This ancestry researcher - CANELADY580 - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - THE HINES 57 FAMILY TREE (30-Nov-2012)
The William the Fourth steam-packet, from Wollongong yesterday, brings up several of the passengers and the mail of the ship Thomas Lowry, from London to Sydney, which was off the Five Islands on Saturday last, and may be expected in hourly. The Thomas Lowry, Captain Bully, left Gravesend on the 22nd of November, in company with the Prince George, convict ship and after beating about the channel for above a fortnight, (such was the violence of the weather) was under the necessity of putting in at Dartmouth, where she remained until the 23rd of December, and finally left England on that day with the following passengers Mr. Lindo, Mrs. Lindo and family, Mr. Rickards, Junior, Mr. Wallis, Mr. Warner, Mr. Saunders, Miss Saunders, Mr. Hughes, Messrs. Pau'ovitch, and Miss Barnes. Mr. Lindo informs us that while the Thomas Lowry was in the Portland Roads with both anchors out and an immense rable, the vessel drifted above two miles with the violence of the weather, during which the ship was in much danger. The gales which visited the coast of England on the 30th November, had done immense damage to the shipping; about three hundred sail are supposed to have been partially destroyed. Amongst these were the ships Persian and City of Edinburgh bound to Sydney; the former was reported to have been dismasted and so severely injured as to he towed back to London and condemned; the City of Edinburgh had put in at Falmouth, dismasted. The Brothers, Captain Towns, sailed from London for Sydney, six weeks before the Thomas Lowry, and the Captain stated he did not mean to put in any where. The Caroline, for this port, sailed before the Thomas Lowry; and the Resource, Vesper, Hope, and Achilles may be hourly expected. The Abel Gower and Governor Harcourt, from Sydney, had arrived in England. Messrs. George Porter and Co. are the agents for the Thomas Lowry.
Since the above was written we learn the following additional information : the Platina and William Inglis, from this port, had reached London, the former having been dismasted off the Nore. The Margaret, Sarah, and Frances Charlotte, convict ships, were waiting fair weather previous to sailing for these Colonies. The Hebe, for Sydney, the Schah, for South Australia, the Mayflower and Richard Bell, for Van Diemen's Land, were fast loading. The Helvellyn, Cleaves, for Sydney, cleared outwards at Liverpool on November 21. The Crusader and William Wise, for Launceston, had sailed. The following vessels from these and other ports had arrived in England ;-Magnet, from Sydney and Chili, arrived at Swansea on November 15 ; Ellen, at Liverpool, from Sydney and Canton ; Eldon, from Hobart ?Town ; Aurora, from China ; and the Children, Durocher, from Sydney and the East Indies, on November 20.
LATE SHIP NEWS. (1837, April 3). The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), p. 3. Link to TROVE
Look for Clara in this descendent chart
Another old resident of Queensland passed away at her late residence, Runnymede, Petrie-terrace, last Saturday, in the person of Mrs. Da Costa, (widow of the late Mr. Edwin Da Costa, postmaster at Townsville. Mrs Da Costa was the second daughter of the late Mr. James Warner (surveyor), who came from Sydney in 1838 to assist in the laying out of the town of Brisbane. The deceased was born on Kangaroo Point, in April 1844, and had resided in Queensland until the time of her death.
DEATH OF MRS. DA COSTA. (1909, November 30). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 7. Link to TROVE
The " Brisbane Courier " of Tuesday last announces the death at Runnymede, Petrie Terrace, on Saturday last, of Mrs. Da Costa, widow of Mr. E. A. Da Costa, who was at one time Postmaster at Rockhampton. Mrs. Da Costa was the second daughter of the late Mr. James Warner, surveyor, who came from Sydney in 1838 to assist in laying out the town of Brisbane, She was born at KangarooPoint in April, 1844, and resided in Queensland all her life
PERSONAL NEWS. (1909, December 2). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE
DA COSTA.-On the 27th November, at her late residence, Runnymede, Petrie terrace, Agnes Sarah, relict of the late Edwin Da Costa, aged 65 years.
Townsville papers please copy.
Family Notices (1909, December 3). The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 - 1934), p. 3. Link to TROVE
Lord - Warner - On the 1st October by the Rev. J. R. Moffatt, Frederick, son of Simeon Lord, Esq., to Mary Da Costa, daughter of Jas Warner, Esq., of Brisbane.
Classified Advertising. (1868, October 6). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 1. Link to TROVE
You can see Mary in this descendent chart
ALFORD~The Funeral of Mrs. RACHALL GORDON ALFORD, of Southport, Widow of the late Richard Symes Alford, will move from the residence of Captain R. H. Dodwell, Stevens street, Yeronga, THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON, at 12.45 o'clock, to the Toowong Cemetery.
Family Notices (1926, March 15). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), , p. 6. Link to TROVE
DA COSTA. - On the 24th December, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. F. J. Brown, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, Edwin Da Costa, late of Townsville, aged 65 years. (Townsville papers please copy.)
Family Notices. (1905, December 30). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 12. Link to TROVE
The Post and Telegraph Department have lost an old and popular officer by the death of Mr. Edwin Da Costa, late post and telegraph master at Townsville, who died on the 24th December, after a long and painful illness. Mr. Da Costa was born in Jamaica, and after receiving an education in England, France, and Germany, left for Australia in the sailing ship Southampton, arriving in Victoria in 1859. After two years on the Murray River Downs, obtaining "colonial experience," he came to Queensland, and entered into squatting pursuits. In 1865 he gave up station life, and entered the service of the Postal Department at Brisbane. Three years later he was appointed postmaster at Dalby, where he remained for eleven years, being transferred as postmaster to Rockhampton in 1879. After six years' service in Rockhampton he was appointed to Townsville, and remained there until superannuated in July of the present year. At the time of his retirement he was senior post and telegraph master in the service of the Commonwealth.
SOCIAL GOSSIP. (1906, January 6). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 9. Link to TROVE
DA COSTA-February 4, 1928, at his residence, 23 Great Thorn-street, Edgecliff, Villiers Edwin (Dave) Da Costa, beloved father of Dorothy, Eva, and Una, aged 58 years.
Family Notices. (1928, February 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Link to TROVE
Da COSTA.-The Funeral of the late VILLIERS EDWIN DA COSTA (Dave) will leave by 1.55 train from Mortuary Station for Rookwood Cemetery.
Friends alight at No. 4 Mortuary.
Family Notices. (1928, February 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Link to TROVE
Her parents married in Bristol in the December quarter of 1860 and they arrived in Sydney Sunday, 27 March 1864 on the Montrose and George died Monday, 8 April 1889 in Sydney
Alice has these siblings, Eva 1871, Unnamed 1875 (and probably died as Randolph 1876),Mary Elizabeth 1878 and died 1939, and James died 1864
DA COSTA — SCHOFIELD. — On the 21st July, 1890, at Charters Towers, N. Queensland, by the Rev. T. A. Turner, VILLIERS EDWIN DA COSTA, of the Royal Bank, to ALICE WENTWORTH, eldest daughter of the late G. W. SCHOFIELD, formerly of this town.
Family Notices. (1891, June 20). Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), p. 5. Link to TROVE
DA COSTA,-August 18, 1922 at her residence, 23 Great Thorne street, Edgecliff, Alice Wentworth dearly beloved wife of Villiers Edwin, and loved mother of Dorothy, Eva, and Una. By request, no flowers. Queensland papers please copy.
Family Notices. (1922, August 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Link to TROVE
DA COSTA. - In loving memory of my dear wife, and our mother, Alice, who died August 18, 1922.
Inserted by her loving husband, Villiers, and daughters.
Family Notices. (1923, August 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Link to TROVE