41102 ]]
LORD , Catherine, parents Thomas LORD & Catherine Phoebe MACK
death -
15-Apr-1907 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 2, Sect 45, #41-42 [16-4-07]
You will find Catherine in this descendent chart
27 - Mar - 2012
[[41103 ]] ENGLAND , Frank, parents Cornileus ENGLAND and Eliza MITCHEL
birth -
death -
siblings -
27 - Mar - 2012
[[41104 ]] HOLLAND , Emily, parents Joseph HOLLAND & Ann CHILTON
death -
26-Apr-1961 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 4, Sect 23, #14 [28-4-61]
Emily was interred with her husband Frederick
31 - Mar - 2018
[[41105 ]] MOLE , Alfred Thomas, parents Frederick MOLE and Emily HOLLAND
01 - Apr - 2012
[[41106 ]] MOLE , Florence Emily, parents Frederick MOLE and Emily HOLLAND
28 - Mar - 2012
[[41107 ]] MOLE , Frederick William James, parents Frederick MOLE and Emily HOLLAND
28 - Mar - 2012
[[41108 ]] MOLE , Herbert Samuel, parents Frederick MOLE and Emily HOLLAND
birth -
death -
23-Nov-1947 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 2A, Sect 7A, #12
siblings -
31 - Mar - 2018
[[41109 ]] HANNAH , Daniel, parents Daniel HANNAH & Eliza McMILLAN
HANNAH - MOLE - grave in Lutwyche Cemetery
photographed by Greg DAVIS, Sunday, 17 June 2012
birth -
marriage -
death -
29-Jun-1931 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Lutwyche Cemetery, Por GP2, Sect 50, #15 [1-7-31]
relatives interred in the same grave
his wife, Mary MOLE and his 4th son, Albert HANNAH
Daniel`s parents, Daniel and Eliza, arrived in Brisbane on the Maryborough
on Friday, 17 August 1866 and with them was Daniel`s sister Sarah. Daniel`s birth has not been found.
13 - Oct - 2014
[[41110 ]] HANNAH , Albert James, parents Daniel HANNAH and Mary MOLE
birth -
death -
31-Aug-1955 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Lutwyche Cemetery, Por GP2, Sect 50, #15 [17-9-55]
relatives interred in the same grave
his mother, Mary MOLE and his father, Daniel HANNAH
siblings -
28 - Mar - 2012
[[41111 ]] HANNAH , Arthur Daniel, parents Daniel HANNAH and Mary MOLE
28 - Mar - 2012
[[41112 ]] HANNAH , Ethel May, parents Daniel HANNAH and Mary MOLE
28 - Mar - 2012
[[41113 ]] HANNAH , Frank Samuel, parents Daniel HANNAH and Mary MOLE
28 - Mar - 2012
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to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
[[41114 ]] HANNAH , Norma Evelyn, parents Daniel HANNAH and Mary MOLE
28 - Mar - 2012
[[41115 ]] HANNAH , Percy George, parents Daniel HANNAH and Mary MOLE
birth -17-Sep-1901
Brisbane, Qld.
death -
siblings -
01 - Apr - 2012
[[44342 ]] DIXON , Wilfred Edgar, parents Charles DIXON and Mary LANE
You will find Wilfred in this descendent chart
Robert LANE
24 - Aug - 2012
[[44343 ]] LANE , Robert, parents James LANE & Elizabeth BIRCH
birth -b.c1847 non Australian birth
arrived -
Moreton Bay
21-Jul-1871 per
marriage -
death -
Click on Robert LANE to see his descendent tree
10 - Sep - 2014
[[44344 ]] TINDAL , Harriet, parents Stroud Delancey TINDELL & Mary Jane POWELL
birth -
arrived -
Moreton Bay
21-Jul-1871 per
marriage -
death -
5-Jun-1930 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Lutwyche Cemetery, Por COE2, Sect 3A, #48 [6-6-30]
relatives interred in the same grave
her 2nd son, William LANE husband, Robert LANE and her daughter-in-law, Elizabeth CRAIG
You can see Harriet in this descendent chart
Robert LANE
10 - Sep - 2014
[[44345 ]] LANE , Florence, parents Robert LANE and Harriet TINDAL
TINDEL LANE grave in Bundaberg General cemetery
photographed by Greg DAVIS, Wednesday, 27 April 2016
birth -b.c1873 Gateshead, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England
arrived -
Moreton Bay
21-Jul-1871 per
marriage -
death -
3-Jan-1926 Bundaberg, Qld.
COD - dilation of right ventricle, chronic nephritis interred -- Bundaberg General Cemetery, Sect A13A, #P1014 [4-1-26]
relatives interred in the same grave
her husband, Lance TINDEL and her 3rd son, Lance TINDEL
siblings -
You can see Florence in these descendent charts
Robert LANE
23 - Apr - 2016
41238 ]]
DOUDS , Alexander, parents Alexander DOUDS & Johanna BOWERS
birth -
marriage -
death -
06 - Apr - 2012
41239 ]]
DOUDS , Douglas, parents
Alexander DOUDS and
Winifred BAYNTON
birth -
death -
siblings -
06 - Apr - 2012
43726 ]]
PALIN , Annie, parents Martin PALIN & unknown
birth -b.c1838 non Australian birth
arrived -
2-Dec-1876 per
British Nation
having sailed from Plymouth
on Saturday 26-Aug-1876
marriage -
death -
7-Oct-1877 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 13, Sect 48, #2 [9-10-77]
You will find Annie in this descendent chart
18 - Jul - 2012
[[43771 ]] PENDER , Margaret, parents Archibald PENDER & Christina MORISON
death -
14 - Sep - 2012
[[43870 ]] HANLON , Reginald Victor, parents James HANLON and Anne CLARKE
birth -
death -
24-May-1930 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Balmoral Cemetery, Por 5, #666 [26-5-30]
siblings -
You will find Reginald in this descendent chart
29 - Jul - 2012
[[44386 ]] YULE , William Robert, parents John YULE and Christina DOUGLAS
birth -
marriage -
death -
8-Oct-1930 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 25, Sect 35, #23-24 [10-10-30]
When his wife Jane died, she was interred with him
siblings -
01 - Apr - 2017
[[45243 ]] ALAND , Annie Elizabeth
07 - Oct - 2012
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to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
45244 ]]
NORBERT , James Johannes
07 - Oct - 2012
45245 ]]
SILCOCK , Monica Jean
birth -
religion -
marriage -
death -
24-May-2012 Bundaberg, Qld.
interred -- Bundaberg Lawn Cemetery, Sect RG3, #P10
Lynette McDOWELL -
email address - has written previously
and is researching this family and may have more information about Monica Jean SILCOCK and her family.
You can see Monica in these descendent charts
Robert LANE
14 - Apr - 2016
[[41540 ]] TELFORD , Elizabeth Anderson, parents Isaac TELFORD & Euphemia ALLAN
death -
20 - Apr - 2012
[[41541 ]] MAITLAND , Lizzie, parents Stephen MAITLAND and Elizabeth TELFORD
birth -
death -
siblings -
20 - Apr - 2012
[[43727 ]] COPPER , Margaret Emma, parents George COPPER & Sarah LURCOCK
birth -b.c1850 non Australian birth
arrived -
25-Sep-1874 per
having sailed from London
on Wednesday 3-Jun-1874
marriage -
death -
26-Sep-1924 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 18, Sect 175A, #10 [27-9-24]
CUNDITH-In loving memory of my dear husband, Hardy Cundith, who fell asleep on September 9th, 1910, Arthur street, off Ipswich-road.
Inserted by his sorrowing, widow, M. E. Cundlith.
Though lost to sight, to memory dear.
Family Notices. (1912, September 9). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Link to TROVE
CUNDITH.-The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. CUNDITH, Mr. and Mrs. C. SCHMIDT, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. MALAM, and Mr. and Mrs. J. LANE are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Stepmother, Margaret Emma Cundith, to leave her late residence, Gibraltar, Arthur-sheet, on Ipswich-road, THIS (Saturday) FORENOON, at 10.30 o'clock, for the Toowong Ccmctery.
CUNDITH-The friends of Mr. W. McGREGOR (Ipsnich), and Mr. and Mrs. TOWZEY are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Mother-in-law and their Grandmother, Mrs. M. E. Cundith to leave her late residence, Gibraltar, Arthur-street off Ipswich road, Woolloongahba, THIS (Saturday) MORNing, at 10.30 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.
Family Notices. (1924, September 27). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Link to TROVE
Look for Margaret in this descendent chart
19 - Jul - 2012
[[43728 ]] CUNDITH , Sarah Carr, parents Hardy CUNDITH and Annie PALIN
birth -b.c1862 non Australian birth
arrived -
2-Dec-1876 per
British Nation
having sailed from Plymouth
on Saturday 26-Aug-1876
marriage -
death -
siblings -
You can see Sarah in this descendent chart
18 - Jul - 2012
44346 ]]
LANE , Janet, parents
Robert LANE and
Harriet TINDAL
Look for Janet in this descendent chart
Robert LANE
24 - Aug - 2012
45595 ]]
BUTTERFIELD , Ann, parents
Ellen DOBE
You can see Ann in this descendent chart
Michael DOBE
11 - Nov - 2012
41133 ]]
STRUBER , Adam Stephen, parents
Charles STRUBER and
02 - Apr - 2012
42314 ]]
LANE , Alice, parents
John LANE and
You can see Alice in these descendent charts
James LANE
26 - May - 2012
43729 ]]
CUNDITH , Ernest John, parents
Hardy CUNDITH and
birth -b.c1871 non Australian birth
arrived -
2-Dec-1876 per
British Nation
having sailed from Plymouth
on Saturday 26-Aug-1876
marriage -
death -
4-May-1952 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- South Brisbane Cemetery, Por 8B, #277 [7-5-52]
siblings -
You will find Ernest in this descendent chart
18 - Jul - 2012
43730 ]]
CUNDITH , Mary , parents
Hardy CUNDITH and
birth -b.c1865 non Australian birth
arrived -
2-Dec-1876 per
British Nation
having sailed from Plymouth
on Saturday 26-Aug-1876
marriage -
death -
11-Jul-1939 Brisbane, Qld.
interred -- Toowong Cemetery, Por 6, Sect 36, #17 [12-7-39]
siblings -
You can see Mary in this descendent chart
18 - Jul - 2012
45246 ]]
HORTON , Herbert, parents Alfred John Bertram HORTON & Olga Eliza ANDREASEN
birth -
marriage -
death -
08 - Oct - 2012
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to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS
45247 ]]
TINDEL , Errol Lance, parents
Lance TINDEL and
birth -7-Mar-1941
Bundaberg, Qld.
religion -
death -
28-Mar-1941 Bundaberg, Qld.
interred -- Bundaberg General Cemetery, Sect D5, #P2660
siblings -
You will find Errol in these descendent charts
Robert LANE
14 - Apr - 2016
41994 ]]
LEWIS , William Tunley, parents George LEWIS & Elizabeth Wilson TUNLEY
birth -
marriage -
death -
13 - May - 2012
41995 ]]
SMITH , Amelia Agnes
13 - May - 2012
44347 ]]
LANE , William John, parents
Robert LANE and
Harriet TINDAL
birth -
marriage -
death -
siblings -
Look for William in this descendent chart
Robert LANE
10 - Sep - 2014
44348 ]]
LANE , Robert Delancy, parents
Robert LANE and
Harriet TINDAL
birth -31-Dec-1874
Brisbane, Qld.
death -
2-May-1875 Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
You will find Robert in this descendent chart
Robert LANE
24 - Aug - 2012
44349 ]]
LANE , Elizabeth, parents
Robert LANE and
Harriet TINDAL
birth -7-Apr-1876
Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
You will find Elizabeth in this descendent chart
Robert LANE
24 - Aug - 2012
44350 ]]
LANE , Lottie, parents
Robert LANE and
Harriet TINDAL
You can see Lottie in this descendent chart
Robert LANE
24 - Aug - 2012
44387 ]]
YULE , John
birth -b.c1823 non Australian birth
arrived -
Moreton Bay
15-Jan-1852 per
marriage -
25 - Aug - 2012
42315 ]]
LANE , Eric Wallis, parents
John LANE and
birth -13-Mar-1909
Brisbane, Qld.
siblings -
You will find Eric in these descendent charts
James LANE
26 - May - 2012
42370 ]]
PROTHERO , Benjamin Stanley, parents
David PROTHERO and
Louisa GREEN
30 - May - 2012
43871 ]]
GALLAGHER , Alice Muriel, parents
William GALLAGHER and
birth -
siblings -
George CROUCH , Nelly CROUCH , Horace James CROUCH , Ann Elizabeth CROUCH , Richard Wylie CROUCH , Rachel Maude CROUCH , Joseph Winfield CROUCH , Emily May CROUCH , William Thomas CROUCH , Mary Josephine CROUCH , Me
You will find Alice in this descendent chart
29 - Jul - 2012
44873 ]]
SIM , George, father unknown and unknown mother
GADD family grave in Toowong Cemetery
photographed by Greg DAVIS, Friday, 21 September 2012
birth -23-Feb-1843
Manchester, England
arrived -
24-Jul-1874 per
St James
having sailed from London
on Sunday 19-Apr-1874
death -
SIM.—On the 14th March at Kangaroo Point, George Sim, late of Manchester, aged 39 years.
Family Notices. (1882, March 16). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 1. Link to TROVE
George is buried with Ann ATHERTON (nee PARK), her daughter Agnes and her husband, Joshua GADD, and the only apparent connection is that  the ATHERTONs and George arrived in Queensland on the same ship.
26 - Nov - 2014