WEDDING. LYNCH-HAMILTOM. The marriage of Mr James Lynch (sixth son of Mr and Mrs J. Lynch, of Bowen) to Miss Phoebe Hamilton (eld- est daughter of Mr and Mrs Stewart Hamilton (late of North Pine) was cele- brated on October 6 at Cloncurry. The Rev. Father Murtagh officiated. The bride wore a pretty wedding costume of white silk armure, the skirt slightly draped in front with shadow lace let in at foot, and finished with orange blossom. The bodice was made in the new magyar style, daintily draped with shadow lace and caught with orange blossoms. She also wore a handsomely embroidered veil and wreath of orange blossoms (kindly lent by her cousin, Mrs J. Twible, of New Farm, Bris- bane). The bridesmaid, Miss Ruby Davis, wore a pretty frock of cream silk poplin, nicely trimmed with cream guipure and floral belt and hat to match. She also wore a pretty gold brooch, gift of the bridegroom. Mr T. Kennedy acted as best man. After the ceremony the guests drove to the resi- dence of Mrs Ahearn, where a sumptu- ous breakfast was prepared. Later Mr and Mrs Lynch left by the mail train for Townsville, en route to Bowen, where the honeymoon will be spent. Mrs Lynch's travelling costume con- sited of blue ottoman silk, skirt pret- tily draped at side and finished with buttons. The bodice had a yoke of cream rich guipure, smartly trimmed with silk and buttons. She also wore a very becoming hat.
WEEDING. (1914, October 23). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1885 - 1954), p. 6. Link to TROVE
Word was received in Maryborough to-day of the sudden death at an early hour this morning of Joseph Ball, late licensee of the Didcot Hotel. The deceased gentleman was apparently in good health and had only removed from tbe hotel to his farm in the early part of the week. He had been a resident of tbe district for about five years, and was very popular. At one time he was a life's guardsman, and was subsequently in the Queensland Police Force from which he retired on pension.
SUDDEN DEATH (1915, March 5). The Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1892 - 1917), , p. 2. Link to TROVE
08 - Sep - 2016
[[50886]] FOWLER, Sarah Ann Dando, parents William FOWLER & Sarah DANDO
A pretty wedding was celebrated at the Brunswick-street Methodist Church on Saturday, April 26, the Rev. M. Foggon officiating. The bridegroom was Mr. Edward Griffiths, eldest son of Mr. E. Griffiths, Clayfield, and the bride Miss Ethel Ball, daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Ball, of Didcot. The bride was given away by her cousin, Mr. James Twible. The wedding breakfast was held at the residence of the bridegroom's parents. Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths left for Cleveland, where the honeymoon was spent, prior to tak- ing up their residence at Ascot.
Social Gossip. (1919, May 10). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 16. Link to TROVE
A pretty wedding was celebrated at the Brunswick street Methodist Church on 26th April, Rev. M. Foggon officiating. The parties were Miss Ethel Ball, daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Ball, of Didcot, and Mr. Edward Griffiths, oldest son of Mr. E. Griffiths, of Clayfield.
Ladies Page (1919, May 3). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), , p. 14 (Second Edition). Link to TROVE
BENNETT. - At Women's Intermediate Hospital, on 9th May, 1941, John Montrose. infant Son (14 days) of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Bennett (nee Twible), Harcourt Street. New Farm.
Family Notices. (1941, May 12). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 16. Link to TROVE
You will find John in this descendent chart
The three retiring aldermen of the Toowong Town Council have been returned unopposed. They are :-North Ward, Alderman John F. Bergin; Central Ward, Alderman William Land; South Ward, Alderman Charles Patterson. The returning officer (Alderman J. Hiron) will make the official declaration at noon today.
TOOWONG TOWN COUNCIL. (1914, January 24). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 5. Link to TROVE
Land.-The Friends of Mrs. Annie S. Land are invited to attend the Funeral of her deceased husband, Mr. William Land, to leave his late residence, Winsford, Sylvan Road, Toowong, This (Tuesday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.
Land.-The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Land, Mr. and Mrs. A. Keith, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dowd, Mr. and Mrs. H. Burnie, and Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Crawford are invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Father and Father-in-law, Mr. William Land, to leave his late residence, Winsford, Sylvan Road, Toowong, This (Tuesday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.
Land.-The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Thorne, of Laidley, are invited, to attend the Funeral of their deceased Brother and Brother-in-law, Mr. William Land, to leave his late residence, Winsford, Sylvan Road, Toowong, This (Tuesday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.
Family Notices. (1933, January 3). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 10. Link to TROVE
Mr. William Land.
The death occurred suddenly last night of Mr. William Land, master butcher, a former mayor of Toowong, at his residence, Sylvan Road, Toowong. The deceased, who was 68 years of age, was born at Somerset, England, and arrived in Brisbane as a youth. He first established his butchering business in High Street, Toowong, and during the last 40 years built up an extensive wholesale and retail trade. He also added an ice manufacturing plant. The late Mr. Land took a prominent part in local authority affairs, and was a councillor of the Toowong Town Council for many years, and mayor of the town on several occasions. He was also associated with many philanthropic activities in the district. Besides his butchering business, Mr. Land was interested in other companies, in several of which he was a director. About five years ago he suffered a paralytic stroke, and has been an invalid ever since. He is survived by his widow and four daughters, Mrs. A. Keith, Sandgate; Mrs. W. Dowd, Toowong; Mrs. H. Burnie, Toowong; and Mrs. L. T. Crawford, Toowong; also one son, Mr. J. D. Land, Taringa. His sister, Mrs. J. V. Thorne, resides In Laidley. There are six grandchildren. The funeral will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon to the Toowong Cemetery.
Mr. William Land. (1933, January 3). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 12. Link to TROVE
Funeral of Mr. W. Land.
Among those who attended the funeral of the late Mr. William Land on Tuesday was Mr. J. O'Neill Brenan.
Funeral of Mr. W. Land. (1933, January 5). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 11. Link to TROVE
A fine of £5. with 3/6 costs, was imposed on William Land and Co., butchers, of Sylvan-road, Toowong, for having carried a live pig and offal in a cart used for the carrying of meat. It was stated for the defence that an employee had committed the offence in direct opposition to orders.
INDUSTRIAL PROSECUTIONS. (1929, February 16). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 26. Link to TROVE
BURNIE-LAND.-On September 2nd, at Baptist Church, Toowong, by the Rev. S. Newell, Doris, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Land, Toowong, to Herbert, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. William Burnie, Toowong.
Family Notices. (1926, September 25). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1901 - 1936), p. 6. Link to TROVE
John married Jessie Shearer RAYMOND in Brisbane 1930. Jessie was born Thursday, 7 July 1904 in Brisbane to Alfred John RAYMOND and Jessie Catherine SHEARER and died in Brisbane 1975
Lorna married Leonard Thomas Newell CRAWFORD in Brisbane 1929. Leonard was born Wednesday, 9 January 1901 in Brisbane to Benjamin Thomas CRAWFORD and Florence May NEWELL
Laidley News SPRAINED ANKLE. Mr. G. M'Caughey, who is employed by Mr. J. V. Thorne, butcher, of Patrick-street, and who had the misfortune, about a week ago, to sprain his right ankle, is now able, with the aid of a crutch, to move about again. Mr. M'Caughey was endeavouring to catch a sheep at the slaughter-yard when he slipped and fell, sustaining the injury mentioned. He was attended to by Dr. A. J. MacDonald, and is still under his care.
Laidley News. (1911, March 31). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 6 Edition: DAILY. Link to TROVE
ADMISSION OF A PARTNER. An advertisement appears elsewhere to the effect that Mr. J. V. Thorne has admitted Mr. Walter Edmund Daniel, of Laidley, as a partner into the butchering business which has been so successfully conducted by him in Patrick-street, Laidley, for nearly three years. The new business will, therefore, in future, be carried on under the name of "Thorne and Daniel."
Laidley News. (1911, April 4). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 8 Edition: DAILY. Link to TROVE
DEATH OF MR. G. M'CAUGHEY. The death took place at William-street at 4 o'clock this morning of Mr. George M'Caughey, who was in the employ of Messrs. Thorne and Daniel, butchers, of Patrick-street. The deceased, who was only 33 years of age, was seized with an attack of pneumonia, about nine days previously, and notwithstanding all that was done in the way of medical attention and careful nursing he passed away as stated above. The late Mr. M'Caughey, was a sportsman, and will be remembered as having ridden Ald. H. H. Daniel's pair of hunters (Rainbow and Starlight) in the show-ring at Brisbane and elsewhere in the State. He is survived by a widow and six young children, to whom sympathy is accorded in their bereavement. The funeral is advertised to leave his late residence, William-street, at 3 o'clock to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, for the Laidlev cemetery.
LAIDLEY NEWS. (1912, September 7). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 15 Edition: DAILY. Link to TROVE
MR. J. V. THORNE. LAIDLEY, March 9. The death took place rather suddenly yesterday morning of Mr. James Velacott Thorne, a well-known resident of Laidley. The late Mr. Thorne, who was 74 years of age, was born at Exford, Devonshire (England), and came out to Australia at the age of 18. For some time after landing in Brisbane he was engaged on stock work on the Downs, but eventually became associated with his brother-in-law, Mr. W. Land, in a butchering and freezing business at Toowong. At the time of the Boer War he went to South Africa. He stayed there for a few years, and on his return came to Laidley. About the year 1908 he bought Mr. H. Daniel's butchering business, now owned by Mr. F. Dyson. He retired from business a few years ago, and for the last eight years has lived in Patrick-street, Laidley. He had not been well for the last week, but was able to record his vote at the referendum last Saturday. He was taken ill immediately afterwards, and was taken to the Lockyer General Hospital, but died in the Ambulance at the hospital. He is survived by his widow and family of three daughters and two sons, Mesdames D. J. Webster (Coorparoo), G. Burgess (Laldley), A. Fidler (Murgon), Messrs. G. E. Thorne (Burwood, Sydney), and N. S. Thorne (Indooroopilly), also eight grandchildren. He has a brother (Mr. U. V. Thorne) living in Brisbane. The remains were interred in the Laidley Cemetery this afternoon, Rev. W. H. Sanders officiating.
OBITUARY. (1937, March 10). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4 Edition: DAILY.. Link to TROVE
The death took place suddenly of Mr. James Velacott Thome, of Laidley, at the age of 74. He was born at Exford, Devonshire, and came to Australia at the age of 18. For some time he was engaged in stock work on the Downs, but eventually became associated with his brother-in-law, Mr. W. Land, in a butchering and freezing business at Toowong. For some years he lived in South Africa, and after his return went to Laidley and bought a butchering business, from which he retired a few years ago. He is survived by his widow, three daughters, and two sons.
OBITUARY. (1937, March 10). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 16. Link to TROVE
Probate was granted in the Supreme Court yesterday in the estates of the following, the amounts mentioned representing' gross values:- Joseph Gault, late of Toogoolnwah, retired farmer (realty £1404, personalty £2270), James Vellacott Thorne, late of Laidley, retired butcher (realty £1601, personalty £56).
PROBATE GRANTED. (1937, April 30). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 13. Link to TROVE
Elsie married George BURGESS 1923. George was born Friday, 2 June 1893 and died Friday, 19 September 1952 and his parents were Charles BURGESS and Lucy WALLER
You will find Elsie in this descendent chart
Olive married David WEBSTER Wednesday, 7 October 1914. David was born Saturday, 16 April 1887 and died Sunday, 20 April 1958 and his parents were George WEBSTER and Christian ELDER
WEBSTER—THORNE. The marriage of Mr. D. J. Webster, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Webster ("Eldersyde," Nambour) to Miss Olive May Thorne, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Thorne (Laidley), was celebrated on Oct. 7th, in the Methodist Church, Laidley. Punctually at the appointed hour the bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of the "Bridal March" played by Miss Q. Land (Toowong). The service was fully choral, and the church was beautifully decorated by friends of the bride, with English oak leaves and white flowers. A most artistic wedding bell was suspended over the bridal couple, while their outline initials took a prominent place amongst the greenery. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Williams, of Laidley ,assisted by the Rev. W. Shenton, (Bundamba). The white velvet cushion which the bridal couple knelt upon was the work of Miss Mabel Thorne. The bride's gown (made by Miss Webster, Corinda), was composed of white satin charineuse and was trimmed with real point lace and pearls. Her wedding veil, and real orange blossoms were worn over a cap of point lace and net, and the sheaf which she carried was composed of white watsonias and arum lilies. The court train was suspended from the left shoulder, and was borne by two little train-bearers, Miss Beryl Bailey and Master Gordon Thorne. Little Miss Beryl Bailey carried a posy of white flowers, and wore a gold bangle, a gift from the bridegroom. Master Gordon Thorne's gold tie pin was also a present from the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were Miss Elsie Thorne (chief), Miss Daisy Webster, and Miss Mabel Thorne. The Misses Thorne's gold drop pendants and Miss Webster's gold watch were the bridegroom's gifts. All three maids wore costumes of white crepe foam trimmed with Chantilly lace, and Medici collars. They carried sheafs of white watsonias and ferns. Mr. George Webster acted as best man, and Messrs. Harry Sanderson and Norman Webster as groomsmen. Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Thorne entertained about sixty guests at the wedding breakfast. The beautiful three-tier wedding cake was ornamented with emblems in honor of the bridegroom, and was the work of his uncle (Mr. D. Webster, Brisbane). The usual toasts were proposed and duly responded to. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Webster left by the afternoon mail train for Brisbane, prior to their departure on an extended tour to the Blue Mountains and Tasmania. Mrs .Webster travelled in a costume of a light apricot shade, with a "Dolly Varden" hat trimmed with shaded roses to tone. Her gold bangle was a present from the bridegroom. Mrs. J. V. Thorne (mother of the bride) wore a gown of grey silk colienne, and a hat of floral ninon. Mrs. G. Webster's costume was of black Oriental satin, with an overdress of silk lace; her hat was of black satin, ornamented with lancer plume. Many beautiful presents including several cheques were received, amongst them being presentations from the members of the Laidley Methodist Choir and Sunday School, with which Miss Thorne had been closely connected.
Family Notices. (1914, October 16). Chronicle and North Coast Advertiser (Qld. : 1903 - 1922), p. 3. Link to TROVE
You can see Olive in this descendent chart