JARMAN, Thelma E

Birth Name JARMAN, Thelma E
Gender female

Relation to the centre person (DAVIS, Gregory John) : third cousin


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father JARMAN, Alfred William
Mother ATKINS, Linda Maude189112 August 1968
    Brother     JARMAN, Arthur W
         JARMAN, Thelma E
    Brother     JARMAN, Alfred H
    Sister     JARMAN, Lillian Maude 10 June 1912 8 September 1989
Stepfather McDONALD, Albert Ross
Mother ATKINS, Linda Maude189112 August 1968
    Half-brother     McDONALD, Ronald
    Half-sister     McDONALD, Gwendaline
    Half-sister     McDONALD, Vera Norma
    Half-sister     McDONALD, Jeanette May


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 4823