FUNERAL.--The Friends of Mr. EDWIN WATKINS, Deceased, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to move from his late Residence, Perrett's Hill, Bundanba, at 2 o'clock THIS (WEDNESDAY) AFTERNOON, for the Ipswich Cemetery.
FUNERAL.-The Friends of Messrs. OLIVER, GEORGE, ARTHUR, EDWIN, WILLIAM, EDITH, ELIZABETH WATKINS and Mrs. REICHART are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their Deceased FATHER (EDWIN WATKINS), to move from his late Residence, Perrett's Hill, Bundanba, at 2 o'clock THIS (WEDNESDAY) AFTERNOON, for the Ipswich Cemetery.
Family Notices. (1912, April 24). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4 Edition: DAILY. Link to TROVE
FUNERAL of the late ELIZABETH WATKINS (relict of the late Edwin Watkins), will move from her late Residence, Station Hill, Bundamba, at 2.30 THIS (FRIDAY) AFTERNOON.
Family Notices. (1924, January 11). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4 Edition: DAILY.. Link to TROVE
You will find Elizabeth in this descendent chart
KINGSTON.In memory of our dear Mother, Eliza Kingston, who parsed away 24th August, 1946. Also dear Father, George Kingston, who passed away 5th September, 1929.
Family Notices. (1954, August 24). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 16. Link to TROVE
KINGSTON-LOVE.-On the 20th December, at 1 Callander House, Wickham-terrace, Brisbane, by the Rev. Joseph Buckle, George Henry Kingston, son of Mr. Charles Kingston, of Kingston, Yeerongpilly, to Eliza Love, daughter of Mr. Emmanuel Love, of Loganlea.
Family Notices. (1892, December 21). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE
KINGSTON. The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. G. Davies and Family, Mr. H. Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kingston and Family, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Trimble, and Family, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gooding and Family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb, Mr. P. Kingston and Family, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Carter and Family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kingston and Family, Miss E. L. Kingston, Mr. C. Love and Family are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Mother, Mother-in-law, Grand-mother, & sister, Eliza Kingston, to leave the Southport Methodist Church, for the Southport Cemetery, after service commencing at 11.30 o'clock on Tuesday Morning.
Family Notices (1946, August 26). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 10. Link to TROVE
HAWKINS,-In loving memory of William Henry Hawkins, who fell asleep in Jesus on Tuesday, July 19, 1904, aged 46 years and 5 months.
I am the Resurrection and the Life.
Family Notices. (1907, July 27). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 14. Link to TROVE
These people are in the same plot
Frederick ELMS (10/6/1907)
George Percival BROWN (18/9/1962)
Sydney ELMS (2/3/1899)
ELMS. -The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. Elms and family, Mrs. M. Pedley, Mr. and Mrs. P. Elms and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elms, Miss A. Elms, Mr. and Mrs. G. Rettle, Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown, and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Paxman, Mrs. W. Boody (Ipswich), and Mrs. M. Elms (Northgate) are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother, Sister, sister-in-law, and Aunt, Isobel Elms, to leave the residence, 18 Costin Street. Valley, This (Monday) After noon, at 4.30 o'clock, for interment in Toowong Cemetery, arriving 4.55.
Family Notices. (1940, February 19). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 20. Link to TROVE
FUNERAL.-The Friends of Mr. ANDREW BROWN, of Braeside, Bundamba, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased WIFE (SELINA), to move from his Residence, Braeside, Bundamba, at 3 o'clock THIS (FRIDAY), AFTERNOON.
FUNERAL.-The Friends of Mrs. E. WATKINS and FAMILY, and Mr. and Mrs. W. WAKEMAN and FAMILY of Bundumha, are respectifully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Sister and Aunt (Mrs. ANDREW BROWN), to move from her late Residence, Braeside, Bundamba, at 3 o'clock THIS (FRIDAY) AFTERNOON.
Family Notices. (1914, October 16). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4 Edition: Daily. Link to TROVE
When his wife Jean died, she was interred with him
These people are in the same plot
Jean Maud BROWN (7/2/1970)
Jane JAMIESON (11/11/1961)
Leslie Mark JAMIESON (18/4/1975)
BROWN. Andrew.-The Relatives and Friends of Mr. ANDREW BROWN, of Braeside Hill, Bundamba, are invited to attend his Funeral to leave the Parlour, 15 The Terrace, North Ipswich, at 10.30 a.m., THIS (THURSDAY) MORNING, for the Ipswich Cemetery.
Family Notices. (1941, April 3). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 1 Edition: DAILY.. Link to TROVE
ELMS.In loving remembrance our dear father, William Elms, who died at Purga, March 5th, 1895.
It's just one year ago to-day
Since our dear father was called away ;
The trial was hard but we bore it with pain,
But hope in heaven to meet him again.
Gone, dear father, gone for ever,
Here with us no more thou art,
Suddenly the news came home to us,
Father, dear, with you to part.
Dearest father, we have laid you
In the peaceful grave to rest,
But your memory will be cherished
Till we see thy heavenly face.
[Inserted by his loving children.]
ELMS.In loving memory of my dear husband, William Elms, who died at Purga, March 5th, 1895.
He is not dead, but only lieth sleeping
In the sweet refuge of his Master's breast,
And, far away from sorrow, toil and weeping,
He is not dead, but only taking rest.
For ever with the Lord ;
Amen, to let it be ;
Life from the dead is in that word,
'Tis immortality.
[Inserted by his loving wife, Elizabeth Elms.]
Family Notices. (1896, March 5). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 4. Link to TROVE
02 - Dec - 2014
[[53288]] BATH, Elizabeth, parents Isaac BATH & Ann COLLYER
5-Jul-1922 Lake Trafalgar, WA
8 interred -- Kalgoorlie Cemetery [6-7-22]
ELMS. The friends of Mr. William Elms are respectfully informed that the remains of his late beloved mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Elms, will be removed from her late residence, No. 11 Lake-st., Trafalgar, at 11 o'clock THIS DAY (Thursday) for interment in the Methodist portion of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery.
ELMS. The friends of Mrs. Schoeffler and family are respectfully informed that the remains of their late beloved mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Elms, will be removed from her late residence, Lake-st., Trafalgar, at 11 o'clock THIS DAY (Thursday) for interment in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery.
ELMS. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Elms and family are respectfully informed that the remains of their late beloved mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Elms, will be removed from her late residence, Lake-st., Trafalgar, at 11 o'clock THIS DAY (Thursday) for interment in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery.
ELMS. The friends .of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elms and family are respectfully informed that the remains of their late beloved mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Elms, will be removed from her late residence, Lake-st., Trafalgar, at 11 o'clock THIS DAY (Thursday) for interment in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery,
Family Notices. (1922, July 6). Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1950), p. 4. Link to TROVE
ELMS. On July 5th, 1922, at No. 11 Lake-street, Trafalgar, Elizabeth, dearly beloved mother and grandma, aged 73 years and 5 months.
Family Notices. (1922, July 29). Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1950), p. 4. Link to TROVE