[[29795]] JAMESON, Roy William, parents William JAMESON and Anne BOLTON

15 - Aug - 2014

[[31073]] BANNON, John Bernard

15 - Aug - 2014

[[31074]] WOODS, Catherine

15 - Aug - 2014

[[31075]] BANNON, Catherine Josephine, parents John BANNON and Catherine WOODS

12 - Mar - 2017

[[31076]] SMITH, James Joseph

15 - Aug - 2014

[[31077]] SMITH, James Joseph, parents James SMITH and Catherine BANNON

06 - May - 2017

[[31078]] SMITH, Patrick Francis, parents James SMITH and Catherine BANNON

15 - Aug - 2014

[[31079]] SMITH, Thomas Vincent, parents James SMITH and Catherine BANNON

15 - Aug - 2014

[[31080]] SMITH, Mary Theresa, parents James SMITH and Catherine BANNON

15 - Aug - 2014

[[31081]] SMITH, John Edward, parents James SMITH and Catherine BANNON

15 - Aug - 2014

[[32996]] STRANDQUIST, Hans Edward, parents Peter STRANDQUIST and Ellena JOHNSON

You will find Hans in this descendent chart

09 - Mar - 2010

[[32997]] STRANDQUIST, Hilda Maria, parents Peter STRANDQUIST and Ellena JOHNSON

You will find Hilda in this descendent chart

09 - Mar - 2010

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[32998]] STRANDQUIST, Johan Anthony, parents Peter STRANDQUIST and Ellena JOHNSON

You will find Johan in this descendent chart

10 - Jun - 2010

[[32999]] STRANDQUIST, Nils, parents Peter STRANDQUIST and Ellena JOHNSON

Look for Nils in this descendent chart

08 - May - 2011

[[33000]] STRANDQUIST, Selma Elizabeth, parents Peter STRANDQUIST and Ellena JOHNSON

Look for Selma in this descendent chart

09 - Mar - 2010

[[33002]] GILBERT, John, parents John GILBERT & Ann WILLIAMS

His marriage was registered under GILBARD.

Click on John GILBERT to see his descendent tree

21 - Nov - 2012

[[33003]] LEAVES, Mary, parents Thomas LEAVES & Mary DEWMAN

Her maiden name was PERRY and must have been married before she arrived in Australia prior to 1859 as Mary GILBERT.

This ancestry researcher - KATHRYN984 - provided some of the information about this person.
The name of their tree is - FROM CORNWALL TO QUEENSLAND (20-Nov-2012)

You will find Mary in this descendent chart

21 - Nov - 2012

[[33004]] GILBERT, Emily Elizabeth, parents John GILBERT and Mary LEAVES

You will find Emily in this descendent chart

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33005]] GILBERT, George, parents John GILBERT and Mary LEAVES

Look for George in this descendent chart

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33006]] GILBERT, Florence Elizabeth, parents John GILBERT and Mary LEAVES

Look for Florence in this descendent chart

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33007]] GILBERT, Ellen, parents John GILBERT and Mary LEAVES

Look for Ellen in this descendent chart

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33008]] GILBERT, William Albert, parents John GILBERT and Mary LEAVES

You will find William in this descendent chart

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33009]] GILBERT, Walter, parents John GILBERT and Mary LEAVES

You will find Walter in this descendent chart

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33010]] GILBERT, Ernest, parents John GILBERT and Mary LEAVES

Look for Ernest in this descendent chart

21 - Nov - 2012

[[33011]] LONG, William James

Look for William in this descendent chart

11 - Mar - 2010

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[33012]] LONG, Doris Eliza, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33013]] LONG, Ebenezer Victor, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33014]] LONG, Edward John, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33015]] LONG, Elizabeth Hazel, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33016]] LONG, Elsie May, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33017]] LONG, Lillian Eva, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33018]] LONG, Millicent Ellen, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33019]] LONG, Norman Charles, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33020]] LONG, Percy, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33021]] LONG, William Alfred, parents William LONG and Ellen GILBERT

11 - Mar - 2010

[[33032]] EATON, John, parents William EATON & Jane LLOYD

EATON - ONUS family grave on Teebar Station

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Tuesday, 30 June 2015

EATON,— At Westbrook, on 19 th June, 1904, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. R. Maitland, Mr. John Eaton, aged 94 years.
'At Best.'

THE Friends of the late MR. JOHN EATON, of Teebar Station are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to leave the residence of his Son-in-law, Mr R. Maitland, Westbrook, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON.

Family Notices. (1904, June 21). Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), p. 2. Link to TROVE


One of the largest attendances of people that his ever attended a public auction sale in Maryborough was witnessed on Saturday morning last at Bryant and Co's auction mart, when a number of properties in the estate of the late John Eaton of Teebar were offered for sale, and also some of the personal effects of the de-

ceased. Bidding was not spirited. Half an acre of land at the corner of Richmond

and Ellena streets, opposite the Sydney Hotel on which is erected a small but- cher's shop was passed in at £230. Half an acre facing Adelaide, Alice and Lennox streets was passed in at £250. The Bid- well paddock at Tinana, containing over 600 acres occupied by Mycock and Son which is considered to be one of the best dairying properties in the district had £2 5s per acre offered but the owners re- quired more. A 300 acre paddock at the Two- mile in the Tinana district was bought by Mycock and Son at 14s. per acre. A 74 acre paddock at the junction of the Tinana Creek and the Mary River was bought by Mr. L. Steindl at £4 10s. per acre. Seventeen allotments in the original township of Tiaro were bought by Mr. Waracker at £20 per allotment An area of 1 acre in Owanyilla township was bought by Mr.Geo Pitt for £1. A 112 acre paddock fronting the Mary River near Etchell's Falls was bought by Mr. Sorrensen at 18s per acre. The deceased's undivided share in selections at Calgoa sold for £25

MARYBOROUGH. (1904, November 15). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 6. Link to TROVE


The duty has at last fallen upon us to record with deep regret the death of that splendid old pioneer settler of the Wide Bay district, Mr. John Eaton, the squire of Teebar Station, at the grand old age of 94 years. The venerable gentleman had only been ailing for a short time and died quietly and peacefully at Westwood, the residence of his son-in-law Mr. R. Maitland, on Sunday night, June 19th. Mr. Eaton was in every sense of the word a splendid colonist, and one that not merely the district, but all Australia, might well be proud of. Born at Richmond Bottoms, in the Maitland district, it is questionable whether any older born Australian colonists were alive at his death. As a boy he worked in Sydney, and afterwards had a hard life up country, farming and cattle breeding. About 44 years ago he took up Teebar run, and arrived there overland, with his wife and family from N.S. Wales. He had resided on Teebar ever since, with, the exception of some time spent in Maryborough in the early sixtys. During his long occupation of Teebar, Mr. Eaton carried on grazing pursuits most successfully. He also invested largely in Maryborough property, and was one of the founders of the once famous Eatonvale sugar plantation and factory. In the earlier days Mr. Eaton took a most active interest in the public affairs of Maryborough. He was one of our first aldermen, and was the second Mayor of the town, succeeding Mr Henry Palmer, our first Mayor, who is still happily with us, in 1861, and holding office to the end of the term 1862. Our esteemed old citizen, Mr. O. E. S. Booker, was also a member of that famous first Council, and now that Mr. Eaton has gone, he and Mr. Palmer alone remain of the original body of aldermen who laid the municipal foundations of the town. The present Council induced Mr. Eaton a year or so ago to have his photograph taken, and his portrait now adorns the gallery of past Mayors in the Municipal Chamber. Mr. Eaton was a man of fine physique in his prime, and enjoyed an iron constitution, hardened by a very tough bush life in his early days. For many years past he had been famed for his wonderfully sustained vitality and energy. At 90 he could go out on his horse all day and muster stock with the best of them; and even up to two years ago it was his habit to ride about and look after his affairs very keenly. His was a green and vigorous old age almost to the last. He had a family of one son and eight daughters, and at the time of his death he was the head of several hundred descendants down to great-great-grand children. Of his family, Mrs. Eaton died about 11 years ago, and the only son, William, at the same time. Two daughters, Mrs. George Walker and Mrs. Hayes, also predeceased their father by some years. The surviving daughters are Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. G. Thomas (Clifton), Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. R. G. Gilbert, Mrs. Maitland, and Mrs. Ezzy, most of whom resided in the district and in the neighbourhood of Teebar, with their children and their children's children to the fifth generation, an excellent group of settlers on the land, and primary wealth producers. We have lost from our midst a grand old man, most upright in all his dealings, and generous to a fault. His honoured name which, strangely enough, is not borne by his host of descendants, who are the children of his daughters, will ever be indelibly impressed upon the history of the early pioneering days, and de- velopment of Maryborough and the Wide Bay district. It has been arranged that the funeral shall take place at Teebar on Wednesday afternoon, when the remains of the deceased will be laid beside those of his wife. Mr. Ammenhauser, undertaker, is proceeding by train to Teebar to-morrow morning, taking the hearse and horses with him.

DEATH OF MR. JOHN EATON. (1904, June 21). Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), p. 2. Link to TROVE

ARREARS OF RENT, &c.-The undermentioned Lessees have been called upon to pay into the Treasury the arrears of rent due upon their runs. The figures immediately following the names represent the " Annual rent for ensuing years," the next the " arrears of rent," and the last the " amount of assessment for current and ensuing years."

District of Wide Day and Burnett :-Cowandale, D. T. McKenzie, £18 15s. 0d. ; £45 18s. 9d. ; £37 10s. 0d. Teebar, J. Eason, £18 15s. 0d. ; £38 8s. 9d. ; £37 10s. 0d. Chin Chin, R. and E. Tooth, £14 7s. 3d. ; £19 6s. 0d. ; £2814s. 6d. Challarwooneba, W. Forster, £12 11s. 0d, ; £15 12s. 6d. ; £25 0s. 0d. North Kenilworth, W. Gray, £16 2s. 6d. ; £29 10s. 8d. ; £30 5s. 0d. Kenilworth, W. Gray, £13 0s. 0d. ; £13 2s. 6d. ; £25 0s. 0d. Land of Promise, L. M'Donald and J. Dingle, £1G 5s. 0d. ; £8 15s. 0d. ; £30 0s. 0d. Mira, Anderson and Leslie, £12 10s. 0d.; £5 12s. 6d.; £25 0s. 0d. Bringarinhoor, W. Forster, £13 11s, 0d. ; £11 17s. 6d. ; £23 0s. 0d. Bunya Creek, C. and P. Lawless, £15 0s. 0d. ; £16 5s. 0d. ; £30 0s. 0d. Bluff Plains, C. and P. Lawless, £15 0s. 0d. ; £16 5s. 0d. ; £30 0s. 0d, District of Port Curtis-Coriack, A. and H. Brown, £21 0s. 0d. ; £22 10s. 0d. ; £40 0s. 0d. Bunerba, Towns and Co., £15 0s. 0d. ; £6 5s. 0d. ; £30 0s. 0d.- District of Leichhardt :-Ulogie, Towns and Co.. £12 0s. 0d.; £13 15s. 0d.; £25 0s. 0d. Lake Block, Towns and Co., £15 0s. 0d. ; £30 18s. 0d. ; £31 4s. 0d.

Local Intelligence. (1860, August 28). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), , p. 2. Link to TROVE

Last week. Mr. Eaton, of Teebar, sold to Mr. John Edwards, of Ban Ban, 9000 sheep (mixed) at 10a. per head, half weaners given in cash.

BURNETT DISTRICT. (1863, April 21). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), , p. 4. Link to TROVE

Click on John EATON to see his descendent tree

08 - Sep - 2016

[[33033]] ONUS, Mary Ann, parents Joseph ONUS & Annie EATHER

EATON - ONUS family grave on Teebar Station

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Tuesday, 30 June 2015

More photographs

EATON.—On the 19th March, at Teebar Station, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of John Eaton, aged 73 years.

EATON.—On the 20th March, at Teebar Station, William, only son of John Eaton, aged 39 years.

Family Notices. (1887, March 26). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

At this web address you may find more information relevant to this person.

Look for Mary in this descendent chart

06 - Jul - 2015

[[33034]] EATON, William, parents John EATON and Mary ONUS

EATON - ONUS family grave on Teebar Station

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Tuesday, 30 June 2015

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22 - Apr - 2017

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 1-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[33035]] EATON, Mary Ann Elizabeth, parents John EATON and Mary ONUS
On the 27th instant, at Rose Hill, the beloved wife of Mr. Walter Hay, of Tinana, and second eldest daughter of John Eaton, Esq., aged 35 years, leaving a large family to deplore their loss. "I heard a voice from Heaven, saying unto me, Write, From henceforth blessed are the dead which die in the Lord : even so saith the Spirit ; for they rest from their labors."

Family Notices. (1870, June 30). Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), p. 2. Link to TROVE

You can see Mary in these descendent charts
John HAY

23 - Feb - 2015

[[33036]] EATON, Jane, parents John EATON and Mary ONUS

You will find Jane in this descendent chart

19 - Feb - 2015

[[33037]] HAY, Walter, parents John HAY and Isabella ABERDEEN

You will find Walter in these descendent charts
John HAY

19 - Feb - 2015

[[33038]] WALKER, John George, parents James Davenport WALKER & Mary LARYMORE
WALKER.- On October 10th, 1914, at 'Glengariff,' Biggenden, John George Walker, beloved father of Arthur. G., Percy C., Herbert H., Joseph. D., and Mrs. W. M. John- stone and Mrs. Rowland, aged 95 years.

Family Notices. (1914, October 13). Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), p. 4. Link to TROVE

You can see John in this descendent chart

23 - Feb - 2015

(33039) SHEPHEARD, John

Click on John SHEPHEARD to see his descendent tree

13 - Nov - 2016

(33040) MITCHELMORE, Mary, parents John MITCHELMON & unknown Mary's family

You can see Mary in this descendent chart

13 - Nov - 2016

(33041) SHEPHEARD, Elizabeth Jane, parents John SHEPHEARD and Mary MITCHELMORE Elizabeth's family
TOWNSON. — The Relatives and Friends of Mr. W. Townson, of Manchester Terrace, Darra, Mr. & Mrs. P. Townson (Holland Park), Mr. & Mrs. R. Townson & Family (Newcastle), Mrs. F. E. Burling, & Family (Auchenflower), Mr. &. Mrs. E. Townson & Family (Holland Park) are invited to attend the Funeral of his beloved Wife, their Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother, & Great-Grandmother, Elizabeth Jane Townson, to leave the Funeral Parlour, 52 Old Cleveland Rd., Stone's Corner, This (Tuesday) Afternoon, after Service, commencing at 4 o'clock, for the Crematorium, Mt. Thompson.

TOWNSON.— Star of Toowoomba Lodge No. 9 P.A.F S.O.A.. Officers and Members arc invited to attend the Funeral of the late Elizabeth Jane Townson, beloved Wife of Bro. W. Townson, P.M., to leave the Funeral Parlour, 52 Old Cleveland Rd., Stone's Corner, as per Family Notice.

Family Notices (1948, February 24). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 6. Link to TROVE

You will find Elizabeth in these descendent charts

02 - Dec - 2016

(33042) SHEPHEARD, Emma Sophia, parents John SHEPHEARD and Mary MITCHELMORE Emma's family

Look for Emma in this descendent chart

13 - Nov - 2016

(33043) SHEPHEARD, Sarah, parents John SHEPHEARD and Mary MITCHELMORE Sarah's family
FUNERAL NOTICE.-The Friends of Mr. JOSEPH WISE are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Wife, to move from his residence, Spring-street, West End, South Brisbane, TO-MORROW (Saturday) MORNING, at 11 o'clock, for the Toowong Cemetery.

Family Notices (1892, July 29). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 1. Link to TROVE

You can see Sarah in this descendent chart

02 - Dec - 2016

(33044) SHEPHEARD, Mary Grace, parents John SHEPHEARD and Mary MITCHELMORE

You will find Mary in this descendent chart

13 - Nov - 2016

(33045) SHEPHEARD, James, parents John SHEPHEARD and Mary MITCHELMORE

You can see James in this descendent chart

08 - Nov - 2016

[[36113]] HARBOTTLE, William George, parents Thomas John HARBOTTLE & Elizabeth WHITFORD

15 - Aug - 2014

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