[[38973]] LITTLETON, May Grace, parents John LITTLETON and Clara SWAIN

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38974]] LITTLETON, Noel, parents John LITTLETON and Clara SWAIN

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38975]] LITTLETON, Roy, parents John LITTLETON and Clara SWAIN

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38976]] LITTLETON, Venn, parents John LITTLETON and Clara SWAIN

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38977]] GOWLETT, James Thomas

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38978]] GOWLETT, Alma Muriel, parents James GOWLETT and Mary LITTLETON

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38979]] GOWLETT, Grace Sarah, parents James GOWLETT and Mary LITTLETON

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38980]] GOWLETT, Leslie William, parents James GOWLETT and Mary LITTLETON

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38981]] GOWLETT, Ralph Littleton, parents James GOWLETT and Mary LITTLETON

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38982]] GOWLETT, Stanley Thomas, parents James GOWLETT and Mary LITTLETON

13 - Aug - 2011

[[38983]] GOWLETT, Winifred Harriet, parents James GOWLETT and Mary LITTLETON

29 - Feb - 2012

[[38984]] GILL, Charles, parents Diederich GILL & Sarah TIESDALE
FUNERAL.—The Friends of Mrs. CHAS. GILL and FAMILY, of Forest Hill, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late HUSBAND and FATHER, Charles Gill, to move from his late Residence, Forest Hill, at 2 o'clock on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, for the Laidley Cemetery.

Family Notices (1914, August 15). Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4 (Daily). Link to TROVE

The funeral of the late Mr. Charles Gill, of Forest Hill, which was a very large one, passed through Laidley this afternoon, the remains being interred in the local cemetery. The Rev. P. Fouhy officiated at the graveside. The deceased was 88 years of age, 67 of which were spent in Queensland.

LAIDLEY NEWS. (1914, August 17). Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 2 (Daily). Link to TROVE

Death of an Old Resident.


One of the largest funerals that ever took place in this district, (writes our Forest hill correspondent), was that which occurred on Sunday last, when the mortal remains of Charles Gill were laid to rest in the Laidley cemetery. The deceased gentleman passed away quite peacefully on Friday night last, after a long and trying illness, surrounded by the members of his family, who had been summoned to his bedside. The late Mr. Gill was one of the oldest and most respected citizens in this district, and in addition to his widow, leaves a family of four sons, three daughters, 28 grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren, to mourn their loss.

Mr. Gill, who was born in Sussex (England), on November 3, 1826, came to Queensland by the "Saphir" in 1847, when he followed for some time the occupation of builder, carpenter, and carrier, and was also engaged on railway construction. In 1855 he was married in Ipswich to Miss Mary Madden, by the Rev. Father M'Ginty, and at that time was engaged in carrying, his operations in this respect extending to Chinchilla and Roma. While out west he took on shearing, and was soon expert in this work, eventually becoming ringer at most of the sheds where he worked. Mr. Gill first took up land at the Three-mile Creek, outside of Ipswich, and it was a common occurrence for him to walk over to the old racecourse to see the horses training his love for a good horse scorning the idea of a little fatigue.

He was the first selector on Sandy Creek, Blenheim, where he resided some 17 or 18 years, and had also a selection of 700 acres at Cressbrook Creek, Biarra, which he sold, and subsequently he took up the farm or which he lived for 27 years, and where he finally made his home. Strange to say, this was the first lot opened for selection on the justly famed Rosewood Station Estate. Mr. Gill was a most successful farmer one of the sturdy old pioneers, who, alas ! are fast diminishing. A well-read, cultured gentleman, it was always a pleasure to converse with him, particularly on the events of the early days, about which he was an undoubted authority, his memory of the coronation of Queen Victoria being very vivid, as it was also of scenes of the early days in Queensland, when the blacks were troublesome. Mr. Gill prided himself on being a subscriber to the first issue of the "Moreton Bay Courier," which subscription he kept up throughout the years. From the first issue, and up till his death, he was a constant reader of the "Queensland Times," whose articles on "Old Identities" were most keenly perused and enjoyed by the deceased gentleman, recognising as he did in those columns some of his earliest friends. Mr. Gill's family consists of Sarah (Mrs. James Barbour, of Biarra), Elen (Mrs. M. Heenan, College View, Lockyer Creek), and Bridget (Mrs. A. O'Brien, Kentville), George Thomas, Charles Albert and John James, of Forest Hill; and Robert David, of Lake Clarendon ; besides a son and daughter deceased. The Rev. P. Fouhy conducted the burial service and at the graveside were noticeable the leading resident of the surrounding towns and districts, some of whom had come great distances to pay their last sad respects to the memory of the old pioneer whom all classes loved and respected.

Death of an Old Resident. (1914, August 21). Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 3 (Daily). Link to TROVE

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20 - May - 2017

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[38985]] GILL, Mary, parents Charles GILL and Mary MADDEN

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[38986]] GILL, George Thomas, parents Charles GILL and Mary MADDEN

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[38987]] GILL, John Jacob, parents Charles GILL and Mary MADDEN

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[38988]] GILL, Charles Alfred, parents Charles GILL and Mary MADDEN

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[38989]] GILL, Robert David, parents Charles GILL and Mary MADDEN

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[38990]] GILL, John James, parents Charles GILL and Mary MADDEN

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[38991]] GILL, Bridget, parents Charles GILL and Mary MADDEN

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[38992]] GILL, Ellen, parents Charles GILL and Mary MADDEN

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[38993]] MADDEN, John, parents John MADDEN and Ellen KEOGH

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[38994]] MADDEN, Patrick, parents John MADDEN and Ellen KEOGH

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19 - May - 2017

[[38995]] MADDEN, John, parents John MADDEN and Ellen KEOGH

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13 - Aug - 2011

[[39010]] SPARKES, Mary Ann Catherine, parents William SPARKES and Mary BOWERS

Sparkes family grave in Lutwyche Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Friday, 21 September 2012

WOODARD.—On the 28th July, at Southwold, Bowen Hills, Mary A. C., the beloved wife of J. M. Woodard, aged 44 years, leaving a husband and six children to mourn their loss.

Family Notices (1888, August 18). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 257. Link to TROVE

You will find Mary in this descendent chart

31 - Mar - 2017

[[39011]] WOODARD, James Martin, parents James WOODARD & Martha Maria MARTIN
FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Mr. JAMES MARTIN WOODARD, Deceased, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to move from his late residence, Southwold, Light-street, Bowen Hills, THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Messrs. LEWIS, THEODORE, ARTHUR, and Miss OLIVE WOODARD are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Father, Mr. James M. Woodard, to move from his late residence, Southwold, Light-street, Bowen Hills, THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices (1903, April 27). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

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31 - Mar - 2017

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[39012]] WOODARD, Minnie Martha, parents James WOODARD and Mary SPARKES

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William EAMES

24 - Mar - 2017

[[39013]] WOODARD, Ada Mary, parents James WOODARD and Mary SPARKES

You will find Ada in this descendent chart

17 - Aug - 2011

[[39014]] WOODARD, Edith Laura, parents James WOODARD and Mary SPARKES

This person also features in this photograph

FUNERAL.—The Friends of Mr. JAMES MARTIN WOODARD are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Daughter, Edith Laura ; which is appointed to move from his residence, Light-street, Bowen Hills, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, for the General Cemetery, Toowong.

THE Friends of Mr. J. M. WOODARD are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Daughter Edith Laura, to move from his residence, Light-street, Bowen Hills, THIS AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock.

Family Notices (1884, January 23). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 1. Link to TROVE

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31 - Mar - 2017

[[39015]] WOODARD, Lewis James Alonzo, parents James WOODARD and Mary SPARKES

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17 - Aug - 2011

[[39016]] WOODARD, Theodore Augustus George, parents James WOODARD and Mary SPARKES

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03 - Feb - 2013

[[39017]] WOODARD, Arthur Edwin, parents James WOODARD and Mary SPARKES

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17 - Aug - 2011

[[39018]] WOODARD, Charles, parents James WOODARD and Mary SPARKES

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27 - Nov - 2014

[[39019]] WOODARD, Olive Verna, parents James WOODARD and Mary SPARKES

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17 - Aug - 2011

[[39020]] WOODARD, Isabella Amelia, parents James WOODARD and Mary SPARKES

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17 - Aug - 2011

[[39021]] SMYTHE, Henry Taylor, parents Charles SMYTHE and Alice TAYLOR

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Charles SMYTHE

26 - Mar - 2012

[[39022]] WALSH, John

John`s death is recorded on the headstone for his wife in Lutwyche Cemetery, but is apparently not buried there.

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21 - Sep - 2014

[[39023]] CAIRNS, Margaret, parents Alexander CAIRNS & Elizabeth HEARN

Massey family grave in Lutwyche Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Sunday, 10 August 2014

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27 - Nov - 2014

[[39024]] WALLBANK, Elizabeth Grace

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18 - Aug - 2011

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[39025]] MASSEY, Elizabeth, parents Sidney MASSEY and Elizabeth WALLBANK

Kim KNIGHTS writes to say that her great grand mother, Elizabeth WALLBANK divorced Sidney MASSEY and then married George QUINCEY. Elizabeth had only one daughter, Maryann QUINCEY, who is Kim`s mother.

Kim KNIGHTS - email address - has written previously (12/6/2012) and is researching this family and may have more information about Elizabeth MASSEY and her family.

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23 - Jul - 2012

[[39026]] WILLIAMSON, Hannah
RUDDY.-On the 26th February, in the Sydney Hospital, from the effects of chloroform, Hannah, widow of the late Joseph Ruddy, of Brisbane, and second daughter of J. and S. Williamson, Coomera.

WILLIAMSON.-On the 1st March, Sarah, the beloved wife of J. Williamson, butcher, Coomera, aged 77 years. (Born Stockport, Cheshire, England.)

Family Notices. (1902, March 14). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

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28 - Jan - 2014

[[39027]] RUDDY, Hannah Elizabeth, parents Joseph RUDDY and Hannah WILLIAMSON

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18 - Aug - 2011

[[39028]] RUDDY, John Henry, parents Joseph RUDDY and Hannah WILLIAMSON

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18 - Aug - 2011

[[39029]] RUDDY, Joseph, parents Joseph RUDDY and Hannah WILLIAMSON

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18 - Aug - 2011

[[39030]] RUDDY, Esther, parents Joseph RUDDY and Hannah WILLIAMSON

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18 - Aug - 2011

[[39031]] RUDDY, Sarah, parents Joseph RUDDY and Hannah WILLIAMSON

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18 - Aug - 2011

[[39032]] RUDDY, Ruth, parents Joseph RUDDY and Hannah WILLIAMSON

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18 - Aug - 2011

[[39033]] RUDDY, Alice, parents Joseph RUDDY and Hannah WILLIAMSON

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18 - Aug - 2011

[[39034]] GRAYSON, Mary, parents Francis GRAYSON & Margaret MURPHY

RUDDY - GRAYSON - grave in South Brisbane Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Wednesday, 26 September 2012

FUNERAL. - The Friends of Mr. JAMES RUDDY are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Wife, to move from his residence, Vulture-street, THIS DAY (Thursday), 15th May, at half-past 3 o'clock, for South Brisbane Cemetery.

Family Notices. (1884, May 15). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 1. Link to TROVE

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28 - Jan - 2014

[[39035]] RUDDY, Francis John, parents James RUDDY and Mary GRAYSON

This person also features in this photograph

FUNERAL. The Friends of Mr. JAMES RUDDY are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Son, Francis John; to move from his residence, Vulture-street, South Brisbane, at Three o'clock THIS DAY.

Family Notices. (1877, June 7). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 1. Link to TROVE

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28 - Jan - 2014

[[39036]] RUDDY, Margaret Jane, parents James RUDDY and Mary GRAYSON
RUDDY - On the 7th November, at Vulture-street, South Brisbane, Mrs James Ruddy, of a daughter.

Family Notices. (1877, November 9). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. Link to TROVE

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28 - Jan - 2014

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