28-Oct-1921 Cairns Base Hospital, Qld.
8 interred -- Martyn Street Cemetery, Sect MWS, Row O [29-10-21]
LATE MR. F. J. CHAPPELL The announcement of the death of Mr. F. J. Chappell, of Cairns, came as a shook to his numerous friends in Ipswich, by whom he was held in the greatest respect. He passed away the Cairns Hospital on Friday last. He was a resident of Ipswich until a few years ago. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. H. Schy, Mrs. T. Jones of Ipswich, Mrs. W. Hollett, and one son, Mr. Chappell, of Cairns.
LATE MR. F. J. CHAPPELL. (1921, November 5). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 6 Edition: DAILY.. Link to TROVE
Look for Frederick in this descendent chart
Jacob SCHY
24 - Aug - 2016
[[01395]] BOOTY, Alice, father unknown and unknown mother
This ancestry researcher - PAUL HEISER - provided some of the information about this person. The name of their tree is - PAUL_HEISER FAMILY TREE (9-Jul-2013)
There is another family by the name of ELBOURNE on the same ship and they are, Charles (26) who may have died Tuesday, 27 July 1886, his wife Eliza RAYMENT (22) who may have died 16/8/1888 and their daughter Isabella (1) who died on the voyage. Charles and Eliza had seven more children in Queensland before they died. I think that Charles may be Elizabeth`s brother but I have not been able to prove it yet.
AN EJECTMENT CASE. At the Ipswich Police Court yesterday morning, before the Police Mageistrate (Mr. J. Stewart Berge) Frank Lucas Schy proceeded against Norah Williams, for unlawfully holding over possession of a tenement after due notice had been given to quit. Mr. H. V. Gibbs (Messrs. Walker and Walker) appeared for the complainant, and Mr. P. J. Hogan for the defendant. Evidence had been given, and, after argument by both sides, the case was adjournied until to-morrow (Friday, the 7th instant).
AN EJECTMENT CASE. (1921, October 6). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4 Edition: DAILY.. Link to TROVE
CUNNAMULLA, October 11.
In the Licensing Court this morning, before Mr. Grenier, the transfer of the license of the new Western Hotel from S. W. Thomas to F. L. Schy was granted, as was also that of the Railway Hotel from Rosetta Campbell to Patrick John Kennealy.
The application of John Donovan for the transfer of the license of the Post Office Hotel from Mr. Sam M'Carral to himself was adjourned this morning, as certain repairs had not been carried out. An undertaking, however, was given, and the application was granted, as was also the transfer of the billiard license of the same hotel. A hawker's license was granted to E. M. Morgan.
CUNNAMULLA LICENSING COURT. (1927, October 12). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 7. Link to TROVE
A loan of £2000 advanced for the purchase of the leasehold of the New Western Hotel at Cunnamulla in 1927 was not repaid by Frank Lucas Schy, and last August the Queensland Brewery Ltd. took possession of the premises. This was the evidence of Schy when an examination into his affairs was conducted in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday by the Registrar in Bankruptcy (Mr. J. D. Keenan).
Mr. E. S. Hebden appeared for the , Public Curator, the Official Receiver.
The bankrupt said that on selling the lease of an hotel at St. George for about £3000 he purchased the leasehold of the hotel at Cunnamulla for £6000, borrowing £2000 from the Queensland Brewery Ltd. to do so. The hotel business at Cunnamulla began to fail about six months later. He put this down to the depression in trade and the extensive credit allowed in the bar trade. The bankrupt's liabilities to unsecured creditors totalled £655/3.8, and to fully secured creditors £2170/12/5. His assets were £306/15/8
The examination was closed.
HOTEL FAILS. (1930, December 12). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 18. Link to TROVE
Look for Frank in this descendent chart
Jacob SCHY
SCHY.-In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father, Harry, who died April 7, 1919. Do not ask us if we miss him; There is such a vacant place. Can we e'er forget his footsteps And his dear, familiar face? Time has passed, and still we miss him; Words would fall our love to tell, But in heaven we hope to meet him. Jesus doeth all things well. (Inserted by his loving wife and children.)
SCHY.-In loving memory of our dear brother, Harry John Schy, who died 7 April, 1919. Dear in our hearts, you are fondly re membered; Sweet, happy memories cling round your name: Head.s that ones loved you with deepest affection: Always will love you in death just th! same. (Inserted by his loving brother and sister-in-law, F., L. and L. A. Schy.)
Family Notices. (1923, April 7). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 8 Edition: DAILY.. Link to TROVE
You will find Harry in this descendent chart
Jacob SCHY
Charles married Ruby Dixon MITCHELL Wednesday, 14 April 1909. Ruby was born Wednesday, 27 July 1892 to John Charles MITCHELL and Helen Elizabeth DIXON and died 1981
Look for Charles in this descendent chart
Jacob SCHY