -
This ancestry researcher - LMCFARLANEIS - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - MCFARLANE FAMILY TREE (5-May-2013)
Look for Daniel in this descendent chart
Thomas DAVIS
05 - May - 2013
[[02548 ]] DAVIS , Mary Evelyne, parents Richard DAVIS and Agnes BRODIE
siblings -
Look for Mary in this descendent chart
Thomas DAVIS
05 - May - 2013
[[31635 ]] BLANCHARD , William
Hendle - RIDGWAY grave in Toowong Cemetery
Photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2003
birth -b.c1854 non Australian birth
arrived -
marriage -
death -
4-Jan-1921 Toowoomba, Qld
interred -- Drayton and Toowoomba General Cemetery
09 - May - 2013
[[31636 ]] CROWSTON , BetsyThis person also features in this photograph
birth -b.c1855 non Australian birth
arrived -
marriage -
death -
30-Mar-1935 Toowoomba, Qld
interred -- Drayton and Toowoomba General Cemetery
09 - May - 2013
[[31637 ]] BLANCHARD , Crowston, parents William BLANCHARD and Betsy CROWSTON
birth -
death -
siblings -
09 - May - 2013
[[31638 ]] BLANCHARD , George, parents William BLANCHARD and Betsy CROWSTON
This person also features in this photograph
birth -b.c1886 non Australian birth
arrived -
marriage -
death -
24-May-1921 Toowoomba, Qld
interred -- Drayton and Toowoomba General Cemetery
siblings -
09 - May - 2013
[[31639 ]] BLANCHARD , Annie, parents William BLANCHARD and Betsy CROWSTON
birth -b.c1882 non Australian birth
arrived -
siblings -
09 - May - 2013
[[31640 ]] BLANCHARD , Fanny, parents William BLANCHARD and Betsy CROWSTON
birth -b.c1885 non Australian birth
arrived -
marriage -
siblings -
09 - May - 2013
[[31641 ]] BLANCHARD , John, parents William BLANCHARD and Betsy CROWSTON
birth -b.c1878 non Australian birth
arrived -
siblings -
09 - May - 2013
[[31642 ]] BLANCHARD , Isabella, parents William BLANCHARD and Betsy CROWSTON
09 - May - 2013
New Family TREE
The tree you are looking at, is no longer supported .
Please use the new tree.
Family Surname Index
Please check this link for general information about the web site
BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
[[31643 ]] BLANCHARD , Caroline, parents William BLANCHARD and Betsy CROWSTON
09 - May - 2013
[[31644 ]] BLANCHARD , Ernest, parents William BLANCHARD and Betsy CROWSTON
09 - May - 2013
[[31645 ]] BLANCHARD , Mary, parents William BLANCHARD and Betsy CROWSTON
09 - May - 2013
[[31646 ]] JONES , Millie
16 - May - 2013
[[31647 ]] BLANCHARD , Leslie Gordon, parents George BLANCHARD and Millie JONES
This person also features in this photograph
birth -
death -
25-Dec-1922 Toowoomba, Qld
interred -- Drayton and Toowoomba General Cemetery
siblings -
I am the only known child
09 - May - 2013
[[31648 ]] HOBART , Minchin James, parents Minchin HOBART and Anne PERRY
birth -
marriage -
siblings -
17 - May - 2013
[[31649 ]] HOBART , Adelaide Margaret, parents Minchin HOBART and Fanny BLANCHARD
09 - May - 2013
[[31650 ]] HOBART , Clarice Mary Eva, parents Minchin HOBART and Fanny BLANCHARD
09 - May - 2013
[[31651 ]] HOBART , William Norman, parents Minchin HOBART and Fanny BLANCHARD
09 - May - 2013
[[31652 ]] HOBART , Minchin, parents James HOBART & Margaret DONALD
birth -
marriage -
death -
3-Aug-1908 Toowoomba, Qld.
interred -- Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery, PRES2-001-0007 [4-8-08]
relatives interred in the same grave
his wife, Anne PERRY and his 4th son, William HOBART
You can see Minchin in these descendent charts
08 - Feb - 2016
[[31653 ]] PERRY , Anne, parents John PERRY & Charlotte JEFFRIES
death -
9-May-1928 Toowoomba, Qld.
interred -- Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery, PRES2-001-0007 [10-5-28]
relatives interred in the same grave
her 4th son, William HOBART and her husband, Minchin HOBART
Look for Anne in these descendent charts
08 - Feb - 2016
[[31654 ]] HOBART , Alexander, parents Minchin HOBART and Anne PERRY
birth -
marriage -
siblings -
09 - May - 2013
[[31655 ]] HOBART , Margaret, parents Minchin HOBART and Anne PERRY
death -
15-Jan-1979 Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
You will find Margaret in these descendent charts
09 - May - 2013
New Family TREE
The tree you are looking at, is no longer supported .
Please use the new tree.
Family Surname Index
Please check this link for general information about the web site
BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
[[31656 ]] HOBART , Annie, parents Minchin HOBART and Anne PERRY
09 - May - 2013
[[31657 ]] HOBART , Robert, parents Minchin HOBART and Anne PERRY
09 - May - 2013
[[31658 ]] HOBART , Fanny, parents Minchin HOBART and Anne PERRY
siblings -
09 - May - 2013
[[31659 ]] HOBART , William, parents Minchin HOBART and Anne PERRY
birth -
death -
14-Feb-1909 Toowoomba, Qld.
interred -- Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery, PRES2-001-0007 [15-2-09]
relatives interred in the same grave
his mother, Anne PERRY and his father, Minchin HOBART
siblings -
09 - May - 2013
[[31660 ]] McLACHLAN , Christina
09 - May - 2013
[[31662 ]] WILSON , William Edwin
09 - May - 2013
[[48353 ]] MULLER , Alice, parents Peter MULLER & Ann KEHLER
death -
You can see Alice in these descendent charts
22 - Jul - 2014
[[48374 ]] DEVLIN , Margaret, parents James DEVLIN & Ann McCARY
FULLER - DEVLIN grave in Degilbo Cemetery
photographed by Greg DAVIS, Monday, 25 May 2015
birth -b.c1843 New South Wales
marriage -
death -
18-Sep-1929 Biggenden, Qld.
COD - senility, heart failure interred -- Degilbo Cemetery [19-9-29]
This ancestry researcher - ROB13195 - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - DOWN FAMILY TREE (10-May-2013)
10 - May - 2013
[[48379 ]] FULLER , William, parents William FULLER and Margaret DEVLIN
10 - May - 2013
[[48380 ]] FULLER , Ann Elizabeth, parents William FULLER and Margaret DEVLIN
10 - May - 2013
[[48381 ]] FULLER , James Rodger, parents William FULLER and Margaret DEVLIN
This person also features in this photograph
birth -
death -
siblings -
10 - May - 2013
[[48382 ]] FRASER , John William Alexander, parents John FRASER & Margaret O`DONNELL
birth -
marriage -
death -
11 - May - 2013
[[48383 ]] FRASER , Doris Sabina, parents John FRASER and Florence REID
11 - May - 2013
New Family TREE
The tree you are looking at, is no longer supported .
Please use the new tree.
Family Surname Index
Please check this link for general information about the web site
BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
[[48384 ]] FRASER , Phillis Evelyne, parents John FRASER and Florence REID
11 - May - 2013
[[48385 ]] FRASER , Harold John, parents John FRASER and Florence REID
11 - May - 2013
[[48386 ]] YOUNG , Faith May, parents John YOUNG and Frances ROYLE
siblings -
Look for Faith in this descendent chart
11 - May - 2013
[[48387 ]] GRAHAM , Jonah Mardlon
You will find Jonah in this descendent chart
11 - May - 2013
[[48388 ]] HARMS , Grace Adelia, parents Charles HARMS and Bridget GRACE
Grace and Reginald HARMS and their mother, Bridget Ann HARMS (nee GRACE)
courtesy Australian Cemeteries Index
birth -
death -
13-Feb-1920 Roma, Qld.
interred -- Roma General Cemetery
siblings -
You will find Grace in this descendent chart
Henrich HARMS
12 - May - 2013
[[48389 ]] HARMS , Reginald, parents Charles HARMS and Bridget GRACE
This person also features in this photograph
birth -
death -
27-Jan-1929 Roma, Qld.
interred -- Roma General Cemetery
siblings -
Look for Reginald in this descendent chart
Henrich HARMS
12 - May - 2013
[[48390 ]] BIGG , Ethelinda Frances, parents Reginald BIGG and Alice ROBINSON
siblings -
You will find Ethelinda in this descendent chart
Henrich HARMS
11 - May - 2013
[[48391 ]] BIGG , Reginald Lahie, parents Austin BIGG & Fanny LOOKER
birth -b.c1872 Leicestershire, Eng.
arrived -
28-May-1888 per
having sailed from London
on Thursday 5-Apr-1888
marriage -
death -
5-Sep-1950 Brisbane, Qld.
Austin BIGG, aged 40, arrived on Waroonga
Monday, 17 October 1887 and his wife Fanny and their children arrived on the Quetta
Monday, 28 May 1888
BIGG-ROBINSON.-On the 2nd February, at St. James's, Toowoomba, by the Rev. T. D. Warner, Archibald Walpole Bigg, second son of Austin Bigg, to Ethelinda Kate, eldest daughter of T. Robinson, Toowoomba.
Family Notices. (1891, February 4). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE
You can see Reginald in this descendent chart
Henrich HARMS
14 - May - 2013
[[48392 ]] ROBINSON , Alice Oxlade, parents Thomas ROBINSON & Sarah Warrington OXLADE
death -
16-May-1948 Brisbane, Qld.
BIGG-ROBINSON-On the 27th April, at St. Barnabas Church, Ashgrove, by the Rev. G A. M Pringle, assisted by the Rev. C. B Fischer, Reginald Lahee, fourth son of Austen Bigg, Merryfields, Too- woomba, to Alice Oxlade, second daughter of Tom Robinson, of Red Hill, Brisbane.
Family Notices. (1897, May 10). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE
This ancestry researcher - HANDLYN8 - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - HOPWOOD FAMILY TREE (14-May-2013)
Look for Alice in this descendent chart
Henrich HARMS
14 - May - 2013
[[48393 ]] BIGG , Alfred Robert, parents Reginald BIGG and Alice ROBINSON
birth -
death -
siblings -
12 - May - 2013
[[48394 ]] BIGG , George Ambrose, parents Reginald BIGG and Alice ROBINSON
birth -
marriage -
death -
siblings -
You can see George in this descendent chart
Henrich HARMS
12 - May - 2013
[[48395 ]] BIGG , Ralph Austen, parents Reginald BIGG and Alice ROBINSON
11 - May - 2013
[[48396 ]] BIGG , Sidney Herbert, parents Reginald BIGG and Alice ROBINSON
birth -
death -
siblings -
12 - May - 2013
[[48397 ]] GRACE , Charlotte Letitia, parents John GRACE and Mary TANNOCK
13 - May - 2013
[[48398 ]] GRACE , Louisa Charlotte Jane, parents John GRACE and Mary TANNOCK
birth -
death -
siblings -
Louisa married Frederick SMITH Wednesday, 1 December 1909
13 - May - 2013
[[48399 ]] GRACE , Lucy Catherine, parents John GRACE and Mary TANNOCK
birth -
death -
siblings -
13 - May - 2013
[[48400 ]] GRACE , Patrick Edward, parents John GRACE and Mary TANNOCK
birth -
death -
15-Nov-1963 Toowoomba, Qld.
interred -- Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery, RC8-011-0003 [16-11-63]
siblings -
Patrick married Margaret Annie STEPHSON in 1920. Margaret was born in NSW to Alfred John STEPHSON and Mary Ellen ROBERTSON and died in Toowoomba Thursday, 21 August 1986
12 - Jul - 2014