(02158) BEAN, James, parents James BEAN and Esther SHORT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

06 - Jul - 1998

(02159) BEAN, Charles, parents James BEAN and Esther SHORT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

06 - Jul - 1998

(02160) BEAN, Joseph, parents James BEAN and Esther SHORT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

06 - Jul - 1998

(02161) BEAN, Lucy, parents James BEAN and Esther SHORT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

28 - Aug - 1999

(02176) PILES, Mary
GGGG Grand Mother of Gregory DAVIS
Mary's family

Donna LAW on ancestry says Mary died in 1859 in New South Wales.

Mary Pile [sic] was popularly known as "the female highwayman" when she was tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron Eyre, the session beginning on the 6th April 1785. At a previous trial in January 1783 she had been fined one shilling and sentenced to one year in the House of Correction, Clerkenwell, for the theft of clothing at the Plow Inn from a waggoner and servant girl. This time she stood accused of stealing 29s. 6d. which belonged to one Abraham Abbott in a dwelling house owned by William Webb at five o'clock in the night of the 22nd January 1785. She was found guilty of stealing but not of burglary and sentenced to seven years transportation. Mary Piles was sent to the Lady Penrhyn on 6th January 1787 where she was recorded as being 20 years old. She married Ottiwell Hindle (qv) on the 14th September 1788 in St. Phillips church, Sydney where she signed her own name and then on the 5th July 1789 a son John by John Chew (qv) a marine private was baptised. On the 4th March 1790 Mary, her husband Otawel Ingle (Hindle) and their son were all sent to Norfolk Island by Sirus where she lived on an allotment belonging to Ottiwell Hindle at Phillipsburg. They all left Norfolk Island by Atlantic on 21st September 1792. Mary Piles was recorded as living with William Browning (qv) in 1806 at Seven Hills to whom she had borne a son Francis who was baptised on the 27th July 1794. She was later described as the wife of William Edwards in 1822 and 1825 living in the Liverpool district.

Look for Mary in this descendent chart
Ottiwell HENDLE

25 - May - 2012

[[02177]] CHEW, John
GGGG Grand Father of Gregory DAVIS

Mollie GILLEN in "The Founders of Australia" writes - John CHEW, private marine 39th (Plymouth) Company, served at Port Jackson in the company of Watkin TENCH. A son John by Mary PILES (qv) was baptised at Port Jackson on 5 July 1879. Chew returned to England by Gorgon, reaching Porstmouth in June 1792 where he transferred to Juno and was landed at Plymouth on the 29th.

06 - Mar - 2001

(02178) BEST, Esther, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS
Esther's family

You will find Esther in this descendent chart

04 - Apr - 1999

(02179) BEST, Mary Ann, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

Look for Mary in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02180) BEST, Thomas Samuel, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Thomas in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02181) BEST, George, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see George in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02182) BEST, Peter, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You will find Peter in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

[[02183]] FISHBURN, William, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[02184]] FISHBURN, Eleanor Mary, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02185]] FISHBURN, Andrew, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02186]] FISHBURN, John, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02187]] FISHBURN, Sarah, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02188]] FISHBURN, Ann, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02189]] FISHBURN, James, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02190]] FISHBURN, Henry, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02191]] FISHBURN, Hannah, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02192]] FISHBURN, Edward, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02193]] FISHBURN, George, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

(02194) TAYLOR, Betty, parents John TAYLOR & Mary unknown
GGGG Grand Mother of Gregory DAVIS
Betty's family

When the remains in the Devonshire Street Cemetery were moved in 1901, Betty was moved to La Perouse.

Sacred To the memory of Mrs Betty Bean Wife of Mr Jas. Bean ?(Senior)?
Who departed this life October 2nd, 1818 aged 64 years

Affliction sure long time I bore
Physicians were in vain
Til death did please to give me ease
And free me from my pain

Look for Betty in this descendent chart
Samuel JAMES

09 - Apr - 2012

(02195) BEAN, Elizabeth, parents James BEAN and Betty TAYLOR
GGG Grand Aunt of Gregory DAVIS

08 - Apr - 2002

[[02196]] SHELLEY, William

26 - Dec - 2000

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

(02197) BEAN, Rose, parents James BEAN and Betty TAYLOR
GGG Grand Aunt of Gregory DAVIS

08 - Apr - 2002

[[02198]] DUNN, Thomas

26 - Dec - 2000

(02199) BEAN, Emma, parents James BEAN and Esther SHORT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

20 - Dec - 1997

(02200) BEAN, Henry, parents James BEAN and Esther SHORT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

18 - Jul - 1999

(02201) BEAN, George Thomas, parents William BEAN and Elizabeth BRADLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

20 - Dec - 1997

(02202) BEAN, Martha, parents William BEAN and Elizabeth BRADLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

20 - Dec - 1997

(02203) BEAN, Alfred, parents William BEAN and Elizabeth BRADLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

06 - Jul - 1998

[[02204]] DAVIS, Thomas, parents George DAVIS and Mary SMITH

DAVIS - HAACK - grave in Bundaberg Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Thursday, 20 September 2007

Witnesses to the marriage were the father of the bride and Robert Edward Dundee BOSTOCK.

You can see Thomas in these descendent charts
Christoph HAACK
Louise HAACK
George DAVIS

25 - Apr - 2016

[[02205]] HAACK, Pauline, parents Charles HAACK and Emily SCHULTZ

DAVIS - HAACK - grave in Bundaberg Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Pauline`s father and Robert Edward Dundee BOSTOCK were the witnesses to the marriage.

An obituary that appeared in the BDN&M on Wednesday, 9 September 1925:-
It is with regret that we have to cronicle the death of Mrs. DAVIS, wife of Mr. Thomas DAVIS, George Street, South Bundaberg, which sad event occured yesterday in the hospital. The deceased lady, who was but 38 years of age, leaves a sorrowing husband and family to mourn their loss and to whom much sympathy will be extended in their sorrow. The funeral is advertised to take place this morning. (F. C. Brown and Co.)

Look for Pauline in these descendent charts
Christoph HAACK
Louise HAACK
George DAVIS

25 - Apr - 2016

[[02238]] DAVIS, Robert, parents John DAVIS and Janet HUNTER

Look for Robert in this descendent chart

13 - Mar - 2017

[[02239]] DAVIS, Sarah Brown, parents John DAVIS and Janet HUNTER

Look for Sarah in this descendent chart

24 - Jul - 2012

[[02240]] DAVIS, Annie Perry, parents John DAVIS and Janet HUNTER

Look for Annie in this descendent chart

24 - Jul - 2012

(02246) HENDLE, Ottiwell

Ottiwell arrived on Norfolk Island on Saturday, 13 March 1790,  with Mary and departed on  Friday, 21 September 1792. Ottiwell Hindle was tried at the Quarter sessions at Preston, Lancashire on the 6th October 1785 for stealing a silver watch which belonged to James Harrison. He was sentenced to seven years for the crime.

Click on Ottiwell HENDLE to see his descendent tree

24 - May - 2012

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[02286]] MOSS, Richard Ernest, parents William MOSS and Thirza VARCOE
MOSS.— At Brisbane, on 21st inst., after a lingering illness, Richard Ernest Moss, late of Irvinebank, beloved Husband of Emily Moss, 'Koah,' N.Q. Aged 65 years. Interred Toowong Cemetery northern papers, please copy.

Family Notices. (1936, June 22). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Link to TROVE

The earliest manager of the battery was C. B. Alexander, a man who I have mentioned earlier had been a part owner of the Tornado Mine with Moffat. Alexander was succeeded some years afterwards by a Scotchman named Alan Waddell. Waddell, himself, was a relative of John Moffat's and had come from Scotland. He had been a shipwright prior to his departure from Scotland, and he managed the mill there until about 1913.

He in turn was succeeded by Dick Moss. Dick Moss had been the head blacksmith in the Irvinebank Company's blacksmith shop for many years, and had been associated with most of the work of construction of the milling requirements over the years. The tin dressers at the Irvinebank Mill during its period of greatest prosperity were Ted Arbouin and Joe Ellery. Joe Ellery had worked in the tin mines in Cornwall so he certainly knew something about tin.

A History of Irvinebank by Mike O'Callaghan

The Counting of votes in connection with the election of two-members to fill the positions rendered vacant by the retirement of Messrs. H. J. Armstrong, jun., and J. J. M'Donald, was conducted at the office of the Department of Agriculture and Stock. The result was announced, yesterday as follows :
James Joseph M'Donald (Tolga), 123 votes.
John Gargan (Kairi), 123 votes.
Richard Ernest Moss (Tolga), 93 votes.
David Hemy Wallace (Atherton), 86 votes.
Drummond Macpherson (Tolga), 81 votes.
Herbert James Armstrong, jun. (Atherton), 70 votes.
George Ferguson (Kulara), 64 votes.
Messrs. M'Donald and Gargan have therefore been elected to the board, and will hold office until March 31, 1927.//

MAIZE BOARD. (1925, April 3). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 10. Link to TROVE

MOSS.— At Brisbane, on 21st inst., after a lingering illness, Richard Ernest Moss, late of Irvinebank, beloved Husband of Emily Moss, 'Koah,' N.Q. Aged 65 years. Interred Toowong Cemetery northern papers, please copy.

Family Notices (1936, June 22). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Link to TROVE

The death occurred in a Brisbane Hospital yesterday of Mr. Richard Ernest Moss, a well-known identity of the Irvinebank, Tolga and Koah districts, at the age of 66 years. Born in Victoria, Mr. Moss came to Queensland when a child, and lived in various parts of the North. He was for many years manager of a battery at Irvinebank, but in later years followed farming at Tolga. He then transferred his interests to Koah, where he became particularly active in Progress and Local Producers' Association matters, and, while not a tobacco grower, took up the interests of the local tobacco farmers on sundry occasions. The past few years Mr. Moss did not enjoy the best of health, and two years ago left Koah for Brisbane to seek further medical attention. He is survived by a widow, two daughters (Mrs. F. Cash, of Koah; and Mrs. G. Smith, of Stanmore, Sydney), and one son (Mr. E. Moss, of the Adelaide Steamship Co. Cairns). He is also survived by three sisters (Mrs. Warmsley, of Tambourine Mountains; Mrs. Miller, of Cairns; and Mrs. Whiting, of New Farm, Brisbane).

MR. R. E. MOSS. (1936, June 22). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 3. Link to TROVE

MOSS.-In loving memory of Richard Ernest Moss, who passed away on June 21, 1936.
"Gone, but not forgotten."
(Inserted by his loving wife, son and daughters.)

Family Notices (1937, June 21). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 6. Link to TROVE

You will find Richard in this descendent chart
William MOSS

02 - Dec - 2016

[[02288]] FIELD, Henry Alfred
In the Matrimonial Causes Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court yesterday, before his Honour Sir Charles Lilley, Judge ordinary, the ease of Field v. Field and Everett was called on. Henry Alfred Field, the petitioner, sued for a dissolution of his marriage on the grounds of his wife's adultery with the co-respondent.
There was no appearance on behalf of the respondent or co-respondent. The petitioner was represented by Mr. E. M. Lilley (instructed by E. Winter). From the evidence it appeared that the petitioner had kept an hotel at Southport, and on the 25th May, 1888, the respondent and co-respondent had eloped together to Beenleigh, where they had slept in the same hotel. After evidence had been taken, the case was adjourned until after the sittings of the Full Court.

The Brisbane Courier (1889, May 11). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 5. Link to TROVE

In the Matrimonial Causes Jurisdiction of the court, before his Honour Sir Charles Lilley, Judge ordinary, the case of Field v. Field and Everett was called on. Henry Alfred Field, the petitioner, sued for a dissolution of his marriage on the grounds of his wife's adultery with the co-respondent. Monday, May 13.

In the Matrimonial Causes Jurisdiction of the court, his Honour Sir Charles Lilley, Judge Ordinary, granted a decree nisi for the dissolution of the marriage, in the case of Field v. Field and Everett, returnable in six months.

Judicial Affairs. (1889, May 18). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 928. Link to TROVE

FIELD— M'DOUGALL. —On May 15, at Bowen Hills, Brisbane, by the Rev. Dyson, Henry Alfred Field, of Brisbane, to Frances Jane (Fanny), eldest daughter of the late D. J. M'Dougall, of Brisbane.

Family Notices (1890, May 17). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 4. Link to TROVE

At this web address you may find more information relevant to this person.

You will find Henry in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES

02 - Dec - 2016

[[02289]] WILESMITH, Frank Gilbert, parents Joseph WILESMITH and Christina WALLACE

(From Saturday's Government Gazette.)
The Brisbane Courier  Monday 27 April 1891 Page 6
F. G. Wilesmith, to be acting mining registrar at Watsonville under the provisions of the Goldfields Act of 1874 and the Mineral Lands Act of 1882

0n Monday afternoon, at his residence, No. 281 Sheridan-street, Mr. Frank Gilbert Wilesmith passed away, at the age of 58 years. Deceased was a North Queenslander and was widely known and highly respected. He leaves a wife and grown up family to mourn their sad loss. The funeral will leave the residence at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon.

OBITUARY. (1931, June 2). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE

Look for Frank in these descendent charts
Edward PUTT

18 - Sep - 2016

[[02290]] PUTT, Susan Hannah, parents Edward PUTT and Maria DUBBERLEY

You will find Susan in these descendent charts
Edward PUTT

18 - Sep - 2016

[[02291]] WILESMITH, Arthur William, parents Frank WILESMITH and Susan PUTT

Arthur WILESMITH in Martyn Street Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Friday, 26 August 2016

Look for Arthur in these descendent charts
Edward DAVIS

27 - Aug - 2016

[[02292]] WILESMITH, Edith Muriel, parents Frank WILESMITH and Susan PUTT
SHANNON—WILESMITH — Sept. 20th, 1919, at St. John's Church of England, Cairns, by the Rev. W. C. Smith, Edith Muriel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Wilesmith, Stannary Hills, to John Bertmoore, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shannon, Oxford Downs, Nebo, Mackay.

Family Notices. (1919, September 30). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE

You can see Edith in these descendent charts
Edward PUTT

23 - Feb - 2015

[[02293]] WILESMITH, Ethel Maud, parents Frank WILESMITH and Susan PUTT

You will find Ethel in these descendent charts
Edward PUTT

18 - Dec - 2017

[[02294]] WILESMITH, Gilbert, parents Frank WILESMITH and Susan PUTT

You can see Gilbert in these descendent charts
Edward PUTT

18 - Sep - 2016

[[02295]] WILESMITH, Joseph Edward, parents Frank WILESMITH and Susan PUTT

Joseph WILESMITH in Martyn Street Cemetery, Cairns

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Friday, 26 August 2016

WILESMITH.-In loving memory of my loving brother, Joseph Edward Wilesmith, who departed this life on the 16 December, 1924.

"Rest in Peace."
(Inserted by his loving brother, Bert Wilesmith.)

WILESMITH.-In loving memory of Joseph Edward Wilesmith, who died suddenly at Kuranda. 16th December, 1924.

"No one but God and I know what is in my heart'."
(Inserted by his wife, Ida Wilesmith and little daughter. Joan.)

Family Notices. (1925, December 16). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE

CAIRNS. December 17.
Joseph Edward Wilesmlth, at Kuranda last night, during a game of billiards, was sitting down awaiting his next stroke when he collapsed and died immediately. Deceased was a well known resident of Cairns and leaves a widow and one child. The former, before marriage, was Miss Ida Northage, who controls the well known Wilesmith's orchestra.

A SUDDEN DEATH AT KURANDA. (1924, December 18). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE

Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs Frank Wilesmith and family in the loss of their eldest son. While visiting a married daughter at Mackay, they received the sad news. Mr. Joe Wilesmith spent most of his life in Stannary and district, up to the time he enlisted.

STANNARY HILLS. (1925, January 7). The Northern Herald (Cairns, Qld. : 1913 - 1939), p. 44. Link to TROVE

You can see Joseph in these descendent charts
Edward PUTT

26 - Jan - 2018

[[02296]] SMITH, Reginald Claude, parents John Robert SMITH & Ellen Blanche MURPHY
The Registrar of the Supreme Court (Mr. J. Shannon), granted probate on Thursday in the will of Reginald Claude Smith, late of Sarina, near Mackay, storekeeper, who died on February 17, 1940, to Ethel Maude Smith, of Sarina, near Mackay, the sole executrix named in the will. Realty was sworn at nil and personalty under £2570 (Roberts, Leu and North, town agents for S. B. Wright and Wright, solicitors of Mackay, solicitors for the executrix).

The Townsville Daily Bulletin FRIDAY. MARCH 21, 1941. (1941, March 21). Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), , p. 4. Link to TROVE

You can see Reginald in these descendent charts
Edward PUTT

01 - May - 2016

[[02297]] NORTHAGE, Ida Charity, parents Frederick NORTHAGE and Lucy NEWSOME

You will find Ida in these descendent charts
Edward PUTT

14 - Mar - 2011

[[02298]] SHANNON, John Bertmoore, parents Jonathon Bertmoore SHANNON & Margaret Letitia ISAAC

You can see John in these descendent charts
Edward PUTT

15 - Jan - 2015

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