There is a birth for Ethel Selena Sarah WALLIS on Wednesday, 15 September 1897,  to an Ethel Miranda WALLIS with no father and the child died two months later on Tuesday, 21 September 1897,  in Brisbane.
WALLIS-The Friends of Mr. E. H. WALLIS and Family are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Wife and their Mother, Mrs. Minnie Wallis to move from their residence Copeland-street, Milton THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock to the Toowong Cemetery.
WALLIS.—The Friends of Mrs. S. BOWDEN Sen., Mr. R. BOWDEN, Messrs and Mesdames E., T., W., and P. BOWDEN, Mr. and Mr. E. SPEECHLEY and Mr. and Mrs. A. GILL are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of her deceased Daughter and their Sister and Sister-in-law, Mrs. Minnie Wallis to move from her late residence Copeland-street, Milton THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON at 2 oclock, to the Toowong Cemetery.
WALLIS.—The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. WALLIS, Mr. and Mrs. R. WALLIS and Mr. and Mrs. A. HALE are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Sister-in-law Mrs. Minnie Wallis, to move from her late residence Copeland-street Milton, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON at 2 o'clock to the Toowong Cemetery.
WALLIS.—LOYAL PROGRESSIVE LODGE, M.U.I.Q.O.F.-Officers and Members of above Lodge are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of Brother E. H. Wallis's deceased Wife, Mrs. Minnie Wallis, to move from her late residence Copeland street, Milton, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock to the Toowong Cemetery.
Family Notices (1924, May 3). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Link to TROVE
Hilda Charlotte and William Alfred both died on Christmas day 1893.
The Queenslander 6/1/1894  page 43
A sad accident occurred near the Yeronga State Sohool on the 26th December, when two little children belonging to a man named Joseph Hale were drowned. The eldest child, who was 9 years of age, was wheeling the younger child in a perambulator. They were lost sight of, and were not seen again until their bodies were discovered in a waterhole some distance from the house. The perambulator was standing on the bank not far away, and the theory held is that the younger child accidentally fell into the water, and the elder sister lost her life also in attempting a rescue.
When her second husband John died, he was interred with her
WILL.— In sad but loving memory of dear mother, who passed away on 9th January, 1919.
A precious one from us is gone.
Inserted by her sorrowing daughter, M. Booth, also, her granddaughter.
WILL.— In -loving memory of my dear wlfe and our mother, Emma Will, who died at her residence, Buchanan street, West End, South Brisbane, 9th January, 1919.
Father, in Thy gracious keeping,
Leave we now our dear one sleeping.
Inserted by her loving husband, son, daughters, son-in-law, and daughters-in-law.
Family Notices (1920, January 9). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 4 (SECOND EDITION). Link to TROVE
Hilda Charlotte and William Alfred both died on Christmas day 1893.
The Queenslander 6/1/1894  page 43
A sad accident occurred near the Yeronga State Sohool on the 26th December, when two little children belonging to a man named Joseph Hale were drowned. The eldest child, who was 9 years of age, was wheeling the younger child in a perambulator. They were lost sight of, and were not seen again until their bodies were discovered in a waterhole some distance from the house. The perambulator was standing on the bank not far away, and the theory held is that the younger child accidentally fell into the water, and the elder sister lost her life also in attempting a rescue.