21172 ]]
LOGAN , Whitmore Charles, parents
Whitmore LOGAN and
Harriet JOSEY
birth -
marriage -
death -
31-May-1957 Brisbane, Qld.
cremated -- Mount Thompson Crematorium
siblings -
Thomas James LOGAN , Harriet Dyes LOGAN , Lucinda Miriam LOGAN , Eve Maria LOGAN , Me, Robert Benjamin LOGAN , George Andrew LOGAN , Alfred John LOGAN , Eliza Emma LOGAN , Bessie Asenath LOGAN , Peter Albert LOGAN , Thirza Lavinia LOGAN , Josey Matthew LOGAN
His date of death in the Qld BDM Index is 31/5/1957 but the plaque in the crematorium says 3/5/1957
You will find Whitmore in this descendent chart
21 - Feb - 2015
21173 ]]
LOGAN , Robert Benjamin, parents
Whitmore LOGAN and
Harriet JOSEY
birth -
siblings -
Thomas James LOGAN , Harriet Dyes LOGAN , Lucinda Miriam LOGAN , Eve Maria LOGAN , Whitmore Charles LOGAN , Me, George Andrew LOGAN , Alfred John LOGAN , Eliza Emma LOGAN , Bessie Asenath LOGAN , Peter Albert LOGAN , Thirza Lavinia LOGAN , Josey Matthew LOGAN
Look for Robert in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21174 ]]
LOGAN , George Andrew, parents
Whitmore LOGAN and
Harriet JOSEY
birth -
marriage -
death -
25-Nov-1953 Kingaroy, Qld.
interred -- Taabinga Cemetery [26-11-53]
siblings -
Thomas James LOGAN , Harriet Dyes LOGAN , Lucinda Miriam LOGAN , Eve Maria LOGAN , Whitmore Charles LOGAN , Robert Benjamin LOGAN , Me, Alfred John LOGAN , Eliza Emma LOGAN , Bessie Asenath LOGAN , Peter Albert LOGAN , Thirza Lavinia LOGAN , Josey Matthew LOGAN
The engagement is announced of Miss Ivy May Bertwhistle, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bertwhistle, Albion, Brisbane, and niece of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Walker, Wakersleigh, Forest Hill, to Mr. George Andrew Logan, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore Logan, Grey Friars, Forest Hill.
Family Notices. (1911, April 6). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1901 - 1936), p. 13. Link to TROVE
LOGAN.—The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. G. A. Logan, of Norman Street, Kingaroy, and Family are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved Husband, their Father, Father-in-law, and Grandfather, George Andrew Logan, lo leave the Presbyterian Church, Kingaroy, on conclusion of service commencing at 2 o'clock. This (Thursday) Afternoon, for the Taabinga Cemetery.
Family Notices. (1953, November 26). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 18. Link to TROVE
Look for George in this descendent chart
23 - Feb - 2015
21175 ]]
LOGAN , Alfred John, parents
Whitmore LOGAN and
Harriet JOSEY
birth -
siblings -
Thomas James LOGAN , Harriet Dyes LOGAN , Lucinda Miriam LOGAN , Eve Maria LOGAN , Whitmore Charles LOGAN , Robert Benjamin LOGAN , George Andrew LOGAN , Me, Eliza Emma LOGAN , Bessie Asenath LOGAN , Peter Albert LOGAN , Thirza Lavinia LOGAN , Josey Matthew LOGAN
You can see Alfred in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21176 ]]
LOGAN , Eliza Emma, parents
Whitmore LOGAN and
Harriet JOSEY
birth -
siblings -
Thomas James LOGAN , Harriet Dyes LOGAN , Lucinda Miriam LOGAN , Eve Maria LOGAN , Whitmore Charles LOGAN , Robert Benjamin LOGAN , George Andrew LOGAN , Alfred John LOGAN , Me, Bessie Asenath LOGAN , Peter Albert LOGAN , Thirza Lavinia LOGAN , Josey Matthew LOGAN
You can see Eliza in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21177 ]]
LOGAN , Bessie Asenath, parents
Whitmore LOGAN and
Harriet JOSEY
birth -
death -
siblings -
Thomas James LOGAN , Harriet Dyes LOGAN , Lucinda Miriam LOGAN , Eve Maria LOGAN , Whitmore Charles LOGAN , Robert Benjamin LOGAN , George Andrew LOGAN , Alfred John LOGAN , Eliza Emma LOGAN , Me, Peter Albert LOGAN , Thirza Lavinia LOGAN , Josey Matthew LOGAN
You can see Bessie in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21178 ]]
LOGAN , Douglas Davenport, parents
George LOGAN and
birth -
siblings -
Eileen LOGAN , Emma Eliza LOGAN , Elizabeth Maud LOGAN , Raymond Huff LOGAN , Harriet Catherine LOGAN , George Daniel LOGAN , Norman Harold LOGAN , Alice Mabel LOGAN , Ethel Eve LOGAN , James Whitmore LOGAN , Joline LOGAN , Me
You will find Douglas in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21179 ]]
LOGAN , Eileen, parents
George LOGAN and
birth -
death -
siblings -
Me, Emma Eliza LOGAN , Elizabeth Maud LOGAN , Raymond Huff LOGAN , Harriet Catherine LOGAN , George Daniel LOGAN , Norman Harold LOGAN , Alice Mabel LOGAN , Ethel Eve LOGAN , James Whitmore LOGAN , Joline LOGAN , Douglas Davenport LOGAN
You can see Eileen in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21180 ]]
LOGAN , James Whitmore, parents
George LOGAN and
birth -
death -
siblings -
Eileen LOGAN , Emma Eliza LOGAN , Elizabeth Maud LOGAN , Raymond Huff LOGAN , Harriet Catherine LOGAN , George Daniel LOGAN , Norman Harold LOGAN , Alice Mabel LOGAN , Ethel Eve LOGAN , Me, Joline LOGAN , Douglas Davenport LOGAN
You can see James in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21181 ]]
LOGAN , Joline, parents
George LOGAN and
birth -
siblings -
Eileen LOGAN , Emma Eliza LOGAN , Elizabeth Maud LOGAN , Raymond Huff LOGAN , Harriet Catherine LOGAN , George Daniel LOGAN , Norman Harold LOGAN , Alice Mabel LOGAN , Ethel Eve LOGAN , James Whitmore LOGAN , Me, Douglas Davenport LOGAN
Look for Joline in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21182 ]]
LOGAN , Peter Albert, parents
Whitmore LOGAN and
Harriet JOSEY
birth -
siblings -
Thomas James LOGAN , Harriet Dyes LOGAN , Lucinda Miriam LOGAN , Eve Maria LOGAN , Whitmore Charles LOGAN , Robert Benjamin LOGAN , George Andrew LOGAN , Alfred John LOGAN , Eliza Emma LOGAN , Bessie Asenath LOGAN , Me, Thirza Lavinia LOGAN , Josey Matthew LOGAN
Look for Peter in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21183 ]]
LOGAN , Thirza Lavinia, parents
Whitmore LOGAN and
Harriet JOSEY
birth -
siblings -
Thomas James LOGAN , Harriet Dyes LOGAN , Lucinda Miriam LOGAN , Eve Maria LOGAN , Whitmore Charles LOGAN , Robert Benjamin LOGAN , George Andrew LOGAN , Alfred John LOGAN , Eliza Emma LOGAN , Bessie Asenath LOGAN , Peter Albert LOGAN , Me, Josey Matthew LOGAN
You will find Thirza in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
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Family Surname Index
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to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
21184 ]]
LOGAN , Josey Matthew, parents
Whitmore LOGAN and
Harriet JOSEY
birth -
siblings -
Thomas James LOGAN , Harriet Dyes LOGAN , Lucinda Miriam LOGAN , Eve Maria LOGAN , Whitmore Charles LOGAN , Robert Benjamin LOGAN , George Andrew LOGAN , Alfred John LOGAN , Eliza Emma LOGAN , Bessie Asenath LOGAN , Peter Albert LOGAN , Thirza Lavinia LOGAN , Me
You can see Josey in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21185 ]]
TASKER , William, parents James Stewart TASKER & Christina McGREGOR
birth -
religion -
marriage -
death -
Word was received late last night of the sudden death in Brisbane of Mr. W. Taskcr, a former Sub-Inspector of Police. Mr. Tasker retired from the forco about six years ago. Just prior to that time he had served for some years in Mackay. Mr. Noel Tasker, a son of deceased and a mem ber of the staff of the local telegraph office leaves for Brisbane by plane this morning.
Personal. (1938, October 18). Daily Mercury (Mackay, Qld. : 1906 - 1954), p. 8. Link to TROVE
TASKER. Willlam—ln loving memory of my dear Husband who fell asleep October 17th 1938
Not Just to-day, but every day.
In silence I remember.
TASKER William— in fond remembrance of Dad, who was called home Oct0ber 17th, 1938.
Deep In our hearts his memory Is kept.
Family Notices. (1939, October 17). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 20. Link to TROVE
DEATH OF MR. W. TASKER. BRISBANE, October 18. Mr. William Tasker, formerly Sub-Inspector of Police, died suddenly at his home at Paddington on Monday night. In 1900 he, then sergeant, led the party which found the Kenniff brothers near Mitchell. The late Mr.Tasker entered the police force in 1889, and served in many parts of the State, including Mackay, Charters Towers, Proserpine, Townsville, Maryborough, Ipswich, Mount Perry, Kilkivan, Biggenden, Tiaro, and Cairns. In 1925 he was promoted to Sub-Inspector and he retired in 1931.
DEATH OF MR. W. TASKER. (1938, October 19). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 9 Edition: DAILY.. Link to TROVE
You can see William in this descendent chart
23 - Feb - 2015
21186 ]]
POWNALL , Agnes Eleanor, parents
John POWNALL and
Eliza GILL
death -
4-Aug-1971 Longreach, Qld.
cremated -- Mount Thompson Crematorium
relatives interred in the same grave
her husband, Raymond LOGAN and her 1st son, Keith LOGAN
This person is also interred in the same grave,      
Graham Bruce LOGAN (22/2/1951)
siblings -
You can see Agnes in this descendent chart
21 - Feb - 2015
21187 ]]
MITCHELL , Susan Geraldine, parents Thomas MITCHELL & Mary Ann JEWELL
death -
27-Sep-1962 Brisbane, Qld.
cremated -- Mount Thompson Crematorium [28-9-62]
You can see Susan in this descendent chart
20 - Feb - 2015
[[21188 ]] BERTWISTLE , Ivy May, parents Joseph BERTWISTLE & Annie ANDREW
death -
BERTWISTLE.— The Relatives & Friends of Mrs. J. Bertwistle, Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Bertwistle, Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Bertwistle, Mr. & Mrs. V. H. Bertwistle. Mr. & Mrs. V. A. Bertwistle. Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Bertwistle, Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Logan (Kingaroy), Mrs V. Moncrieff, Mrs. M. Mead. & Families, are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved Husband, their Father, father-in-law, &. Grandfather, Joseph Bertwistle, of Easton Street, Banyo, to move from Alex. Gow's Funeral Chapel. Petrie Bight. This (Saturday) Morning, at 11.30 o'clock, for the Crematorium, Mt. Thompson.
Family Notices. (1945, March 10). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 8. Link to TROVE
Look for Ivy in this descendent chart
23 - Feb - 2015
[[21189 ]] BAILEY , Muriel Jessamine
You can see Muriel in this descendent chart
06 - Feb - 2008
21190 ]]
HILLIER , Alfred Garnet, parents
Alfred HILLIER and
Mahala JOSEY
You will find Alfred in this descendent chart
09 - Feb - 2008
21191 ]]
HILLIER , Edna Doreen, parents
Alfred HILLIER and
Mahala JOSEY
You can see Edna in this descendent chart
09 - Feb - 2008
21192 ]]
HILLIER , Ene Estella, parents
Alfred HILLIER and
Mahala JOSEY
You will find Ene in this descendent chart
09 - Feb - 2008
21193 ]]
HILLIER , Esther Lauraine, parents
Alfred HILLIER and
Mahala JOSEY
You can see Esther in this descendent chart
09 - Feb - 2008
21195 ]]
HILLIER , James Josey, parents
Alfred HILLIER and
Mahala JOSEY
You can see James in this descendent chart
09 - Feb - 2008
21196 ]]
HILLIER , Mahala Evelyn, parents
Alfred HILLIER and
Mahala JOSEY
You will find Mahala in this descendent chart
09 - Feb - 2008
21197 ]]
HILLIER , Richard Jesse, parents
Alfred HILLIER and
Mahala JOSEY
Look for Richard in this descendent chart
09 - Feb - 2008
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BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
21198 ]]
HILLIER , Thelmer, parents
Alfred HILLIER and
Mahala JOSEY
You can see Thelmer in this descendent chart
09 - Feb - 2008
21199 ]]
HILLIER , Zilpher Adeline, parents
Alfred HILLIER and
Mahala JOSEY
Look for Zilpher in this descendent chart
09 - Feb - 2008
21200 ]]
MALYON , Charles Herbert, parents
Francis MALYON and
birth -
death -
siblings -
12 - Oct - 2011
21201 ]]
MALYON , Edward James, parents
Francis MALYON and
09 - Feb - 2008
21202 ]]
MALYON , Esther Emma Ellen, parents
Francis MALYON and
09 - Feb - 2008
21203 ]]
MALYON , Henry, parents
Francis MALYON and
birth -
death -
siblings -
12 - Oct - 2011
21204 ]]
MALYON , Mabel Louisa, parents
Francis MALYON and
09 - Feb - 2008
21205 ]]
MALYON , Royal Jesse Gregory, parents
Francis MALYON and
09 - Feb - 2008
21206 ]]
MALYON , William Purkis, parents
Francis MALYON and
birth -
death -
siblings -
12 - Oct - 2011
21207 ]]
BANKS , James Horsburgh, parents
Archibald BANKS and
birth -
marriage -
death -
siblings -
You will find James in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
21208 ]]
DENNIS , Esther Ann, parents
John DENNIS and
death -
siblings -
BANKS.—On October 11th, at Hillcrest Hospital, after a painful illness, the beloved mother of Mrs. G. and W. Downman, Central Line.
Family Notices (1912, October 12). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), , p. 1. Link to TROVE
Look for Esther in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
08 - Sep - 2016
21209 ]]
BANKS , Mary Finney, parents
James BANKS and
birth -26-Feb-1872
Brisbane, Qld.
death -
17-Apr-1872 Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
First born twin to Esther Ann.
Look for Mary in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
21210 ]]
BANKS , Esther Ann, parents
James BANKS and
birth -26-Feb-1872
Brisbane, Qld.
death -
17-Apr-1872 Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
Second born twin to Mary Finney.
You can see Esther in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
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Family Surname Index
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BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
21211 ]]
BANKS , Mary Hellen, parents
James BANKS and
birth -12-Oct-1874
Brisbane, Qld.
marriage -
siblings -
Look for Mary in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
21212 ]]
BANKS , Isabella Jane Ellis, parents
James BANKS and
death -
14-Mar-1928 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Beaudesert Cemetery [15-3-28]
siblings -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Isabella Jane Ellis BANKS and her family.
You will find Isabella in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
13 - Jun - 2012
21213 ]]
BANKS , Esther Ann Rosetta, parents
James BANKS and
death -
1-Apr-1947 Gympie, Qld.
siblings -
DOWNMAN.— On 1st April, 1947, at her late residence, 19 Calton Hill, Gympie, Mrs. Rose Downman, beloved Wife of Mr. William Downman, & Mother of Norman & Herbert, Gympie, & Mrs. W. R. Kendall, Childers, aged 68 years. "At Rest"
Family Notices (1947, April 5). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), , p. 14. Link to TROVE
You can see Esther in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
08 - Sep - 2016
21214 ]]
BANKS , Jessie, parents
James BANKS and
death -
siblings -
You can see Jessie in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
14 - Jun - 2017
21215 ]]
BANKS , Archibald Gordon Willson, parents
Archibald BANKS and
birth -19-Dec-1906
Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
Look for Archibald in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
21216 ]]
BANKS , James Hosburgh, parents
Archibald BANKS and
birth -30-May-1898
Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
Look for James in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
21217 ]]
BANKS , Ruby Isabel, parents
Archibald BANKS and
Look for Ruby in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
21218 ]]
BANKS , Victor John, parents
Archibald BANKS and
birth -15-Nov-1899
Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
Look for Victor in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
21219 ]]
BANKS , Violet Elizabeth, parents
Archibald BANKS and
You will find Violet in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
21220 ]]
BANKS , Claude Ellis, parents
Archibald BANKS and
You can see Claude in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
21221 ]]
BANKS , Esther Una, parents
Archibald BANKS and
You can see Esther in this descendent chart
Archibald BANKS
10 - Feb - 2008
44632 ]]
15 - Aug - 2014