19304 ]]
WOODWARD , Emanuel Thomas, parents
Thomas WOODWARD and
birth -
siblings -
Eliza Elizabeth WOODWARD , Mabel WOODWARD , Richard WOODWARD , Eliza WOODWARD , Norman WOODWARD , Me, Mercy Jane WOODWARD , Charles WOODWARD , Isebella WOODWARD , Lottie WOODWARD , Tex WOODWARD , Abraham WOODWARD
You will find Emanuel in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19305 ]]
WOODWARD , Isebella, parents
Thomas WOODWARD and
birth -
siblings -
Eliza Elizabeth WOODWARD , Mabel WOODWARD , Richard WOODWARD , Eliza WOODWARD , Norman WOODWARD , Emanuel Thomas WOODWARD , Mercy Jane WOODWARD , Charles WOODWARD , Me, Lottie WOODWARD , Tex WOODWARD , Abraham WOODWARD
Look for Isebella in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19306 ]]
WOODWARD , Lottie, parents
Thomas WOODWARD and
birth -
siblings -
Eliza Elizabeth WOODWARD , Mabel WOODWARD , Richard WOODWARD , Eliza WOODWARD , Norman WOODWARD , Emanuel Thomas WOODWARD , Mercy Jane WOODWARD , Charles WOODWARD , Isebella WOODWARD , Me, Tex WOODWARD , Abraham WOODWARD
Look for Lottie in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19307 ]]
WOODWARD , Mercy Jane, parents
Thomas WOODWARD and
birth -
siblings -
Eliza Elizabeth WOODWARD , Mabel WOODWARD , Richard WOODWARD , Eliza WOODWARD , Norman WOODWARD , Emanuel Thomas WOODWARD , Me, Charles WOODWARD , Isebella WOODWARD , Lottie WOODWARD , Tex WOODWARD , Abraham WOODWARD
Look for Mercy in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19308 ]]
WOODWARD , Tex, parents
Thomas WOODWARD and
birth -
siblings -
Eliza Elizabeth WOODWARD , Mabel WOODWARD , Richard WOODWARD , Eliza WOODWARD , Norman WOODWARD , Emanuel Thomas WOODWARD , Mercy Jane WOODWARD , Charles WOODWARD , Isebella WOODWARD , Lottie WOODWARD , Me, Abraham WOODWARD
Look for Tex in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19309 ]]
GRIFFITHS , Joseph Edward
You will find Joseph in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19310 ]]
WOODWARD , Eliza Elizabeth, parents
Thomas WOODWARD and
birth -
siblings -
Me, Mabel WOODWARD , Richard WOODWARD , Eliza WOODWARD , Norman WOODWARD , Emanuel Thomas WOODWARD , Mercy Jane WOODWARD , Charles WOODWARD , Isebella WOODWARD , Lottie WOODWARD , Tex WOODWARD , Abraham WOODWARD
You can see Eliza in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19311 ]]
WOODWARD , Richard, parents
Thomas WOODWARD and
birth -
siblings -
Eliza Elizabeth WOODWARD , Mabel WOODWARD , Me, Eliza WOODWARD , Norman WOODWARD , Emanuel Thomas WOODWARD , Mercy Jane WOODWARD , Charles WOODWARD , Isebella WOODWARD , Lottie WOODWARD , Tex WOODWARD , Abraham WOODWARD
Look for Richard in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19312 ]]
WOODWARD , Eliza, parents
Thomas WOODWARD and
birth -
siblings -
Eliza Elizabeth WOODWARD , Mabel WOODWARD , Richard WOODWARD , Me, Norman WOODWARD , Emanuel Thomas WOODWARD , Mercy Jane WOODWARD , Charles WOODWARD , Isebella WOODWARD , Lottie WOODWARD , Tex WOODWARD , Abraham WOODWARD
You will find Eliza in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19313 ]]
WOODWARD , Norman, parents
Thomas WOODWARD and
birth -
siblings -
Eliza Elizabeth WOODWARD , Mabel WOODWARD , Richard WOODWARD , Eliza WOODWARD , Me, Emanuel Thomas WOODWARD , Mercy Jane WOODWARD , Charles WOODWARD , Isebella WOODWARD , Lottie WOODWARD , Tex WOODWARD , Abraham WOODWARD
You can see Norman in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19314 ]]
BURNETT , James Thomas, parents
James BURNETT and
Catherine CASBETT
BURNETT - MOORE - grave in Harrisville Cemetery
photographed by Greg DAVIS, Thursday, 10 March 2005
birth -
marriage -
death -
25-Nov-1904 Qld.
interred -- Harrisville Cemetery
siblings -
You can see James in these descendent charts
Frederick MOORE
11 - Dec - 2010
19315 ]]
MOORE , Fanny Elizabeth, parents
Frederick MOORE and
death -
14-Jan-1942 Qld.
interred -- Harrisville Cemetery
siblings -
On the 27th June, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. J. H. L. Zillman, James Thomas, eldest son of the late James Burnett, of Mount Burnett, Ipswich Reserve, to Fanny Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. Frederick Moore, Seven-mile Creek.
Family Notices. (1876, July 13). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 2. Link to TROVE
The person at this -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Fanny Elizabeth MOORE and her family.
You can see Fanny in these descendent charts
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2016
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to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
19316 ]]
BURNETT , Maudie Moore, parents
James BURNETT and
birth -
death -
siblings -
Look for Maudie in these descendent charts
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
19317 ]]
BURNETT , Percy Carmody, parents
James BURNETT and
You can see Percy in these descendent charts
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
19318 ]]
BURNETT , James Frederick, parents
James BURNETT and
You can see James in these descendent charts
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
19319 ]]
BURNETT , Norman George, parents
James BURNETT and
You will find Norman in these descendent charts
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
19320 ]]
MOORE , Frederick, parents John MOORE & Sarah MANNERS
birth -
marriage -
death -
A license for slaughtering was issued to Frederick in January 1859
Frederick Moore, publican residing at Seven-mile Creek,deposed that on Friday afternoon about 4 o'clock deceased came to his place, and complained of the cold, saying he could hardly hold the reins for rheumatic pains in his arms ; he got a nobbler of gin, and afterwards took another, and said he felt better; he got on his horse and rode off, and in about ten minutes he came back with another man, with whom he seemed intimate; they each had a nobbler of gin, and the man went on towards Toowoomba, deceased again mounting, and starting in the direction of Ipswich; he seemed quite sober; witness did not see him again ; he left witness's place at a quarter to 5 o'clock, exclaiming, "I shall get home before dusk." At this stage the inquiry was adjourned for the production of further evidence.
ACCIDENTAL DEATH. (1875, September 28). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 3. Link to TROVE
The person at this -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Frederick MOORE and his family.
Click on Frederick MOORE to see his descendent tree
26 - Jan - 2018
19321 ]]
FITCH , Sarah, parents James FITCH & Ann LEEDEN
death -
On the 8th March, at her residence, Seven-mile Creek, the wife of Mr. F. Moore, of a son, stillborn.
DEATH. On the 8th March, at her residence, Seven-mile Creek, Sarah, the wife of Mr. F. Moore, aged 37 years.
Family Notices. (1874, March 10). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 2. Link to TROVE
The person at this -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Sarah FITCH and her family.
Look for Sarah in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2016
[[19322 ]] MOORE , James Everett, parents Frederick MOORE and Sarah FITCH
birth -
marriage -
death -
siblings -
MOORE-SLUCE.-On the 16th July, at Holy Trinity Church, Bowen, by the Rev. W. F. Tucker, James Everitt, eldest son of Frederick Moore, of Nottingham, England, to Elizabeth, second daughter of the late W. J. Sluce, watchmaker and jeweller, of Brisbane and London.
Family Notices (1883, October 27). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 665. Link to TROVE
The person at this -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about James Everett MOORE and his family.
You can see James in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
26 - Jan - 2018
[[19323 ]] MOORE , Frederick John, parents Frederick MOORE and Sarah FITCH
The person at this -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Frederick John MOORE and his family.
You can see Frederick in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
05 - Jan - 2012
[[19324 ]] MOORE , William Samuel, parents Frederick MOORE and Sarah FITCH
The person at this -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about William Samuel MOORE and his family.
Look for William in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
05 - Jan - 2012
[[19325 ]] MOORE , Robert Walter, parents Frederick MOORE and Sarah FITCH
The person at this -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Robert Walter MOORE and his family.
You will find Robert in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
05 - Jan - 2012
[[19326 ]] MOORE , George Henry, parents Frederick MOORE and Sarah FITCH
birth -
death -
13-Apr-1885 Ipswich, Qld.
siblings -
On the 13th April, at the Ipswich Hospital, George Henry, fourth son of the late Frederick Moore, late of Seven-mile Creek, near Ipswich, aged 17 years.
Family Notices (1885, April 23). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 2. Link to TROVE
The person at this -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about George Henry MOORE and his family.
Look for George in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
26 - Jan - 2018
[[19327 ]] SLUCE , Elizabeth, parents William James SLUCE & Susan COX
death -
21-Dec-1938 Brisbane, Qld.
MOORE—SLUCE.—On the 16th July, at Holy Trinity Church, Bowen, by the Rev. W. F. Tucker, James Everitt, eldest son of Frederick Moore, of Nottingham, England, to Elizabeth, second daughter of the late W. J. Sluce, watchmaker and jeweller, of Brisbane and London.
Family Notices (1883, October 26). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 1. Link to TROVE
Look for Elizabeth in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
26 - Jan - 2018
[[19328 ]] MOORE , Percy Everitt, parents James MOORE and Elizabeth SLUCE
birth -17-May-1884
Brisbane, Qld.
marriage -
siblings -
You can see Percy in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
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Family Surname Index
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BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
[[19329 ]] MOORE , Ernest Frederick, parents James MOORE and Elizabeth SLUCE
You will find Ernest in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
[[19330 ]] MOORE , Claud Henry, parents James MOORE and Elizabeth SLUCE
Look for Claud in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
[[19331 ]] MOORE , Edith Ivy, parents James MOORE and Elizabeth SLUCE
Look for Edith in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
[[19332 ]] MOORE , Ida Lillien, parents James MOORE and Elizabeth SLUCE
You can see Ida in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
[[19333 ]] JULIUS , Constance Marion Isabel
You will find Constance in this descendent chart
Frederick MOORE
08 - Sep - 2007
19334 ]]
LAFFEY , Abraham John, parents
William LAFFEY and
You can see Abraham in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19335 ]]
LAFFEY , Cecilia, parents
William LAFFEY and
Look for Cecilia in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19336 ]]
PETERSON , Daniel, parents Daniel PETERSON & Mary Ann LOTHROP
birth -
marriage -
Brisbane, Qld.
spouse Mary McROBERTS
Edward , Jane , Alice , Blanche , Marian , Edith , Daniel , Walter , Mabel , Dora , Arthur
death -
1-Aug-1909 Brisbane, Qld.
Look for Daniel in this descendent chart
09 - Sep - 2007
19337 ]]
McROBERTS , Mary Louisa Ann
birth -
marriage -
Brisbane, Qld.
spouse Daniel PETERSON
Edward , Jane , Alice , Blanche , Marian , Edith , Daniel , Walter , Mabel , Dora , Arthur
You can see Mary in this descendent chart
08 - Sep - 2007
19338 ]]
PETERSON , Edward Francis, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
birth -22-Oct-1864
Brisbane, Qld.
death -
31-Oct-1865 Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
Me, Jane Lenora PETERSON , Alice Louisa PETERSON , Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Marian Ida PETERSON , Edith Mary PETERSON , Daniel Gerard PETERSON , Walter Lothrop PETERSON , Mabel Eliza PETERSON , Dora Mildred PETERSON , Arthur Charles Varney PETERSON
09 - Sep - 2007
19339 ]]
PETERSON , Jane Lenora, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
birth -6-Oct-1866
Brisbane, Qld.
death -
siblings -
Edward Francis PETERSON , Me, Alice Louisa PETERSON , Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Marian Ida PETERSON , Edith Mary PETERSON , Daniel Gerard PETERSON , Walter Lothrop PETERSON , Mabel Eliza PETERSON , Dora Mildred PETERSON , Arthur Charles Varney PETERSON
09 - Sep - 2007
19340 ]]
PETERSON , Alice Louisa, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
birth -10-Apr-1868
Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
Edward Francis PETERSON , Jane Lenora PETERSON , Me, Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Marian Ida PETERSON , Edith Mary PETERSON , Daniel Gerard PETERSON , Walter Lothrop PETERSON , Mabel Eliza PETERSON , Dora Mildred PETERSON , Arthur Charles Varney PETERSON
09 - Sep - 2007
19341 ]]
PETERSON , Edith Mary, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
birth -18-Jun-1873
Brisbane, Qld.
marriage -
siblings -
Edward Francis PETERSON , Jane Lenora PETERSON , Alice Louisa PETERSON , Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Marian Ida PETERSON , Me, Daniel Gerard PETERSON , Walter Lothrop PETERSON , Mabel Eliza PETERSON , Dora Mildred PETERSON , Arthur Charles Varney PETERSON
09 - Sep - 2007
New Family TREE
The tree you are looking at, is no longer supported .
Please use the new tree.
Family Surname Index
Please check this link for general information about the web site
BEFORE you write an email to the author, please read these notes
to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
19342 ]]
PETERSON , Daniel Gerard, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
birth -
siblings -
Edward Francis PETERSON , Jane Lenora PETERSON , Alice Louisa PETERSON , Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Marian Ida PETERSON , Edith Mary PETERSON , Me, Walter Lothrop PETERSON , Mabel Eliza PETERSON , Dora Mildred PETERSON , Arthur Charles Varney PETERSON
09 - Sep - 2007
19343 ]]
PETERSON , Walter Lothrop, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
birth -
death -
siblings -
Edward Francis PETERSON , Jane Lenora PETERSON , Alice Louisa PETERSON , Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Marian Ida PETERSON , Edith Mary PETERSON , Daniel Gerard PETERSON , Me, Mabel Eliza PETERSON , Dora Mildred PETERSON , Arthur Charles Varney PETERSON
09 - Sep - 2007
19344 ]]
PETERSON , Mabel Eliza, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
siblings -
Edward Francis PETERSON , Jane Lenora PETERSON , Alice Louisa PETERSON , Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Marian Ida PETERSON , Edith Mary PETERSON , Daniel Gerard PETERSON , Walter Lothrop PETERSON , Me, Dora Mildred PETERSON , Arthur Charles Varney PETERSON
09 - Sep - 2007
19345 ]]
PETERSON , Dora Mildred, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
siblings -
Edward Francis PETERSON , Jane Lenora PETERSON , Alice Louisa PETERSON , Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Marian Ida PETERSON , Edith Mary PETERSON , Daniel Gerard PETERSON , Walter Lothrop PETERSON , Mabel Eliza PETERSON , Me, Arthur Charles Varney PETERSON
09 - Sep - 2007
19346 ]]
PETERSON , Arthur Charles Varney, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
birth -
death -
siblings -
Edward Francis PETERSON , Jane Lenora PETERSON , Alice Louisa PETERSON , Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Marian Ida PETERSON , Edith Mary PETERSON , Daniel Gerard PETERSON , Walter Lothrop PETERSON , Mabel Eliza PETERSON , Dora Mildred PETERSON , Me
09 - Sep - 2007
19347 ]]
PETERSON , Marian Ida, parents
Daniel PETERSON and
birth -4-Nov-1871
Brisbane, Qld.
death -
9-Dec-1902 Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
Edward Francis PETERSON , Jane Lenora PETERSON , Alice Louisa PETERSON , Blanche Lothrop PETERSON , Me, Edith Mary PETERSON , Daniel Gerard PETERSON , Walter Lothrop PETERSON , Mabel Eliza PETERSON , Dora Mildred PETERSON , Arthur Charles Varney PETERSON
Died under her maiden name.
09 - Sep - 2007
19348 ]]
STEELE , Alfred James
09 - Sep - 2007
19349 ]]
STEELE , Alfred Gladstone, parents
Alfred STEELE and
birth -11-Aug-1905
Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
09 - Sep - 2007
19350 ]]
STEELE , William Gerard, parents
Alfred STEELE and
birth -5-Mar-1910
Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
09 - Sep - 2007
19351 ]]
HAUSSMANN , Eric Norbury
09 - Sep - 2007
19352 ]]
HAUSSMANN , Eric Lionel, parents
birth -
siblings -
I am the only known child
09 - Sep - 2007
19353 ]]
McKELLAR , Eric Norman
09 - Sep - 2007