ALLRIDGE, Mrs. Annie Bridget, 57 Terrace St., New Farm (late of Tambo).— Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Allridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. Worsley (Tambo), Mr. and Mrs. H. Elmes (Charleville), Mr. and Mrs. J. Quilty, Mr. and Mrs. P. McCulkln and Families, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hallahan, Mr and Mrs N. Gieseman, Mr. and Mrs. D. Clarke, Mr. A. Allridge are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their late beloved Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother, appointed to leave the Parlour, 400 Wlckham St., To-day, Thursday, for the Lutwyche Cemetery, after the service commencing at 1.45 p.m.
Family Notices. (1953, August 6). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 16. Link to TROVE
You will find Annie in this descendent chart
Also interred in the same grave is, his father-in-law, James WOODARD
EAMES.-On the 8th April, at his residence, 8 DeVisci-terrace, Kingstown, suddenly, Major Thomas Bunbury Eames, late Royal Scots Fusiliers, and 58th Regiment, eldest surviving son of the late Rev. Benjamin Wilson Eames, Rector of Swlnford, and Dean of Killconduff, County Mayo, Ireland, and brother of Dr. W. B. Eames, of Roma.
Family Notices. (1892, May 31). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE
A Redcllffe resident, Mrs Dulce Burns, had her song, "Ring, Peace Bells, Ring," broadcast by a Sydney station on V-E Day. The song, which is being played at the Regent this week, has been placed in the ABC library In Sydney.
Mrs Burns, who is a singer and child impersonator, gave several camp concerts and broadcasts while in Sydney. She has composed several other songs and written poetry.
She is the daughter of Dr W. F. Bunbury-Eames, who was well known in Queensland.
SONG BROADCAST ON V-E DAY (1945, June 9). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 5 (SECOND EDITION). Link to TROVE
The marriage of Mr. Eric Sparkes (eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sparkes, Tavinghi, Hamilton) to Miss Pearl Valerie Eames (eldest daughter of the late Dr. Bunbury Eames and Mrs. Eames, Brisbane) took place on October 14 at All Saints' Church. The Rev. Walter Thompson officiated. The bride, who was given away by her mother, wore a handsome gown of white Marquisette with bolero and tunic embroidered with pearls and finished with pearl tassels; the skirt, which was composed of crepe de Chine, was finished with fishtail train. She also wore a bridal veil, and carried a prayer book with floral bookmarks. Miss Mona Eames (sister of the bride) wore a smart coat and skirt of China silk, finished with the new shade of cerise silk belt and ends. She also wore a white Tagal hat with the same shade of cerise ribbon, and carried a bouquet of cerise carnations and tuberoses. Mr. J. Wood acted us best man. The bride's mother wore a black silk coat and skirt, and a black hat with lancer plume. After the ceremony Mrs. Sparkes (mother of the bridegroom) entertained a few of the relatives of the bride and bridegroom at her residence. She wore a mole-coloured crepe de Chine gown and a hat to harmonise. Mrs. Callaman (only sister in Australia of the late Dr. Eames) was present. On leaving for Tewantin for the honeymoon Mrs. Sparkes wore a smart tussore silk gown, ornamented with striped silk, and a Tagal straw hat of the same shade ornamented with black tulle and oriental berries. The presents, which were numerous and handsome, included several cheques. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a silver-mounted walking stick. The bridegroom gave the bride a knife-edged emerald brooch, and the bridesmaid a wristlet watch. The flowers were the work of the London-American Florists.
Sparkes—Eames. (1914, October 22). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 15. Link to TROVE
HAMLEY.— In loving memory of my dear Husband & our Father, Henry Hurbert, who passed away June 30th, 1942.
God's greatest Gift, Remembrance.
Inserted by his loving Wife & Family.
Family Notices. (1944, June 30). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 6. Link to TROVE