A pretty wedding was celebrated by the Rev. W. Weir on Thursday at "Fairview" the residence of the bride's sister (Mrs. G. Furness), when Mr. E. W. Wanstall, second son of the late Mr. W. Wanstall, of Roma, was married to Miss Emma Boyce, third daughter of Mr. Boyce, also of this town. The bride wore a directoire gown of grew silk eioline over, heliotrope glace silk, daintily trimmed with beautiful guipure insertion, also a handsome wreath and veil. She was given away by her brother, Mr. B. R. Boyce. The bridesmaids - were Miss Rose Boyce, sister of the bride, who wore a dainty empire gown of sacs blue silk cashmere de sare, with black cavalier hat trimmed with ostrich feathers and sflver insertion; alsoMiss Eileen Wanstall, niece of the bridegroom, who was beautifully attired in a handsome gown of shell pink crysaline, trimmed with oriental insertion and hat of white crinoline straw. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a handsome amethyst pendant and chain, and to the bridesmaids beautiful gold bangles.
R. A. J. Reid, of Toowoomba, acted as best man. After, the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Wanstall left by mail train enroute to Sydney, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride's travelling dress was composed of a green check tweed, tailor made coat and skirt, and hat to match. The bride and bridegroom were the recipients of numerous presents and hearty congratulations.
Family Notices. (1910, April 16). Western Star and Roma Advertiser (Toowoomba, Qld. : 1875 - 1948), p. 2. Link to TROVE
You will find Emma in this descendent chart
Samuel BOYCE
GRENIER-CATCHPOLE.-On the 29th May, at St. Matthew's Church, Oxley, by the Rev. J. S. Hassall, William Leichhardt, youngest son of the late Thomas Grenier, Esq., of Oxley, to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of George Catchpole, of Oxley.
Family Notices. (1878, July 1). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. Link to TROVE
A Mary Ann ARMSTRONG married James HEWITT in December 1884 and had two children in 1885 and January 1887 and then died in April 1887 and her parents were listed as Thomas ARMSTRONG and Elizabeth COFFEE. Given the many mistakes possible, such as language difficulties, writing and spelling ability and the interpretation of the register, this Mary may be a daughter.
ARMSTRONG.— In loving memory of our dear sister Bessie, who departed this life on July 23, 1900.
Gone, but not forgotten.
ARMSTRONG.— In loving memory of Elizabeth (Bessie) Armstrong, who deported this life on July 23, 1900, at her mother's residence, Hampstead street, Woolloongabha.
Suffering here from endless pain,
Sad indeed her earthly lot ;
All her days now spent with God.
Though departed, ne'er forgot.
Inserted by her loving sister, M. J. Grimley.
Family Notices (1901, July 23). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 4. Link to TROVE
Administration Orders.
Orders to administer the following estates were granted to the curator of intestate estates yesterday by Mr. Justice Real, on the application of the deputy curator (Mr. F. W. Mole):-
Patrick Murrihy, late of Brisbane, public servant.
John Chree, late of Taree, New South Wales, tailor.
William Thompson Hannah, late of Low Island, Port Douglas, lighouse-keeper.
Elizabeth Armstrong, late of Woolloongabba, widow.
Margaret Theresa Mackay, late of Calvert, wife of James Norman Nicholson Mackay of Calvert, contractor.
Frederick Zimmerle, late of Toowoomba, farmer.
Joseph White, late of Kilcoy, farmer.
Sarah Ann Parker, lale of Woolloongabba, widow.
An order to sell land in the estate of Christian Karlpl, of Yeulba, was also granted.
Administration Orders. (1907, May 16). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 5 (SECOND EDITION). Link to TROVE