[[08898]] CRABB, William

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13 - Aug - 2003

[[08899]] LYNCH, Eliza, parents Jeramiah LYNCH & Mary Lucy unknown

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William CRABB

09 - Apr - 2012

[[08900]] NELSON, Thomas, parents Thomas NELSON & Catherine BECK

Mr. Thomas Nelson, who passed away at Bundaberg last week, aged 87 years, had been connected with the Wide Bay district since its earliest settlement. He first came to Queensland about 60 years ago, with a band of New South Wales settlers, who were attracted by the richness of the Upper Burnett, of which Gayndah was then the centre. Marrying soon after his arrival he was employed for some time at Cannindah. Later he engaged in prospecting and carrying. He held the reputation of being one of the finest horsemen in Queensland, as a youth. Mrs. Nelson predeceased him by 20 years. He leaves a large family, comprising Mr. Thomas Nelson (Brisbane), Robert (Mount Morgan), William and Harold (Bundaberg), Miss Kate Nelson and Mrs. Noah Smith (Bundaberg), Mrs. Conroy (Sydney), Mrs. E. Butler (Brisbane), Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Hilliard (Bundaberg), and Mrs. Ponting (Maryborough). The funeral to the Central Cemetery at Bundaberg war largely attended, Rev. B. P Walker officiating.

OBITUARY (1924, January 18). The Daily Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1903 - 1926), p. 11. Link to TROVE

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William CRABB

25 - Mar - 2018

[[08901]] CRABB, Elizabeth, parents William CRABB and Eliza LYNCH
IN Loving Memory of my dear wife, ELIZABETH NELSON who departed this life on 16th December, 1903.
I do not forgot you ; I loved you too dearly
For memory to fade from my life like a dream;
My lips may not speak when my heart mourns sincerely,
And my thoughts often dwell where they seldom are seen.
Inserted by by her loving husband.

IN Loving Memory of our dear mother, ELIZABETH NELSON , who departed this life on 16th December, 1903.
Mourn not for her whom God has blessed
And taken to her Heavenly rest ;
Free from all sorrow, grief and pain,
Our loss is her Eternal gain.
Another changeful year has passed,
And yet our grief is new ;
For mother dear, while life shall last
We'll ever think of you.
(Inserted by her loving sons and daughters.)

Family Notices (1904, December 16). The Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1892 - 1917), p. 2. Link to TROVE

A very old resident of Bundaberg in the person of Mrs. Nelson, wife of Mr. Thomas Nelson, passed over to the silent majority on Wednesday afternoon at her residence, Woondooma street, after a long and painful illness. Deceased (says the Bundaberg " Mail " of December 18) was 56 years of age, and leaves a husband and a large family of sons and daughters, most of whom are grown up and settled in this district, to mourn their sad loss. The funeral, which took place yesterday, was very largely attended.

Provincial Pickings. (1903, December 28). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 2. Link to TROVE

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William CRABB

25 - Mar - 2018

[[08902]] CRABB, John, parents William CRABB and Eliza LYNCH

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William CRABB

13 - Aug - 2003

[[08903]] CRABB, Mary, parents William CRABB and Eliza LYNCH

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William CRABB

13 - Aug - 2003

[[08904]] McKEOWN, George Henry, parents George McKEOWN and Sarah ALLEN

ATHERTON, May 7.—Mr. George McKeown of Atherton, passed away at the Atherton Hospital last week and his death marked another milestone in local history since he was a native of the Tableland and identified himself with the work of the pioneers and the advancement of this part of the North.

He was in his youth a timber man and cut much of the red cedar that was sent away from here in the early days. He was one of the men who actually cut the timber from where the Malanda township now stands. Men knew the value of hard work in those days and the late George McKeown was a worker in the true sense of the word, turning from one task to another with that hardihood and and resilience which gave Australians their reputation for worthiness.

He hauled timber with horse and bullock teams from the beautiful rain forests which covered the land, and grew maize at Cairns Road near Atherton on the newly cleared land. He took part in the work of bringing cattle to the coast from the big stations and like all bushmen learned how to care for stock and to butcher. He was renowned for his horsemanship and until very recently kept several well bred riding hacks. His parents had a selection at Dingo Pocket, which they cleared and farmed and young George knew the Australian bush from his earliest years. His mother, who was the usual capable bushwoman of those days had a great deal of knowledge of nursing and helped many women and children who needed care. Women who could not go away for medical attention sent for Mrs. McKeown, who set forth at once on horseback and never refused a call. On one occasion she rode alone over the mountains to Mossman to care for a mother and child. When her husband died, she took on district nursing to support her family and was always a fine and stalwart character. She lived at the old home until 1925, when she became very ill and Matron Matheson and Dr. L. J. J. Nye from the Atherton Hospital went out and brought her in to the Atherton Hospital, where she passed away.

Young George McKeown married Miss Ethel Putt of the Barron River. She died many years ago. He leaves a grown up family to mourn their loss, these are Sally (Mrs. Neary), Eva (Mrs. Hartfiel), ill, George, Bob, Fred and Jack.

The late Mr. McKeown was a great showman and was a member of the Atherton Show Society. He owned some famous horses, including well-known favourites such as Knight-Watch and Patch, he excelled at camp drafts, the figure of eights, and bending races and would put his horse at any jump. He held several gold medals for these events. He rode his last figure of eight in Ravenshoe. At the Atherton Annual show in 1947 he rode and won with Mrs. Amy Stevens in the pair of hacks, took part in the Grand Parade and again with Mrs. Stevens won the prize for best veteran lady and gentleman riders. He rode in many events with Miss May Doyle.

A service was held at St. Mary's Church of England and Rev. Brother Jones officiated and conducted the last rites at the graveside. The service in his memory held in the Masonic Hall was conducted by Worshipful Brother Spinks. People came from all over the Tableland to pay their last respects to the deceased and many beautiful flowers were received.
The late Mr. McKeown was 65 years of age.

MR. GEORGE MCKEOWN (1950, May 10). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 9. Link to TROVE

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Edward PUTT

26 - Jan - 2018

[[08905]] TAYLOR, John

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Edward PUTT

13 - Aug - 2003

[[08922]] ALLEN, Robert, parents Nicholas ALLEN & Ann TOMSON

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16 - Apr - 2017

[[08923]] GRAYSON, Mary Jane, parents Thomas GRAYSON and Mary YOUNG
The death occurred on February 24 of Mrs. Robert Allen, of Campbell's Plain, Warwick district. The late Mrs. Allen had been in indifferent health for over two years, and about a week prior to her death she became ill. Later she was removed to Kanimbla Private Hospital, where she passed away on Friday afternoon, 9th inst. Mrs. Allen was the eldest daughter of the late Thomas Grayson, Unix, Stewartstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, and was born on January 31, 1848. She came to Queensland with her brother in 1880. In 1881, twelve month's after her arrival in Australia, she married the late Robert Allen, who predeceased her on July 11, 1921. After living at Swan Creek and Gladfield, they settled at Campbell's Plain. Five sons and one daughter survive her. The sons are Barnett (Amiens), Thomas (Melbourne), Arthur (North Richmond), Ruthven, and Alex (Campbell's Plain). The only daughter is Mary, who resided with her mother. There are also 13 grandchildren. Deceased was a sister of Mr. Thomas Grayson (Allora). She was an adherent of the Warwick Methodist Church, from where the funeral started.

SOCIAL. (1928, March 12). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 21. Link to TROVE

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24 - Apr - 2017

[[08927]] ALLEN, William Thomas, parents James ALLEN and Esther GRAYSON

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29 - Oct - 2005

[[08929]] ALLEN, Ellanor Jane, parents Barnett ALLEN and Mary MULHOLLAND

ALLEN - NEW - GRAYSON - ALLEN - grave in Warwick Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2005

GRAYSON. - Last night (Tuesday, the 27th inst.), at her residence, Lyon-street, in her 42nd year, Eleanor Jane, the beloved wife of Robert Grayson, formerly Sub-Inspector of Queensland Police.

Family Notices. (1880, April 28). Warwick Examiner and Times (Qld. : 1867 - 1919), p. 2. Link to TROVE

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Barnett ALLEN

28 - Jan - 2014

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This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
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[[08930]] WHELAN, Elizabeth Agnes

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26 - Dec - 2011

[[08931]] WILLIAMS, Mary Winifred, parents James WILLIAMS and Elizabeth WHELAN

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26 - Dec - 2011

[[08932]] ALLEN, Barnett, parents John ALLEN and Isabella DAVIES

GRAYSON - ALLEN - grave in Warwick Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2000

According to his headstone he was drowned in the Condamine River.

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Barnett ALLEN

03 - May - 2015

[[08933]] MULHOLLAND, Mary Ann, parents John MULHOLAND & Ann PICKERING
ALLEN.--At her residence, Fitzroy-street, on the 13th inst., Mary Ann, the wife of Barnett Allen, aged 76 years.

Family Notices. (1880, May 15). Warwick Argus (Qld. : 1879 - 1901), p. 2. Link to TROVE

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Barnett ALLEN

28 - Jan - 2014

[[08951]] GRAYSON, Emily, parents Thomas GRAYSON and Mary YOUNG

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01 - Nov - 2008

[[08952]] BROOK, Arthur Daniel, parents John BROOK and Charity JONES

10 - Feb - 2007

[[08953]] MOGRIDGE, Percival Albert, parents Thomas MOGRIDGE and Sarah HALL

ALLEN - MOGRIDGE - grave in Warwick Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2002

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28 - Mar - 2011

[[08961]] MOGRIDGE, Cyril Alwyn Henry, parents William MOGRIDGE and Annie ALLEN

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01 - Nov - 2008

[[08962]] MOGRIDGE, Gladys Myrtle, parents William MOGRIDGE and Annie ALLEN

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01 - Nov - 2008

[[08963]] MOGRIDGE, Harold Raymond William, parents William MOGRIDGE and Annie ALLEN
THE engagement is announced of Miss Olive Lawton, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lawton, of Paxton street, Townsville, to Mr. Harold R. W. Mogridge, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mogridge, of Dalkeith, Warwick.

Family Notices (1938, April 7). Queensland Country Life (Qld. : 1900 - 1954), p. 6. Link to TROVE

MOGRIDGE—LAWTON.— On September 12th, at 7.15 p.m., at St. Mark's Church of England, Albion, by the Rev. Wilkinson, Olive Ellen Mary, only Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lawton, Clayfield, to Harold Raymond William, eldest Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mogridge, Warwick.

Family Notices (1938, September 13). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 12 (Second Section.). Link to TROVE

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24 - Apr - 2017

[[08964]] MOGRIDGE, Ilma Victoria, parents William MOGRIDGE and Annie ALLEN
WHITECROSS—MOGRIDGE:—On the 29th November, 1928, at Neil-street Methodist Church, Toowoomba, by the Rev. T. R. Thurlow, Ilma Victoria, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mogridge, "Dalkeith" Grafton-street, Warwick, to Andrew Macfarlane (E. S. & A. Bank, Toowooniba), fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitecross, Nambour.

Family Notices (1928, December 5). Warwick Daily News (Qld. : 1919 -1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE

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24 - Apr - 2017

[[08965]] MOGRIDGE, Lois Alberta, parents William MOGRIDGE and Annie ALLEN
The engagement is announced of Miss Lois Alberta Mogridge, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mogridge, "Dalkeith," Grafton street, Warwick, to Mr. James Alexander Drynan (Glenapp Station), fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Drynan, Latrobe-terrace, Paddington, Brisbane.

Family Notices (1926, December 24). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1901 - 1936), p. 6. Link to TROVE

DRYNAN—MOGRIDGE.—On the 3rd July, 1928, at the Methodist Church Warwick, by the Rev. H. R. Rycroft, James Alexander, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs.W. Drynan, "Drynan House," Latrobe Terrace, Paddington, Brisbane, to Lois Alberta, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mogridge, Dalkeith, Grafton-street, Warwick.

Family Notices (1928, July 14). Warwick Daily News (Qld. : 1919 -1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

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24 - Apr - 2017

[[08966]] MOGRIDGE, Ruby, parents William MOGRIDGE and Annie ALLEN

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01 - Nov - 2008

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This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[08967]] MOGRIDGE, Winifred Sarah, parents William MOGRIDGE and Annie ALLEN

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01 - Nov - 2008

[[08968]] MOGRIDGE, Percival Allan, parents Percival MOGRIDGE and Margaret ALLEN

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11 - Jul - 2008

[[08969]] HALL, Thomas, parents Joseph HALL & Mary ROBINSON

HALL grave in Swan Creek

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Sunday, 22 May 2005

The death occurred yesterday of Mr. Thos. Hall, of Mount Sturt, a very old resident, and over 90 years of age. Messrs. W. J. Hall, T. A. Hall, John Hall, Mrs. Mogridge, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Eastwell and Miss Hall, all of this district, are children of the deceased. The funeral took place this afternoon, and was largely attended.

SOCIAL GOSSIP. (1904, October 1). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 9. Link to TROVE

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William CARR

14 - Feb - 2017

[[08970]] ARMSTRONG, Harriet

HALL - ARMSTRONG in Swan Creek

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Sunday, 22 May 2005

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William CARR

22 - May - 2017

[[08971]] HALL, Sarah, parents Thomas HALL and Harriet ARMSTRONG

MOGRIDGE - HALL - grave in Warwick Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2002

MOGRIDGE—HALL.—On Thursday last by the Rev. M. H. Parkinson, at the residence of the bride's parents, Bush Hill Farm, Mount Sturt, Thos. Mogridge, of Warwick, to Sarah, third daughter of Mr. Thos. Hall, of Mount Sturt.

Family Notices (1877, January 13). Warwick Examiner and Times (Qld. : 1867 - 1919), p. 2. Link to TROVE

Letters of administration have) been issued in the estate of Sarah Mogridge, wife of Thomas Mogridge, retired farmer, Warwick, realty £141.

No title (1935, April 5). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 7 (LATE CITY). Link to TROVE

14 - Feb - 2017

[[08972]] HALL, Thomas Armstrong, parents Thomas HALL and Harriet ARMSTRONG

04 - Sep - 2003

[[08973]] CUNNINGHAM, Margaret, parents James CUNNINGHAM and Mary HENDERSON
HALL.—The friends of the late Mrs. Margaret Hall, of Karcaruda, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, which will leave the Warwick railway station on the arrival of the Killarney train at 3.35 THIS DAY for St. Mark's Church, and thence to the Wawick Cometery.

Family Notices (1931, November 18). Warwick Daily News (Qld. : 1919 -1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

26 - Jan - 2018

[[08974]] HALL, Henry George, parents Thomas HALL and Margaret CUNNINGHAM

04 - Sep - 2003

[[08975]] HALL, Thomas James, parents Thomas HALL and Margaret CUNNINGHAM

04 - Sep - 2003

[[08976]] HALL, William John, parents Thomas HALL and Margaret CUNNINGHAM

04 - Sep - 2003

[[08977]] MOGRIDGE, John Hall, parents Thomas MOGRIDGE and Sarah HALL

MOGRIDGE - grave in Warwick Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2004

On behalf of the Members of the Warwick Corps of the Salvation Army, I desire to express our appreciation of the presence of the Members of the Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 6, at the Memorial Service to our late Bro. John Mogridge.

Family Notices (1909, March 17). Warwick Examiner and Times (Qld. : 1867 - 1919), p. 4. Link to TROVE

WARWICK, March 8.
The death occurred this morning of Mr. John Mogridge, third son of Mr. Thomas Mogridge, of Warwick. Mr Mogridge, who was a young man had been recovering from a severe illness, when a relapse took place, and death ensued. Much sympathy is felt for his widow and parents, who are very old residents.

WARWICK AND DISTRICT. (1909, March 9). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. Link to TROVE

The death of Mr. John Mogridge, son of Mr. Thomas Mogridge, of Wantley-street, occurred at his father's residence on Monday morning. Deceased, who was 29 years of age, had been ill since December, suffering from gastric influenza, but latterly this assumed a more serious aspect. The late Mr. Mogridge resided at Wiyarra for the past nine years with his wife and child, and bore the respect of all who know him because of his sterling honesty and diligence. The funeral took place yesterday, and was largely attended, the services of the Orange Lodge, Good Samarium Lodge, P.A.F.S., and Salvation Army, of which bodies deceased was a worthy member being said at the graveside. As a mark of sympathy wreaths were sent by officers und soldiers of Warwick corps Salvation Army, combined Methodist and Army bands, Mogridge family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sleyer, Miss Jose Tyrrell, Mr. F. Grayson, M.L.A. and Mrs. Grayson, Messrs. Grayson & Mutch, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wishart. Salvation Army, Yangan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Morey, Mr. and Mrs. Eastwell, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Glover, and others.

OBITUARY. (1909, March 10). Warwick Examiner and Times (Qld. : 1867 - 1919), p. 5. Link to TROVE

24 - Apr - 2017

[[08978]] GRAYSON, Edith, parents Thomas GRAYSON and Elizabeth MAWHIRT

GRAYSON - MOGRIDGE - MAWHIRT - grave in Killarney Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2009

Brigadier Winter visited Killarney and Warwick district during the week, and on Wednesday celebrated the marriage of Mr. John Mogridge and Miss Edith Grayson, at the residence of Mr. Thomas Grayson (the bride's father), at Lake View. Fifty guests were present, including the Rev. Eva, for the ceremony and breakfast.

RELIGIOUS. (1908, March 7). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 16. Link to TROVE

24 - Apr - 2017

[[08979]] MOGRIDGE, Roy Thomas John, parents John MOGRIDGE and Edith GRAYSON

04 - Sep - 2003

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[08980]] MOGRIDGE, Thomas, parents William MOGRIDGE and Mary YEO

This person also features in this photograph

In Devon England there are two villages named Filleigh. One is located seven miles east south east of Barstaple a mile south of the A361 highway. The second village is located nine miles north north west of Crediton and two miles east of the A377 highway. It is unknown which of the two villages he was born in.

It has been ascertained that the house destroyed by fire at Tannymorel on Wednesday night was the property of Mr. Thomas Mogridge, of Warwick, and not of Mr. W. A. Mogridge.

TANNYMOREL FIRE (1933, May 27). Warwick Daily News (Qld. : 1919 -1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

At the police court, on Thursday, January 18, 1877, before Police Magistrate G. P. M. Murray, and Mr. Jas. Morgan, J.P., James Thomas Lethbridge, Robert Hart, William Gaisford, and Thomas Mogridge, aldermen in the Warwick Municipal Council, appeared charged with a breach of municipal by-law No. 7, "That on the 28th December, 1876, being then aldermen or councillors of the municipal council of Warwick aforesaid, after a motion was made and carried for a call of the whole council of the said municipality on the said 28tli day of December, 1876, and due notice thereof having been given, did neglect to attend at the town hall at the voting upon the question under notice at such meeting without reasonable cause for such absence being shown to the satisfaction of the said council, contrary to the act in such case, made and provided." However, before proceeding with the charge, and after a consultation with his solicitor, the Mayor (Ald. Jacob Horwitz) withdrew all four charges, the police magistrate making no order as to costs.

ECHOES OF THE PAST (1934, December 8). Warwick Daily News (Qld. : 1919 -1954), p. 3. Link to TROVE


With the passing of Mr. Thomas Mogridge, whose death occurred in the Horwitz Ward on Sunday morning, following an attack of influenza, the Warwick district has lost another sturdy old pioneer, for the deceased was closely associated with early rural and municipal development.
Born at Filleigh, in Devon (England), in 1845, Mr. Mogridge came to Australia as a lad of 19. The trip by sailing vessel occupied six months. Shortly after his arrival in Brisbane he journeyed to Warwick by bullock dray, travelling via Cunningham Gap. His first position on the Darling Downs was on Glengallan Station, where he worked for a few months. He then proceeded to Roma, where he conducted an aerated water business. Here he married Miss Ruddell, and there were two children of the marriage (the late Mrs. Roleston, Bundaberg, and the late Mr. Thomas Mogridge, of Warwick). Deceased returned to Warwick in the early seventies, and established aerated water works and a soap and candle factory in Wantley-street. Some time after the death of his first wife he was married to Miss Hall, of Mount Sturt, who predeceased him six years ago. Mr. Mogridge retained his interest in the aerated water works for about 20 years and in the soap factory for about 50 years. He also established a branch cordial factory at Stanthorpe, and, after controlling it for some years, disposed of it to Mr. W. Clifford. For more than half a century he held large interests in farming properties in the Wiyarra and Tannymorel district (then known as Farm Creek), some of the best land on the Downs being owned by him. During this period he gained the distinction of being the first in the district to introduce the traction engine to agricultural work. Coincidentally, he was the second person in the district to purchase a wheat thresher. He won innumerable prizes for wheat and other produce at local shows, and was also a consistent winner in the ham and bacon sections.
Outside of his personal business activities, Mr. Mogridge helped to foster various co-operative welfare movements. He was a foundation director of the Farmers' Milling Company, and continued as a member of the board for an unbroken period of 44 years right up to the time of his demise. The show society, the Warwick Rifle Club, the now defunct coursing club and the Warwick Gun Club were also bodies in which he took a keen interest, and several valuable trophies he won from the last named body were tangible proofs of his prowess as a shot. He was well versed in local government administration, being member of Glengallan Shire Council (No. 3 division) for 18 years and an alderman of the Warwick Town Council for a term. Lodge matters also occupied his attention, for he was a foundation member of the Rose of Warwick Oddfellows Lodge and of No. 11 Pioneer Loyal Orange Lodge.
Mr. Mogridge was a typical example of the hardy English pioneer, for, despite his age, he was an alert and comparatively active man right up to the time of his sudden illness a few weeks ago. He is survived by four sons (William, Percival, Abraham and Arthur; all residents of Warwick and district), and one daughter (Mrs. A. C. Allen, of Palmerston North, N.Z.). Two sons (John and George) and one daughter (Gertrude) of the second marriage predeceased him.
The funeral took place on Monday, being attended by a large number of mourners. The services at the Methodist Church and at the graveside were conducted by the Rev. E. J. Taylor.

Obituary MR. THOMAS MOGRIDGE (1935, August 21). Warwick Daily News (Qld. : 1919 -1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

A fire broke out on Sunday afternoon last about 3 o'clock in the kitchen attached to the house occupied by Mr. Alderman Mogridge, in Wantley-street. Some persons passing along the street at the time, seeing dense volumes of smoke issuing from the doors and windows of the kitchen, raised the alarm, and in a few minutes a crowd had collected. The kitchen by this time was enveloped in flames, and the efforts of the crowd were accordingly directed to saving the furniture contained in the house, a glance showing that nothing could save either of the buildings from destruction.
Fanned by the strong westerly wind that was blowing at the time, the fire soon spread to the main building, which also became enveloped in flame in an incredible short space of time. In about twenty minutes from the time of the discovery of the fire both buildings were in ashes. Very little of the furniture was saved. How the fire originated can of course only be conjectured, for though there was a man lying down on his bed in one of he kitchen rooms at the time he declares that he was ignorant of anything being wrong till aroused by hearing the shouts from the street.
There was a fire burning in the kitchen, but it seems to us very improbable that any piece burning wood falling from this would cause the fire as the fireplace and floor of the kitchen were all brick. The property unfortunately for Mr. Mogridge was totally uninsured, though we understand a proposal for its insurance had been made to the local agent of one of the insurance companies as recently as Thursday last, and that it was only by an oversight that the insurance was not completed on Saturday last. Mr. Mogridge, who was out of town at the time of the fire, estimates his loss at not less than £350. This we think a very moderate computation as the buildings were very substantial, and the loss of furniture and wearing apparel was very considerable. In the storeroom, besides other goods, there was stored a large quantity of potatoes and about a ton of sugar, all of which were totally destroyed.

Local and General News. (1876, November 30). Warwick Argus and Tenterfield Chronicle (Qld. : 1866 - 1879), p. 2. Link to TROVE

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18 - Apr - 2017

[[08981]] MOGRIDGE, George, parents Thomas MOGRIDGE and Sarah HALL

MOGRIDGE - MOREY - grave in Warwick Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2005

21 - Aug - 2005

[[08982]] MOGRIDGE, Arthur Ernest, parents Thomas MOGRIDGE and Sarah HALL

MOGRIDGE - grave in Warwick Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2002

MOGRIDGE.—The relatives and friends of the late Mr. Arthur Ernest Mogridge, Tannymorel, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral which is appointed to move from the Methodist Church, Guy-street, Warwick, on conclusion of service commencing at 3.45 p.m. THIS DAY (FRIDAY), thence to the Warwick Cemetery.

Good Samaritan Lodge No. 6,
The Officers and Members of the above Lodge are requested to attend the funeral of the late Bro. A. E. Mogridge, which will move from the Methodist Church, Guy-street, on conclusion of service commencing at 3.45 p.m. TO-DAY for the Warwick Cemetery,

Family Notices (1942, September 4). Warwick Daily News (Qld. : 1919 -1954), p. 2. Link to TROVE

24 - Apr - 2017

[[08983]] MOGRIDGE, Lillie Ellen Jane, parents Thomas MOGRIDGE and Sarah HALL

05 - Sep - 2003

[[08984]] MOGRIDGE, Abraham Joseph, parents Thomas MOGRIDGE and Sarah HALL

MOGRIDGE - EAST - grave in Warwick Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, 2002

20 - Mar - 2011

[[08985]] MOGRIDGE, Gertrude Sarah, parents Thomas MOGRIDGE and Sarah HALL

This person also features in this photograph

27 - Jul - 2011

[[08986]] MOGRIDGE, Margaret Jane, parents Thomas MOGRIDGE and Sarah HALL

05 - Sep - 2003

[[08987]] MOGRIDGE, William Henry, parents Thomas MOGRIDGE and Sarah HALL

You will find William in this descendent chart

02 - Aug - 2009

[[08988]] ASHNEY, Bertram Sylvester, father unknown and Grace ASHNEY

02 - Feb - 2008

[[08989]] RUDDELL, Eliza Jane, parents James RUDDELL and Mary PILLAR
We regret having this week to record the death of Mrs. Mogridge, wife of Mr. Alderman Mogridge, of this town, who died suddenly at her residence in Wantley-street early on Sunday morning last. The funeral, which took place on Monday, was attended by the brethren of the Loyal Bose of Warwick Lodge of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity (of which Order the deceased lady's husband is a member), besides a number of other sympathising friends of the bereaved.

Local and General News. (1876, August 17). Warwick Argus and Tenterfield Chronicle (Qld. : 1866 - 1879), p. 2. Link to TROVE

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24 - Apr - 2017

[[08990]] RUDDELL, James

Click on James RUDDELL to see his descendent tree

05 - Sep - 2003

[[50755]] LOCHRIN, Elizabeth, parents Alexander LOCHRIN & Grace McKINLEY

You can see Elizabeth in this descendent chart
William MEIKLE

22 - Oct - 2013

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