A quiet but pretty wedding took place last Wednesday week, the contracting parties being Miss Lillian Edith Rogers, youngest daughter of Mr. W. Rogers, of Cairns, and Patrick Lawrence O'Connell, eldest son of Patrick O'Connell of Cairns. The bride was given away by her father, and looked very pretty in cream silk, round yoke of fine lace, two puff sleeves finished with long lace cuffs, panel of insertion down the front of the skirt, finished at foot with a tiny tuck. The toilet was finished with wreath and veil. The bridesmaid, Miss O'Connell, was gowned in a pretty white muslin dress. Joe O'Connell acted as best man. Mrs. Culverhouse, sister of the bride, was dressed in blue silk muslin, white hat and cream tips.
The wedding presents included : Bride's mother, set of irons, cups and saucers and cutlery, and trousseau ; bride's father, piano ; bridegroom's mother, cheque ; bridegroom's father, cheque ; Mr. and Mrs. Mestry (Aloomba), set carvers in case ; Mrs. T. Morris, cut glass salad bowl ; Miss I. Northage, pair handsome vases and photo frame ; Mr. and Mrs. P. Doherty, centre table; Misses E. and C. Stewart, pair jugs ; Mrs. M. Walsh, pair photo frames and table centre ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers, fancy glass biscuit barrel ; Miss D. Diplock, glass dish ; Miss Girlie Bowen, silver plated jam dish; Mrs. V. Culverhouse, fancy work; Mr. Geo. Paui, silver vase; Miss O'Connell, set fancy dishes ; Jack O'Connell and Les Phillips, silver-plated cruet ; Miss Julia O'Connell, silver spoons and table centre; Mr. and Miss Webber, pair picture frames ; Mr. and Mrs. C. Rogers, fancy glass cheese dish; Mr. and Mrs. C. Pashen, fancy glass butter dish ; Misses Ivy, Violet, and Sue Rogers, glass vases; Mrs. G. Clarke, silver-plated butter and jam dish ; Miss Maud O'Connell, cups and saucers and plates ; Henry and Norma Webber, photo frames ; Cyril, Roy & Leo Culverhouse, photo frames Mr. A. J. Draper, pictures; Miss D. and Reg. Pashen, copper kettle and jam dish ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Dan, silver tray; Joe O'Connell, silky oak sofa ; Cabmen of Cairns, handsome drawing-room lamp, Primus stove and kettle ; Mrs. and Miss Fuller, fancy glass water-jug and glasses Mr. H. J. Goddard, set of Japanese vases ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers and F. Rogers (Ravenswood) pictures and photo frames ; Mr. and Mrs. Gomm, bread board and knife ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Rogers (Irvinebank) cheque : Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers (Irvinebank) cheque ; Misses Peterson, biscuit barrel.
The wedding breakfast was partaken of at the residence of the parents of the bride. About 40 guests sat down and a very enjoyable evening was spent.
Family Notices (1910, May 5). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 8. Link to TROVE
Allan JONES -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Roy Thomas SURTEES and his family.