[[07575]] CORBETT, Ellen Maria, parents Henry CORBETT and Eliza COX
SNEYD—CORBETT.—On the 6th April, at the residence of the father of the bride, by the Rev. B. G. Wilson, B.M., Joseph Samuel, fourth son of Mr. S. Sneyd, Westwood, to Ellen Marion, eldest daughter of Mr. H. Corbett, George-street, Brisbane.

Family Notices (1871, April 7). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. Link to TROVE

Look for Ellen in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07576]] SNEYD, Alice Catherine Irene, parents Joseph SNEYD and Ellen CORBETT

You can see Alice in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07577]] SNEYD, William Charles Henry, parents Joseph SNEYD and Ellen CORBETT

Sneyd - WEABER - grave in Ipswich Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Tuesday, 28 December 2004

Look for William in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

03 - May - 2005

[[07578]] WAKEFIELD, Miriam, parents James WAKEFIELD and Hannah SANIGER

Marion's brother Aaron was listed as being the same age on arrival in Queensland

On the 15, inst., in the house of the Mother of the bride, by the Rev. B. G. Wilson, B, M., Mr. William Hartley Sneyd, to Miss Miriam Wakefield, both of Brisbane.

Family Notices. (1859, November 19). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 2. Link to TROVE

You will find Miriam in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

31 - Jul - 2014

[[07579]] SNEYD, Arthur William Hartley, parents William SNEYD and Miriam WAKEFIELD

You will find Arthur in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

18 - Jul - 2014

[[07580]] CLAYTON, John Frederick, parents John CLAYTON & Fanny DODD

31 - Mar - 2018

[[07581]] CORBETT, Henry

Because Henry died in England there is no entry in the Qld BDM index for his death.



BEFORE the Police Magistrate, Messrs. Cowlishaw, Fenwick, Perry, and E. Douglas.


Julius Steinheur, the Crown Hotel, Rocky Waterholes.
Joseph Baker, Baker's Hotel, Eight-mile Plains.
Michael Sanfey, Planter's Arms, Beenleigh.
Michael Daly, British Empire Hotel, George-street.
William Fletcher, Volunteer Arms, George-street, Brisbane.
John Cassim, Cleveland.


Michael Massie to Henry Johnstone, Plough Inn, South Brisbane.
Robert Brady to Henry Corbett, Prince Alfred Hotel, Petrie-terrace.


William Underwood, Eight-mile Plains. This application was refused on the grounds of misconduct in supplying parties with drink on the Sabbath.


A hawker's license was granted to John M'Dowell.

LICENSING MEETING. (1869, May 12). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. Link to TROVE


Wednesday, June 9.

Before Messrs. J. Petrie, J. Swan, and Wm. Perry.

Publicans' License.-Licenses were granted to the undernamed applicants :-Hiram Wakefield, Osborne House, Sandgate; Joseph Johnson, Plough Inn, South Brisbane; Thomas Hardcastle, Victoria Hotel, One-mile Swamp; Henry Darragh, Provincial Hotel, Queen-street; Henry Corbett, Prince Alfred Hotel, Petrie-terrace; and Bernard M'Mah, Queen's Arms, Wickham-street.

All the above are renewals of licenses previously held by the same persons, with the exception of the last named.

MONTHLY LICENSING MEETING. (1869, June 10). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. Link to TROVE

Cattle dog; Ist prize, 15s; second prize, certificate- Henry Corbett, George-street, Macduff, black and tan, 1st prize.

PRIZE SCHEDULE. (1881, August 13). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 6 Supplement: The Queenslander. Link to TROVE

CORBETT.-On the 24th August, at Ashley House, 65 Francis-road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England, Henry Corbett, late of George-street, Brisbane, and brother of John Corbett, Esq., M.P. for Drolwitch, England.

Family Notices. (1885, October 10). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 569. Link to TROVE

FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of the late Mr. HENRY CORBETT, who died at Francis-road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral; to move from his late Brisbane residence, Ernest Street, South Brisbane, TOMORROW (Sunday) AFTERNOON, 10th January, at 1.45 o'clock, for the Brisbane General Cemetery.

Family Notices. (1886, January 9). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 1. Link to TROVE

CORBETT.- In loving memory of my dear father, Henry Corbett, who departed this life August 24, 1885. Birmingham papers please copy.
Inserted by his affectionate daughter, Mrs. T Mitton.

Family Notices (1900, August 24). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 4 (SECOND EDITION). Link to TROVE

R. Pritchard - email address - has written previously (5/2/2015) and is researching this family and may have more information about Henry CORBETT and his family.

Click on Henry CORBETT to see his descendent tree

26 - Jan - 2018

[[07582]] COX, Eliza Harriett, parents William COX & Mary unknown

CORBETT. -In loving remembrance of my dear mother, Eliza H. Corbett who died at Stephen-street, South Brisbane, September 30th, 1903.

Inserted by her affectionate daughter, H. E. Jotchan.

Family Notices. (1910, September 16). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Mrs. ELIZA CORBETT, relict of the late Henry Corbett, are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral, to move from her late residence, Stephen's-street, South Brisbane, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, to the Toowong Cemetery.

FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Mesdames J. SNEYD, T. MITTON, W. JOTCHAM, A. JOHNSON, J. TRITTON, C. HESLEWOOD, H. M`DONALD, and Mr. JOSEPH CORBETT are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Mother, Mrs. Eliza Corbett, to move from her late residence, Stephen`s-street, South Brisbane, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, to the Toowong Cemetery.

FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Mr. JOSEPH TRITTON are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Mother-in-law, Mrs. Henry Corbett, to move from her late residence, Stephen`s-street, South Brisbane, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices. (1903, September 17). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

CORBETT.-In loving memory of Eliza H. Corbett, who died at Stephens-street, South Brisbane, on 16th September, 1903.

Inserted by her affectionate Daughter, Eliza H. Jotcham.

Family Notices. (1904, September 16). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

R. Pritchard - email address - has written previously (5/2/2015) and is researching this family and may have more information about Eliza Harriett COX and her family.

You can see Eliza in this descendent chart

20 - Jun - 2017

[[07583]] SNEYD, Jamey Hyland Corbett, parents Joseph SNEYD and Ellen CORBETT

Look for Jamey in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07585]] SNEYD, Eliza Florence, parents Samuel SNEYD and Alice HENNESSEY

You can see Eliza in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

24 - Sep - 2002

[[07586]] HENNESSEY, John, parents Thomas HENNESSEY & Margaret CROWLEY

You will find John in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

04 - Dec - 2017

[[07587]] SHUTTLEWORTH, Eliza, parents Joseph SHUTTLEWORTH and Mary GOODMAN

Look for Eliza in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

04 - Dec - 2017

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[07588]] SNEYD, Edgar Samuel Hammond, parents Samuel SNEYD and Alice HENNESSEY
SNEYD—McLAUGHLIN.—On the 17th September, at St Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Sydney, by the Rev. John Ferguson, Edgar Samuel Hammond, son of Mrs. Sneyd and the late Hanley Stafford Sneyd, of South Brisbane to Blanche Rose, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McLaughlin, West End, South Brisbane.

Family Notices (1921, October 8). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Link to TROVE

You can see Edgar in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

14 - Feb - 2017

[[07589]] SNEYD, Ernest Ephriam, parents William SNEYD and Miriam WAKEFIELD

Ernest married Mabel Catherine McCASKILL 1933

Look for Ernest in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07590]] CARTER, Maud Equator, parents William CARTER and Sarah RICHARDSON
SNEYD—CARTER.—On the 26th September, at Adavale, by the Rev. Alfred Fisher-Webster, Ernest Ephraim, youngest son of William Hartley Sneyd, of Spring Hill, to Maude Equator, eldest daughter of William Carter, of Boundary-street, West End.

Family Notices (1894, October 13). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 681. Link to TROVE

Obituary.-News of the sudden death of Mrs. E. E. Sneyd of Wynnum, was received with regret by her many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Sneyd and family resided here for five years.

SPRINGSURE. (1924, September 5). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 3. Link to TROVE

You can see Maud in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

25 - Mar - 2018

[[07591]] SNEYD, Dulcie Equator, parents Ernest SNEYD and Maud CARTER

You will find Dulcie in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

24 - Sep - 2002

[[07592]] CARTER, William

You can see William in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

07 - Jun - 2008

[[07593]] RICHARDSON, Sarah

Look for Sarah in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

24 - Sep - 2002

[[07594]] BLUM, Martha, parents John BLUM and Mary O`BRIEN

Look for Martha in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07595]] SNEYD, Amy Nesta, parents Arthur SNEYD and Martha BLUM

Click on Amy SNEYD to see her pedigree chart

You will find Amy in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

19 - Jul - 2014

[[07596]] SNEYD, Arthur Oliver, parents Samuel SNEYD and Catherine MULCAHY

You will find Arthur in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07597]] SNEYD, Arthur Hartley, parents Arthur SNEYD and Martha BLUM
SNEYD.-In loving memory of Q.M.S. Arthur H. Sneyd, killed in action at Pozieres, August 20th, 1916.
To memory ever dear.

Family Notices (1921, August 20). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Link to TROVE

Look for Arthur in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

14 - Feb - 2017

[[07598]] SNEYD, Beryl Marie, parents Arthur SNEYD and Martha BLUM

Look for Beryl in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

26 - Jan - 2017

[[07599]] SNEYD, Gladys May Corbett, parents Joseph SNEYD and Ellen CORBETT

Gladys married George FAULKNER 1920

You will find Gladys in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07600]] SNEYD, Greville William, parents Ernest SNEYD and Maud CARTER

John SNEYD - email address - has written previously (8/4/2012) and is researching this family and may have more information about Greville William SNEYD and his family.

Look for Greville in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

08 - Apr - 2012

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[07601]] SNEYD, Ivy Miriam, parents Arthur SNEYD and Martha BLUM

Look for Ivy in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

21 - Nov - 2004

[[07602]] SNEYD, Kenneth Seigfred, parents Arthur SNEYD and Martha BLUM

Kenneth married Alys Maud FARROW 1924


Mr. Edward Farrow, of Nash Street, Gympie, died recently at the age of 70. When he was five years old, Mr. Farrow became an orphan in Bendigo (V.), and went to live with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Heilbron, in Gympie, where he later became a hairdresser. He took a keen interest in the local turf, and in footrunning, on which he was an authority. He was a member of the Masonic and Oddfellows' lodges. His widow, formerly Miss Maud Casemore, of Gympie, survives him. His only child, who became Mrs. Kenneth Sneyd, died 10 years ago.

OBITUARY (1939, January 7). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 9. Link to TROVE

You can see Kenneth in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

25 - Mar - 2018

[[07603]] BLUM, John, parents Korat BLUM & Alm Eliza GAUTZ

Look for John in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

03 - Mar - 2018

[[07604]] O`BRIEN, Mary Ann

You can see Mary in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

24 - Sep - 2002

[[07605]] WAKEFIELD, James, parents Richard WAKEFIELD & unknown

Click on James WAKEFIELD to see his descendent tree

09 - Apr - 2012

[[07606]] SANIGER, Hannah, parents John JENNIGER & Lydia unknown
WAKEFIELD -On the 4th July, at Mudgerabah, Nerang Creek, Hannah relict of the late James Wakefield, and mother of Hiram Wakefield, of this city, aged 69 years.

Family Notices (1873, August 6). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), , p. 1. Link to TROVE

You will find Hannah in this descendent chart

08 - Sep - 2016

[[07607]] SNEYD, Vivian Claude, parents Arthur SNEYD and Martha BLUM

Vivian married Florence KNIGHT 1924

You can see Vivian in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07608]] WEABER, Matilda Carrie, parents William WEABER and Annie RICHARDS

This person also features in this photograph

You can see Matilda in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

24 - Sep - 2002

[[07609]] SNEYD, William Joseph George, parents William SNEYD and Matilda WEABER

Sneyd - MAYO - grave in Ipswich Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Tuesday, 28 December 2004

You will find William in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

05 - May - 2005

[[07610]] SNEYD, Alfred Marvin Mawby, parents William SNEYD and Matilda WEABER

You can see Alfred in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

24 - Sep - 2002

[[07611]] SNEYD, Doris Ruth Marion, parents William SNEYD and Matilda WEABER

Doris married Donald HOLT 1925

You can see Doris in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07612]] SNEYD, John Nelson, parents William SNEYD and Matilda WEABER

John married Pearley RAYMOND 1933

Look for John in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

[[07613]] SNEYD, Robert Raymond, parents William SNEYD and Matilda WEABER

Robert married Elsie SCOTT 1935

Look for Robert in these descendent charts
Samuel SNEYD
Catherine MULCAHY

01 - Mar - 2018

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Family Surname Index

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to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[07614]] BLUM, John, parents John BLUM and Mary O`BRIEN
The Friends of Mrs. John Blum are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of her late Husband, which will leave her mother's (Mrs. B. Jackson) residence, Marsland Road, near Brilliant Block Mill, at 4 o'clock this (FRIDAY) afternoon, March 11th, 1898.

Family Notices (1898, March 11). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 3. Link to TROVE

25 - Mar - 2018

[[07615]] NAYLOR, Thomas William

27 - Sep - 2002

[[07616]] HARPER, Jane

27 - Sep - 2002

[[07617]] FERRIS, Stephen Thomas, parents Eugene FERRIS & Elizabeth KIRBY

09 - May - 2013

[[07618]] BROOM, Edwin, parents Thomas BROOM and Agnes WATSON

You will find Edwin in this descendent chart
Thomas BROOM

20 - Mar - 2017

[[07619]] SMITH, William

You will find William in this descendent chart

27 - Sep - 2002

[[07620]] COLMAN, Mary

You will find Mary in this descendent chart

05 - Jun - 2005

[[07621]] SMITH, Elizabeth, parents William SMITH and Mary COLMAN

27 - Sep - 2002

[[07622]] SMITH, Mary, parents William SMITH and Mary COLMAN

27 - Sep - 2002

[[07623]] SMITH, Thomas, parents William SMITH and Mary COLMAN

27 - Sep - 2002

[[07624]] SAINT, John Hurford, parents William SAINT and Charlotte BROOM

You will find John in these descendent charts
Thomas BROOM

27 - Sep - 2002

[[07625]] SAINT, William Cycel Clarence, parents William SAINT and Charlotte BROOM

Look for William in these descendent charts
Thomas BROOM

01 - Jul - 2012

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