[[02102]] DONNELLY, Sarah

06 - Apr - 2002

(02103) ALT, Martha Maria, parents Christoph ALT and Martha CROSSLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Martha in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES
Johann ALT

20 - May - 2002

[[02104]] DEAN, William, parents John DEAN & Elizabeth CLAYTON

DEAN - BARBUR - grave in Warwick Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Sunday, 22 May 2005

DEAN.-On 31st March, at his residence, Allora, William Dean, aged 83 years.

Family Notices (1910, April 16). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 12. Link to TROVE

William Dean, late of Allora, gentleman, formally of Dudley Farm, Warwick, died March 31, 1910; realty £251, personalty £83. Probate granted to George Powell Barnes of Warwick, merchant and Samuel Crowther of Brisbane miller, G. V. Jenkins (by Crouch and Edens) solicitors.

PROBATES AND ADMINISTRATIONS. (1910, August 17). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 12. Link to TROVE

Click on William DEAN to see his descendent tree

19 - Feb - 2017

(02105) ALT, James, parents Christoph ALT and Martha CROSSLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see James in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES
Johann ALT

29 - May - 2001

(02106) ALT, Sidonia, parents Christoph ALT and Martha CROSSLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

Look for Sidonia in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES
Johann ALT

29 - May - 2001

(02107) ALT, John, parents Christoph ALT and Martha CROSSLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see John in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES
Johann ALT

29 - May - 2001

[[02108]] SMITH, Mary Ann Crawford

Look for Mary in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES
Johann ALT

31 - May - 2000

(02109) ALT, Sidonia, parents Christoph ALT and Martha CROSSLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS
Sidonia's family

Look for Sidonia in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES
Johann ALT

29 - May - 2001

[[02110]] MELLERSH, Hubert Leaf

You can see Hubert in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES
Johann ALT

29 - May - 2001

(02111) MOTE, Alice May, parents James MOTE and Martha CROSSLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You will find Alice in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES

31 - May - 2000

[[02112]] NICHOLAS, Samuel

You will find Samuel in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES

31 - May - 2000

(02113) MOTE, Amelia Maud, parents James MOTE and Martha CROSSLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Amelia in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES

31 - May - 2000

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Family Surname Index

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NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

[[02114]] WEATHERBY, James Kingston Elijah

You will find James in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES

31 - May - 2000

(02115) MOTE, Walter John, parents James MOTE and Martha CROSSLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

Look for Walter in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES

31 - May - 2000

(02116) MOTE, Albert Thomas, parents James MOTE and Martha CROSSLEY
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

Look for Albert in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES

23 - Jan - 2010

[[02117]] WALES, Mabel Beryl

You will find Mabel in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES

23 - Jan - 2010

[[02118]] BURGESS, Gladys Lillian

23 - Jan - 2010

[[02119]] McKINNON, Ethel Vere

You will find Ethel in these descendent charts
Samuel JAMES

31 - May - 2000

(02122) SMITH, Elizabeth, parents Henry SMITH and Charlotte FRENCH
Grand Aunt of Gregory DAVIS

Look for Elizabeth in this descendent chart
Frederick SMITH

22 - Dec - 2000

[[02125]] RAMSAY, Ralph, parents Thomas RAMSEY & Mary Ann ROBINSON
Resident of Sandgate.
An old man named Mr. Ralph Ramsey, 70 years of age, residing in a small cottage in Kate street, Sandgate, was found dead in his residence at 5.45 o'clock last night. Death was the result of bronchial asthma and heart failure. He had been attended by Drs. Davidson and Wahis.

SUDDEN DEATH. (1913, September 10). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 6 (SECOND EDITION). Link to TROVE

FUNERAL NOTICE.—The Friends of Mr. RALPH RAMSEY are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to move from his late residence, Kate-street, Sandgate, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for the Bald Hills Cemetery.

Family Notices (1913, September 10). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Link to TROVE

Look for Ralph in this descendent chart

25 - Mar - 2018

[[02126]] SPALDING, Thursa, parents James SPALDING and Emily BLEEZE
Friday, July 2.
At half-past 9 o'clock on Thursday morning Ralph Ramsay, residing at the corner of Bald Hills and Cemetery road, reported to Sergeant Primrose, at Sandgate, that on Wednesday night, about 9 o'clock, his wife was taken ill with severe cramping pains. He thought there was no danger, and applied hot fomentations, but she continued to grow worse, and expired between 12 and 1 o'clock on Thursday morning. Mr. Murray, P.M., happened to be at the Police Court at the time, and, on Sergeant Primrose reporting the occurrence to him, he ordered a post-mortem examination to be held. In the afternoon Dr. Frederick Paul and the sergeant proceeded to the residence of Ramsey and made the post-mortem. The doctor placed in a jar and sealed up the stomach and its contents, to be sent to the Government Analyst. An order for the burial of the body was then given. If necessary, an inquest will be held on receiving the report of the analyst. Ramsey lives nearly three miles from Sandgate, and was afraid to leave his wife, as there were only young children to leave in care of her, and they were afraid to leave home to go for assistance at that time of night.

Brisbane News. (1897, July 3). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 5. Link to TROVE

You will find Thursa in this descendent chart

28 - Feb - 2018

[[02128]] BAXTER, Alfred George, parents Joseph BAXTER and Mary RADFORD

Look for Alfred in this descendent chart

15 - Dec - 1997

[[02130]] MASON, Arthur David, parents John MASON and Elizabeth CLARK

Mason - grave in Bundaberg Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Wednesday, 12 December 2007

You will find Arthur in this descendent chart

15 - Apr - 2016

[[02131]] COBB, Sarah Ann, parents Henry COBB and Elizabeth COOK

MASON - COBB - grave in Bundaberg Cemetery

photographed by Greg DAVIS, Thursday, 20 September 2007

You will find Sarah in this descendent chart

28 - Apr - 2011

(02132) BECKETT, Samuel, parents James BECKETT and Ann CALCUTT
GGG Grand Uncle of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Samuel in this descendent chart

09 - May - 2012

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Family Surname Index

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to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

(02133) BECKETT, James, parents James BECKETT and Ann CALCUTT
GGG Grand Uncle of Gregory DAVIS

Look for James in this descendent chart

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02134]] BEST, Mary

You will find Mary in this descendent chart

12 - May - 2002

(02135) BECKETT, James, parents James BECKETT and Mary BEST
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

Look for James in this descendent chart

09 - May - 2012

(02136) BECKETT, Martha, parents James BECKETT and Mary BEST
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

Look for Martha in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02137) BECKETT, Rebecca, parents James BECKETT and Mary BEST
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You will find Rebecca in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02138) BECKETT, Samuel, parents James BECKETT and Mary BEST
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Samuel in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02139) BECKETT, Samuel, parents James BECKETT and Ann CALCUTT
GGG Grand Uncle of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Samuel in this descendent chart

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02140]] DALTON, Hannah

You can see Hannah in this descendent chart

26 - Dec - 2000

(02141) BECKETT, Mary, parents James BECKETT and Ann CALCUTT
GGG Grand Aunt of Gregory DAVIS
Mary's family

You can see Mary in this descendent chart

26 - Dec - 2000

[[02142]] BEST, Thomas

You can see Thomas in this descendent chart

12 - May - 2002

(02143) BECKETT, Ann, parents Samuel BECKETT and Hannah DALTON
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Ann in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02144) BECKETT, Elizabeth, parents Samuel BECKETT and Hannah DALTON
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You will find Elizabeth in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02145) BECKETT, Jane Eliza, parents Samuel BECKETT and Hannah DALTON
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Jane in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

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Family Surname Index

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to discuss any of these people please click the number before the surname
NFP (event less than 90 years ago)
This page last updated 19-Sep-2018
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Greg DAVIS

(02146) BEST, Sarah, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Sarah in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02147) BEST, Eliza, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You will find Eliza in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02148) BEST, Sophia Hope, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You will find Sophia in this descendent chart

18 - Jul - 1999

(02149) BEST, Henry William, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

Look for Henry in this descendent chart

18 - Jul - 1999

(02150) BEST, Elizabeth, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You can see Elizabeth in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

(02151) BEST, Allen Joseph Buckley, parents Thomas BEST and Mary BECKETT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

You will find Allen in this descendent chart

27 - Dec - 1998

[[02152]] WILLIAMS, Alexander

06 - Apr - 2002

[[02153]] FISHBURN, Elizabeth, parents William FISHBURN and Catherine ASH

26 - Dec - 2000

(02154) BEAN, James Thomas John, parents James BEAN and Betty TAYLOR
GGG Grand Uncle of Gregory DAVIS

08 - Apr - 2002

[[02155]] SHORT, Esther

26 - Dec - 2000

(02156) BEAN, William, parents James BEAN and Betty TAYLOR
GGG Grand Uncle of Gregory DAVIS

08 - Apr - 2002

(02157) BEAN, Elizabeth, parents James BEAN and Esther SHORT
1C4R of Gregory DAVIS

20 - Dec - 1997

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