[[42879]] BLANNING, Sarah, parents Thomas BLANNING and Mary TIBBITS

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42880]] BLANNING, Charlotte Eliza, parents Thomas BLANNING and Mary TIBBITS

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42881]] BLANNING, William, parents Thomas BLANNING and Mary TIBBITS

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42882]] SMITH, George

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42883]] HEWSON, Eliza

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42884]] SMITH, Robert, parents George SMITH and Eliza HEWSON

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42885]] SMITH, Mary Jane, parents George SMITH and Eliza HEWSON

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42886]] BLANNING, Jane, parents Thomas BLANNING and Eliza HEWSON

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42887]] BLANNING, Elizabeth, parents Thomas BLANNING and Eliza HEWSON

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42888]] BLANNING, William, parents Thomas BLANNING and Eliza HEWSON

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42889]] BLANNING, Rose, parents Thomas BLANNING and Eliza HEWSON

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42890]] BLANNING, Ann, parents Thomas BLANNING and Eliza HEWSON

15 - Jun - 2012

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[42891]] DAVIDSON, George

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42892]] TIDY, George William

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42893]] EDWARDS, John Arthur

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42894]] TIDY, William, parents William TIDY & Mary KING

Look for William in this descendent chart

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42895]] TIDY, John William, parents William TIDY and Margaret STAPLETON

You will find John in this descendent chart

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42896]] TIDY, Harriet Elizabeth, parents William TIDY and Margaret STAPLETON

You can see Harriet in this descendent chart

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42897]] TIDY, Margaret Alice, parents William TIDY and Margaret STAPLETON

Margaret Alice TIDY and Vivian CONNELL

courtesy Bevan VICTOR

You will find Margaret in these descendent charts

07 - Feb - 2013

[[42898]] TIDY, William James, parents William TIDY and Margaret STAPLETON

You can see William in this descendent chart

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42899]] TIDY, Georgina Henrietta, parents William TIDY and Margaret STAPLETON

You will find Georgina in this descendent chart

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42900]] TIDY, Louis Charles, parents William TIDY and Margaret STAPLETON

You will find Louis in this descendent chart

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42901]] LIVING, Joseph William

You will find Joseph in this descendent chart

15 - Jun - 2012

[[42902]] VICTOR, John Francis

Click on John VICTOR to see his descendent tree

You will find John in this descendent chart

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42903]] VICTOR, John Nugent, parents John VICTOR and Margaret TIDY

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07 - Feb - 2013

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[42904]] VICTOR, Mabel Ellen Frances, parents John VICTOR and Margaret TIDY

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16 - Jun - 2012

[[42905]] VICTOR, Margaret Harriet Maud, parents John VICTOR and Margaret TIDY

You will find Margaret in these descendent charts

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42906]] CONNELL, Vivian

This person also features in this photograph

Look for Vivian in this descendent chart

07 - Feb - 2013

[[42908]] CHADWICK, Donald Munro, parents William CHADWICK and Charlotte PRINGLE

John GRAYSON - email address - has written previously (15/6/2012) and is researching this family and may have more information about Donald Munro CHADWICK and his family.

You will find Donald in these descendent charts
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42909]] CHADWICK, Lenore, parents Donald CHADWICK and Elsie DENNIS


Lenore married John David GRAYSON in 1962 in London.

Click on Lenore CHADWICK to see her pedigree chart

You will find Lenore in these descendent charts
Richard DENNIS
Richard HEATH

03 - Aug - 2013

[[42910]] DENNIS, George, parents John DENNIS and Mary VEAL
DENNIS- HALL. -On January 1, 1870, at Stoneleigh Cottage, Red Hill, Brisbane, by the Rev. B. G. Wilson, George Dennis, to Sabina Hall, only daughter of the late Mr. George Hall (Bohemian)

Family Notices (1920, January 1). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), , p. 4. Link to TROVE

DENNIS.— The Relatives and Friends of the late Mr. George Dennis are invited to attend his Funeral, to leave his late residence, St. Osyth St., Toowong, This (Monday) Afternoon, at 3 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

DENNIS. — The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. A. S. Land. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Cray, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Littler, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mines, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Symons and Families are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Father, Father-in-law, and Grandfather, Mr. George Dennis, to leave his late residence, St. Osyth St., Toowong, This (Monday) Afternoon, at 3 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices (1939, December 11). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 12 (SECOND EDITION). Link to TROVE

DENNIS.— On the 10th inst., at his late residence, St. Osyth St., Toowoug, George Dennis, in his 93rd year.

Family Notices (1939, December 13). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), , p. 26. Link to TROVE

Death Of Mr. G. Dennis
Mr. George Dennis, who died at his home in Toowong on December 10, in his 93rd year, was born in Devonshire, England, and came to Queensland with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis at the age of 16. For a number of years Mr. George Dennis conducted the Red Hill bus service, and later he became an inspector for the Ithaca Shire Council, retiring in 1912. He married Miss Sabina Hall, the only daughter of the late Mr. George Hall, a former assistant editor of The Brisbane Courier, in 1870. Mrs. Dennis died seven years ago. Mr. Dennis leaves two sons and five daughters.

Death Of Mr. G. Dennis (1939, December 15). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), , p. 3. Link to TROVE

You will find George in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

08 - Sep - 2016

[[42911]] HALL, Sabina, parents George HALL & Mary Ann WILKINSON

Listed as Jabina HULL on the shipping list and there was a Edwin HALL on the same ship

DENNIS-HALL. - On the 1st of January, at the residence of the father of the bride, Stoneleigh Cottage, Enoggera - road, Brisbane, by the Rev. B. G. Wilson, Mr. George Dennis, eldest son of Mr. John Dennis, late of Littleham, Devonshire, England, to Sabina, only daughter of Mr. George Hall, late of Coventry, England.

Family Notices (1870, January 5). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), , p. 2. Link to TROVE

Dennis.-Relatives and Friends of Mr. George Dennis and Family are invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Wife and their Mother, Mrs. Sabina Dennis, to leave her late residence, 42 St. Osyth Street, Toowong, This (Thursday) Afternoon, at 3 o'clocK, for the Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices (1932, May 5). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), , p. 12. Link to TROVE

DENNIS.-At St. Osyth Street, Toowong, on 4th May, 1932, Sabina, beloved Wife of George Dennis, in her 84th year.

Family Notices (1932, May 7). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), , p. 12. Link to TROVE

Link With "The Telegraph's" Early Years
Within a few days of her 84th year Mrs. George Dennis (nee Sabina Hall), of Alwington, St. Osyth Street, Toowong, passed away after a brief illness. She was the only daughter of Mr. George Hall, who was at one time assistant editor of the "Courier" and later editor of "The Telegraph," and will be remembered as the writer of "Odd Notes of a Bohemian," which figured conspicuously in "The Telegraph" many years ago. Born In London in 1848, Mrs. Dennis spent her childhood at Coventry and came with her parents to Queensland In 1864 in the Prince Consort. Her marriage to Mr. George Dennis took place on New Year's Day, 1870. She has been associated with the Baptist Church as a scholar, teacher and member for 60 years, entering zealously into the work of various church organisations and attending services regularly until just before her demise. Mr. George Dennis at the time of the marriage was associated with his father, Mr. John Dennis, builder and contractor. Later Mr. Dennis established the well-known lines of city buses that assisted so materially to extend Brisbane's suburbs. When the trams came, Mr. Dennis accepted a responsible post with the Ithaca Shire Council, retaining it for 14 years prior to his retirement. Mr. and Mrs. ' Dennis celebrated the diamond jubilee of 'their wedding on January 1, 1930. The whole of their married life was spent in Brisbane except for a trip to England In 1918. Sociable and sympathetic, cheerful and neighbourly, Mrs. Dennis made troops of friends all along the way by her generous helpful nature. She is survived by her husband, seven sons, and daughters, 17 grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren. Her daughters are Mesdames W. Ward, O. P. Cray, H. P. Littler, W. A. Mines, and C. Symons. Two of her sons, Dr. G. E. Dennis, of Warwick, and Mr. Percy Dennis, predeceased her, the surviving sons being Mr. A. H. Dennis, of the Chief Accountant's Office, Railway Department; and Mr. A. T. Dennis, of the Bank of New South Wales, Brisbane. A very large cortege of relatives and friends paid their tribute to her memory at the funeral services which were conducted by Rev. W. E. Hurst.

LATE MRS. G. DENNIS (1932, May 7). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 16 (SPORTS FINAL). Link to TROVE

Look for Sabina in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

08 - Sep - 2016

[[42912]] DENNIS, Annie Sabina, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL
LAND—DENNIS.- On November 30, at the residence of the bride, by the Rev. W. Whale, William Land, of Devonshire, England, to Annie Sabina, eldest daughter of Mr, George Dennis, of Petrie terrace, Brisbane.

Family Notices (1892, December 30). The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 - 1934), , p. 16. Link to TROVE

You will find Annie in these descendent charts
Richard DENNIS

08 - Sep - 2016

[[42913]] DENNIS, George Ernest, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL
FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Mr. WILLIAM LAND are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Brother-in-law, Dr. G. E. Dennis, to move from the residence of Mr. G Dennis, Hale-street, Petrie-terrace, at 4 o'clock THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, for the Toowong Cemetery.

FUNERAL NOTICE -The Friends of Mr. GEORGE DENNIS are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Eldest Son, Dr. G. E Dennis, to move from his residence, Hale-street, off Musgrave-road, Red Hill, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, 3rd March, at 4 o'cloek, to the Toowong Cemetery.

FUNERAL NOTICE-The Friends of Dr. G. E. DENNIS, deceased, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to move from the residence of his Father, Hale-street, off Musgrave-road, Red Hill, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, 3rd March, at 4 o'clock, to the Toowong Cometery.

FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Messrs. CHARLES, ALFRED, and FRED, DENNIS are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Nephew, Dr. G. E. Dennis, to move from the residence of his Father, Hale-street, off Musgrave-road, Red Hill, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, 3rd March, at 4 o'clock, to the Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices. (1900, March 3). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. Link to TROVE

DENNIS.-On the 2nd March, at Warwick, George Ernest Dennis, M.B., Ch.B., Resident Medical Officer of the Warwick Hospital, and eldest son of George Dennis, of this city, in his 28th year.

Family Notices (1900, March 6). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), , p. 4. Link to TROVE

Look for George in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

Grammar School Scholarships

Grammar School Scholarships

08 - Sep - 2016

[[42914]] DENNIS, Frederick, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL

Look for Frederick in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42915]] DENNIS, Mary Lillian, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL
DENNIS.—On the 18th October, Waterworks Road, Brisbane, Mary Lillian, second daughter of George and Sabina Dennis, aged 3 years.

Family Notices (1878, October 19). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), , p. 2. Link to TROVE

Look for Mary in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

08 - Sep - 2016

[[42916]] DENNIS, Ethel May, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL

You will find Ethel in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42917]] DENNIS, Edwin Percy, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL

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Richard DENNIS

04 - Apr - 2016

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[42918]] DENNIS, Archibald Thomas, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL

Look for Archibald in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42919]] DENNIS, Lucy Ida, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL

Look for Lucy in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42920]] DENNIS, Ruby Alice, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL

You will find Ruby in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42921]] DENNIS, Arthur Leslie, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL

You can see Arthur in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

04 - Apr - 2016

[[42922]] DENNIS, Dorothy Isabel, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL

You will find Dorothy in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42923]] DENNIS, Millicent Margaret, parents George DENNIS and Sabina HALL

You will find Millicent in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

04 - Apr - 2016

[[42924]] DENNIS, John, parents Richard DENNIS and Agnes SUSSEX

You will find John in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

28 - Oct - 2013

[[42925]] VEAL, Mary Ann, parents John VEAL & Fanny SHEPPARD

You can see Mary in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

28 - Oct - 2013

[[42926]] DENNIS, Alfred, parents John DENNIS and Mary VEAL

Look for Alfred in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

28 - Oct - 2013

[[42927]] HUMPHREYS, Elizabeth, parents William HUMPHREYS & Elizabeth PLATT

You will find Elizabeth in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42928]] DENNIS, Gertrude Elizabeth, parents Alfred DENNIS and Elizabeth HUMPHREYS

You will find Gertrude in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

[[42929]] DENNIS, Ada Mary, parents Alfred DENNIS and Elizabeth HUMPHREYS

You can see Ada in this descendent chart
Richard DENNIS

16 - Jun - 2012

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