RUDDY, Robert John.- The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. H. Ruddy and Family (Taylor Street, Annerley) are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved Husband and their Father, Robert John Ruddy, to move from the Funeral Parlour, Stanley Street, South Brisbane, This (Tuesday) Afternoon, at 3.45 o'clock, to South Brisbane Cemetery.
Family Notices. (1935, April 23). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Link to TROVE
RUDDY.- In loving memory of my dear Husband and our Father, Robert John, who died 22nd April, 1935.
Not just to-day, but every day we will remember.
Inserted by his loving Wife and Family.
Family Notices. (1936, April 22). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Link to TROVE
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RUDDY.- The Funeral of Mr. Alexander Ruddy, late of Sunnybank, will move from the Funeral Parlour, 537 Stanley St., South Brisbane. This (Monday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, to the South Brisbane Cemetery.
Family Notices. (1937, March 22). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Link to TROVE
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RUDDY. - The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. H. Ruddy and Family, of O'Keefe Street, Thompson Estate, are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved Husband and their Father, Mr. Harry Ruddy, to leave the Funeral Parlour, 501 Stanley Street, South Brisbane, This (Monday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for the South Brisbane Cemetery.
RUDDY.- Adolph Hertzberg Lodge No. 225, U.G.L.Q. - Officers and Brethren of above Lodge are invited to attend the Funeral of Wor. Brother H. Ruddy, to leave the Funeral Parlour, 501 Stanley Street, South Brisbane, This (Monday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for the South Brisbane Cemetery. By Order, W.M.
RUDDY. - A.L.P. Buranda Branch. - Officers and Members of the above are invited to attend the Funeral of their late Committee Man. and Member, Harry Ruddy, to leave the Funeral Parlor, 501 Stanley Street, South Brisbane, This (Monday) Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for the South Brisbane Cemetery. By Order of the Secretary.
Family Notices. (1939, March 6). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 12 Section: Second Section.. Link to TROVE
RUDDY.- In loving memory of my dear Husband and our Father, Harry, who passed away March 5th, 1939. Remembrance.
Family Notices. (1940, March 5). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 22. Link to TROVE
RUDDY.- A tribute to the memory of Harry Ruddy, who passed away 5th March, 1939. Remembrance.
Family Notices. (1944, March 5). Sunday Mail (Brisbane) (Qld. : 1926 - 1954), p. 8. Link to TROVE
You can see Harry in this descendent chart
Annie married James Abraham SANK in 1924 and James died Thursday, 6 February 1975 in Brisbane and is buried with Annie. His parents were Abraham Paul SANK and Elizabeth POZUMENTIROFF
You can see Annie in this descendent chart
Eliza married Edwin Keith HEALEY in Queensland Saturday, 3 May 1919 who was born Wednesday, 16 September 1896 in NSW to Hugh HEALEY and Louise LIVINGSTONE and died in Queensland Tuesday, 23 March 1943
Isabella married George Patrick WHITELEY Tuesday, 16 December 1919 who was born Thursday, 30 March 1876 to George WHITELEY and Mary McGRATH and he died in Dalby Tuesday, 1 September 1942
The marriage of Mr. James Ferguson Ruddy, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ruddy, Brisbane, to Miss Martha Simpson, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Simpson, Tallebudgera, took place at the residence of the bride's parents on Wednesday, October 19 (writes our Boonngba correspondent). The Rev. D. R. Hamilton officiated. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of ivory silk, richly trimmed with Oriental lace and insertion. An embroidered veil and coronet of orange blossoms completed the toilette. She carried a shower bouquet, and wore a pretty gold bangle, the latter being a gift from the bridegroom. Miss Hannah Simpson (sister of the bride; wore a dainty frock of white cryatalline, and a picture hat to harmonize. She carried a shower bouquet, and wore a handsome gold brooch, the latter being a gift from the bridegroom. After the ceremony over 200 guests were entertained at breakfast at the home of the brides parents. The presents were numerous and handsome.
Family Notices. (1910, November 4). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 7. Link to TROVE
Look for Martha in this descendent chart
William married Ivy Ethel REISER in 1920. Ivy was born Wednesday, 20 November 1901 and died Tuesday, 13 June 1989 and her parents were Albert Alexander REISER and Matilda GEORGE
RUDDY. Mrs. Nellie, 86 O`Keefe Street, Buranda. - In announcing the death of their beloved Mother, Mother-in-law, Sister, and Sister-in-law, Mrs. Nellie Ruddy the Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. G. Afflick (nee Nell Ruddy) and Harry William, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Costin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lambert, Mrs. H. Lambert, are respectfully informed that the Funeral is arranged to leave St. Phillips Church (Cornwall Street. Thompson Estate), This (Monday) Afternoon, at 2.30. for interment in South Brisbane Cemetery.
Family Notices. (1946, September 30). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 10. Link to TROVE
You will find Nellie in this descendent chart
Land and Cattle Sales. (1926, August 27). Nambour Chronicle and North Coast Advertiser (Qld. : 1922 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved January 24, 2014, from http:
You can see John in this descendent chart
Colonel Willian T. Deacon, C.B., V.D., East Ipswich, May 4, 65; George Warwick, Bridge street, Valley, 56; Mrs. Allanby, Gregory terrace, 89; C. W. Adams, 64; A. C. Warnock, Maryborough, 26; G. W. Glendinning, Morningside, 48; Caroline Gripske, 72; J. Graham, Figtree Pocket; E. E. Watkins; Margaret Davies, Thomas West End.
OBITUARY. (1916, May 20). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1901 - 1936), p. 11. Link to TROVE
GRIPSKE.-In loving memory of Caroline, beloved wife of Henry Gripske, who departed this life May 8, 1916, aged 72.
Deeply mourned.
Inserted by her loving husband and family.
Family Notices. (1916, May 20). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 9. Link to TROVE
Look for Caroline in this descendent chart
Benefit Southport Ambulance
The Southport Ambulance benefited to the extent of £6/17/6 as the result of a dance held at the Ingleside State School, Tallebudgera Creek, on August 28th. The function was organised by members of the younger set, comprising Misses K. Burke, E. Waters, N. Hatley, I. Gripske, and V. Waters (hon. secretary). The music was supplied by Messrs. R .Burns and A. Anderson. Mr. W. Jenner was M.C., and Mr. A. Waters looked after the door. The dance was most enjoyable, reflecting great credit on the organisers. The Monte Carlo waltz, the prize for which was donated by Mr. Fletcher, was won by Mrs. R. Burns and Mr. H. Waters, and the chocolate waltz, prize given by Mrs. Foster, was won by Mrs L .Gripske and Mr. V. Gripske. Those present were Nurse Burke (Southport), Mr and Mrs. Charnock, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr and Mrs Crompton (Southport), Mr and Mrs R. Burns, Mesdames E. A. Waters (Southport), M. Bateman (Southport), T. W. Waters, E. Gripske; Misses P. and B. Proud, L. and M. Waters, N. Hatley, K. Burke, E. and M, Waters, V. Waters, I. and M. Gripske, D. Home, D. Goding (Southport), M. Neal (Southport), G. De Bruhn (Southport), L. Waters (Southport), D. Crompton (Southport), Messrs. D. Smith, W. Proud, C. M, and H. Waters, W. Jenner, M. Burke, B. Vokes, B. Howard, S. M'Lain, A. Grozmann, A. and A. Waters, A. and H. Bateman (Southport), A. Neundorff, V. Gripske, J. and W. Waters, A. Anderson (Mudgeeraba), L. and G. Coombs (Mudgeeraba), J. Brandt, W. Frame, A. Crompton, L. Waters, R. and E. Home, E. .Dove, J Ridge, F Mitchell (Southport), R. Gill, A. Bamfield.
INGLESIDE DANCE. (1931, September 11). South Coast Bulletin (Southport, Qld. : 1929 - 1939), p. 8. Link to TROVE
The driver, August Neuendorf, a banana farmer, of Tallebudgera Creek, sustained a severe lacerated wound on the left thigh, and shock. The other occupant of the front seat, Mrs. L. Gripske, of Tallebudgera Creek, escaped injury. Victor Gripske (19), who was sitting in the dicky seat with Irene Gripske (17), sustained a small lace- rated wound over the left eye, and shock.
Christmas Dumber. (1932, December 18). Sunday Mail (Brisbane) (Qld. : 1926 - 1954), p. 1. Link to TROVE