(09766) FREEMAN, William, parents George FREEMAN and Sarah MILLER

21 - Dec - 2017

(09767) FORD, Tryphena MayTryphena's family

20 - Dec - 2017

(09768) FREEMAN, Edna Rose, parents William FREEMAN and Tryphena FORD

20 - Dec - 2017

(09791) FREEMAN, Elfrida Alice May, parents William FREEMAN and Tryphena FORD

20 - Dec - 2017

(09792) FREEMAN, George, parents William FREEMAN & Eliza ROWLANDS
FREEMAN-In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah Freeman, who fell asleep on August 26, 1913; also our dear father, George Freeman on 27th August, 1920.
Inserted by his loving daughters, Lizzie and Maud.

Family Notices (1926, August 26). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(09793) MILLER, Sarah, parents William MILLER and Anne LEWILLEN Sarah's family
FUNERAL NOTICE.— The Friends of Mr. GEORGE FREEMAN are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased wife, Sarah, to move from his residence Cowonga, Oxley, TO-MORROW (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for St. Matthew's Cemetery, Sherwood.

FUNERAL NOTICE. — The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. NOAH WOOD are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of .their deceased sister-in-law and sister, Mrs. Sarah Freeman, to move from her late residence, Cowonga, Oxley, TO-MORROW (Thursday ) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock for St. Matthews's Cemetery, Sherwood.

Family Notices (1913, August 27). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 2 (SECOND EDITION). Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

[[27871]] HOY, Peter Joseph, parents John HOY & Mary WATERS

12 - Dec - 2017

(54374) GRIMES, Charles, parents George GRIMES and Elizabeth ANCOTT

04 - Dec - 2017

(54375) GRIMES, William, parents William GRIMES and Mary DOUGLAS

04 - Dec - 2017

(54376) GRIMES, Margaret, parents William GRIMES and Mary DOUGLAS

04 - Dec - 2017

(54377) GRIMES, Annie Maud, parents William GRIMES and Mary DOUGLAS

04 - Dec - 2017

(54378) ANCOTT, Elizabeth, parents William ANCOTT & unknown Elizabeth's family

04 - Dec - 2017

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

(54379) GRIMES, Henry John, parents George GRIMES and Elizabeth ANCOTT

04 - Dec - 2017

(54380) KINGSTON, Charles James, parents John KINGSTON & Ann FOSKETT
THE Friends of the late Mr. CHARLES JAMES KINGSTON, late of Aramac, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to move from St. Paul's Cathedral, THIS (Wednesday) FORENOON, at 10.30 o'clock, for the Rockhampton Cemetery.

THE Friends of Messrs. FRANK, JOSEPH, WILLIAM, JOHN, RODNEY, of Aramac, and CHARLES WILLIAM KINGSTON, of Emerald (sons), Mrs. W. H. JONES, of Aramac, and Mrs. C. R. S. CAULFIELD, of Georgetown (Daughters) are respectfully invited to attend the Funeal of their deceased beloved FATHER (Charles James Kingston), to move from St. Paul's Cathedral, THIS (Wednesday) FORENOON, at 10.30 o'clock, for the Rockhampton Cemetery.

THE MEMBERS of the ARAMAC MASONIC LODGE are requested to attend the Funeral of their late BROTHER (P.M. Charles James Kingston, to move from St. Paul's Cathedral, THIS (Wednesday) FORENOON, at 10.30. A. W. GREEN, W.M. Brothers of Rockhampton Lodge also requested to attend.

THE BROTHERS of COMET MARK LODGES, Barcaldine, are requested to attend the Funeral of their late BROTHER (P.M. Charles James Kingston), THIS (Wednesday) FORENOON, at 10.30, from St. Paul's Cathedral.

THE MEMBERS of the LOYAL ARAMAC LODGE are requested to attend the Funeral of their late BROTHER (Charles James Kingston), to move from St. Paul's Cathedral, THIS (Wednesday) FORENOON, at 10.30.
Members of the LOYAL PIONEER, VICTORIA, and FITZROY LODGES, Rockhampton, also invited to attend.

Family Notices (1923, January 31). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 8. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54381) BENFER, Clara Elsie, parents Johann BENFER and Chritina BROHMANN
The marriage of Mr. George Feige (Wynnum) to Miss Elsie Clara Benfer (youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Benfer, Hillside, Beenleigh) was celebrated at the residence of the bride's parents on December 22 by the Rev. E. Hillier. The bride, who was given away by her brother (Mr. Geo. Benfer), wore a gown of white silk marocain and wreath and veil, and carried a bouquet of roses and bridal fern. The chief bridesmaid, Miss Amy Benfer (cousin of the bride), wore a frock of pale pink crepe de Chine, and carried a bouquet of roses and asparagus plumosus. Miss Ethel Benfer (niece of the bride), who also attended as bridesmaid, wore a frock of pale blue fancy silk voile. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a gold brooch set with rubies and pearls, to the chief bridesmaid he gave a bedroom clock, and to Miss Ethel Benfer a Nellie Stewart bangle. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a pair of of gold sleeve links.

Mr. Carl Kopittke (Zillmere) was best man, and Mr. W. Feige (brother of the bridegroom) carried out the duties of groomsman. At the conclusion of the service the guests were entertained at a wedding dejeuner, a handsome three-tiered wedding cake made by Miss L. Lubach (Beenleigh) decorating the table. The bride's travelling dress was of navy cashmere de soie. Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. Feige left for Ipswich, where the honeymoon was spent.

Family Notices (1924, February 2). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 21. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54382) FURLONG, William Orme, parents Augustus FURLONG and Jane ORMES
FURLONG, William O.— The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. D. Furlong and Family (of Charters Towers) are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved Husband and their Father, William Orme Furlong, late 2nd Light Horse, A.I.F., to move from the Funeral Chapel, Wickham Street, Valley, This (Thursday) Afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, to Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices (1939, February 2). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 12 (CITY FINAL LAST MINUTE NEWS). Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54383) FURLONG, George Lismore, parents Augustus FURLONG and Jane ORMES

20 - Dec - 2017

(54384) FREEMAN, Elizabeth, parents George FREEMAN and Sarah MILLER Elizabeth's family
KELSO.— In loving remembrance of our dear Mother and Wife, Elizabeth Kelso, who passed away at Nundah on 23rd March, 1939.
Inserted by her loving Daughters and Husband.

Family Notices (1942, March 24). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 8. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54385) MILLER, William

We need some help with William so that future generations know who he is and that his existence here, although short in time, will not be forgotten. Your contribution of information would be much appreciated.

21 - Dec - 2017

(54386) LEWILLEN, AnneAnne's family

Anne is one of those lost souls for whom little is known. If you are able to give Anne a family to live with, I would be most pleased to hear about it.

21 - Dec - 2017

(54387) MILLER, Elizabeth, parents William MILLER and Anne LEWILLEN

21 - Dec - 2017

(54388) SAVILLE, Joseph William, father unknown and unknown mother

21 - Dec - 2017

(54389) WOOD, Noah

We need some help with Noah so that future generations know who he is and that his existence here, although short in time, will not be forgotten. Your contribution of information would be much appreciated.

21 - Dec - 2017

(54390) FREEMAN, Emily Maud, parents George FREEMAN and Sarah MILLER
WHITAKER-FREEMAN -On 18th November, at Oxley Church of England, by Rev A. L. Brine, Rhodes, youngest son of late Rhodes and Elizabeth Whitaker, Hunter-street, Indooroopilly, and Short-street, Sandgate, to Emily Maud, youngest daughter of George Freeman, "Cowonga," Oxley.
Cambridge and Leeds, papers please copy.

Family Notices (1919, December 22). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54391) KELSO, George Freeman, parents William KELSO and Elizabeth FREEMAN
KELSO.--The Relatives and Friends of Mr. W. KELSO, M.L.A., and Mrs. KELSO, and FAMILY, of Boyd-road, Nundah, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased son and brother, George Freeman Kelso, to move from Alex. Cow's Funeral Parlour, Queen-street, Petrie Bight, TO-MORROW (Monday) FORENOON, at 10 o'clock for the Lutwyche Cemetery.

Family Notices (1930, March 30). Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1926 - 1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

(54392) TURNER, William Brown, parents Edward TURNER and Louisa BROWN
TURNER.—The Relatives and Friends of the late WILLIAM BOWN TURNER are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to move from his late Residence, Walsh-street, Newtown, at 2.30 THIS (TUESDAY) AFTERNOON, for the Ipswich Cemetery.

TURNER. — True Blue Lodge, P.A.F.S.O.A., No. 8, Members of the above Lodge are requested to attend the Funeral of the late Bro. WILLIAM BOWN TURNER, to move from his late Residence, Walsh-street, Newtown, at 2.30 THIS (TUESDAY) AFTERNOON.
E. C. STANLEY, Secretary.

Family Notices (1927, June 7). Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 2 (DAILY.). Link to TROVE

TURNER.—On the 6th June, at his late residence, Walsh-street, Newtown, William Bown Turner, beloved father of W. Turner, Sydney, E. E. Turner, Silkstone, Mrs. A. T. Beverley, Booval, and Miss Turner, Brisbane.

Family Notices (1927, June 11). Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 2 (DAILY.). Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54393) TURNER, Edward, parents John TURNER & Bessie unknown
FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Mrs. R. W. KENDRICK and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their deceased father and Grandfather (Mr. Edward Turner), to move from Ipswich Railway Station at 3.45 p.m. THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, for the Ipswich Cemetery.

Family Notices (1907, January 12). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54394) BROWN, Louisa, parents Richard BROWN & Ann BAILEY Louisa's family
FUNERAL.—The Friends of Mr. EDWARD TURNER, of Mutdapilly, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late WIFE, to move from his Son's (Mr. WILLIAM TURNER'S) Residence, Walsh-street, Newtown, at 3 o'clock THIS (THURSDAY) AFTERNOON, for the Ipswich Cemetery.

Family Notices (1893, July 13). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 2. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54395) TURNER, Louisa Annie, parents Edward TURNER and Louisa BROWN

27 - Dec - 2017

(54396) KENDRICK, Robert William, parents Robert William KENDRICK & Emma FIDDIS
On the 6th February, at her residence, Denison-street, Rockhampton, Felicia Jane (Lily), the beloved wife of Thomas Delehanty, and youngest sister of Robt. W. Kendrick, C.P.S., Muttaburra, aged 26 years. Deeply regretted. (Aramac papers, please copy.)

Family Notices (1885, February 14). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 2. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54397) TURNER, Charles, parents Edward TURNER and Louisa BROWN
On the 11th February, at his residence, Pelican-street, North Ipswich, Charles, second and youngest son of Edward Turner, Newtown, leaving a wife and two young children to lament their loss, and deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. Aged 31 years. (Aramac papers, please copy.)

Family Notices (1885, February 14). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 2. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54398) HICKS, Harriet

We need some help with Harriet so that future generations know who she is and that her existence here, although short in time, will not be forgotten. Your contribution of information would be much appreciated.

26 - Dec - 2017

(54399) RAMPTON, LucyLucy's family

Lucy is feeling a little lonely and un-loved because we seem to know so little about her. So, if you can help with any information about her family history, I would appreciate it if you were to write to me.

27 - Dec - 2017

(54400) TURNER, Naomi Gertrude May, parents William TURNER and Lucy RAMPTON

27 - Dec - 2017

(54401) TURNER, George Ernest Edward, parents William TURNER and Lucy RAMPTON

George married Mary Doyle McMILLAN Saturday, 26 September 1914

TURNER.—The Relatives and Friends of the late GEORGE EDWARD TURNER are invited to attend his Funeral, to leave his late Residence, Margaret-street, Silkstone, at 3.30 THIS (MONDAY) AFTERNOON, for the Ipswich Cemetery.

TURNER.—The Friends or Mr. and Mr. W. J. TURNER (N.S.W. ), Mr. and Mrs. A. T. BEVERLEY (Booval), and Miss TURNER, are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Brother and Brother-in-law (GEORGE EDWARD TURNER), to leave his late Residence, Margaret-street, Silkstone, at 3.30 THIS (MONDAY) AFTERNOON for the Ipswich Cemetery.

TURNER.—HOPE OF IPSWICH TENT, No. 2: Officers and Members of the above Lodge are invited to attend the Funeral of their late Brother (GEORGE EDWARD TURNER), to leave his late Residence, Margaret-street, Silkstone, at 3.30 THIS (MONDAY) AFTERNOON for the Ipswich Cemetery.

Family Notices (1936, May 18). Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 1 (DAILY.). Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54402) TURNER, Emma Amelia, parents Edward TURNER and Louisa BROWN Emma's family
On the 19th October, at the residence of Mr. W. Turner, Newtown, near Ipswich, by the Rev. Joseph A. Taylor, James Jacklin, formerly of Gayton-le-Marsh, Lincoln, England, to Emma Marston, Thorn-street, Ipswich.

Family Notices (1889, October 26). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 4. Link to TROVE

JACKLIN.-The Friends of Mr. WM. JACKLIN are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Wife, Emma Amelia, to move from Alex. Gow's Funeral Parlour, Queen-street, Petrie Bight, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

JACKLIN.-The Friends of Mrs. and Mr. PETERS, Mrs. and Mr. BECKWORTH, Mrs. and Mr. SNELL, Mrs. and Mr. CARLINE, Mrs. and Mr. WATT are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Mother and Mother-in-law, Emma Amelia Jacklin, to move from Alex. Gow's Funeral Parlour, Queen-street, Petrie Bight, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices (1922, August 29). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Link to TROVE

The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Jacklin will regret to learn that her death took place at Wynnum on Monday, August 28, she passing peacefully away in her sleep. The deceased lady had not enjoyed the best of health for some considerable time, though no one thought that the end was so near, as she was bright and cheerful several days before her demise. The deceased, who had just passed her 70th birthday, was born in Dorsetshire, England, and arrived in ipswich in 1884, where she practised her profession of nursing for many years. She removed to Gympie in 1894, and continued in her profession until her health failed. About 18 months ago she removed to Wynnum, and enjoyed fairly good health until May last, when she contracted influenza. This attack aggravated an old complaint, which, despite the unremitting attention of her daughter (Mrs. S. Snell), ultimately caused her death. She was at all times a self-sacrificing and kindly neighbour, and a kind godly and devoted wife, and mother. She is survived by her husband and five daughters Mesdames A. Peters (Aspley), S. Snell (Wynnum), R. C. Beckwith (Kingaroy), R. H. Carlyon (Ipswich), W. Watt (Fairfield), and eleven grandchildren. The funeral tools place on Tuesday last, to the Toowong Cemetery. The Rev. W. Shenton conducted the service at the graveside.

PERSONAL (1922, September 5). Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 6 (DAILY.). Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54403) MARSTON, John

It is important to record as much information about John as soon as we can so that it doesn't become lost forever. So if you can help with some information I am sure that John's family would be most pleased.

28 - Dec - 2017

(54404) JACKLIN, James, parents George JACKLIN & Theresa WALKER
Another Drowning Accident.


Following closely upon the recent fatality in the baths comes another most unfortunate drowning accident in the Bremer River. It will be remembered that, on Saturday last, not only was it raining, but a terrific gale of wind was blowing nearly the whole of the day.
It appears that, on that day, immediately after knocking off work at dinner time, three men, names James Jacklin, Bruce Burrows, and James Pedley, employees of Messrs. Hancock Bros., attempted to cross the river opposite the mill, in a dingy, in order to get to their homes. Two of the men sat at one end and paddled, and owing to the fresh in the river and the heavy wind, they found it most difficult to make progress. When they had about reached the middle of the stream, one end of the boat dipped under, shipping a lot of water, so that the dingy almost immediately filled and sank, leaving the three men struggling in the water. Burrowes and Pedley could swim, but Jacklin could not, and in his fear he clutched Burrows by the neck, and the two sank together. It took a great effort on the part of Burrowes to get himself free from the drowning man, and he afterwards made an attempt to save him, but was unable to do so. Burrowes and Pedley reached the shore in a very exhausted condition, but Jacklin was never seen again. Burrowes came up and informed the police, and with all speed Mounted-Constables Ferguson and Murray and Constables Henry and Griffin procured a boat, took the drags down, and commenced searching for the body. Under very great difficulties, they continued the search till prevented by the darkness of the night, and were at work again all next day (Sunday).
Doubtless owing to the rise in the river, the police were unable to resume their search for the body by means of dragging, yesterday, but Constable Henry made a careful and lengthy search along the bank of the river, but, his search was unavailing. The deceased, who was about forty years of age, was a resident of Newtown, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn their loss. He was a respectable hard-working man, and much liked by his fellow employees.

Another Drowning Accident. (1892, April 5). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 4. Link to TROVE

A magisterial inquiry was held at the Police Court, yesterday morning, before Mr. A. H. Warner Shand, into the circumstances surrounding the death of James Jacklin, who was drowned in the Bremer on the 2nd instant.
The principal evidence was that of Bruce Burrows, a machinist, employed at Hancock's saw-mill, North Ipswich, and residing at the Basin Pocket, who deposed that the deceased, James Jacklin, was also employed at Hancock's previous to his death, as was also James Pedley. The former used to reside at Newtown, and the latter lived at Booval. Witness, the deceased, and Pedley used to cross the river in a punt to get to their work. On Saturday, the 2nd instant, he and the two persons mentioned, after knocking off work at 1 o'clock, went to the punt to cross the river. The deceased was the first to get in, Pedley followed, and witness was last. Pedley sat at the rear of the boat, deceased stood in the centre, and witness stood at the fore. The punt measured about 7ft. by 3ft. The day was very stormy. When about the middle of the river, the wind was blowing very strongly, and notwithstanding that the occupants endeavoured to keep the head of the punt to the wind, a wave came over and filled it. One end went down and Pedley fell out, calling out to the deceased to stick to the boat, and after swimming round the punt for a time he struck out for the south shore. The deceased caught hold of witness, the punt turned over, and both fell into the water together, and went down. Witness got away from him two or three times, and again caught him and endeavoured to rescue him, but deceased caught witness by the neck till he (witness) became quite exhausted, and he was unable to do anything more. Witness never saw deceased swim, nor did he attempt to swim then. Witness got ashore on the south side. There was about 9ft. of water where the accident occurred. The water was muddy, but there was no fresh. Witness thought that he could have rescued deceased if he (witness) had kept his presence of mind. Witness was about ten minutes in the water before he reached the shore. Had known the deceased six or seven years. None of the occupants of the boat had taken any drink previously. The punt was good enough to cross in ; in fact, they had used it in flood time. By the Bench: I consider that the accident was purely accidental.

IPSWICH. (1892, April 26). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 7. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

(54405) MARSTON, John, parents John MARSTON and Emma TURNER

28 - Dec - 2017

(54406) MARSTON, Emma, parents John MARSTON and Emma TURNER

Emma married Arthur Charles PETERS 1921

29 - Dec - 2017

(54407) MARSTON, Florence, parents John MARSTON and Emma TURNER

Florence married Samuel SNELL Thursday, 3 January 1901

Wedding Bells.

A quiet but pretty wedding was witnessed at the One-mile Methodist church on Thursday afternoon last. The contracting parties were Mr. Samuel Snell (second son of Mr. John Snell, of Ashford's hill), and Miss Florence Annie Marston (second daughter of Mrs. Wm. Jacklin, of Noosa Road). The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. Youngman. The bride was given away by her stepfather (Mr. Wm. Jacklin), and was charmingly attired in a grey voile dress, trimmed with white silk and chitfon, and sprays of orange blossoms, with hat to match. She was attended by her four sisters, Miss Marston (chief bridesmaid), Miss E. Marston, Miss R. Marston, and Miss J. Jacklin, and Miss W. Rowe (cousin of the bridegroom.) The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr. W. Snell, who acted as best man, and was also supported by Mr. R. C. Beckwith and Mr. R. H. Carlyon. Miss Snell officiated at the organ, and as the bridal procession left the church she played the " Wedding March." The guests then drove to the residence of the bride's parents, where a sumptuous breakfast was prepared, after which the happy pair left in the 5 o'clock train for Maryborough. They were the recipients of many useful and handsome presents, among which was a handsome silver-mounted pickle-jar, presented to the bride by the teachers of the Red Hill Methodist Sunday School, and also a handsome silver-mounted biscuit barrel, presented to the bridegroom by the members of the One-mile Methodist choir.

Wedding Bells. (1901, January 8). Gympie Times and Mary River Mining Gazette (Qld. : 1868 - 1919), p. 3. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54408) MARSTON, Edith, parents John MARSTON and Emma TURNER

Edith married Rupert Clarence BECKWITH Friday, 16 June 1905

29 - Dec - 2017

(54409) MARSTON, Hannah, parents John MARSTON and Emma TURNER

28 - Dec - 2017

(54410) JACKLIN, Rebecca Jane, parents James JACKLIN and Emma TURNER

Rebecca married William Albert Bruce WATT Wednesday, 23 December 1908

29 - Dec - 2017

(54411) JACKLIN, William, parents John JACKLIN & Matilda JOHNSTON
JACKLIN.—The Relatives and Friends of the late William Jacklin, of Fairfield, formerly of Gympie, are invited to attend his Funeral, to move from Alex. Gow's Funeral Parlour, Petrie Bight, This (Tuesday) Forenoon, at 10 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices (1936, June 23). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54412) LOGAN, Thomas, parents Thomas LOGAN and Eliza DYCE
Fatal Accident.
Brisbane, April 7.

A census enumerator named Thomas Logan, aged 70 years, was killed at Britton's brick works at Oxley to-day owing to a truck being lowered upon his head.

Fatal Accident. (1911, April 8). Western Star and Roma Advertiser (Toowoomba, Qld. : 1875 - 1948), p. 2. Link to TROVE


Brisbane, Friday.

A census enumerator named Thomas Logan, aged 70, visited the brickworks near Oxley to-day to see one of the workmen in connection with the census returns. It is alleged that Logan way descending the clay pit, unknown lo the workmen, and a truck was lowered on to his head.
Logan was seriously injured and died while being conveyed to Brisbane.

CENSUS ENUMERATOR KILLED (1911, April 8). Daily Mercury (Mackay, Qld. : 1906 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54413) KILPATRICK, Jane, parents John KILPATRICK & Sarah BENNETT

03 - Jan - 2018

(54414) ALLEN, Hannah Rebecca, parents John ALLEN & Hannah Elizabeth EDSON
LOGAN.— The Relatives and Friends of Miss Isa Donaldson and Len. Ken, and Joan Rodgers are Invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved Mother, their Grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Rebecca Logan, of Christie Street, S.B., to leave the St. Andrew's Church of England, S.B., for the Crematorium, Mt Thompson, after service, commencing at 2.45 o'clock, This (Wednesday) Afternoon.

LOGAN — The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Donaldson, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruschweiler and Families are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Mother, Mother-in-law, and Grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Rebecca Logan, of Christie Street. S.B., to leave the St. Andrew's Church of England, S.B., for the Crematorium, Mt. Thompson, after service, commencing at 2.45 o'clock. This (Wednesday) Afternoon.

Family Notices (1941, December 31). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 8. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

(54415) DONALDSON, George, parents Robert DONALDSON & Isabella DONALDSON

Mr. George Donaldson, farmer, a very old resident of Corinda, died yesterday, as the result of an accident, the nature of which is not altogether clear. Mr. Donaldson had been to town with a load of hay, and on returning he got safely through the sliprails at his home. It was dark at the time, and the first thing his friends knew of anything being wrong was when the horse, with the dray attached, galloped up the drive and dashed violently into the fence close to the house. Mrs. Donaldson and her daughter came out with a light, and found Mr. Donaldson lying at the horse's heels, bleeding profusely from the nose, ears, and mouth. They took him inside and sent for a doctor, but death occurred just before his arrival. Deep sympathy will be felt throughout the district for the family in this very sudden and painful bereavement, especially in view of the great esteem in which the deceased gentleman was everywhere held. It is surmised that Mr. Donaldson must have mounted the dray after passing through the sliprails, and that the horse became frightened in some way, and in bolting threw his driver out and kicked him in the face and head, fracturing the skull.

DEATH OF MR. GEORGE DONALDSON. (1900, May 1). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

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