41842 ]]
GOLDUP , Ernest, parents
Daniel GOLDUP and
birth -
siblings -
Charlotte Ann GOLDUP , Mary J GOLDUP , Daniel GOLDUP , Edward GOLDUP , William GOLDUP , Frederick GOLDUP , Me, Thomas George GOLDUP , Julia GOLDUP , Maude GOLDUP , Walter GOLDUP , Louisa GOLDUP , Jessie Adelaide GOLDUP , Gertrude Maud GOLDUP
You will find Ernest in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41843 ]]
GOLDUP , Thomas George, parents
Daniel GOLDUP and
birth -
death -
siblings -
Charlotte Ann GOLDUP , Mary J GOLDUP , Daniel GOLDUP , Edward GOLDUP , William GOLDUP , Frederick GOLDUP , Ernest GOLDUP , Me, Julia GOLDUP , Maude GOLDUP , Walter GOLDUP , Louisa GOLDUP , Jessie Adelaide GOLDUP , Gertrude Maud GOLDUP
Look for Thomas in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41844 ]]
GOLDUP , Julia, parents
Daniel GOLDUP and
birth -
death -
27-Sep-1884 Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
Charlotte Ann GOLDUP , Mary J GOLDUP , Daniel GOLDUP , Edward GOLDUP , William GOLDUP , Frederick GOLDUP , Ernest GOLDUP , Thomas George GOLDUP , Me, Maude GOLDUP , Walter GOLDUP , Louisa GOLDUP , Jessie Adelaide GOLDUP , Gertrude Maud GOLDUP
Look for Julia in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41845 ]]
GOLDUP , Maude, parents
Daniel GOLDUP and
birth -
death -
siblings -
Charlotte Ann GOLDUP , Mary J GOLDUP , Daniel GOLDUP , Edward GOLDUP , William GOLDUP , Frederick GOLDUP , Ernest GOLDUP , Thomas George GOLDUP , Julia GOLDUP , Me, Walter GOLDUP , Louisa GOLDUP , Jessie Adelaide GOLDUP , Gertrude Maud GOLDUP
You can see Maude in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41846 ]]
GOLDUP , Walter, parents
Daniel GOLDUP and
birth -
siblings -
Charlotte Ann GOLDUP , Mary J GOLDUP , Daniel GOLDUP , Edward GOLDUP , William GOLDUP , Frederick GOLDUP , Ernest GOLDUP , Thomas George GOLDUP , Julia GOLDUP , Maude GOLDUP , Me, Louisa GOLDUP , Jessie Adelaide GOLDUP , Gertrude Maud GOLDUP
You can see Walter in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41847 ]]
GOLDUP , Gertrude Maud, parents
Daniel GOLDUP and
birth -
siblings -
Charlotte Ann GOLDUP , Mary J GOLDUP , Daniel GOLDUP , Edward GOLDUP , William GOLDUP , Frederick GOLDUP , Ernest GOLDUP , Thomas George GOLDUP , Julia GOLDUP , Maude GOLDUP , Walter GOLDUP , Louisa GOLDUP , Jessie Adelaide GOLDUP , Me
You can see Gertrude in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41848 ]]
GOLDUP , Louisa, parents
Daniel GOLDUP and
birth -
death -
siblings -
Charlotte Ann GOLDUP , Mary J GOLDUP , Daniel GOLDUP , Edward GOLDUP , William GOLDUP , Frederick GOLDUP , Ernest GOLDUP , Thomas George GOLDUP , Julia GOLDUP , Maude GOLDUP , Walter GOLDUP , Me, Jessie Adelaide GOLDUP , Gertrude Maud GOLDUP
Look for Louisa in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41849 ]]
CARROLL , Margaret Agnes, parents
Charles CARROLL and
Margaret HOBAN
death -
siblings -
You will find Margaret in these descendent charts
30 - Apr - 2012
41850 ]]
GOLDUP , Ellenor Irene, parents
Frederick GOLDUP and
Margaret CARROLL
You will find Ellenor in these descendent charts
30 - Apr - 2012
41851 ]]
GOLDUP , Frederick Cyril, parents
Frederick GOLDUP and
Margaret CARROLL
You can see Frederick in these descendent charts
30 - Apr - 2012
41852 ]]
GOLDUP , Gertrude Alvina, parents
Frederick GOLDUP and
Margaret CARROLL
Look for Gertrude in these descendent charts
30 - Apr - 2012
41853 ]]
CARROLL , Frances Bridget, parents
Charles CARROLL and
Margaret HOBAN
death -
siblings -
Look for Frances in these descendent charts
30 - Apr - 2012
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The tree you are looking at, is no longer supported .
Please use the new tree.
Family Surname Index
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BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
41854 ]]
CARROLL , Charles
Click on Charles CARROLL to see his descendent tree
01 - May - 2012
41855 ]]
HOBAN , Margaret
birth -b.c1851 non Australian birth
arrived -
24-Jan-1869 per
marriage -
Look for Margaret in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41856 ]]
CARROLL , Charles Matthew, parents
Charles CARROLL and
Margaret HOBAN
birth -
death -
siblings -
You will find Charles in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41857 ]]
CARROLL , Maria Josephine, parents
Charles CARROLL and
Margaret HOBAN
You can see Maria in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41858 ]]
CARROLL , Julia Ann, parents
Charles CARROLL and
Margaret HOBAN
You can see Julia in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41859 ]]
CARROLL , James Patrick, parents
Charles CARROLL and
Margaret HOBAN
birth -
death -
siblings -
You can see James in this descendent chart
30 - Apr - 2012
41860 ]]
HOBAN , Bridget, parents James HOBAN & Bridget HUGHES
birth -b.c1853 non Australian birth
arrived -
24-Jan-1869 per
marriage -
spouse Matthew CARROLL
Vincent , Matthew , Francis , Mary , Matthew , Charles , Phillip , Victor , Matthew , John , Victor
death -
15 - Feb - 2018
[[41861 ]] CARROLL , Matthew Ambrose, parents John CARROLL & Maria DEMPSEY
birth -
marriage -
spouse Bridget HOBAN
Vincent , Matthew , Francis , Mary , Matthew , Charles , Phillip , Victor , Matthew , John , Victor
death -
2-Jun-1915 Cooktown, Qld.
interred -- Cooktown Cemetery
30 - Apr - 2012
[[41862 ]] CARROLL , Vincent Ambrose, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
birth -
death -
siblings -
Me, Matthew John CARROLL , Francis James CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Charles Hughes CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Victor Paul CARROLL , Matthew Albert CARROLL , John Thomas CARROLL , Victor Eugene CARROLL
30 - Apr - 2012
[[41863 ]] CARROLL , Matthew John, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
This person also features in this photograph
birth -
death -
19-Aug-1878 Cooktown, Qld.
interred -- Cooktown Cemetery
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Me, Francis James CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Charles Hughes CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Victor Paul CARROLL , Matthew Albert CARROLL , John Thomas CARROLL , Victor Eugene CARROLL
30 - Apr - 2012
[[41864 ]] CARROLL , Francis James, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
birth -
death -
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Matthew John CARROLL , Me, Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Charles Hughes CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Victor Paul CARROLL , Matthew Albert CARROLL , John Thomas CARROLL , Victor Eugene CARROLL
30 - Apr - 2012
[[41865 ]] CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
birth -
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Matthew John CARROLL , Francis James CARROLL , Me, Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Charles Hughes CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Victor Paul CARROLL , Matthew Albert CARROLL , John Thomas CARROLL , Victor Eugene CARROLL
30 - Apr - 2012
[[41866 ]] CARROLL , Matthew Ernest, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
birth -
death -
15-Jun-1883 Cooktown, Qld.
interred -- Cooktown Cemetery
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Matthew John CARROLL , Francis James CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Me, Charles Hughes CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Victor Paul CARROLL , Matthew Albert CARROLL , John Thomas CARROLL , Victor Eugene CARROLL
29 - May - 2017
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The tree you are looking at, is no longer supported .
Please use the new tree.
Family Surname Index
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BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
[[41867 ]] CARROLL , Charles Hughes, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
birth -
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Matthew John CARROLL , Francis James CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Me, Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Victor Paul CARROLL , Matthew Albert CARROLL , John Thomas CARROLL , Victor Eugene CARROLL
30 - Apr - 2012
[[41868 ]] CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
birth -
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Matthew John CARROLL , Francis James CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Charles Hughes CARROLL , Me, Victor Paul CARROLL , Matthew Albert CARROLL , John Thomas CARROLL , Victor Eugene CARROLL
30 - Apr - 2012
[[41869 ]] CARROLL , Victor Paul, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
This person also features in this photograph
birth -
death -
26-Jul-1888 Cooktown, Qld.
interred -- Cooktown Cemetery
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Matthew John CARROLL , Francis James CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Charles Hughes CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Me, Matthew Albert CARROLL , John Thomas CARROLL , Victor Eugene CARROLL
30 - Apr - 2012
[[41870 ]] CARROLL , Matthew Albert, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
This person also features in this photograph
birth -
death -
8-Nov-1899 Cooktown, Qld.
interred -- Cooktown Cemetery
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Matthew John CARROLL , Francis James CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Charles Hughes CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Victor Paul CARROLL , Me, John Thomas CARROLL , Victor Eugene CARROLL
29 - May - 2017
[[41871 ]] CARROLL , John Thomas, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
birth -
death -
8-Aug-1915 Gallipoli, Turkey
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Matthew John CARROLL , Francis James CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Charles Hughes CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Victor Paul CARROLL , Matthew Albert CARROLL , Me, Victor Eugene CARROLL
15 - Feb - 2018
[[41872 ]] CARROLL , Victor Eugene, parents Matthew CARROLL and Bridget HOBAN
This person also features in this photograph
birth -
death -
21-Apr-1895 Cooktown, Qld.
interred -- Cooktown Cemetery
siblings -
Vincent Ambrose CARROLL , Matthew John CARROLL , Francis James CARROLL , Mary Elizabeth CARROLL , Matthew Ernest CARROLL , Charles Hughes CARROLL , Phillip Dempsey CARROLL , Victor Paul CARROLL , Matthew Albert CARROLL , John Thomas CARROLL , Me
29 - May - 2017
[[41879 ]] McGURK , Sarah Ann, parents Arthur McGURK and Mary CLEARY
birth -
death -
16-Jun-1943 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 7A, Sect 231, #10 [17-6-43]
siblings -
01 - May - 2012
[[41880 ]] McGURK , Catherine, parents Arthur McGURK and Mary CLEARY
birth -
death -
20-Jul-1978 Brisbane
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 7A, Sect 231, #11 [21-7-78]
siblings -
01 - May - 2012
[[41881 ]] McGURK , Arthur, parents Arthur McGURK and Mary CLEARY
01 - May - 2012
[[41882 ]] McGURK , James John, parents Arthur McGURK and Mary CLEARY
birth -
marriage -
death -
9-Jan-1960 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 7A, Sect 193, #14 [11-1-60]
siblings -
01 - May - 2012
[[41883 ]] WADSWORTH , Jane, parents William WADSWORTH & Annie SWEENEY
death -
19-Mar-1916 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 7A, Sect 193, #14 [20-3-16]
01 - May - 2012
[[41884 ]] McGURK , Jane, parents James McGURK and Jane WADSWORTH
birth -8-Jan-1914
Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
I am the only known child
01 - May - 2012
[[41885 ]] McDONALD , Eliza, parents James McDONALD and Jane JOSLIN
birth -b.c1856 Melbourne, VIC.
death -
siblings -
Look for Eliza in these descendent charts
01 - May - 2012
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Please use the new tree.
Family Surname Index
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BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
[[41886 ]] KINGSTON , Edward Reginald, parents Charles KINGSTON and Elizabeth PALK
birth -
death -
15-Dec-1899 Qld.
interred -- South Brisbane Cemetery, Por 5C, #77G [16-12-99]
siblings -
02 - May - 2012
[[41887 ]] KINGSTON , Charles
KINGSTON.- Charles Kingston, aged 76, passed away at Lyndhurst Hospital, Ayr, on 31st October, 1931.
Family Notices. (1931, November 7). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1885 - 1954), p. 6. Link to TROVE
Look for Charles in these descendent charts
01 - Jan - 2014
[[41888 ]] KINGSTON , Rosa May, parents Charles KINGSTON and Elizabeth PALK
birth -
marriage -
Methodist Parsonage, River Terrace, South Brisbane, Qld.
spouse John ROGERS
death -
13-Nov-1974 Greenslopes, Brisbane
interred -- Mt Thompson Crematorium [15-11-74]
Rosa was interred with her husband John
siblings -
24 - Nov - 2014
41889 ]]
KINGSTON , George Charles, parents
Charles KINGSTON and
Elizabeth PALK
birth -
death -
18-May-1944 Brisbane, Qld.
cremated -- Mount Thompson Crematorium [19-5-44]
siblings -
KINGSTON, George Charles. — In loving memory of my dear Husband, our Father, Father-in-law, and Grandfather, who passed away 18th May, 1944.
Fond memories linger every day,
Remembrance keeps him near.
Sadly missed by his loving Wife and Family.
KINGSTON, George Charles. — In loving memory of our dear Father and Father-in-law, who passed away 18th May, 1944.
Always remembered by his loving Daughter and Son-in-law, Win and Cec.
Family Notices. (1952, May 17). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 12. Link to TROVE
KINGSTON — The Relatives & Friends of Mrs. G. C. Kingston & Family - are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved Husband, their Father & Father-in-law, George Charles Kingston, late of C. Donlen, Annerley Road, to leave his late residence, 48 Ellis St., Coorparoo, tor the Crematorium, Mount Thompson, after Service, commencing at 4 o'clock, This (Saturday) Afternoon.
KINGSTON.-The Relatives & Friends of Mr. & Mrs. J. Rogers & Family, Mr. & Mrs. E. Kingston, Miss H. Kingston are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Brother, Brother-in-law, & Uncle, George Charles Kingston, late of C. Donlen, Annerley Road, to leave as per previous Notice.
KINGSTON.— The Relatives & Friends of Mr. & Mrs. G. Krosch, sen., Mrs. M. Priestley, Mr. and Mrs. G. Krosch, Jun., Mr. & Mrs. T. Brockhurst & Families are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Son-in-law, Brother-in-law, & Uncle, George Charles Kingston, late of C. Donlen, Annerley Road, to leave as per Family Notice.
Family Notices (1944, May 20). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 6. Link to TROVE
26 - Jan - 2018
41890 ]]
KINGSTON , Harriet Louth, parents
Charles KINGSTON and
Elizabeth PALK
02 - May - 2012
41891 ]]
KINGSTON , Harry, parents
Charles KINGSTON and
Elizabeth PALK
birth -
death -
siblings -
02 - May - 2012
41892 ]]
KINGSTON , Lilly, parents
Charles KINGSTON and
Elizabeth PALK
birth -
death -
siblings -
02 - May - 2012
41893 ]]
KINGSTON , Charles, parents Thomas KINGSTON & unknown
KINGSTON grave in Kingston Pioneer Cemetery
courtesy Chapelhill
birth -b.c1832 non Australian birth
arrived -
marriage -
no date or location for marriage
spouse Harriet LOWTH
Charlotte , Charles , John , George , Mary , Alfred , Walter , Sarah , George , Albert , Albert , Harriet , Harriet
death -
27-May-1904 Qld.
interred -- Kingston Pioneer Cemetery [28-5-04]
When his wife Harriet died, she was interred with him
KINGSTON.-On the 27th May, at Kingston, South Coast Line, Mr. C Kingston, senior, aged 71 years.
Deeply regretted by all who knew him.
Family Notices. (1904, June 2). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE
KINGSTON -In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Charles Kingston, who departed this life 27th May, 1904.
Passed beyond all grief and pain,
Death for thee is truest gain.
Inserted by his wife and family.
Family Notices. (1905, May 27). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE
KINGSTON.-In fond and loving memory of Charles Kingston, of Kingston, who entered into rest on Friday, May 27, 1904, aged 73 years and 3 months.
' Absent fiom the body, present with the Lord."
Family Notices. (1907, May 27). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE
26 - Nov - 2014
41894 ]]
LOWTH , Harriet, parents Josiah LOWTH & Mary Ann SYKES
This person also features in this photograph
birth -b.c1834 non Australian birth
arrived -
marriage -
no date or location for marriage
spouse Charles KINGSTON
Charlotte , Charles , John , George , Mary , Alfred , Walter , Sarah , George , Albert , Albert , Harriet , Harriet
death -
31-Oct-1911 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Kingston Pioneer Cemetery [1-11-11]
Harriet was interred with her husband Charles
KINGSTON-On the 31st October, at "Campsie " Cordelia street, South Brisbane, Mrs. Harriet Kingston, relict of Charles Kingston, Kingston, SC line, aged 73 years. Interred at Kingston 2nd November.
Family Notices. (1911, November 11). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE
26 - Nov - 2014
[[41895 ]] KINGSTON , Alfred William, parents Charles KINGSTON and Harriet LOWTH
KINGSTON - LOVE grave in Lutwyche Cemetery
photographed by Greg DAVIS, Tuesday, 9 September 2014
birth -8-Aug-1863
Brisbane, Qld.
marriage -
death -
28-Sep-1951 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Lutwyche Cemetery, Por COE3, Sect 21A, #83 [1-10-51]
Alfred was interred with his wife Lucy
siblings -
Charlotte KINGSTON , Charles KINGSTON , John James KINGSTON , George Henry KINGSTON , Mary Ann KINGSTON , Me, Walter Edwin KINGSTON , Sarah Louisa KINGSTON , George Henry KINGSTON , Albert Edward KINGSTON , Albert Edwin KINGSTON , Harriet Lowth KINGSTON , Harriet Lowth KINGSTON
24 - Nov - 2014
[[41896 ]] KINGSTON , Walter Edwin, parents Charles KINGSTON and Harriet LOWTH
birth -24-Apr-1865
Brisbane, Qld.
death -
siblings -
Charlotte KINGSTON , Charles KINGSTON , John James KINGSTON , George Henry KINGSTON , Mary Ann KINGSTON , Alfred William KINGSTON , Me, Sarah Louisa KINGSTON , George Henry KINGSTON , Albert Edward KINGSTON , Albert Edwin KINGSTON , Harriet Lowth KINGSTON , Harriet Lowth KINGSTON
23 - May - 2012
[[41897 ]] ROGERS , John Francis, parents Andrew ROGERS and Catherine BOLDEN
birth -
marriage -
Methodist Parsonage, River Terrace, South Brisbane, Qld.
spouse Rosa KINGSTON
death -
6-Jun-1951 Brisbane, Qld.
cremated -- Mount Thompson Crematorium [7-6-51]
When his wife Rosa died, she was interred with him
siblings -
24 - Nov - 2014