INQUEST.-An inquest was held at the hospital on Monday last, on the body of Patrick Condon, who had died on the previous night from injuries received on the 11th instant, while riding a horse at a race in North Brisbane, as reported in this journal. Dr. Cannan, having made a post mortem examination, reported that he had found the right temporal bone severely fractured, and that death had resulted from that injury. The persons who saw the accident having been examined, the jury gave a verdict of "Accidental Death." Considering the extent of the injury, it was remarkable that the unfortunate man survived so long. We regret to add that he had only been married a few days previous to the accident.
DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. (1850, January 26). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 3. Link to TROVE
GRANT -COSSART. On April 15th. at St. James' Church, Toowoomba, Edward, eldest son of Mr. G. E. Grant, Toowoomba, to Elizabeth French, fourth daughter of M. John Cossart.
Family Notices (1908, May 1). Darling Downs Gazette (Qld. : 1881 - 1922), , p. 4. Link to TROVE
GRANT—COSSART.-On April 15, at St. James's Church of England, Toowoomba, by the Rev. Teasdale Cockell, Edward, eldest son of Mr. G. E. Grant, Toowoomba, to Elisabeth French, fourth daughter of Mr. John Cossart, Toowoomba.
Family Notices (1908, May 9). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), , p. 14. Link to TROVE
When his wife Eliza died, she was interred with him
The death occurred yesterday at his residence, corner of Woondooma and Railway Streets, of William George Emerick sen., at the ripe age of 75 years 11 months. Deceased was a very old resident of the town, having come to Bundaberg many years ago when sailing ships were used as means of communication between Australia and the Old Land. He was a native of London, and was a well-known figure in local business circles for over 30 years. He was a Crimean veteran, and fought at Inkerman and Balaclava, having been presented with two medals tor meritorious service in the 6th Dragoon Guards. Deceased leaves a wife and the following relatives to mourn their loss :- Messrs. W. G. Emerick and Fred Emerick (sons), and Mesdames P. Nielson (Gin Gin), and W. Hampson (daughters), Mr. Walter Mav (General Cemetery) is a son-in-law. The funeral will take place to the General Cemetery this afternoon, at three o'clock, the arrangements being in the hands of Messrs. F. C, Brown and Co.
DEATH OF MR. W. G. EMERICK Senior. (1910, September 5). The Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1892 - 1917), p. 2. Link to TROVE
14 - Feb - 2017
[[53861]] HIGGS, Eliza, parents Thomas HIGGS & unknown
The death to announced of Mrs. Emerick, of Bundaberg, relict of the late Mr. William Emerick, who was associated with Cobb and Co, in the early coaching days of Queensland.
She was 86 years of age.
PERSONAL. (1926, October 9). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 10 (DAILY.). Link to TROVE
GIN GIN. Wednesday-— After several months' illness in hospital, Mrs. Ernerick, senior, died last Sunday. Mrs. Emerick had been 61 years in Australia, and had for many years resided with her eldest daughter, Mrs. J. P. Neilsen, of Walla-road.
OBITUARY (1926, October 14). The Daily Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1903 - 1926), p. 8. Link to TROVE
14 - Feb - 2017
[[53862]] READ, Sarah Ann, parents Thomas READ & Martha BINES
CHASE READ grave in Bundaberg General cemetery
photographed by Greg DAVIS, Wednesday, 27 April 2016
19-Apr-1931 Emu Park, Qld.
8 interred -- Emu Park Cemetery [20-4-31]
AHERN.— The friends and relatives of the late Mr. MICHAEL AHERN sen., are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Phillip street, Emu Park, TO-MORROW (Tuesday) FORENOON, at 11 o'clock, for the Emu Park Cemetery.
Family Notices (1931, April 20). The Evening News (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1924 - 1941), p. 8. Link to TROVE
24 - Apr - 2017
[[53880]] RETCHLESS, Caroline, parents George RETCHLESS & Sarah Ann ADAMS
18-Jul-1937 Emu Park, Qld.
8 interred -- Emu Park Cemetery [19-7-37]
Respected Emu Park Resident
The death occurred on Sunday morning of one of Emu Park's oldest and most respected residents, Mrs Caroline Ahern, at her residence, Philip Street, after a long illness, at the age of 78 years.
The late Mrs Ahern was born in Ipswich, Queensland, and came to Emu Park 45 years ago. She was loved by all who knew her. Her husband predeceased her seven years ago. The funeral left for the Emu Park Cemetery on Monday afternoon, the Rev. Father Gibbs officiating at the graveside.
Mrs Ahern is survived by four sons and seven daughters-Mr William Ahern, Elalie, North Coast Line, Mr John Ahern, Rockhampton, Mr M. Ahern, Maryborough, Mr Frederick Ahern, Emu Park ; Mrs Wakefield, Emu Park, Mrs Gottke, Rockhampton, Mrs Jackson, Mount Morgan, Mrs Holden, Rockhampton, Mrs O'Brien, Mount Morgan, Mrs Edwards, Rockhampton, Mrs Schmidt, Rockhampton.
There are 52 grandchildren.
DEATH OF MRS CAROLINE AHERN (1937, July 21). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 4. Link to TROVE
THE Relatives and Friends of Mr. E. T. Edwards (Husband) and Dorothy (Daughter) are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased beloved Wife, Mother, and Relative, the late Mrs. DAISY EDWARDS, which will move from the Methodist Church, East Street, THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, for the Mt. Morgan Cemetery.
Family Notices (1937, August 10). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), , p. 6. Link to TROVE
08 - Sep - 2016
[[53882]] SMITH, John Tate, parents John Scott SMITH & Sarah TATE
23-Mar-1928 Mt. Morgan, Qld.
8 interred -- Mt Morgan Cemetery, Sect 2, Row O, #88 [24-3-28]
When his wife Henrietta died, she was interred with him
THE FRIENDS of Mrs. J. T SMITH, FAMILY and RELATIVES, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased beloved HUSBAND, FATHER and RELATIVE, the late Mr. JOHN TATE SMITH, which will move from his late residence, Jubilee Hill, THIS (SATURDAY) MORNING, at 11 o'clock, for the Mount Morgan Cemetery.
Family Notices (1928, March 24). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 8. Link to TROVE
On the 14th May, at St. Paul's Church, Ipswich, by the Rev. H. Heath, Alexander Mann, sixth son of William Alcorn, late of Blantyre, to Fanny, eldest daughter of William Pitman, Laidley.
Family Notices (1884, May 20). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), , p. 2. Link to TROVE
MARRIED.—On Tuesday, June 25th, at St. Luke's Church, Toowoomba, by the Rev. Benjamin Glennie, the Rev. Vincent F. Ransome, Curate of Toowoomba, to Mary, second daughter of Thomas Alford, Esq., of Toowoomba.
Family Notices (1861, June 27). The Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser (Toowoomba, Qld. : 1858 - 1880), , p. 2. Link to TROVE
McINTYRE — BUSSEY. — At St. Paul's Church of England. Maryborough, on 11th February, by the Rev. Thos. Holme, Joseph Sharp McIntyre, of Toowoomba, to Helen Julie, eldest daughter of Thos. McEvoy Bussey, of Maryborough.
Family Notices (1880, February 21). Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), , p. 2. Link to TROVE