Fiery Star

arrived Brisbane 20-Nov-1864
having sailed from Gravesend on Wednesday 27-Jul-1864
her registered displacement was 1360 tons
captained by w. H. Yule
with surgeon David Salmond


Those people in my tree who were on board this ship were :-


YESTERDAY afternoon intelligence was received of a catastrophe which has shed a gloom over many households. On the 31st March, a fine ship, freighted with a valuable cargo, and having on board many passengers, sailed from Cape Moreton, "homeward bound." She cleared the port and went out of sight to the east, and it was hoped that the next news we should receive of the good ship would be her safe arrival at her port of destination. Such hopes were doomed to disappointment, and the sad news was, yesterday, spread from lip to lip that the ship was destroyed by fire, that nineteen souls had been saved, and that all the others were at the mercy of a stormy ocean in open boats. This is all that is at present known. The intelligence reached here yesterday afternoon, by a telegram from Mera?? Bright Brothers and Co., of Melbourne, to the late agents of the vessel here, Messrs. J. and G. Harris. The following is a copy :— " Fiery Star burnt 400 miles off New Zealand. John Omand, a passenger, the chief officer (Mr. Sargeant), and 17 of the crew saved. Captain and remainder of the crew and passengers missing in ship's boats." These are the meagre outlines of this sad occurrence ; but gloomy as they are, there is yet room for hope that the missing passengers and crew may be picked up by some passing vessel. The following letter has been addressed to us by Captain Banks :—
"Sir,— Since receiving intelligence of the Fiery Star being burned at sea, several friends of passengers by that ill-fated vessel have called on me to glean, if possible, some ray of hope in their sad circumstances, and judging my opinion may afford some comfort to many anxious hearts, who suffer under a painful suspense, I beg thus to address you.
" As the telegram states that the chief officer seventeen of the crew, and one male passenger' was saved, and the other boats missing, we may take it for granted they had all left the vessel in safety, and probably had time to make the best arrangements for their unfortunate position The vessel had plenty of boats, the three principal of which, viz., two life-boats and a large long-boat, I had occasion to use before the vessel left, and can vouch for their good qualities ; and I think it not unlikely that the ladies, children, and surgeon would be in the long-boat, in charge of Captain Yule, with some of the crew, and in company with another life-boat containing passengers and crew, seek comparative comfort by riding the boat's head on to the sea until picked up, while the chief officer, with his hardy crew, would brave dangers to obtain speedy deliverance for themselves "" and fellow-passengers.
" Our information is very scanty, but, I think, sufficient to warrant our having good grounds of hope that long ere this both passengers and crew are in safety.— I remain, your most obedient servant,
"Brisbane, May 26, 1865."

The names of the passengers who sailed in the Fiery Star are as follow :-Saloon;—Mrs. H. Bell, Dr. Plowman, Miss Line, Miss Dodwell Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. A. Slaughter, Mrs A. M'Kay. Second Cabin—-Miss Ida Wheeler and servant (C. Johns), Miss Russell, Messrs. Peter Hartley, J. Robinson, M. Goddard, H. Latour, D. M'Kay. Steerage— Mrs. Bignall, Mr. and Mrs. Steib, Mrs. M'Callum, Mrs. Boughton, Rev. W. Rikey, Mrs. H. Murphy, Messrs. T. Omand (saved), D. A. Dugan, Immerschmidt , E. Edwards, J. P. Plumb, W. H. Watson, C. Messenger, P. Englemen, Christian Meisfer, August Landof, W. Beal, J. Pollock; and Mr. and Mrs. Augusta Hoppe.
Her cargo consisted of the following :— Wool, 2041 bales, 3 bags; tallow, 134 casks ; cotton, 15 bales, 2 bags ; hides, 1519 No. ; horns, 9013 No. ; 6 cases arrowroot ; and sundry packages.

THE BURNING OF THE FIERY STAR. (1865, May 27). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Retrieved February 12, 2015, from

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