[[40687]] HUMPHREY, Florence, parents Edward HUMPHREY and Mary CRAPPS

26 - Feb - 2012

[[40688]] HUMPHREY, Ernest Henry, parents Edward HUMPHREY and Mary CRAPPS

26 - Feb - 2012

[[40689]] HUMPHREY, Violet, parents Edward HUMPHREY and Mary CRAPPS

26 - Feb - 2012

[[40690]] BRAY, Prudence, parents John BRAY & Jane TEAGUE

You will find Prudence in this descendent chart
Edward MOYLE

26 - Feb - 2012

[[40691]] WHERRY, Vida Sylvia, parents William WHERRY and Prudence BRAY

You will find Vida in this descendent chart
Edward MOYLE

26 - Feb - 2012

[[40692]] WHERRY, Gladys May, parents William WHERRY and Prudence BRAY

You will find Gladys in this descendent chart
Edward MOYLE

26 - Feb - 2012

[[40693]] WHERRY, Prudence Jane, parents William WHERRY and Prudence BRAY

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Edward MOYLE

26 - Feb - 2012

[[40694]] WHERRY, Horace Henry, parents William WHERRY and Prudence BRAY

You will find Horace in this descendent chart
Edward MOYLE

26 - Feb - 2012

[[41990]] RIDDELL, Isabella Agnes, parents Thomas RIDDELL and Isabella BROWN

13 - May - 2012

[[44333]] DIXON, William Henry, parents Charles DIXON and Mary LANE

You will find William in this descendent chart
Robert LANE

24 - Aug - 2012

[[44334]] DIXON, Alexander Allen, parents Charles DIXON and Mary LANE

You will find Alexander in this descendent chart
Robert LANE

24 - Aug - 2012

[[44335]] DIXON, Cecil George Hubert, parents Charles DIXON and Mary LANE

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Robert LANE

24 - Aug - 2012

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[44336]] DIXON, Charles James, parents Charles DIXON and Mary LANE

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Robert LANE

24 - Aug - 2012

[[44337]] DIXON, Edith May, parents Charles DIXON and Mary LANE

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Robert LANE

24 - Aug - 2012

[[44338]] DIXON, Florence Ellen, parents Charles DIXON and Mary LANE

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Robert LANE

24 - Aug - 2012

[[45230]] CULLUM, Emily Kate, father unknown and Clara CULLUM

06 - Oct - 2012

[[45231]] GORDON, Maggie

06 - Oct - 2012

[[45232]] GALL, Clara Dudley

06 - Oct - 2012

[[43722]] McKEOWN, George, parents John McKEOWN & Ann MYERS

Tablelands Regional Council does not seem to have any record of his burial


An appeal was heard from the decislon of the Justices sitting in the Petty Sessions district of Herberton, in the case Williams v. McKeown, H. S. Williams, appellant, and Mrs. McKeown respondent.
Mr MacDonnell (MacDonnell, Henchman and Hannam) appeared for the appellent, and Mr. Ringrose for the respondent.
Mr. MacDonnell said that the defence to the action against the respondent was that she was not the executrix of her husband, but she had been granted leave by the Crown to take her husband's rights as regarded timber on her late husband's estate. She had taken the benefit of a portion of the assets, and was therefore responsible for certain liabilities. She had stepped into her husband's shoes without administration, and had therefore taken over her husband's liabilities.
After argument by Mr. Rlngose, the appeal was dismissed, with costs, £5/5/.

WILLIAMS v. McKEOWN. (1905, March 22). The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), p. 3. Link to TROVE

You can see George in this descendent chart
Edward PUTT

26 - Jan - 2018

[[43723]] ALLEN, Sarah, parents Abraham ALLEN & Mary LINDSAY

You can see Sarah in this descendent chart
Edward PUTT

16 - Jun - 2017

[[44339]] DIXON, Herbert Arthur, parents Charles DIXON and Mary LANE

You can see Herbert in this descendent chart
Robert LANE

24 - Aug - 2012

[[44340]] DIXON, Mary Ethel, parents Charles DIXON and Mary LANE

You will find Mary in this descendent chart
Robert LANE

24 - Aug - 2012

[[40704]] HIGHAM, Matthew Walter, parents William HIGHAM and Annie CAMPBELL

28 - Feb - 2012

[[40705]] FRANCIS, Florence Elaine, parents Philip FRANCIS and Georgiana BURMAN

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40706]] FRANCIS, Philip

01 - Mar - 2012

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[40707]] BURMAN, Georgiana , parents William BURMAN and Georgiana DUCK

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40708]] FRANCIS, Mary Irene, parents Philip FRANCIS and Georgiana BURMAN

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40709]] FRANCIS, Dorothy Clavie, parents Philip FRANCIS and Georgiana BURMAN

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40710]] FRANCIS, Edith Eveline, parents Philip FRANCIS and Georgiana BURMAN

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40711]] FRANCIS, Irene Rachel, parents Philip FRANCIS and Georgiana BURMAN

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40712]] BURMAN, William Johnston

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40713]] DUCK, Georgiana, parents Thomas DUCK & Rachel WARD

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40714]] BURMAN, Mary, parents William BURMAN and Georgiana DUCK

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40715]] BURMAN, Rachel, parents William BURMAN and Georgiana DUCK

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40716]] BURMAN, Albert, parents William BURMAN and Georgiana DUCK

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40717]] BURMAN, Thomas Duck, parents William BURMAN and Georgiana DUCK

02 - Mar - 2012

[[40718]] COLIN, Belinda Rose, parents Malcolm COLIN & Elimina Rose MELLI

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40719]] BURMAN, Albert Edward, parents Thomas BURMAN and Belinda COLIN

01 - Mar - 2012

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[40720]] BURMAN, Malcolm William, parents Thomas BURMAN and Belinda COLIN

01 - Mar - 2012

[[40721]] CROW, Herbert, parents James CROW and Mary MILBY

You will find Herbert in this descendent chart
James CROW

02 - Mar - 2012

[[40722]] CROW, Albert George, parents Herbert CROW and Emma HUMPHREY

Look for Albert in this descendent chart
James CROW

10 - May - 2017

[[40723]] CROW, Edward James, parents Herbert CROW and Emma HUMPHREY

Look for Edward in this descendent chart
James CROW

02 - Mar - 2012

[[40724]] CROW, Ethel Louisa Arnold, parents Herbert CROW and Emma HUMPHREY

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James CROW

02 - Mar - 2012

[[40725]] CROW, James, father unknown and unknown mother
On Thursday morning, at eight o'clock, Mr James Crow died , suddenly at the residence of his daughter (Mrs A. Rodney, Kennedy Street) of heart failure, at the age of 73 years. Deceased came to Bowen a little over five years ago, suffering badly from rheumatism, and he appeared to be in fairly good health fow months back. He was of fine physique and was daily seen sitting on one of the beach seats, regularly until a few months ago, since when he was unable to get about.

Deceased, was born in Lancashire and came to Charters Towers in 1887, where he was well known and worked as a miner, timberman and shift boss in Mills’ United, Brilliant Block, Marshall’s Queen, Victory, Brilliant Extended, Kelly’s Block and other mines. With the late James Shannon, well known wrestler and boxer, he was seriously injured by a stick of timber 7ft. 6ins. long and 14inches at the big end, falling down the shaft while working in the sink of Kelly’s Block in 1900. His wife predeceased him fourteen years ago, and be leaves 5 daughters and 3 sons all married, 36 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.

BUICK CARS. (1922, December 16). Bowen Independent (Qld. : 1911 - 1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

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20 - May - 2017

[[40726]] MILBY, Mary Ann, parents Samuel MELBY & Mary Ann DUNCAN
CROW. - In loving memory of our dear father, James Crow, who died 14th December, 1922; also our dear mother, Mary Ann Crow, who died 5th December, 1908. Always Remembered. (Inserted by their sons and daughters, Mr and Mrs Rablin, Mr and Mrs Joseph Crow and family, and Mrs H. Crow.)

CROW. - In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather, James Crow, who departed, this life at Bowen, on December 14th 1922. Not dead to us, we loved him dear Not lost but gone before. He lives with us in memory still, And will for evermore. (Inserted by Mr and Mrs A. Rodney and family, Bowen: and Mr and Mrs K. Crow and family.)

Family Notices. (1923, December 14). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1885 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE

You will find Mary in this descendent chart
James CROW

19 - Jun - 2016

[[40727]] CROW, Edith, parents James CROW and Mary MILBY
RODNEY: A tribute of remembrance of our dear wife and mother, Edith, who departed this life at Ayr, October 27, 1944. Sweet is the word remembrance. As these few lines will show. We hold you still in memory. As the years may come and go. (Sadly missed by Dad, Pattersons, and Richardson families).

RODNEY: In loving memory of our dear sister and aunt, Edith, who died October 27, 1944. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept Of one we loved and will never forget, (Inserted by her loving sister and brother, M. and C. Middleditch, Norman Crow and the Rablin family)

Family Notices. (1950, October 27). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1885 - 1954), p. 8. Link to TROVE

You can see Edith in this descendent chart
James CROW

01 - Aug - 2012

[[40728]] CROW, Walter, parents James CROW and Mary MILBY

Look for Walter in this descendent chart
James CROW

03 - Mar - 2012

[[40729]] CROW, Ethel Maude, parents James CROW and Mary MILBY

You can see Ethel in this descendent chart
James CROW

03 - Mar - 2012

[[40730]] CROW, Daisy, parents James CROW and Mary MILBY

You will find Daisy in this descendent chart
James CROW

03 - Mar - 2012

[[40731]] CROW, Norman Charters, parents James CROW and Mary MILBY

Norman married Jane CAMPBELL Wednesday, 9 July 1913

CROW: In loving memory of our dear sister-in-law and aunt, Jane, who passed away, August 22nd, 1952.
In God's care.
(Inserted by C. and M. Middleditch and family).

CROW: In loving memory of our dear mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother, Jane Crow, who departed this life, 22nd August, 1952.
Although her face we cannot see
We hold It still in fond and loving memory.
(inserted by Len, Alicia, Glenda, Robert and Norman).

CROW: In loving memory of my dear wife and our mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother, Jane Crow, who departed this life, August 22nd, 1952.
A wonderful wife, mother and grandmother, so good and rare.
The trails she went through, few could bear.
She never complained, she wasn't that kind.
She was one of those mothers so hard to find.
(Inserted by her loving husband, daughter, Edie, son-in-law Roy, and grandchildren).

Family Notices (1954, August 21). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 10. Link to TROVE

You will find Norman in this descendent chart
James CROW

20 - May - 2017

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